Results for 'value-semantic mechanism'

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  1.  15
    Modular Many-Valued Semantics for Combined Logics.Carlos Caleiro & Sérgio Marcelino - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):583-636.
    We obtain, for the first time, a modular many-valued semantics for combined logics, which is built directly from many-valued semantics for the logics being combined, by means of suitable universal operations over partial non-deterministic logical matrices. Our constructions preserve finite-valuedness in the context of multiple-conclusion logics, whereas, unsurprisingly, it may be lost in the context of single-conclusion logics. Besides illustrating our constructions over a wide range of examples, we also develop concrete applications of our semantic characterizations, namely regarding the (...)
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  2. Evolutionary Semantics of Anthropogenesis and Bioethics of Nbic-Technologies.Valentin Cheshko, Yulia Kosova & Valery Glazko - 2015 - Biogeosystem Technique 5 (3):256-266.
    The co-evolutionary concept of tri-modal stable evolutionary strategy (SESH) of Homo sapiens is developed. The concept based on the principle of evolutionary complementarity of anthropogenesis: value of evolutionary risk and evolutionary path of human evolution are defined by descriptive (evolutionary efficiency) and creative-teleological (evolutionary correctness) parameters simultaneously, that cannot be instrumental reduced to others ones. Resulting volume of both parameters define the vectors of human evolution by two gear mechanism ˗ genetic and cultural co-evolution and techno-humanitarian balance. Explanatory (...)
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    Truth-values as labels: a general recipe for labelled deduction.Cristina Sernadas, Luca Viganò, João Rasga & Amílcar Sernadas - 2003 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13 (3):277-315.
    We introduce a general recipe for presenting non-classical logics in a modular and uniform way as labelled deduction systems. Our recipe is based on a labelling mechanism where labels are general entities that are present, in one way or another, in all logics, namely truth-values. More specifically, the main idea underlying our approach is the use of algebras of truth-values, whose operators reflect the semantics we have in mind, as the labelling algebras of our labelled deduction systems. The “truth-values (...)
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    Memento Mori, Memento Vivere: Early Nietzsche on History, Embodiment, and Value.Manuel Dries - 2017 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 48 (1):29-55.
    The centrality of the embodiment of mind, self, and values for the later Nietzsche is widely acknowledged. Here, I reconstrue Nietzsche’s HL to show that he uses his drive model of the mind already in this early text. The “historical sickness” central to HL is diagnosed in the form of failures of embodiment and drive control. First, I argue that a precursor to Nietzsche’s figure of “the last human” is already the target in HL. Second, I offer working definitions for (...)
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    A metalogical theory of natural language semantics.Michael Mccord & Arendse Bernth - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (1):73 - 116.
    We develop a framework for natural language semantics which handles intensionality via metalogical constructions and deals with degree truth values in an integrated way. We take an axiomatic set theory, ZF, as the foundation for semantic representations, but we make ZF a metalanguage for part of itself by embedding a language ℒ within ZF which is basically a copy of the part of ZF consisting of set expressions. This metalogical set-up is used for handling propositional attitude verbs (limited to (...)
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  6. EVOLUTIONARY RISK OF HIGH HUME TECHNOLOGIES. Article 3. EVOLUTIONARY SEMANTICS AND BIOETHICS.V. T. Cheshko, L. V. Ivanitskaya & V. I. Glazko - 2016 - Integrative Annthropology (1):21-27.
    The co-evolutionary concept of three-modal stable evolutionary strategy of Homo sapiens is developed. The concept based on the principle of evolutionary complementarity of anthropogenesis: value of evolutionary risk and evolutionary path of human evolution are defined by descriptive (evolutionary efficiency) and creative-teleological (evolutionary correctness) parameters simultaneously, that cannot be instrumental reduced to other ones. Resulting volume of both parameters define the vectors of biological, social, cultural and techno-rationalistic human evolution by two gear mechanism — genetic and cultural co-evolution (...)
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    Merging without mystery or: Variables in dynamics semantics. [REVIEW]C. F. M. Vermeulen - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (4):405 - 450.
    In this paper we discuss the treatment of variables in dynamic semantics. Referent systems are introduced as a flexible mechanism for working with variables. In a referent system we carefully distinguish the variables themselves both from the machinery by which we manipulate them - their names - and from the information that we store in them - their values. It is shown that the referent systems provide a natural basis for dynamic semantics. The semantics with referent systems is compared (...)
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  8.  23
    Mechanisms of Formation of Human Culture in Education.Helen B. Baboshina - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 52 (1):9-20.
    The relevance of the research problem lies in the necessity of an axiological approach to the formation of the personality in education and the task of strengthening the ideal image of the function. The aim of this article is studying and understanding the culture of personality formation mechanisms in relation to future specialists. The leading method of research was the theoretical analysis of philosophical and cultural approaches to the cultural formation of the personality and to the content of human culture. (...)
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  9. How truth depends upon being.Fraser MacBride - 2014 - Analysis 74 (3):370-378.
    According to Armstrong (amongst others) ‘any truth, should depend for its truth for something “outside” it’ where this one-way dependency is explained in terms of the asymmetric relationship that obtains between a truth and its truth-maker. But there’s no need to appeal to truth-makers to make sense of this dependency. The truth of a proposition is essentially determined by the interlocking semantic mechanism of reference and satisfaction which already ensures that the truth-value of a proposition depends on (...)
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  10. Visual Metaphors and Cognition: Revisiting the Non-Conceptual.Michalle Gal - 2019 - In Kristof Nyiri & Andras Benedek, Perspective on Visual Learning, Vol. 1. The Victory of the Pictorial Age. pp. 79-90.
