Results for 'tradition, involving the formation, post-truth, ritual behavior and culture'

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  1.  14
    Сучасна людина у віртуальному світі.Serhiy Horskyі - 2016 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:23-28.
    У статті робиться спроба теоретичного аналізу специфіки механізму формування традицій як емоційно забарвленої уяви про об’єкт, яка може виникати спонтанно або цілеспрямовано під впливом засобів інформації, реклами чи пропаганди, формуючи своєрідний міф з певною системою координат. Аналізується традиція, як певний зв’язок між старим і новим змістом, котрий створює вигляд безперервності існування соціуму. Традиція розглядається як сучасний погляд на минуле. Виходячи з цього процес відтворення традицій – це не відновлення історичної правди, а процес міфотворення образу минулого сьогодні, націленого в майбутнє, де (...)
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    The Role of Symbolic Interaction in Cultural Identity Formation: A Philosophical Analysis.Lucas da Silva - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):473-488.
    This philosophical examination investigates the complex processes through which people develop their identities within various cultural settings and examines the function of symbolic interactionism in constructing cultural identities. Symbolic interactionism, which has its roots in the writings of academics like Herbert Blumer and George Herbert Mead, describe the role of relationships, meaning negotiation, and symbols in social reality and human behaviour. Symbolic interactionism provides a useful paradigm for comprehending how people use cultural symbols, customs, and social interactions to negotiate their (...)
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    Applying Signaling Theory to Traditional Cultural Rituals.Craig T. Palmer & Christina Nicole Pomianek - 2007 - Human Nature 18 (4):295-312.
    The branch of evolutionary theory known as signaling theory attempts to explain various forms of communication. Social scientists have explained many traditional rituals as forms of communication that promote cooperative social relationships among participants. Both evolutionists and social scientists have realized the importance of trust for the formation and maintenance of cooperative social relationships. These factors have led to attempts to apply signaling theory to traditional cultural rituals in various ways. This paper uses the traditional ritual of mumming in (...)
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    Factors of Formation of Human Dignity in the Moral Culture of the People.P. Kravchenko & M. Kostenko - 2021 - Philosophical Horizons 45:66-78.
    The problem of the values of Ukrainian society is one of the most important and debatable problems in modern scientific discourse. This is due to the transition of our state from the traditional model of the state, in which there is authoritarianism, secrecy, to a socially oriented society and a democratic, open state.Accordingly, there is a change in values, which is an integral part of the existence of any society and state. To replace the Soviet system of declaration of surrogatecollective, (...)
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    Reflection of Cultural Values in Traditional Chinese Costume.Jing Yang - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The culture of traditional clothing and jewelry is an integral part of the ancient Chinese civilization. Chinese traditional costume is distinguished by its rich content, relevance at any time, as well as its unique features. Traditional clothing was influenced by successive millennial dynasties that brought the chaos of war. Traditional Chinese clothing has not only become the embodiment of the Chinese concepts of "the unity of Heaven and man", "the ritual of respect for nature and harmonious coexistence with (...)
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    Ethical Formation.Sabina Lovibond - 2002 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    Sabina Lovibond invites her readers to see how the "practical reason view of ethics" can survive challenges from within philosophy and from the antirationalist postmodern critique of reason. She elaborates and defends a modern practical-reason view of ethics by focusing on virtue or ideal states of character that involve sensitivity to the objective reasons circumstances bring into play. At the heart of her argument is the Aristotelian idea of the formation of character through upbringing; these ancient ideas can be made (...)
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    How far will an account of ritualized behavior go in explaining cultural rituals?N. McCauley Robert - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):623-624.
    The theory of ritualized behavior should offer insight about cultural rituals. Considering ritualized behaviors' scripted actions and both the frequent absence of anxiety and the routinization of many cultural rituals, questions remain about how much and what precisely gets explained. Among religious rituals, ritualized behaviors arise more strikingly in special agent rituals, but that might be because they usually include novices. (Published Online February 8 2007).
