Results for 'teisinė metodologija'

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  1.  45
    Reducing Irrationality of Legal Methodology by Realistic Description of Interpretative Tools and Teaching the Causes of Irrationality in Legal Education.Hans Paul Prümm - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):199-219.
    Lawyers pretend as if the process of application of laws, as well as its outcome, could be an analytic-deductive derivation; especially law students learn that legal decision-making is primarily a logic process. But we know that application of laws depends on analytic-logical as well as on voluntaristic (wilful) elements. Exact relations between these components are unknown and will be unknown. At most German law schools students as the most important imperative tool learn the so called “Auslegung” through the use of (...)
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    Justice and Equity Within Civil Process.Rūta Petkuvienė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):1061-1080.
    The article provides an analysis on how much the standard court proceedings can be regarded as the research, which is performed by investigating by what manner and measures the justice in a procedural sense is implemented. It is generally acknowledged that the court, as a subject, solving a legal dispute, implements justice only in the case, when it ensures the impartiality towards all persons. The appropriate legal proceedings form a constituent part of the constitutional right to apply in the court. (...)
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  3. The Didactic Turn of German Legal Methodology.Hans Paul Prümm - 2016 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 23 (2):1233-1282.
    We note an increasing consciousness of weakness of legal methodology taught to law students today: The students get neither real idea nor feeling of legal decision-making as mixture of legal matters, issue of facts, personal inputs, diverging interests, and the interplay with other actors. For minimize these defects it is necessary that law students learn in legal studies the following points: (1) Legal decision-making is a special kind of decision-making and is embedded in all problems of this process. (2) Jurisprudence (...)
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    Metodologija pravne znanosti: pravo i susjedne discipline.Ivan Padjen - 2015 - Rijeka: Pravni fakultet Sveucilista u Rijeci.
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  5. Junginių teisės vaidmuo įgyvendinant teisinės valstybės doktriną lietuvos didžiojoje kunigaikštystėje.Aristokratinei Valstybei Alternatyvi - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):39-53.
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    Interakcinė etnografija: metodologija ar epistemologija?Lina Bairašauskienė - 2019 - Logos 98.
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  7. Kibernetika i metodologija nauki.B. V. Birjukov - 1975 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 6 (1):170-176.
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    Loginis empirizmas ir mokslo metodologija: tikimybės ir indukcijos problema.Evaldas Nekrašas - 1979 - Vilnius: Mintis.
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  9. Opšta metodologija.Bogdan Šešić - 1974 - Beograd: Naučna knjiga.
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  10. Šiuolaikinė mokslotyra ir metodologija.Albinas Lozuraitis & Č Kalenda (eds.) - 1982 - Vilnius: "Mintis,".
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    Bažnyčių bei kitų religinių organizacijų teisinė būklė pagal Lietuvos Respublikos Konstituciją.Vaidotas A. Vaičaitis - 2022 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 110.
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    Jazikot na filozofijata: nobilissima substantia: istražuvanje od filozofskata metodologija.Ferid Muhiḱ - 1995 - Skopje: Kultura.
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    Review of: Tatyana Popova, Istoriografija, bioistoriopisanie, bitsillievedenie: teorija, metodologija, praktika [Tatyana Popova, Historiography, Biohistoriography, Bitsilli Studies: Theory, Methodology, Practice], Odessa, Bondarenko M.A., 2022, 472 pp., Hardcover: ISBN 978-617-8005-47-4, ₴ 300. [REVIEW]Inna Golubovych - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):623-625.
  14.  14
    Konstitucija: tekstas ir kontekstas.Giedrė Lastauskienė & Johanas Baltrimas - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (2 Special).
    Būtų netikslu Konstitucijos taikymą apibūdinti vien kaip elementarų loginį silogizmą, jos teksto prasmės interpretavimas moksle yra aiškinamas įvairiais kompleksiniais modeliais. Vienas iš veiksnių, kuris į tuos modelius Lietuvos moksle nėra adekvačiai inkorporuotas, yra kontekstas. Šiame straipsnyje pristatomas konteksto vaidmuo Konstitucinio Teismo jurisprudencijoje aiškinant Konstitucijos tekstą. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad šis vaidmuo nėra mažareikšmis ir net gali lemti tokį Konstitucijos išaiškinimą, kuris prasilenkia su tuo, kurį gautume pažodžiui vadovaudamiesi Konstitucijos tekstu. Tikimasi, kad šio fenomeno pažinimas padės tiksliau suprasti ir išartikuliuoti Konstitucinio (...)
