Results for 'toponymic system'

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  1.  18
    Methodological aspects of ethno-linguistic studies of toponymic systems of Ural-Volga region.Z. F. Shayhislamova - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (6):611-621.
    According to the priority the modern anthropocentric direction, as well as the fact that the ontological existence of toponymic system merges with its mental existence, the consideration of the Bashkir toponymy from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics in the aspect of representation by toponymic system of toponymic identity and mental structures of a native speaker becomes inevitable. In connection with the goal and objectives of the work. certain methodological framework is settled that determines the classification (...)
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    Bashkir place names derived from the substrate geographical terms of the Indo-Iranian origin.G. H. Buharova - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (5):517-531.
    Local geographical terms play an important role in the formation of a toponymic system of a geographical region. Archaic vocabulary roots in the mists of time and and serves as the evidence of ancient contacts of the local population. Identification, systemic description and comprehensive analysis of toponyms contributes to linguistic and historic reseach. In this article, the substrate local geographical terminology of the Indo-Iranian origin involved in the formation of the Bashkir place names and ethnonyms is discussed. By (...)
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    The Image of the Mental Map in the Communication of Social Media Users From Saint Petersburg.Sergey Babaev Troitskiy - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 85 (85):135-156.
    The study, conducted in March 2022, involved the analysis of the content in several social media chats and groups; the participants of those chats live in the same place and therefore have a common experience of the space. The study was based on the hypothesis of a direct connection between the mental map (a system of individual ideas about space), the cultural reputation of topoi, and urban trauma, embodied in the unease infrastructure. The problem of assessing the significance of (...)
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    Parisnimi semiootilise uurimuse objektina. Kokkuvõte.Ülle Pärli - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (2/4):223-223.
    The present article is divided into two parts. Its theoretical introductory part takes under scrutiny how proper name has been previously dealt with in linguistics, philosophy and semiotics. The purpose of this short overview is to synthesise different approaches that could be productive in the semiotic analysis of naming practices. Author proposes that proper names should not be seen as a linguistic element or a type of signs, but rather as a function that can be carried by different linguistic units. (...)
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    Two approaches to the myth of city foundations.Kestutis Nastopka - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (2):503-511.
    The paper discusses the myth of the founding of Vilnius as an example of a myth of city foundation. The myth has received two independent semiotic interpretations. Narrative grammar procedures are applied to the analysis of the mythical story and the semantic code generating the story in the paper “Gediminas’ Dream (Lithuanian myth of city foundation: an attempt at analysis)” by Algirdas Julien Greimas (1971). The sovereignty ideology expressed in the myth, which describes religious and spiritual culture of the Grand (...)
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    Proper name as an object of semiotic research.Ülle Pärli - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (2/4):197-222.
    The present article is divided into two parts. Its theoretical introductory part takes under scrutiny how proper name has been previously dealt with in linguistics, philosophy and semiotics. The purpose of this short overview is to synthesise different approaches that could be productive in the semiotic analysis of naming practices. Author proposes that proper names should not be seen as a linguistic element or a type of (indexical) signs, but rather as a function that can be carried by different linguistic (...)
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    The Toponyms of EblaI Nomi di luogo dei testi di Ebla.Michael C. Astour, Alfonso Archi, Paola Piacentini & Francesco Pomponio - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (2):332.
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  8. Two toponymic puzzles.George Hill - 1939 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 2 (4):375-381.
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    Toponymic Legends of Kazakh Turks.Seyfullah Yildirim - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2101-2121.
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    Polysignifiance du toponyme, historicité du sens et interprétation en corpus. Le cas de Outreau.Michelle Lecolle - 2007 - Corpus 6:101-125.
    Cet article s’attache à l’interprétation du toponyme (ici, le nom de lieu habité), en prenant pour exemple le cas du nom propre de ville Outreau. Ce toponyme peut avoir, en contexte, des sens différents (polysignifiance). Mais surtout, il a vu, dans une période restreinte (2001-2006), son sens évoluer totalement jusqu’à se stabiliser, à partir de 2005-2006, comme renvoyant principalement à « l’erreur judiciaire par excellence ». La polysignifiance du nom de lieu habité et l’évolution de son sens rendent la question (...)
