Results for 'the Inscrutability of Objectual Reference'

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  1. Inscrutability and ontological commitment.Berit Brogaard - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 141 (1):21 - 42.
    There are two doctrines for which Quine is particularly well known: the doctrine of ontological commitment and the inscrutability thesis—the thesis that reference and quantification are inscrutable. At first glance, the two doctrines are squarely at odds. If there is no fact of the matter as to what our expressions refer to, then it would appear that no determinate commitments can be read off of our best theories. We argue here that the appearance of a clash between the (...)
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  2. Attention and Inscrutability: A commentary on John Campbell, Reference and Consciousness.Austen Clark - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 127 (2):167-193.
    We assemble here in this time and place to discuss the thesis that conscious attention can provide knowledge of reference of perceptual demonstratives. I shall focus my commentary on what this claim means, and on the main argument for it found in the first five chapters of "Reference and Consciousness". The middle term of that argument is an account of what attention does: what its job or function is. There is much that is admirable in this account, and (...)
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    (1 other version)Objectual Understanding, Factivity and Belief.Emma C. Gordon & J. Adam Carter - 2016 - In Martin Grajner & Pedro Schmechtig, Epistemic Reasons, Norms and Goals. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 423-442.
    Should we regard Jennifer Lackey’s ‘Creationist Teacher’ as understanding evolution, even though she does not, given her religious convictions, believe its central claims? We think this question raises a range of important and unexplored questions about the relationship between understanding, factivity and belief. Our aim will be to diagnose this case in a principled way, and in doing so, to make some progress toward appreciating what objectual understanding—i.e., understanding a subject matter or body of information—demands of us. Here is (...)
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  4. Objectual understanding, factivity and belief.J. Adam Carter & Emma C. Gordon - 2016 - In Martin Grajner & Pedro Schmechtig, Epistemic Reasons, Norms and Goals. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 423-442.
    Should we regard Jennifer Lackey’s ‘Creationist Teacher’ as understanding evolution, even though she does not, given her religious convictions, believe its central claims? We think this question raises a range of important and unexplored questions about the relationship between understanding, factivity and belief. Our aim will be to diagnose this case in a principled way, and in doing so, to make some progress toward appreciating what objectual understanding—i.e., understanding a subject matter or body of information—demands of us. Here is (...)
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    Is Objectual Identity Really Dispensable?Eric T. Updike - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (4):761-782.
    Kai Wehmeier’s Wittgensteinian Predicate Logic is a formulation of first-order logic under the exclusive interpretation of the quantifiers. W-logic has a distinguished relation constant for co-reference but no sign for objectual identity. Wehmeier denies that objectual identity exists on the grounds that it cannot be a genuine binary relation. Fortunately W-logic is equi-expressive with standard first-order logic with identity and it appears that objectual identity is dispensable across the broader logical enterprise. This paper challenges the latter (...)
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    Quine's Ontological Relativity.Gary L. Hardcastle - 2010 - In Steven D. Hales, A Companion to Relativism. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 588–603.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Abstract Introduction The Inscrutability of Objectual Reference Empiricism, Naturalism, and Provincialism References.
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  7. Inscrutability and its discontents.Vann McGee - 2005 - Noûs 39 (3):397–425.
    That reference is inscrutable is demonstrated, it is argued, not only by W. V. Quine's arguments but by Peter Unger's "Problem of the Many." Applied to our own language, this is a paradoxical result, since nothing could be more obvious to speakers of English than that, when they use the word "rabbit," they are talking about rabbits. The solution to this paradox is to take a disquotational view of reference for one's own language, so that "When I use (...)
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    Inscrutability and visual objects.Ben Phillips - 2017 - Synthese 194 (8):2949-2971.
    The thesis that the visual system represents objects has garnered empirical support from a variety of sources in recent decades. But what kinds of things qualify as “objects” in the relevant sense? Are they ordinary three-dimensional bodies? Are they the facing surfaces of three-dimensional bodies? I argue that there is no fact of the matter: what we have are equally acceptable ways of assigning extensions to the relevant visual states. The view I defend bears obvious similarities to Quine’s thesis that (...)
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    Referential inscrutability: Coming to terms without it.John R. Welch - 1984 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):263-273.
    According to Quine, terms of divided reference like 'rabbit' have two sorts of problems: problems of direct and deferred ostension. Hence the reference of these terms is inscrutable. This article holds that the problems of deferred ostension can be handled by Goodman's theory of projection, and that the problems of direct ostension turn out to be pedestrian problems of signs.
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    Fodor on inscrutability.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (5):524-537.
    : Jerry Fodor proposes a solution to Quine's inscrutability–of–reference problem for certain naturalized semantic theories, thereby defending such theories from charges that they cannot discriminate meanings finely enough. His proposal, combining elements of informational and inferential–role semantics, is to eliminate non–standard interpretations by testing predicate compatibility relations. I argue that Fodor's proposal, understood as primarily aimed at Mentalese, withstands Ray's and Gates's objections but nonetheless fails because of unwarranted assumptions about ontological homogeneity of target language predicates, and problems (...)
