Results for 'structured information'

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  1.  52
    Ecologically structured information: The power of pictures and other effective data presentations.Wolfgang Gaissmaier, Nils Straubinger & David C. Funder - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):263-264.
    The general principle behind the effects of nested sets on the use of base rates, we believe, is that the mind is prepared to take in Without any need to assume two cognitive systems, this principle explains how the proper use of base rates can be facilitated and also accounts for occasions when base rates are overused.
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    Conceptual structures: Information processing in mind and machine.Stephen W. Smoliar - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 33 (2):259-266.
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    The concept of structural information and possible applications.Andrzej Bielecki & Ryszard Stocki - 2023 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 75:157-183.
    In this paper, the concept of structural information is presented. The mathematical foundation of the concept is put forward, and the nature of information encoded in a structure is studied. A method for calculating the amount of structural information is introduced. An application to the analysis of cognitive maps is also presented and discussed.
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    Conceptual structures — Information processing in mind and machine.W. J. Clancey - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 27 (1):113-124.
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    Events structure information accessibility less in children than adults.Jie Ren, Erika Wharton-Shukster, Andrew Bauer, Katherine Duncan & Amy S. Finn - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104878.
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    Structuring information interfaces for procedural learning.Jeffrey M. Zacks & Barbara Tversky - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 9 (2):88.
  7.  38
    Enhancing legal judgment summarization with integrated semantic and structural information.Jingpei Dan, Weixuan Hu & Yuming Wang - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-22.
    Legal Judgment Summarization (LJS) can highly summarize legal judgment documents, improving judicial work efficiency in case retrieval and other occasions. Legal judgment documents are usually lengthy; however, most existing LJS methods are directly based on general text summarization models, which cannot handle long texts effectively. Additionally, due to the complex structural characteristics of legal judgment documents, some information may be lost by applying only one single kind of summarization model. To address these issues, we propose an integrated summarization method (...)
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    The Role of Animacy and Structural Information in Relative Clause Attachment: Evidence From Chinese.Nayoung Kwon, Deborah Ong, Hongyue Chen & Aili Zhang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    We report one production and one comprehension experiment investigating the effect of animacy in relative clause attachment in Chinese. Experiment 1 involved a fill-in-the-blank task that manipulated the order of an animate noun phrase in a complex NP construction. The results showed that while low attachment responses exceeded high attachment responses overall (cf. Shen, 2006), a tendency exists to attach a relative clause to an animate NP in Chinese (cf. Desmet et al., 2002). Experiment 2 used a rating task to (...)
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    Information Structure: The Syntax-Discourse Interface.Nomi Erteschik-Shir - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This introduction to the role of information structure in grammar discusses a wide range of phenomena on the syntax-information structure interface. It examines theories of information structure and considers their effectiveness in explaining whether and how information structure maps onto syntax in discourse. Professor Erteschik-Shir begins by discussing the basic notions and properties of information structure, such as topic and focus, and considers their properties from different theoretical perspectives. She covers definitions of topic and focus, (...)
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    Word category and verb–argument structure information in the dynamics of parsing.Stefan Frisch, Anja Hahne & Angela D. Friederici - 2004 - Cognition 91 (3):191-219.
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  11. Processing adjunct control: Evidence on the use of structural information and prediction in reference resolution.Jeffrey J. Green, Michael McCourt, Ellen Lau & Alexander Williams - 2020 - Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 5 (1):1-33.
    The comprehension of anaphoric relations may be guided not only by discourse, but also syntactic information. In the literature on online processing, however, the focus has been on audible pronouns and descriptions whose reference is resolved mainly on the former. This paper examines one relation that both lacks overt exponence, and relies almost exclusively on syntax for its resolution: adjunct control, or the dependency between the null subject of a non-finite adjunct and its antecedent in sentences such as Mickey (...)