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    Two Toponymic Puzzles.Sir George Hill - 1939 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 2 (4):375-381.
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    Canaanite Toponyms in Ancient Egyptian Documents.Anson F. Rainey & Shmuel Ahituv - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):534.
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    On the toponymics of the Great Palace of Constantinople: the Daphne.Alfredo Calahorra Bartolomé - 2022 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (1):1-46.
    The Great Palace of Constantinople has been subject to several investigations since the second half of the nineteenth century. All of them have been mostly concerned with the topographical, architectural and typological development of the imperial residence, leaving aside questions such as toponymics. This paper will deal with this issue taking into consideration the name of the complex of buildings that once was the core of the Constantinian Palace, the Daphne. Doing so, we will better understand the denomination of the (...)
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    Mistranslation or modification? Toponymical transformation in Partonope of blois.Craig Thorrold - 2004 - Mediaevalia 25 (2):1-24.
    This paper is concerned with the transformation in the Middle English Partonope of Blois of French place-names that appear in its source, Partonopeus de Blois. Six of the twenty-two French toponyms in the version of Partonopeus drawn upon by Partonope appear at least once in the English text in a different form. At first sight these divergences seem either to be insignificant substitutions or else to arise from common scribal errors. Closer consideration suggests, however, that they are in at least (...)
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    Argoura : un toponyme eubéen dans la Midienne de Démosthène.Denis Knoepfler - 1981 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 105 (1):289-329.
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  16. Some spatial and toponymic reflections on the city of Bobastro.V. MartinezEnamorado - 1996 - Al-Qantara 17 (1):59-77.
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    The origin of the toponym “Galata” (suburbs of Constantinople) in light of an unpublished inscription from Nicaea in Bithynia.Pawel Nowakowski - 2024 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 117 (3):763-782.
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    Zoomorphic code of culture in the terrain modeling and its reflection in the Bashkir toponyms.G. Kh Bukharova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (6):487.
    The article is devoted to the problem of studying the relationship between language and ethnic culture. It analyzes Bashkir toponyms associated with the cult of fire. The Bashkirs, like many nations, including the Turkic and Mongolian, have thought that fire symbolized home and was the protector of the family. The Bashkirs worshiped fire as cleansing and healing power, while at the same time the fire represented formidable and dangerous force. Fire in the Bashkir mythology is closely related to its opposite (...)
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    On the Identity of the Toponym LÚ.SuOn the Identity of the Toponym LU.Su.Piotr Steinkeller - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (2):197.
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    An Early Attestation of the Toponym ḌhillīAn Early Attestation of the Toponym Dhilli.Richard J. Cohen - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (4):513.
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    Influence of the cult buildings of Simferopol on the city's toponymic.V. Ye Polyakov - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 16:72-81.
    In Simferopol, the names of the streets appeared rather late. In 1837 the Tavrian governor was given an order on the name of the city streets and lanes. Here is their complete list: Gubernatorskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Novosobornaya, Moscow, Nevoryanskaya, Malobazarna, Mokra, Bazarna, Trading, Jewish, Greek, Petropavlovskaya, Hospital, Tatar, Gypsy, Banny, Meat, Prison, Armsky, Nagorny. Already in this very first list of streets, our attention is attracted to the horns, in the names of which in one form or another have a connection (...)
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    Ethics at the Intersection of Technology and Dementia Care: The Case of WanderGuard.Jessica Ginsberg Rogers Jason Lesandrini WellStar Health System - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):157-159.
    Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2025, Page 157-159.
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    George Khushf.Christianity as an Alternative Healing System - 1997 - Bioethics Yearbook: Volume 5-Theological Developments in Bioethics: 1992-1994 5:123.
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  24. A System of Logic.John Stuart Mill - 1829/2002 - Longman.
    Reprint of the original, first published in 1869.
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    (2 other versions)A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive.John Stuart Mill - 1843 - New York and London,: University of Toronto Press. Edited by J. Robson.
    Ethics and jurisprudence are liable to the remark in common with logic. Almost every writer having taken a different view of some of the particulars which ...