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  8. Wicked Problems in a Post-truth Political Economy: A Dilemma for Knowledge Translation.Matthew Tieu - 2023 - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (280):1-11.
    The discipline of knowledge translation (KT) emerged as a way of systematically understanding and addressing the challenges of applying health and medical research in practice. In light of ongoing and emerging critique of KT from the medical humanities and social sciences disciplines, KT researchers have become increasingly aware of the complexity of the translational process, particularly the significance of culture, tradition and values in how scientific evidence is understood and received, and thus increasingly receptive to pluralistic notions of knowledge. (...)
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  9.  48
    (1 other version)A Post-Secular Look at Tradition: Toward a Definition of “Traditionism”.Yaacov Yadgar - 2011 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2011 (156):77-98.
    ExcerptIntroduction One of the most profound changes to have engulfed the interdisciplinary study of religion, society, culture, and history has been what is now commonly termed the “post-secular” turn. This intellectual development, which has been gaining a growing momentum during the last two decades, offers a “revisionist” reconsideration of the “orthodox” paradigm of secularization. This revisionism involves practically all of the paradigm components, questioning not only the descriptive-analytical merit of the secularization thesis but also its political and philosophical (...)
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    Post‐modernism, a French cultural Chernobyl: Foucault on power/knowledge.Robert Nola - 1994 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 37 (1):3 – 43.
    Foucault appears to challenge traditional views of truth, reason, and knowledge in the doctrine of power/knowledge developed in his post?1970 writings. This doctrine applies to all the sciences (and to non?scientific and non?discursive practices that are not discussed here). Foucault's notions of discourse (1) and power (3) are sufficiently discussed to set out his explanatory theory of the cause of our discourses and their change. In (4) three theses concerning the power/knowledge link are distinguished, of which the more important (...)
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    Traditional truth, poetry, sacrament: for my mother, on her 70th birthday.Josef Pieper - 2019 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    Pieper collects his contributions to radio programs and to a number of journals and periodicals. The book also includes a selection of notes and comments. The contributions fall into two main groups: the period which encompasses the immediate pre-war period as well as the war period itself, and the post-war period up to 1953.The reader becomes witness, first, to Pieper's problems with the National Socialist regime and, second, to his problems with the ensuing challenges to religious life as it (...)
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    Affective Behavior in Parent Couples Undergoing Couple Therapy: Contrasting Case Studies.Esther Liekmeier, Joëlle Darwiche, Lara Pinna, Anne-Sylvie Repond & Jean-Philippe Antonietti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:634276.
    Being in a romantic relationship is characterized by a high degree of intimacy and affective involvement. Affective behavior indicates the emotional content in couple interactions and therefore promotes an understanding of the evolution of romantic relationships. When couples are also parents, their affective behavior reflects their romantic and coparental bonds. In this paper, we present an observation of parent couples’ affective behavior during a coparenting conflict discussion task to document whether and how much it improved during couple (...)
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  13. Artists Draw A Blank.Tim Gilman - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):208-212.
    continent. 1.3 (2011): 208-212. … intervals of destructuring paradoxically carry the momentum for the ongoing process by which thought and perception are brought into relation toward transformative action. —Brian Massumi, Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation 1 Facing a blank canvas or blank page is a moment of pure potential, one that can be enervating or paralyzing. It causes a pause, a hesitation, in anticipation of the moment of inception—even of one that never comes. The implication is that the (...)
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    Reconciling community ecology with evidence of animal culture: Socially-adapted, localized community dynamics?Chantelle P. Marlor - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (5):663-683.
    A growing body of empirical research suggests many animal species are capable of social learning and even have cultural behavioral traditions. Social learning has implications for community ecology; changes in behavior can lead to changes in inter- and intra-specific interactions. The paper explores possible implications of social learning for ecological community dynamics. Four arguments are made: social learning can result in locally-specific ecological relationships; socially-mediated, locally-specific ecological relationships can have localized indirect interspecific population effects; the involvement of multiple co-existing (...)