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    Information Structure and Word Order Canonicity in the Comprehension of Spanish Texts: An Eye-Tracking Study.Carolina A. Gattei, Luis A. París & Diego E. Shalom - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:629724.
    Word order alternation has been described as one of the most productive information structure markers and discourse organizers across languages. Psycholinguistic evidence has shown that word order is a crucial cue for argument interpretation. Previous studies about Spanish sentence comprehension have shown greater difficulty to parse sentences that present a word order that does not respect the order of participants of the verb's lexico-semantic structure, irrespective to whether the sentences follow the canonical word order of the language or not. (...)
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  13.  34
    The Structure of Clinical Translation: Efficiency, Information, and Ethics.Jonathan Kimmelman & Alex John London - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (2):27-39.
    The last two decades have witnessed a crescendo of allegations that clinical translation is rife with waste and inefficiency. Patient advocates argue that excessively demanding regulations delay access to life‐saving drugs, research funders claim that too much basic science languishes in academic laboratories, journal editors allege that biased reporting squanders public investment in biomedical research, and drug companies (and their critics) argue that far too much is expended in pharmaceutical development.But how should stakeholders evaluate the efficiency of translation and proposed (...)
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  14.  31
    The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure.Caroline Féry & Shinichiro Ishihara (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book provides linguists with a clear, critical, and comprehensive overview of theoretical and experimental work on information structure. Leading researchers survey the main theories of information structure in syntax, phonology, and semantics as well as perspectives from psycholinguistics and other relevant fields. Following the editors' introduction the book is divided into four parts. The first, on theories of and theoretical perspectives on information structure, includes chapters on topic, prosody, and implicature. Part 2 covers a range of (...)
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  15.  62
    Epistemic Informational Structural Realism.Majid Davoody Beni - 2016 - Minds and Machines 26 (4):323-339.
    The paper surveys Floridi’s attempt for laying down informational structural realism. After considering a number of reactions to the pars destruens of Floridi’s attack on the digital ontology, I show that Floridi’s enterprise for enriching the ISR by borrowing elements from the ontic form of structural realism is blighted by a haunting inconsistency. ISR has been originally developed by Floridi as a restricted and level dependent form of structural realism which remains mainly bonded within the borders of a Kantian perspective. (...)
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  16.  36
    Institutional structures and variation of information: An international comparison of transport infrastructure decision-making.Willem Martin de Jong - 1999 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 12 (2):52-74.
    Many analytical studies purporting to aid decision-making are produced and yet their contribution to actual decision-making is questioned. This article focuses on how institutional structures influence the way analytical information is actually used. A variation of information criterion for quality of decision-making is developed and used to analyze what types of structures incite actors to both generate and store a variety of ideas and arguments. An international comparison on transport infrastructure planning is used to demonstrate the relevant institutional (...)
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  17. Information structure and sentence form: topic, focus, and the mental representations of discourse referents.Knud Lambrecht - 1994 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Why do speakers of all languages use different grammatical structures under different communicative circumstances to express the same idea? In this comprehensive study, Professor Lambrecht explores the relationship between the structure of sentences and the linguistic and extra-linguistic contexts in which they are used. His analysis is based on the observation that the structure of a sentence reflects a speaker's assumptions about the hearer's state of knowledge and consciousness at the time of the utterance. This relationship between speaker assumptions and (...)
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  18.  20
    Moral structuring of children during the process of obtaining informed consent in clinical and research settings.Anderson Díaz-Pérez, Elkin Navarro Quiroz & Dilia Esther Aparicio Marenco - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1).
    BackgroundInformed consent is an important factor in a child’s moral structure from which different types of doctor–patient relationships arise. Children’s autonomy is currently under discussion in terms of their decent treatment, beyond what doctors and researchers perceive. To describe the influential practices that exist among clinicians and researchers toward children with chronic diseases during the process of obtaining informed consent.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional, qualitative study via a subjective and interpretivist approach. The study was performed by conducting semi-structured interviews of (...)