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  26. Paulina Taboada.The General Systems Theory: An Adequate - 2002 - In Paulina Taboada, Kateryna Fedoryka Cuddeback & Patricia Donohue-White, Person, society, and value: towards a personalist concept of health. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
  27. Population, Des maladies dites «de civilisation», etc. Ne pourront PAS.Tendances Êvolutives des Systèmes Éducatifs - 1975 - Paideia 4:31.
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  28. Mitchell Berman, University of Pennsylvania.Of law & Other Artificial Normative Systems - 2019 - In Toh Kevin, Plunkett David & Shapiro Scott, Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  29.  61
    The Forum, the System, and the Polity: Three Varieties of Democratic Theory.John S. Dryzek - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (5):610-636.
    The theory of deliberative democracy is here furthered in terms of three images that locate its essence in respectively a single forum, a deliberative system, and an encompassing polity featuring particular integrative norms. The first two are ubiquitous, though contested, the third is stated here. Deliberative theorists need to contemplate how practices that make sense in each image connect to the other two. Forums only make sense when linked in a system that can synthesize very different deliberative virtues (...)
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  30. Das System der Ideen. Zur perspektivistisch-metaphilosophischen Begründung der Vernunft im Anschluss an Kant und Fichte.Michael Lewin - 2021 - Freiburg / München: Alber.
    Michael Lewin geht es in seinem Buch um die Vernunft als ein wohlbegründetes und in zeitgenössischen Kontexten fortführbares Forschungsprogramm. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Theorienreihe zu vielfältigen Arten und Funktionen der Ideen, mit deren Hilfe die Vernunft das Verstehen und Wollen steuert und selbstreflexiv wird. Dazu entwickelt der Autor unter dem Stichpunkt „reflektierter Perspektivismus“ das Programm einer perspektivistischen Metaphilosophie, die den Hintergrundparametern forschungsprogrammatische Festlegungen (in Anlehnung an Imre Lakatos), Ansprüche und (Wissens-)Ziele hinter den philosophischen Positionierungen nachspürt und dadurch ihre (...)
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    Fichte's System of Ethics: A Critical Guide.Stefano Bacin & Owen Ware (eds.) - 2021 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    The System of Ethics was published at the height of Fichte's academic career and marks the culmination of his philosophical development in Jena. Much more than a treatise on ethics narrowly construed, the System of Ethics presents a unified synthesis of Fichte's core philosophical ideas, including the principle I-hood, self-activity and self-consciousness, and also contains his most detailed treatment of action and agency. This volume brings together an international group of leading scholars on Fichte, and is the first (...)
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  32. Multi-system moral psychology.Fiery Cushman, Liane Young & Joshua D. Greene - 2010 - In John Doris, Moral Psychology Handbook. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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    A System of Modal Logic.Jan Łukasiewicz - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 14:82-87.
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  34. A formal system for euclid’s elements.Jeremy Avigad, Edward Dean & John Mumma - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):700--768.
    We present a formal system, E, which provides a faithful model of the proofs in Euclid's Elements, including the use of diagrammatic reasoning.
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    A system of moral philosophy.Francis Hutcheson - 1755 - New York,: A.M. Kelley.
    THE P R E F A C E, Giving fome ACCOUNT of the LIFE, WRITINGS, and CHARACTER of the AUTHOR. T"\R. FRANCIS HUTCHESON was born on the 8th of ...
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  36. What is a System of Moral Philosophy for? Systematicity in Kant’s Ethics.Stefano Bacin - 2025 - In Gabriele Gava, Thomas Sturm & Achim Vesper, Kant and the systematicity of the sciences. New York: Routledge.
    Kant repeatedly stresses that moral philosophy shall find completion in the shape of a system. The present chapter focuses on three main aspects that characterise his view of the need of a system of ethics, suggesting that Kant's view should be construed in contrast with the current assumptions on the role of a system in moral philosophy. First, I argue that, in Kant’s view, the system of ethics does not pursue the coherentist project of systematising moral (...)
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  37.  56
    The defense motivation system: A theory of avoidance behavior.Fred A. Masterson & Mary Crawford - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):661-675.