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    Oral Tradition as Context for Learning Music From 4E Cognition Compared With Literacy Cultures. Case Studies of Flamenco Guitar Apprenticeship.Amalia Casas-Mas, Juan Ignacio Pozo & Ignacio Montero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The awareness of the last 20 years about embodied cognition is directing multidisciplinary attention to the musical domain and impacting psychological research approaches from the 4E cognition. Based on previous research regarding musical teaching and learning conceptions of 30 young guitar apprentices of advanced level in three learning cultures: Western classical, jazz, and flamenco of oral tradition, two participants of flamenco with polarised profiles of learning were selected as instrumental cases for a prospective ex post facto design. Discourse and (...)
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  16.  16
    Traditions of science: cross-cultural perspectives: essays in honour of B.V. Subbarayappa.B. V. Subbarayappa, Purusottama Bilimoria & Melukote K. Sridhar (eds.) - 2007 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Illustrations: 13 B/w & 1 Colour Illustrations Description: The frontiers of Traditional Knowledge and Science have long attracted the minds of scientists, theologians, intellectuals and students, who have been arguing both their similarities and dissimilarities, apparent contradictions, and the possibility of an ultimate harmony between the two. In ancient and medieval India - as in much of the Non-Western world - there was only one word for tradition and science, namely, vidya. Vidya encompassed what in the modern historically-sensitive inquiries is (...)
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    Book review: Mimesis: Culture, Art, Society. [REVIEW]Gene Fendt - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):199-201.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Mimesis: Culture, Art, SocietyGene FendtMimesis: Culture, Art, Society, by Gunter Gebauer and Christoph Wulf; translated by Don Reneau; 400 pp. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995, $45.00 cloth, $18.00 paper.The purpose of this book is to develop “a historical reconstruction of important phases in the development of mimesis” (p. 1) from a brief discussion of its pre-Platonic Greek significance through contemporary thinkers. It is, then, not (...)
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    Usable Traditions: Creating Sexual Autonomy in Postapartheid South Africa.Xavier Livermon - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (1):14.
    Abstract:ABSTRACTThis article examines the relationship between African customary practices and queerness in post-apartheid South Africa. I argue that black South African queers reconstitute African “tradition” and customary practices through various forms of cultural and discursive labor that function to contest the un-Africanness of same-sex sexuality and insist on visibility and communal belonging. Examining customary practices ranging from circumcision to lobola and traditional African religions, I argue for African “tradition” as a set of living practices constantly in formation. The contestation (...)
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    Chinese Cultural Taboos That Affect Their Language & Behavior Choices.Man-Ping Chu - 2009 - Asian Culture and History 1 (2):P122.
    Every culture has its own taboos. Communication works better when the participants share more assumptions and knowledge about each other (Scollon & Scollon, 2000). However, in many cases, participants realize the existence of the rules associated with taboos only after they have violated them. Those who do not observe these social “rules” might face serious results, such as total embarrassment or, as Saville-Troike (1989) puts it, they may be accused of immorality and face social ostracism. This paper reports that (...)
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    Comparative Judicial Behavior. Cross-Cultural Studies of Political Decision-Making in East and West. [REVIEW]R. F. T. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (4):767-768.
    This pioneer work in comparative political analysis manifests once more the growing influence of behavioral approaches on the study of politics. In this case the general topic is the voting pattern of justices on the highest courts of several Pacific nations and India. Various heuristic and explanatory models are employed to determine the influence of such variables as age, culture, and political orientation on the adjudicative behavior of these men over a determinate period. Although the articles by twelve (...)
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  21.  76
    What is animal culture?Grant Ramsey - 2017 - In Kristin Andrews & Jacob Beck, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. Routledge.
    Culture in humans connotes tradition, norms, ritual, technology, and social learning, but also cultural events like operas or gallery openings. Culture is in part about what we do, but also sometimes about what we ought to do. Human culture is inextricably intertwined with language and much of what we learn and transmit to others comes through written or spoken language. Given the complexities of human culture, it might seem that we are the only species that (...)
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  22.  19
    What is animal culture?Grant Ramsey - 2017 - In Kristin Andrews & Jacob Beck, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. Routledge.