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    Koliko znanost treba ili može utjecati na teološke formulacije?Shoaib Ahmed Malik & Nazif Muhtaroglu - 2022 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (2):8-35.
    U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća svjedočimo velikom razvoju istraživanja na području znanosti i religije. Jedan takav razvoj naziva se 'teologija prirode' (ToN), što uključuje aktivnost izgradnje ili revizije teoloških okvira u svjetlu suvremenih znanstvenih razvoja, npr. evolucije, teorije kaosa i kvantne mehanike. Ian Barbour, John Polkinghorne i Arthur Peacocke, kršćanski mislioci, najpoznatiji su zagovornici ove vrste razmišljanja. Međutim, ovaj diskurs nije ispitan iz islamske perspektive. S obzirom na ovaj jaz, u članku razmatramo ovaj način razmišljanja iz perspektive Ashʿarī škole mišljenja koja (...)
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    Klimato kaitos vertinimas skirtinguose auditorijų segmentuose Lietuvoje.Agnė Budžytė & Eimantė Zolubienė - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (2).
    Straipsnyje nagrinėjama klimato kaitos suvokimo problematika. Remiantis „Šešių Amerikų“ (angl. Six Americas) tyrimo metodologija analizuojami 2022 m. atliktos reprezentatyvios Lietuvos gyventojų apklausos duomenys. Gauti rezultatai leidžia identifikuoti šalies gyventojų auditorijų segmentus bei jų požiūrių į klimato kaitą skirtumus. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad Lietuvoje egzistuoja visų tipų auditorijos, tarp kurių dominuoja „susirūpinusiųjų“ ir „atsargiųjų“ segmentai, o šių segmentų turimos nuostatos klimato kaitos atžvilgiu reikšmingai skiriasi.
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    Mokyklos ir šeimos sąveikos ypatumai S. Šalkauskio filosofijoje ir ugdymo tikrovėje.Vilija Grincevičienė - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 25 (3).
    Straipsnyje aptariami mokyklos ir šeimos sąveikos esminiai ypatumai Stasio Šalkauskio tekstuose ir dabarties edukacinėje erdvėje – ugdymo tikrovėje. Iškeliama didžioji tezė: S. Šalkauskio filosofijoje pateikiamas mokyklos kaip bendruomenės ir kitų prigimtinių veiksnių, ypač šeimos, sąveikos modelis grindžiamas realios tikrovės pažinimo metodologija ir yra orientuotas į siekį ugdyti žmogų kaip asmenybę. Mokykla kaip bendruomenė savo funkciją gali atlikti tik tuomet, kai visi jos nariai bendrai dirba, susiklauso, siekia bendrų, su visuomeniniu gyvenimu susijusių tikslų. Iš didžiosios tezės išsirutulioja mažoji tezė: šalies (...)
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    »Pravda« – korektiv narušenog modusa egzistiranja.Željko Kaluđerović - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (4):861-877.
    Istraživanje demonstriranja »pravde« u Homerovoj Odiseji od strane kraljeva ili sudaca u stvarnim situacijama toga doba, pokazalo je da je riječ o postupcima u partikularnoj formi, a ne o apstraktno pojmljenim principima. Ovi su postupci rješavali uvijek konkretne i specifične ad hoc situacije, a nisu primjenjivali depersonalizirane i općevažeće zakone, te se njihova uloga iscrpljivala u pregovaračkom postupku i nagodbi rivalskih strana. Namjera im je bila da nanovo uspostave destabiliziranu ustaljenost življenja običajnosne zajednice, pa se može reći da je spomenuta (...)
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  19. Visuomenės ir valstybės valdymo modelio paieškos XX a. pradžios lietuvių katalikų intelektualų darbuose.Valdas Pruskus - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 25 (1).