    A motivational system approach to avoidance behavior is presented. According to this approach, a motivational state increases the probability of relevant response patterns and establishes the appropriate or “ideal” consummatory stimuli as positive reinforcers. In the case of feeding motivation, for example, hungry rats are likely to explore and gnaw, and to learn to persist in activities correlated with the reception of consummatory stimuli produced by ingestion of palatable substances. In the case of defense motivation, fearful rats are likely (...)
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  38.  21
    The System of Modern Societies.Talcott Parsons - 1971 - Prentice-Hall.
    Discusses the base from which modern societies developed.
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  39. Ontology as Product-Service System: Lessons Learned from GO, BFO and DOLCE.Barry Smith - 2019 - In David Limbaugh, David Kasmier, Werner Ceusters & Barry Smith, Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO), Buffalo, NY. Buffalo:
    This paper defends a view of the Gene Ontology (GO) and of Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) as examples of what the manufacturing industry calls product-service systems. This means that they are products (the ontologies) bundled with a range of ontology services such as updates, training, help desk, and permanent identifiers. The paper argues that GO and BFO are contrasted in this respect with DOLCE, which approximates more closely to a scientific theory or a scientific publication. The paper provides a detailed (...)
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  40.  25
    Leibniz' System in seinen wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen.Ernst Cassirer - 1902 - Marburg,: N. G. Elwert.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  41. System der Philosophie.Hermann Schmitz - 1964 - Bonn,: H. Bouvier.
    Bd. 1. Die Gegenwart.--Bd. 2. T.1. Der Leib. T.2. Der Leib im Spiegel der Kunst.--Bd. 3. Der Raum. T.1. Der liebliche Raum. T.2. Der Gefühlsraum. T.3. Der Rechtsraum. Praktische Philosophie. T.4. Das Göttliche und der Raum. T.5. Die Wahrnehmung.--Bd. 4. Die Person.--Bd. 5. Die Aufhebung der Gegenwart.
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  42. (1 other version)Leibniz' System in seinen wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen.Ernst Cassirer - 1903 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 11 (1):83-99.
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    A System of Pragmatic Idealism: The Validity of Values. A Normative Theory of Evaluative Rationality.Nicholas Rescher - 1992
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    On Bourbaki’s axiomatic system for set theory.Maribel Anacona, Luis Carlos Arboleda & F. Javier Pérez-Fernández - 2014 - Synthese 191 (17):4069-4098.
    In this paper we study the axiomatic system proposed by Bourbaki for the Theory of Sets in the Éléments de Mathématique. We begin by examining the role played by the sign \(\uptau \) in the framework of its formal logical theory and then we show that the system of axioms for set theory is equivalent to Zermelo–Fraenkel system with the axiom of choice but without the axiom of foundation. Moreover, we study Grothendieck’s proposal of adding to Bourbaki’s (...)
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  45.  67
    Unpacking the Gender System: A Theoretical Perspective on Gender Beliefs and Social Relations.Shelley J. Correll & Cecilia L. Ridgeway - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (4):510-531.
    According to the perspective developed in this article, widely shared, hegemonic cultural beliefs about gender and their impact in what the authors call “social relational” contexts are among the core components that maintain and change the gender system. When gender is salient in these ubiquitous contexts, cultural beliefs about gender function as part of the rules of the game, biasing the behaviors, performances, and evaluations of otherwise similar men and women in systematic ways that the authors specify. While the (...)
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  46. System der Logik Und Geschichte der Logischen Lehren.Friedrich Ueberweg - 1868 - Adolph Marcus.
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  47. System des transzendentalen Idealismus.F. W. J. Schelling & Walter Schulz - 1958 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 20 (1):140-140.
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  48. A system of dynamic modal logic.Maarten de Rijke - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (2):109-142.
    In many logics dealing with information one needs to make statements not only about cognitive states, but also about transitions between them. In this paper we analyze a dynamic modal logic that has been designed with this purpose in mind. On top of an abstract information ordering on states it has instructions to move forward or backward along this ordering, to states where a certain assertion holds or fails, while it also allows combinations of such instructions by means of operations (...)
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    A System of Logistic.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1934 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
  50. Hegels System.Vittorio Hösle - 1990 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 44 (4):675-679.
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