    Culture in humans connotes tradition, norms, ritual, technology, and social learning, but also cultural events like operas or gallery openings. Culture is in part about what we do, but also sometimes about what we ought to do. Human culture is inextricably intertwined with language and much of what we learn and transmit to others comes through written or spoken language. Given the complexities of human culture, it might seem that we are the only species that (...)
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    Musical practice as a ritual of resistance in (post)-migratory situation.Mark Simon - 2017 - Sociology of Power 29 (2):133-152.
    The article is dedicated to Afro-Caribbean musical rituals as a form of response to exclusion from public sphere. The author claims that there are two key features of black music (in all the diversity of its genres): a) participatory character; b) dualism, manifested in a combination of a cheerful form and tragic content, hidden from an external observer. Starting from this thesis, the author places Notting Hill Carnival as a key chronotope of the (post)migratory situation in the center of (...)
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    Like a Bee to Nectar: Abhinavagupta’s Poetics of Religious Formation.Ben Williams - 2020 - Journal of Dharma Studies 3 (2):373-387.
    Through a study of Abhinavagupta’s deployment of the metaphor of a bee in search of nectar, this article reconstructs a model of religious education implicit in Abhinavagupta’s representation of his own career as a student and guru. Based on a brief examination of the symbolism of the bee in classical Sanskrit poetry, the article elucidates how Abhinavagupta creatively implements prominent themes in this trope. Abhinavagupta’s use of the bee motif powerfully evokes his own liberal engagement with the intellectual culture (...)
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  25. Which Takes Precedence: Collective Rights or Culture?William Conklin - 2015 - In Almed Momeni-Rad, Arian Petoft & Alireza Sayadmansom, Cultural Rights: an Anthology. Iranian Cultural Services Society. pp. 115-152.
    This Paper claims that, contrary to the common assumption of Anglo-American jurists, collective rights are secondary to a analytically and experientially prior culture. Culture constitutes the identity and content of a collective right. The thrust of my Paper examines the disjunction between collective rights and the culture constituting a collective right. The clue to the disjuncture is that a collective right is assumed to be a rule or principle signified or represented in a written language. A rule (...)
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  26.  15
    Beyond Behavior: Linguistic Evidence of Cultural Variation in Parental Ethnotheories of Children’s Prosocial Helping.Andrew D. Coppens, Anna I. Corwin & Lucía Alcalá - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study examined linguistic patterns in mothers’ reports about their toddlers’ involvement in everyday household work, as a way to understand the parental ethnotheories that may guide children’s prosocial helping and development. Mothers from two cultural groups – US Mexican-heritage families with backgrounds in indigenous American communities and middle-class European American families – were interviewed regarding how their 2- to 3-year-old toddler gets involved in help with everyday household work. The study’s analytic focus was mothers’ responses to interview questions asking (...)
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    Conceptualising mass death through Palestinian texts amidst Gaza events 2023/24.Jad Kiadan School of Cultural Studies, Tel Aviv & Israel - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-23.
    Following the Gaza events of 2023/24, this study examines how Palestinians understand mass death and mass destruction, exploring how can such a humanitarian catastrophe be framed within a coherent narrative. The focus is on the concept of sacrifice, analysed through a theoretical framework that distinguishes between meaningful sacrifices and absurd, meaningless deaths that categorises the victims as homo-sacer. Hence, this study aims to investigate the language and literature of the Palestinian people that regards to the 2023/24 Gaza events, and the (...)
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    Why Post-Truth Cannot Be Our Epistemological Compass.Massimo Dell’Utri - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (2):164-176.
    This paper tackles some of the arguments Steve Fuller – arguably the best advocate of post-truth currently on the scene – put forward to show that, correctly understood, post-truth is the best conceptual tool to get a clear picture not only of what is happening in our societies today, but also of what has happened throughout the secular history of Western culture. The implicit assumption is that post-truth represents a reliable ‘epistemological compass’ – that is, a (...)