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    Inscrutability Scrutinized.Alex Orenstein - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Gilbert Harman, A Companion to W. V. O. Quine. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 163–180.
    Hans‐Johann Glock: The Relation between Quine and Davidson: The chapter assesses the interaction between our two protagonists from a historical, exegetical, and substantive perspective. The first section provides a brief biographical account, and contends that at the grand‐strategic level Quine and Davidson are united by a “logical pragmatism.” The next section presents their contrasting attitudes to naturalism. I then turn to more detailed comparisons concerning the philosophy of language: meaning and use, truth, radical interpretation, and the “third dogma of empiricism.” (...)
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  12. Attention & Inscrutability.Austen Clark & Manchester Hall - unknown
    We assemble here in this time and place to discuss the thesis that conscious attention can provide knowledge of reference of perceptual demonstratives. I shall focus my commentary on what this claim means, and on the main argument for it found in the first five chapters of Reference and Consciousness. The middle term of that argument is an account of what attention does: what its job or function is. There is much that is admirable in this account, and (...)
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    Peter F. Strawson.On Referring - 1997 - In Peter Ludlow, Readings in the Philosophy of Language. MIT Press. pp. 335.
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    Reference.J. Robert G. Williams - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Kurt Ludwig, Blackwell Companion to Donald Davidson. Blackwell. pp. 264–286.
    We review the role of reference within Davidson's T‐theoretic account of language and examine his contention that reference is inscrutable. More generally, we look at the explanatory role of reference in the context of Davidson's philosophy: whether there are explanations that directly appeal to reference, and whether there are explanations that appeal to beliefs about reference.
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    Game-Theoretical Semantics and Referential Inscrutability.Francisco Calvo Garzón - 2005 - NTU Philosophical Review 30:91-122.
    This paper consists of two parts. First, I shall consider two defences of Quine´s polemical Thesis of the Inscrutability of Reference put forward by Hookway, and Calvo Garzón, respectively. Then, I shall consider an extension of Quine´s succinct behavioural criteria of Radical Translationsuggested by Hintikka´s Game-Theoretical Semantics. I shall argue that Hintikka´s semantics suggest behavioural criteria which we can use to constrain perverse semantic theories. In particular, I shall try to show that whilst Hintikka´s behavioural data tells against (...)
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    Inscrutability and Its Discontents.Laura Schroeter & François Schroeter - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (5):566-579.
    Our main focus in this paper is Herman Cappelen’s claim, defended in Fixing Language, that reference is radically inscrutable. We argue that Cappelen’s inscrutability thesis should be rejected. We also highlight how rejecting inscrutability undermines Cappelen’s most radical conclusions about conceptual engineering. In addition, we raise a worry about his positive account of topic continuity through inquiry and debate.
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  17. Objectual Knowledge.Katalin Farkas - 2019 - In Jonathan Knowles & Thomas Raleigh, Acquaintance: New Essays. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 260-276.
    It is commonly assumed that besides knowledge of facts or truths, there is also knowledge of things–for example, we say that we know people or know places. We could call this "objectual knowledge". In this paper, I raise doubts about the idea that there is a sui generis objectual knowledge that is distinct from knowledge of truths.
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    Reference and Ontology.James W. Cornman - 1976 - The Monist 59 (3):353-372.
    I have been interested for quite some time in the relevance of reference to ontology. Another who has shown equal interest is W. V. Quine. Surprisingly, because of many other disagreements, there is a large area in which we agree about reference and ontology, namely, that there is some reason to think that both are “inscrutable.” Not so surprisingly, there is a crucial point where we disagree, namely, concerning the relativity of reference and ontology. Although it is (...)
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    News from the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (NRCBL) and the National Information Resource on Ethics and Human Genetics (NIREHG).National Reference Center for Bioet - 2007 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (4):399-403.
  20. Mental models as objectual representations.C. Held - 2006 - In Carsten Held, Markus Knauff & Gottfried Vosgerau, Mental models and the mind: current developments in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind. Boston: Elsevier.
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    Review essays : Inscrutable desires.Edward Johnson - 1990 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 20 (2):208-221.
  22. Proxy Functions and Inscrutability of Reference.Steven L. Reynolds - 1994 - Analysis 54 (4):228 - 235.
    Objection to Quine's argument for the inscrutability of reference. The proxy functions don't preserve the relations to experience, contrary to Quine's claims.
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    References.Andrew Sabl - 2012 - In Hume's Politics: Coordination and Crisis in the History of England. Princeton University Press. pp. 313-326.
  24. Is understanding explanatory or objectual?Kareem Khalifa - 2013 - Synthese 190 (6):1153-1171.
    Jonathan Kvanvig has argued that “objectual” understanding, i.e. the understanding we have of a large body of information, cannot be reduced to explanatory concepts. In this paper, I show that Kvanvig fails to establish this point, and then propose a framework for reducing objectual understanding to explanatory understanding.