    Straipsnyje aptariamos visuomenės ir valstybės modelių paieškos XX a. pradžios katalikų intelektualų darbuose. Teigiama, kad lietuvių katalikų intelektualai (A. Kaupas, S. Šultė, A. Civinskas, K. Šaulys, J. Staugaitis ir kt.) savivaldą laikė efektyviausia visuomenės narių valdymo forma. Atskleisdami krikščioniškai suprantamos demokratinės savivaldos teigiamybes ir keliamus reikalavimus individui, katalikai rodė priešingumą bolševikų propaguojamai vienintelei „teisingai visuomenės valdymo formai“ – proletariato diktatūrai, uzurpuojančiai individo teises klasės naudai, ugdė demokratijos ir atitinkamo valstybės sutvarkymo bei valdymo poreikį. Aukščiausias teisines galias galinti turėti tik visa (...)
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    Kāla: laiko veidai klasikinėje Indijos filosofijoje.Audrius Beinorius - 2024 - Problemos 105:21-31.
    Šiame straipsnyje aptariamas laiko (kāla) suvokimas brahmaniškose, budistų ir džainų mokyklose remiantis pirminiais sanskrito šaltiniais ir kritinėmis studijomis. Tyrimui pasitelkiama kompleksinė – tekstologinė semantinė, hermeneutinė ir lyginamoji – metodologija. Daromos išvados, jog filosofinių mokyklų požiūriai išsiskiria labiausiai šiais klausimais: ar įmanomas dabarties suvokimas? Ar jutiminė dabartis yra momentinė, ar ji turi trukmę? Ar laikas yra objektyvus ir realus, ar tik subjektyvi konstrukcija? Atskleidžiama, jog indų filosofiniuose požiūriuose nėra vienos vyraujančios perspektyvos, principinė polemika vyko tarp budistinės nyāyos bei vaiśeṣikos mokyklų. (...)
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  21. Hipokratova zakletva. Povijesna perspektiva u bioetičkom obrazovanju.Nada Gosić - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (2):225-238.
    Ovaj članak specificira mjesto Hipokratove zakletve u programu bioetičkog obrazovanja na profesionalnim fakultetima gdje se obrazuju budući medicinski i zdravstveni radnici. Predstavljena konceptualizacija sadržaja i opisana metodologija rada pokazuje kako se sadržaji curriculuma, kojima dominiraju povijesne činjenice, aktualiziraju uporabom znanja što su ih studenti usvojili ranije, te problematiziraju aktivnim uključenjem studenata u prikupljanju nove informacije relevantne za sadržaj, a onda koriste usvojeno znanje kako bi riješili konkretni bioetički predmet ili problem. Ponuđena aktivnost studenata i nastavnika ima svrhu pokazati suradnički (...)
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    Samostalnost znanosti o živome.Tonći Kokić - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (1-2):211-229.
    Proturječnost stavova o položaju biologije unutar ili izvan područja znanosti može se podijeliti na nekoliko osnovnih pristupa. Prvi pristup smješta biologiju izvan znanstvenog područja zbog nedostatka univerzalnosti, nedostatka strogih generalizacija i nedostatka stroge kvantitativne strukture. Drugi pristup smatra biologiju znanošću koju treba svesti na fiziku. Treći pristup vidi značajne razlike između biologije s jedne, i fizike i kemije s druge strane, ali ipak tvrdi da je biologija prava znanost, no samostalna i s vlastitim pojmovnikom i metodologijom. Poredba načela prirodne znanosti (...)
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  23. Conceptual Jurisprudence. An Introduction to Conceptual Analysis and Methodology in Legal Theory.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2015 - Revus 26.
    This essay attempts to provide an accessible introduction to the topic area of conceptual analysis of legal concepts and its methodology. I attempt to explain, at a fairly foundational level, what conceptual analysis is, how it is done and why it is important in theorizing about the law. I also attempt to explain how conceptual analysis is related to other areas in philosophy, such as metaphysics and epistemology. Next, I explain the enterprise of conceptual jurisprudence, as concerned to provide an (...)
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  24. Preispitivanje pojma međunarodnog prava – o metodološkim aspektima.Miodrag Jovanović - 2014 - Revus 22:121-144.
    Ovaj rad se bavi metodološkim aspektima obnovljenih pravno-filozofskih nastojanja da se preispita pojam međunarodnog prava. Posle kratkog osvrta na istoriju pravne filozofije i ključne tačke Hartovog i Kelzenovog pozitivističkog stanovišta, u radu se dalje ispituje na koji način se savremene pravne teorije, kako u pozitivističkoj, tako i u ne-pozitivističkoj tradiciji, bave međunarodnim pravom. Poslednji deo rada predstavlja pokušaj da se skiciraju određene smernice za novi početak u filozofskoj obradi međunarodnog prava. Prvo, istorija rasprava u ovoj oblasti svedoči o tome da (...)