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  19.  82
    Information structure in subordinate and subordinate-like clauses.Nobo Komagata - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (3):301-318.
    While information structure has traditionally been viewed as a singlepartition of information within an utterance, there are opposing viewsthat identify multiple such partitions in an utterance. The existenceof alternative proposals raises questions about the notion ofinformation structure and also its relation to discoursestructure. Exploring various linguistic aspects, this paper supports thetraditional view by arguing that there is no information structure partition within a subordinate clause.
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  20.  75
    Integrated Information is not Causation: Why Integrated Information Theory’s Causal Structures do not Beat Causal Reductionism.Javier Sánchez-Cañizares - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (5):2439-2455.
    In a recent work (Grasso et al., 2021 ), practitioners of the Integrated Information Theory (IIT) claim to have overcome the weaknesses of causal reductionism in producing a coherent account of causation, as causal reductionism would blatantly conflate causation with prediction and could not answer the question of ‘what caused what.’ In this paper, I reject such a dismissal of causal reductionism since IIT anti-reductionists misunderstand the reductionist stance. The reductionists can still invoke a causal account stemming from the (...)
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  21.  13
    Information structure and reference tracking in complex sentences.Rik van Gijn, Jeremy Hammond, Dejan Matić, Saskia van Putten & Ana Vilacy Galucio (eds.) - 2014 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Dedicated to exploring the crossroads where complex sentences and information management - more specifically information structure and reference tracking - come together.
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    Information versus structure as determinants of pattern conception.Barry H. Kantowitz - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (2):282.
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  23.  99
    Discourse structure and sentential information structure. An initial proposal.Livia Polanyi, Martin van den Berg & David Ahn - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (3):337-350.
    In this article we argue that discourse structure constrains the set ofpossible constituents in a discourse that can provide the relevantcontext for structuring information in a target sentence, whileinformation structure critically constrains discourse structureambiguity. For the speaker, the discourse structure provides a set of possible contexts for continuation while information structure assignment is independent of discourse structure. For the hearer, the information structure of a sentence together with discourse structure instructs dynamic semantics how rhematic information should (...)
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  24.  25
    On cellular mechanisms for heritably transmitting structural information.Charles E. Boklage - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (2):282-286.
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  25. Information structure in pa/sn or descriptive/metalinguistic negation: With reference to scalar implicatures.Chungmin Lee - 2009 - In Dingfang Shu & Ken Turner (eds.), Contrasting Meanings in Languages of the East and West. Peter Lang.
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  26.  8
    Information Structure in Discourse: Towards an Integrated Formal Theory of Pragmatics.Craige Roberts - 1996 - Semantics and Pragmatics 5:1-69.
    A framework for pragmatic analysis is proposed which treats discourse as a game, with context as a scoreboard organized around the questions under discussion by the interlocutors. The framework is intended to be coordinated with a dynamic compositional semantics. Accordingly, the context of utterance is modeled as a tuple of different types of information, and the questions therein — modeled, as is usual in formal semantics, as alternative sets of propositions — constrain the felicitous flow of discourse. A requirement (...)
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  27.  12
    The emergence of Information Structure in child speech: the acquisition of c’est-clefts in French.Morgane Jourdain - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (1):121-154.
    Constructions marking information structure in French have been widely documented within the constructionist framework. C’est ‘it is’ clefts have been demonstrated to express the focus of the sentence. Nevertheless, it remains unclear how children are able to acquire clefts, and how they develop information structure categories. The aim of this study is to investigate the acquisition of clefts in French through the usage-based framework, to understand whether IS categories emerge gradually like other linguistic categories, and how children build (...)
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  28. Quantifying information in structural representations.Stephen Francis Mann - 2024 - Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science:1-27.