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  29.  33
    African Traditional Ritual Expressions of Salvation: Contextualised Biblical Hermeneutic(s) as an Ecclesiological Praxis.Titus Kirimi Kibaara - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 6 (1):19-29.
    Purpose: The purpose of this article is threefold: First, to present the African traditional ritual concept of salvation. Second, to demonstrate that this concept subconsciously forms the worldview through which African Christians interpret biblical narratives and salvation. Third, to access if certain ecclesiastical practices are influenced by the African salvific expressions. Methodology: The methodology used is exploratory, where aspects of African salvific rituals and selected ecclesiastical practices are explored. Part one of this article deals with African expressions of salvation. (...)
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  30. Hegel's Phenomenology of Culture.Tonu Viik - 2003 - Dissertation, Emory University
    The dissertation makes two principal claims. First, it offers a variation of what has recently been called the "non-metaphysical" interpretation of Hegel's philosophy. I argue that Hegel's theory as a whole is not a monistic ontology of the world-substance called "spirit." Rather, Hegel's "philosophy of spirit" is an account of "cultural formations" in the same sense as Cassirer's philosophy of culture is a theory of "symbolic forms," and Foucault's archeology is a theory of "discursive formations." The "cultural formations" in (...)
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    “Do We Have to Tell Him He Hasn’t Been Getting Ativan?”: Truth Telling for a Patient with Nonepileptic Seizures.Lexi C. White & Hilary Mabel - forthcoming - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics.
    The authors present a case study involving truth telling responsibilities in the setting of nonepileptic seizures. Specifically, over the course of several suspected nonepileptic seizures, a patient’s seizures stopped after he received a saline flush meant to precede the administration of anti-seizure medication. The patient and his surrogate believed he had received the medication each time, and the team wondered whether they should disclose the truth. Some worried that disclosure would reinforce the suspected psychogenic behavior, exacerbating the patient’s (...)
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    Post-Truth as a Procrastination of Enlightenment.Jens Lemanski - 2018 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 11 (1):117-127.
    In recent years the cultural pessimistic position has become known, according to which we live in an “age of post-truth.” This thesis is supported by the observation of an increasing use of argumenta ad passiones in politics. In contrast to this view, I believe that “time” and “representation” play a more decisive role in individual post-truth arguments than the appeal to passiones. By analysing typical post-truth arguments, I arrive at a much more positive view on the present (...)
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    "Do We Have to Tell Him He Hasn't Been Getting Ativan?": Truth Telling for a Patient with Nonepileptic Seizures.Lexi C. White & Hilary Mabel - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (2):133-141.
    The authors present a case study involving truth telling responsibilities in the setting of nonepileptic seizures. Specifically, over the course of several suspected nonepileptic seizures, a patient's seizures stopped after he received a saline flush meant to precede the administration of anti-seizure medication. The patient and his surrogate believed he had received the medication each time, and the team wondered whether they should disclose the truth. Some worried that disclosure would reinforce the suspected psychogenic behavior, exacerbating the patient's (...)
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    Culture after humanism: history, culture, subjectivity.Iain Chambers - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    Culture After Humanism asks what happens to the authority of traditional Western modes of thought in the wake of postcolonial theory. Iain Chambers investigates moments of tension, interruptions which transform our perception of the world and test the limits of language, art and technology. In a series of interlinked discussions, ranging in focus from Susan Sontag's novel The Volcano Lover to the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, Jimi Hendrix and Baroque architecture and music, Chambers weaves together a critique of Western (...)
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    Police/Militia in (Post-)Soviet Popular Culture (Towards a Historical Iconography of Power).Dmitry Popov - 2024 - Sociology of Power 36 (3):136-163.
    The idea of the police as a “good order” from the Polizeiwissenschaft of absolutism was developed in the biopolitical model of caring for the population of the Modern era, engaged in ensuring safety and well-being. Being a product of mass society, the modern state has focused on influencing public opinion. In the XIX–XX centuries, there was a counter-movement of police supervision and art which gave rise to ‘police aesthetics’. Cinematography was an effective means of forming a desirable image of the (...)