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  25. Konceptualna jurisprudencija. Uvod u konceptualnu analizu i metodologiju u pravnoj teoriji.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2015 - Revus 26:35-63.
    U ovom radu nastojim da čitaoce uvedem u problemsku oblast konceptualne analize pravnih pojmova i njene metodologije. Pokušavam da, na prilično bazičnom nivou, objasnim šta je konceptualna analiza, na koji način se ona obavlja i zašto je ona važna za teoriju prava. Takođe nastojim i da objasnim na koji način je konceptualna analiza povezana sa drugim oblastima filozofije, kao što su metafizika i epistemologija. Zatim, objašnjavam poduhvat u koji se konceptualna jurisprudencija upušta – da opiše ona svojstva po kojima se (...)
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  26.  36
    European Union Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights: Stronger Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe?Loreta Šaltinytė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):177-196.
    The treaty of Lisbon makes European Union (EU) accession to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) an obligation of result. The issue has been intensely discussed for more than thirty years, arguing that such accession is necessary in view of the need to ensure the ECHR standard of fundamental rights protection in Europe. This question again gains prominence as the EU member states and the institutions seek to agree on the negotiation directives of EU accession to the ECHR. The (...)
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    Ambivalences in Consumer Law: Remarks on the Effects of Writing the Law.Vincent Forray - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):971-1003.
    In every legal system, consumer law indicates problems that it is supposed to solve: imbalance, unfairness and unconscionability. It raises important questions about a legal system’s pre-existing ability to deal with those problems. In a way, consumer law’s very presence in a legal system judges that system. When considering consumer law as a part of the system, an opposition arises between two kinds of discourse. First, there is a discourse, which constructs consumer law as a legal entity apart from the (...)
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    Reception Conditions Directive: Concerns of Transposition into Lithuanian Legislation and Implementation.Lyra Jakulevičienė & Laurynas Biekša - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):313-333.
    The 6th of February 2005 marks the deadline of transposition of the EU Council Directive No. 2003/9/EC (Reception Conditions‘ Directive) into national legislation. This article is the second in a series of articles on transposition of the European Union Asylum Directives in Lithuania and remaining concerns. It analyses the transposition of the Reception Conditions Directive in the country, the impact of the directive‘s provisions on the development of the Lithuanian asylum law and draws attention to the remaining concerns in relation (...)
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    Legal Regulation of Electronic Marketing.Mindaugas Kiškis - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):349-370.
    The article analyses the legal regulation of electronic marketing in the European context. The historical and teleological perspective on past and present regulations of electronic marketing is provided. Emphasis is given on the ability of the legal rules to preserve the balance of private and entrepreneurial interests, and the desirable principles of the regulation of the socially beneficial electronic marketing. The paper concludes that the harmonization of legal regulation of electronic marketing at the European Union level is limited, which causes (...)
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    The Boundaries of Legal Protection of Well-Known Trademarks: Problems of Legal Regulation.Danguolė Klimkevičiūtė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):267-294.
    The legal protection of well-known trademarks is an exception to the fundamental principles of trademark law, i.e. territorality, registration and „speciality“. The well-known trademark is protected even if it had not been registered according to the national legal regulation of that state, in which protection is sought. The well-known trademark can also be protected even in respect to the goods and (or) services which are not similar to those for which the well-known trademark is used or registered (in case the (...)
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    The Inner Tensions of Legal Culture in Consumer Society.Vytautas Šlapkauskas - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 122 (4):371-385.
    The present article explores the inner tensions of the legal culture in consumer society as a consequence of the interaction between democracy, liberalism and market economy under globalization. The interaction between democracy and modern political thought has given rise to liberal democratic society, moral and religious pluralism, and modern law. The interplay between liberal democracy and the market (“new liberalism”) has generated the idea of “instrumental reason”, whose penetration into many realms of life has transformed the structure of society and (...)
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    Civil Society as the Guarantee of Existence of the Legal State: Experience of Lithuania in 1918-1940.Kristina Miliauskaitė & Gintaras Šapoka - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):183-198.