    The goal of this paper is to show that the information carried by a structural representation can be decomposed into the information carried by its component parts. In particular, the relations between the components of a structural representation carry quantifiable information about the relations between components of their signifieds. It follows that the information carried by cognitive structural representations, including cognitive maps, can in principle be quantified and decomposed. This is perhaps surprising given that the formal (...)
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    Informational Structure of the Living Systems: From Philosophy to Informational Modeling.Florin Gaiseanu - 2020 - Philosophy Study 10 (12).
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    Awareness and partitional information structures.Salvatore Modica & Aldo Rustichini - 1994 - Theory and Decision 37 (1):107-124.
  31.  11
    Information structure meets Minimalist syntax.Helmut Weifi - 2004 - In Alice G. B. ter Meulen & Werner Abraham (eds.), The composition of meaning: from Lexeme to discourse. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. pp. 255--139.
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  32. Information, structure and time.J. Zeman - 1978 - Filosoficky Casopis 26 (5):729-741.
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  33. Information structure. Notional distinctions, ways of expression.Manfred Krifka & Caroline Féry - manuscript
    to be published in the Proceedings of the 18. International Conference of Linguistics, Seoul, Korea.
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  34. Incomplete Information: Structure, Inference, Complexity.Stéphane P. Demri & Ewa S. Orłowska - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (3):469-475.
  35.  87
    How realist is informational structural realism?Billy Wheeler - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6).
    Informational structural realism (ISR) offers a new way to understand the nature of the “structure” that structural realists claim our best scientific theories get right about the world. According to Luciano Floridi, who has given the most detailed formulation of ISR so far, this structure is composed of information representing binary differences. In this paper I assess whether ISR offers a good way to resolve the tension between the no miracle argument (often taken to support scientific realism) and the (...)
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  36. Information technology, digital journalism, and the structural implications of new media.George Lăzăroiu - 2009 - Analysis and Metaphysics 8:78-83.
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  37.  21
    Capitalism or information society? The fundamental question of the present structure of society.Christian Fuchs - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (4):413-434.
    Theodor W. Adorno asked in 1968: What is the fundamental question of the present structure of society? Do we live in late capitalism or an industrial society? In today’s society, we can reformulate this question: What is the fundamental question of the present structure of society? Do we live in capitalism or an information society? This article deals with these questions. A typology of information society theories is presented. Radical discontinuous information society theories, sceptical views and continuous (...)
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  38. On the common structure of the primitive ontology approach and information-theoretic interpretation of quantum theory.Lucas Dunlap - 2015 - Topoi 34 (2):359-367.
    We use the primitive ontology framework of Allori et al. to analyze the quantum information-theoretic interpretation of Bub and Pitowsky. There are interesting parallels between the two approaches, which differentiate them both from the more standard realist interpretations of quantum theory. Where they differ, however, is in terms of their commitments to an underlying ontology on which the manifest image of the world supervenes. Employing the primitive ontology framework in this way makes perspicuous the differences between the quantum (...)-theoretic interpretation, and the various realist interpretations of quantum theory. It also allows us to identify a sense in which the commitments of quantum information-theoretic interpretation are underspecified. Several possible ways of completing the interpretation are presented, and it is suggested that the most likely strategy would leave the information-theoretic interpretation such that it would fail to qualify as a theory, according to the primitive ontology approach. (shrink)
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    Codes, heterogeneities, and structures: Visual information and visual art.Georgij Yu Somov - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192):219-233.
    Codes are mechanisms in which signs are actualized. They relate various sign sides to each other. These sign sides can be represented as heterogeneities (diversity, relations, differences), some are organized with the help of various differences – identities formulated in a specific way. The basis of the codes of visual perception and art are primarily the heterogeneities of the elements perceived directly (contours of objects, sizes, directions of movement, light and color irritants, etc.). A structure, conceived of as a manner (...)
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  40.  53
    Syntactical Informational Structural Realism.Majid Davoody Beni - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (4):623-643.