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    Tony Yengeni's ritual slaughter: Animal anti-cruelty vs. Culture.K. Behrens - 2009 - South African Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):271-289.
    I address the question: ‘Are acts of the ritual slaughter of animals, of the kind recently engaged in by the Yengeni family, morally justifiable?’ Using the Yengeni incident as a springboard for my discussion, I focus on the moral question of the relative weight of two competing ethical claims. I weigh the claim that we have an obligation not to cause animals pain without good reason against the claim by cultures that traditional practices, such as the one under discussion, (...)
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    (META-PHILOSOPHY) PHILOSOPHY's GHOST Dead Discipline Walking.Ulrich De Balbian - 2017 - Oxford: Academic Publishers.
    I have been working on meta-philosophy for quite some time and was pleasantly surprised to encounter, mid-May 2017, someone who shares this commitment (apart from his many other interests and specializations) for very similar reasons as my own. He is Dr Desh Ray Sirswal from India and one of his numerous websites, blogs, journals, etc is - I let him speak for himself. “My objective is to achieve an intellectual detachment from all philosophical systems, and not to solve specific (...)
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    Food Communication to Strengthen Cultural Identity: A Case Study on Saparan Bekakak Traditions in Indonesia.Rila Setyaningsih, Andre Noevi Rahmanto & Widodo Muktiyo Pawito - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:871-884.
    Food has a crucial role in human culture and social interaction. Food is vital in various traditional ceremonies and rituals, especially in Javanese culture. Saparan Bekakak is a Javanese tradition that uses food or offerings as a ritual symbol. Food communication is a field of study that studies how food functions as a medium of communication in social and cultural contexts. This study explores the food communication model in strengthening the cultural identity of Saparan Bekakak as a (...)
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    From micro-rituals to macro-impacts: mapping eco-ethics via religious/spiritual teachings into higher education. Shahida - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (2):233-254.
    In the 21st century, discussions on the environment actively intersect with religious discourse, purposefully incorporating religious texts and spiritual perspectives to propose effective solutions for addressing the pressing global environmental crisis. Within this context, this study employs a narrative analysis approach, conducting fifteen semi-structured interviews with students pursuing undergraduate course in science, aged 18–21 years, representing diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. The primary aim is to understand how traditional values embedded in micro-level activities and rituals, drawn from their culturally and (...)
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    Formation of Feminine Truth in Poststructuralism.Abey Koshy - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (5):79.
    This essay traces the origin of feminine thought in poststructuralism, which opens up new vistas of experience that differ from traditional philosophical thinking based on a conceptual grasp of the world. Rather than viewing the feminine as the essence of the woman gender, it is seen here as the experience of a plurality of truths produced in the affectedness of the human body by the world. The representative function of language and methodology in traditional philosophy cannot capture the plurality of (...)
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    Tradition im Pluralismus: Alasdair MacIntyre und Karl Barth als Inspiration für christliches Selbstverständnis in der pluralen Gesellschaft.Antje Fetzer - 2002 - Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener.
    How is it possible to develop an identity that lives from the meaningful relationship to a concrete tradition without falling into fundamentalist self-closure when trying to maintain this relationship? The present study addresses this question by interpreting Alasdair MacIntyre's traditional concept in response to the lack of orientation in contemporary society. The American philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre assumes that modern societies can only convey identity through the traditions they contain. He defines "tradition" as a discussion about the correct interpretation of the (...)
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    Das Ritual der Aštu (CTH 490): Rekonstruktion und Tradition eines hurritisch-hethitischen Rituals aus Boğazköy/Ḫattuša. By Susanne Görke. [REVIEW]Dennis R. M. Campbell - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (2):321-324.
    Das Ritual der Aštu : Rekonstruktion und Tradition eines hurritisch-hethitischen Rituals aus Boğazköy/Ḫattuša. By Susanne Görke. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, vol. 40. Leiden: Brill, 2010. Pp. xvii + 365. $179.