    The paper deals with mutual conditionality of existence between the civil society and legal state. The paper is based on the 1918-1940 doctrine of independent Lithuania, the models of the legal state and the tentative models of the civil society created at that time. In the first part of the article, the concept of the legal state is discussed. In terms of creation of the model of the legal state, M. Romeris works are of exceptional importance. It his works, M. (...)
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    Jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice over Issues Relating to the Common Foreign and Security Policy under the Lisbon Treaty.Loreta Saltinyte - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 119 (1):261-279.
    Although the Lisbon Treaty maintained the general exclusion of Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) matters from ECJ jurisdiction, it introduced a number of changes into this area, including an explicit statement that the Court is competent to review the legality of the Council decisions imposing restraining measures on persons. The article analyzes the nature and origin of those changes and considers the legal implications for the level of the protection of fundamental rights in the European Union. For this purpose (...)
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    Legal Status of the Sole Managing Body: Is Unambiguousness Possible?Agnė Tikniūtė & Jūratė Usonienė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):1095-1111.
    The article analyses the key issues of the legal status of the sole managing body from the perspective of the valid legal regulation, the established case-law and doctrine. The first part of the article analyses the dualism of the manager’s legal status from the perspective of civil law and labour law. The analysis of the latest case-law presented herein shows that the rule of “internal” and “external” relations between the manager and the company formulated in the case-law is applied differently, (...)
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    Jusnaturalizam i pravni pozitivizam.Norberto Bobbio - 2015 - Revus 26:19-32.
    Autor tvrdi da je odnos između jusnaturalizma i pravnog pozitivizma višeslojan te da je isključujuć u samo jednom pogledu. Kako bi to pokazao, raspravu započinje razlikovanjem triju shvaćanja prirodnog prava i pravnog pozitivizma, tj. kao ideologija, teorija i načina izučavanja prava. Potom ukazuje na to da su jusnaturalizam i pravni pozitivizam suprotni samo kao ideologije. Konačno, autor upozorava na brzoplete karakterizacije pojedinih autora kao jusnaturalista ili pravnih pozitivista – njihova karakterizacija, na kraju, ovisi o tome ocjenjujemo li njihovu ideologiju, teoriju (...)
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    Peculiarities of Administrative Legal Regulation of Metrology.Andrejus Novikovas - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1515-1527.
    The main aim of this research is to analyse the peculiarities of legal regulation of metrology and the problems arising in this area. The content of the article is divided into two parts. The first part of the article analyses the concept of metrology, reveals the relation between fundamental and legal metrology and accentuates problems of metrology as well as repressive means applied in the metrological procedure. The second part analyses the European Union as well as national legislation regulating the (...)
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    Problems of Application of Detention of Asylum Seekers in the Practice of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania.Laurynas Biekša & Eglė Samuchovaitė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1407-1422.
    The question of detention of asylum seekers is specific due to the special situation of detainees (persons who have experienced human rights violations and apply for asylum in receiving country) and due to peculiarities of detention itself (persons have not committed crimes, but come or stay illegally because they have been forced to do so by fleeing from human rights violations). Therefore, lately it raises many discussions at the European level. Sooner or later, discussions influence national laws, as after adopting (...)
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    Legal Effects of Registration of Ownership in Immovable Property.Ramūnas Birštonas & Viktorija Budreckienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1479-1493.
    The principle of publicity is one of the fundamental principles of property law: property rights should be made public in order to inform third parties about the existence of the property right and its holder and thereby to foster legal certainty and efficiency. The publicity of ownership in immovable property is achieved through registration of ownership in the public register. However, the problem arises because of the unavoidable discrepancies between the data contained in the public register and the factual situation. (...)
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  39.  32
    Is there a Need for Extension of Subsidiary Protection in the European Union Qualification Directive?Lyra Jakulevičienė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):215-232.
    The establishment of the Common European Asylum System by 2012 remains a key policy objective for the European Union. According to the Council of the European Union, the development of a Common Asylum Policy should be based on a full and inclusive application of the 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and other relevant international treaties. In the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum attention is brought to the persistence of wide disparities amongst Member States in the (...)
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    Balancing between Effective Realisation of Criminal Liability and Effective Defence Rights: the Tasks and the Roles of Prosecutor and Defence Lawyer in Finnish Criminal Procedure.Henna Kosonen & Matti Tolvanen - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):233-256.