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    Doxastic Reference, Thinking Reference, and Demonstrative Individuals.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1990 - In Klaus Jacobi & Helmut Pape, Thinking and the Structure of the World / Das Denken Und Die Struktur der Welt: Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemic Ontology Presented and Criticized / Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemische Ontologie in Darstellung Und Kritik. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 372-384.
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    References.Nadja El Kassar - 2015 - In Towards a theory of epistemically significant perception: how we relate to the world. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 345-356.
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  27. Reference and complex demonstratives in English and in finnish.Erkki Ahlström - 2009 - In Dingfang Shu & Ken Turner, Contrasting Meanings in Languages of the East and West. Peter Lang.
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    Self-reference encoding and incidental recall by children.John A. Halpin, C. Richard Puff, Heather F. Mason & Susan P. Marston - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (2):87-89.
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    References.Daniel W. Graham - 2006 - In Explaining the Cosmos: The Ionian Tradition of Scientific Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 309-326.
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  30. References.Chris Higgins - 2011 - In The Good Life of Teaching: An Ethics of Professional Practice. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 283–303.
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    References.Paul Humphreys - 1993 - In Jim Woodward, The Chances of Explanation: Causal Explanation in the Social, Medical and Physical Sciences. Princeton University Press. pp. 158-166.
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  32. Meaning, reference, and significance.J. Watts Cunningham - 1937 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 11:155.
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  33. References.Philip Hugly & Charles Sayward - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 90:285-287.
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    References.David Johnston - 1996 - In [Book review] the idea of a liberal theory, a critique and reconstruction. Princeton University Press. pp. 193-200.
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    References.Filippo Sabetti - 2006 - In Civilization and Democracy: The Salvernini Anthology of Cattaneo's Writings. University of Toronto Press. pp. 243-252.
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    Reference, reality and perceptual fields.Hector-Neri Castaneda - 1980 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 53 (August):763-823.
  37. Explicating Objectual Understanding: Taking Degrees Seriously.Christoph Baumberger - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (3):367-388.
    The paper argues that an account of understanding should take the form of a Carnapian explication and acknowledge that understanding comes in degrees. An explication of objectual understanding is defended, which helps to make sense of the cognitive achievements and goals of science. The explication combines a necessary condition with three evaluative dimensions: an epistemic agent understands a subject matter by means of a theory only if the agent commits herself sufficiently to the theory of the subject matter, and (...)
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    Inscrutable evil and scepticism.John Beaudoin - 2000 - Heythrop Journal 41 (3):297–302.
    Philosophical theologians have in recent years revived and cast in sophisticated form a non‐theodical approach to defeating probabilistic arguments from evil. In this article I consider and reject the claim that their emphasis on the epistemic gap separating us from God entails a radical form of scepticism. I then argue, however, that proponents of this view cannot escape and unattractive theological scepticism.
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  39. Speaker reference, descriptions, and anaphoria.Keith S. Donnellan - 1979 - In A. French Peter, E. Uehling Theodore, Howard Jr & K. Wettstein, Contemporary Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language. University of Minnesota Press.
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    Reference and description.Scott Soames - 2005 - In Frank Jackson & Michael Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 397.
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    Reference and description.Scott Soames - 2005 - In Frank Jackson & Michael Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 397.
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  42. Inscrutable evils: still numerous, still relevant.Robert Bass - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 75 (4):379–384.
    Jamie Carlin Watson has recently challenged my Bayesian formulation of the evidential argument from evil. My approach depends upon certain critical assumptions, but Watson argues that I am not entitled to those assumptions. I reply briefly, showing why I am entitled to those assumptions, and thus, why my argument survives his critique.
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  43. Silent Reference.Stephen Neale - 2016 - In Gary Ostertag, Meanings and Other Things: Themes From the Work of Stephen Schiffer. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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  44. Reference, ontological relativity, and realism.Peter Hylton - forthcoming - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society.
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    A Hindi Reference Grammar.Michael C. Shapiro & Stella Sandhal - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):155.
  46. Many Inscrutable Evils.Robert Bass - 2011 - Ars Disputandi 11:118-132.
    I examine the evidential argument from inscrutable evil, evil for which we can see no morally adequate reason. Such evils are often thought to provide evidence for the existence of gratuitous evil that God could not be justified in allowing, but arguments for this are often informal and intuitive. I try to contribute greater rigor by developing a probabilistic argument that large numbers of inscrutable evils are strong evidence for the existence of gratuitous evil. Then, I consider and reject two (...)
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    Tagalog Reference Grammar.Henry M. Hoenigswald, Paul Schachter & Fe T. Otanes - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):148.
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    Perception, Reference and Causation.Thomas Baldwin - 2007 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 107 (1pt1):1 - 26.
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    Metaphorical Reference and Peirce's Dynamical Object.Carl R. Hausman - 1987 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (3):381 - 409.
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    III. Objects, Existence, and Reference: A Prolegomenon to Guise Theory.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1990 - In Klaus Jacobi & Helmut Pape, Thinking and the Structure of the World / Das Denken Und Die Struktur der Welt: Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemic Ontology Presented and Criticized / Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemische Ontologie in Darstellung Und Kritik. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 94-141.
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