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    What does it feel like to be post-secular? Ritual expressions of religious affects in contemporary renewal movements.Naomi Irit Richman - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (3):295-310.
    ABSTRACTThis paper seeks to problematise and complexify scholarly accounts of contemporary emotional repression in Western contexts by presenting counterevidence in the form of two examples of post-secular collective affectivity and their ritual expressions. It argues that both narratives of emotional repression and expression fail to capture the non-linear complexity of processes of cultural transformation, which have resulted in the simultaneous expression and repression of ritualistic affects that are products of our evolutionary embodied history. Drawing on insights from affect (...)
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  44. Why ritualized behavior? Precaution systems and action parsing in developmental, pathological and cultural rituals.Pascal Boyer & Pierre Liénard - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):595-613.
    Ritualized behavior, intuitively recognizable by its stereotypy, rigidity, repetition, and apparent lack of rational motivation, is found in a variety of life conditions, customs, and everyday practices: in cultural rituals, whether religious or non-religious; in many children's complicated routines; in the pathology of obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD); in normal adults around certain stages of the life-cycle, birthing in particular. Combining evidence from evolutionary anthropology, neuropsychology and neuroimaging, we propose an explanation of ritualized behavior in terms of an evolved Precaution (...)
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    Book Review: Cultural Transactions: Nature, Self, Society. [REVIEW]Roger Seamon - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):535-537.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cultural Transactions: Nature, Self, SocietyRoger SeamonCultural Transactions: Nature, Self, Society, by Paul Hernadi; ix & 156 pp. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995, $27.50 paper.Thinkers have often found the world rather Gaulish—or, if you prefer, have carved it up to make it so. In Cultural Transactions Paul Hernadi starts from the premise that “We typically experience ourselves as objectively existing organisms, players of intersubjectively assigned and evaluated roles, or (...)
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    Analysis of Learning Behavior of Human Posture Recognition in Maker Education.Yueh-Min Huang, An-Yen Cheng & Ting-Ting Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Maker education mainly involves “hands-on” as the core concept and combines various educational theories to redefine interactions between learners and teachers in a learning environment. Identification of meaningful “hands-on” behaviors is crucial to evaluate students’ learning performance, although an instructor’s observation of every student is not feasible. However, such observation is possible with the aid of the artificial intelligence image processing technique; the AI learning behavior recognition system can serve as the second eyes of teachers, thus accounting for individual (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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    Ritualized behavior in sport.Robin C. Jackson & Rich S. W. Masters - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):621-622.
    We consider evidence for ritualized behavior in the sporting domain, noting that such behavior appears commonplace both before a competitive encounter and as part of pre-performance routines. The specific times when ritualized behaviors are displayed support the supposition that they provide temporary relief from pre-competition anxiety and act as thought suppressors in the moments preceding skill execution. (Published Online February 8 2007).
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    Perspectives on Post-Truth.Filippo Ferrari, Anna Maria Lorusso, Sebastiano Moruzzi & Giorgio Volpe - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (2):141-149.
    This opening piece of the special issue ‘Perspectives on Post-Truth’ aims to accomplish three tasks. First, and foremost, it highlights the issue’s distinctive feature, namely its variegated approach to post-truth. The leading idea in assembling it has been to draw on different methodologies, theoretical approaches, and competences, in order to gain a fine-grained understanding of the post-truth condition and to develop an effective toolkit to address the most pressing challenges it poses to our societies. The underlying conviction (...)
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    Spectacles of Truth in Classical Greek Philosophy: Theoria in its Cultural Context.Andrea Wilson Nightingale - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    In fourth-century Greece, the debate over the nature of philosophy generated a novel claim: that the highest form of wisdom is theoria, the rational 'vision' of metaphysical truths. This 2004 book offers an original analysis of the construction of 'theoretical' philosophy in fourth-century Greece. In the effort to conceptualise and legitimise theoretical philosophy, the philosophers turned to a venerable cultural practice: theoria. In this practice, an individual journeyed abroad as an official witness of sacralized spectacles. This book examines the philosophic (...)
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