    Prior to the extensive reform of the Finnish criminal procedure in 1997, the roles of the prosecutor and the defence attorney were passive compared to the role of the judge. The main task of the prosecutor was to read the written indictment and to help the judge to find the truth. The judge could procure evidence ex officio, although it may have been detrimental to the suspect. The roles of the judge, the attorneys and the prosecutor changed dramatically when the (...)
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    The Contribution of the Non-Aristocratic Communities Law to the Realization of the Law-Governed State Model in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (text only in Lithuanian).Jevgenij Machovenko - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):39-53.
    The object of this research is the law created and enforced by different selfgoverning institutions such as the Church, the town, province and village communities in Lithuania in the Middle Ages. The author examines what was the contribution of this law to the realization of the law-governed state model in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The author believes that this problem can be viewed through the prism of the competition of these communities and their law with the aristocratic Lithuanian state (...)
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    Political and Legal Implications that Have Influenced a Premature Withdrawal of the Lithuanian.Mindaugas Maksimaitis - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 118 (4):7-20.
    This article reveals the implications that made the Lithuanian Council to step aside allowing the Temporary Government to continue the further process of restitution of Lithuania, immediately after becoming the central constitutional state institution. Prior to that, Lithuanian (State) Council had managed to declare the independence of Lithuania on the 16th of February 1918 under extremely difficult political circumstances and established the statehood on the 2nd of November of the same year. Under the will of the Vilnius conference of Lithuania (...)
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    The Beginning of Lithuanian Roman Legal System Research and its Pioneer, A. Tamošaitis (article in Lithuanian).Mindaugas Maksimaitis & Stasys Vėlyvis - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):805-820.
    Based on archival documents, regulatory and other official materials, as well as the press of that time, the article attempts to shed some light on the complex beginning of Lithuanian Roman legal system research. Since the beginning of theUniversity law degree in 1922, the Roman law courses (then divided into history and dogma, the system) were taught with an exclusive focus. However, while assembling the faculty of professors at the Lithuanian university, in the beginning they had to content mainly with (...)
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    Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and Mykolas Romeris: Two Personalities and Two Approaches to the State and Constitution.Gediminas Mesonis - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):7-37.
    T. G. Masaryk and M. Romeris are certainly prominent personalities and great names in history. It would be hard to understand the Czech nation and the development of the state of Czechoslovakia without T. G. Masaryk’s philosophical views on person, nation, state, and his political activity; and it would be hard to understand certain aspects of the interwar Lithuania’s legal and political development without M. Romeris’ scientific heritage. These are the personalities, who have left a significant inheritance due to their (...)
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    Sources of Restoration of Statehood and its Constitutional Consolidation.Jonas Prapiestis - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):859-888.
    The most significant moments of restoration of Lithuania’s statehood and its constitutional consolidation in the national legislation during the Atgimimas period (from the foundation of Sąjūdis on 3 June 1988) and the work of the Supreme Council of Lithuania (from February 1990 to October 1992) are discussed in this article. The author pays attention to the challenges of drafting the new Constitution – the main weapon in the political fight; the article declares the complexity of this process and mentions the (...)
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    The Basics of the Principle of Legal Concord in Criminal Law (article in German).Jonas Prapiestis & Agnė Baranskaitė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):285-302.
    In societies of high legal culture, criminal law is regarded as a protective and repressive measure of the state, as an imperative of crime and inevitable punishment (as a strict rule). Therefore, the article attempts to show the fact that the entirety of the provisions and norms of criminal law, consolidated in a modern democratic state under the rule of law (or, at least, a state that is attempting to become such a state), allows for the assertion that the purpose (...)
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    Catholic Social Thought in the Interwar Period in Lithuania: The Image of Social State under the Rule of Law in Socialism.Eglė Venckienė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (2):391-406.
    Social life is changing very fast. People are trying to find out reasons of living in a safe society and understand their role in it. The ‘wrong’ and ‘right‘ models of the social life, state and law systems are appearing. In the XXth century, one of them – socialism – made suggestion how to solve social problems, determinated of capitalism. This work deals with the situation of Lithuanian social thought in the Republic of Lithuania (1900-1940). In the article, the standpoint (...)
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