    Luciano Floridi’s informational structural realism takes a constructionist attitude towards the problems of epistemology and metaphysics, but the question of the nature of the semantical component of his view remains vexing. In this paper, I propose to dispense with the semantical component of ISR completely. I outline a Syntactical version of ISR. The unified entropy-based framework of information has been adopted as the groundwork of SISR. To establish its realist component, SISR should be able to dissolve the latching problem. (...)
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  41.  10
    Information Structure and Presupposition.Kjell Johan Sæbø - 2016 - In Caroline Féry & Shinichiro Ishihara (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford University Press UK.
    This article surveys and discusses the core points of contact between notions of information structure and notions of presupposition. Section 1 is devoted to the ‘weak’ presuppositional semantics for focus developed by Mats Rooth, describing its properties with regard to verification and accommodation and showing that it can successfully account for a wide range of phenomena. Section 2 examines the stronger thesis that focus–background structures give rise to existential presuppositions, and finds the counterarguments that have been raised to carry (...)
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  42.  37
    The normative structure of information and its communication.Edward Howlett Spence - 2010 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 8 (2):150-163.
    PurposeBeginning with the initial premise that the internet has a global character, the purpose of this paper is to argue that the normative evaluation of digital information on the internet necessitates an evaluative model that is itself universal and global in character. To this end, the paper aims to demonstrate and support a universal model for the normative evaluation of information on the internet.Design/methodology/approachThe design and application of a dual normative model of information show how such a (...)
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  43. Information Structure of Estonian-Compared to Finnish and Hungarian.Paula Henk - unknown
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    Towards a Neurobiology of Information Structure.Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Petra B. Schumacher - 2016 - In Caroline Féry & Shinichiro Ishihara (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter reviews neurophysiological and neuroanatomical investigations of information structural notions, with a view to working towards a neurobiologically grounded perspective. It first considers components of a neurobiologically plausible theory of information structure and outlines candidate mechanisms for higher-order cognitive processing, namely prediction and mental modelling, attention orientation, memory, and inferencing. The chapter then proceeds to neuroscientific investigations of information structure, highlighting differences between sentence- and text-level processing and discussing findings for the information structural notions of (...)
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  45.  33
    Structural and functional information—an evolutionary approach to pragmatic information.Frank Schweitzer - 1997 - World Futures 50 (1):533-549.
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  46. Structure extraction from presentation slide information.Tessai Hayama, Hidetsugu Nanba & Susumu Kunifuji - 2008 - In Tu-Bao Ho & Zhi-Hua Zhou (eds.), PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 678--687.
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  47.  9
    Word Order and Information Structure.Hans van de Koot & Ad Neeleman - 2016 - In Caroline Féry & Shinichiro Ishihara (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter is concerned with the question to what extent free word order phenomena are regulated by information-structural constraints. Progress on this question must combine detailed empirical study with bold theoretical work that aims to test restrictive hypotheses about available syntactic operations, available IS-primitives, and their mapping. The present chapter evaluates four cross-cutting word order generalizations on the basis of a rough classification of syntactic operations and IS-primitives. Operations will be divided into those that are A-related, those that are (...)
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    Information-theoretic confirmation of semiotic structures.Vern S. Poythress - 2013 - Semiotica 2013 (193):67-82.
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    Structure of the environment and strategies for acquiring information.Daniel J. Davis - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (2):227.
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    Information Structure: Afterword.Craige Roberts - 2012 - Semantics and Pragmatics 5 (7):1-19.
    As a graduate student in Linguistics at UMass/Amherst in the 1980s, I was fortunate to be exposed to a number of new developments bearing on the relationship between formal semantics and pragmatics. In the 1970s under the influence of Cresswell, Lewis, Montague, and Partee, enormous progress in semantics was made possible by narrowing the focus of the field mainly to the consideration of the conventional, truth conditional content of an indicative utterance, calculated compositionally as a function of the semantic contributions (...)
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