    The paper analyzes the visual aspect of metaphors, offering a new theory of metaphor that characterizes its syntactic structure, material composition and visuality as its essence. It will accordingly present the metaphorical creating or transfiguring, as well as conceiving or understanding, of one thing as a different one, as a visual ability. It is a predication by means of producing non-conventional compositions – i.e., by compositional, or even aesthetic, means. This definition is aimed to apply to the various kinds of (...)
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    Популістичні детермінанти легітимації політичної влади в демократичних суспільствах.Наталія Капітаненко - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 66:36-44.
    The political culture of society is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, dynamic and simultaneously stable in historical, spatial and temporal dimension. Given this, the issue of political culture attracts the attention of many modern researchers. Indeed, conscious formation of political culture as an art of common civilized living of people in the state – taking care of all modern societies, is an important condition for its prosperity. The democratic system cannot establish itself and be effective without a political culture of (...)
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  12. Four-valued semantics for relevant logics (and some of their rivals).Greg Restall - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (2):139 - 160.
    This paper gives an outline of three different approaches to the four-valued semantics for relevant logics (and other non-classical logics in their vicinity). The first approach borrows from the 'Australian Plan' semantics, which uses a unary operator '⋆' for the evaluation of negation. This approach can model anything that the two-valued account can, but at the cost of relying on insights from the Australian Plan. The second approach is natural, well motivated, independent of the Australian Plan, and it provides a (...)
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    Truth-Value Semantics and Functional Extensions for Classical Logic of Partial Terms Based on Equality.F. Parlamento - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (3):383-395.
    We develop a bottom-up approach to truth-value semantics for classical logic of partial terms based on equality and apply it to prove the conservativity of the addition of partial description and selection functions, independently of any strictness assumption.
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  14. “Four-Valued” Semantics for the Relevant Logic R.Edwin D. Mares - 2004 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 33 (3):327-341.
    This paper sets out two semantics for the relevant logic R based on Dunn's four-valued semantics for first-degree entailments. Unlike Routley's semantics for weak relevant logics, they do not use two ternary accessibility relations. Unlike Restall's semantics, they capture all of R. But there is a catch. Both of the present semantics are neighbourhood semantics, that is, they include sets of propositions in the specification of their frames.
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  15.  27
    Truth-value semantics.Hugues Leblanc - 1976 - New York: distributor, Elsevier/North-Holland.
  16.  14
    Teachers' value-semantic reflection of their professional positions as a vector basis for choosing upbringing technologies.Natalia Ivanovna Dzhegutanova - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):251-255.
    The article deals with the role and significance of value-semantic reflection concerning teachers' professional positions. The purpose of study to reveal the strategy for the implementation of upbringing technologies for solving the problems of spiritual and moral formation of subjects of education. The complex picture of systemic ideas about a person, the nonlinearity of his formation leads to attempts to simplify technological solutions, which contradicts the essence of the individual's spiritual and moral upbringing. The scientific novelty lies in (...)
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    Multi-valued Semantics: Why and How.Arnon Avron - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (2):163-182.
    According to Suszko's Thesis,any multi-valued semantics for a logical system can be replaced by an equivalent bivalent one. Moreover: bivalent semantics for families of logics can frequently be developed in a modular way. On the other hand bivalent semantics usually lacks the crucial property of analycity, a property which is guaranteed for the semantics of multi-valued matrices. We show that one can get both modularity and analycity by using the semantic framework of multi-valued non-deterministic matrices. We further show that (...)
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  18. Four valued semantics and the liar.Albert Visser - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (2):181 - 212.
  19.  33
    Three-valued semantic pluralism: a defense of a three-valued solution to the sorites paradox.Wen-Fang Wang - 2018 - Synthese 195 (10):4441-4476.
    Disagreeing with most authors on vagueness, the author proposes a solution that he calls ‘three-valued semantic pluralism’ to the age-old sorites paradox. In essence, it is a three-valued semantics for a first-order vague language with identity with the additional suggestion that a vague language has more than one correct interpretation. Unlike the traditional three-valued approach to a vague language, three-valued semantic pluralism can accommodate the phenomenon of higher-order vagueness and the phenomenon of penumbral connection when equipped with ‘suitable (...)
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  20.  49
    Truth-value semantics for a logic of existence.Hugues Leblanc - 1971 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 12 (2):153-168.
  21.  26
    Boolean valued semantics for infinitary logics.Juan M. Santiago Suárez & Matteo Viale - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (1):103333.
  22.  14
    Truth-value Semantics for the Theory of Types.H. Leblanc & R. K. Meyer - 1970 - In Karel Lambert, Philosophical problems in Logic. Dordrecht,: Reidel. pp. 77--101.
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  23. Restrictions on Quantifier Domains.Kai von Fintel - 1994 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
    This dissertation investigates the ways in which natural language restricts the domains of quantifiers. Adverbs of quantification are analyzed as quantifying over situations. The domain of quantifiers is pragmatically constrained: apparent processes of "semantic partition" are treated as pragmatic epiphenomena. The introductory Chapter 1 sketches some of the background of work on natural language quantification and begins the analysis of adverbial quantification over situations. Chapter 2 develops the central picture of "semantic partition" as a side-effect of pragmatic processes (...)
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    The infinite-valued semantics: overview, recent results and future directions.Panos Rondogiannis & Antonis Troumpoukis - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (1-2):213-228.
    The infinite-valued semantics was introduced in Rondogiannis and Wadge (2005) as a purely logical way for capturing the meaning of well-founded negation in logic programming. The purpose of this paper is threefold: first, to give a non-technical introduction to the infinite-valued semantics; second, to discuss the applicability of the infinite-valued approach to syntactically richer extensions of logic programming; and third, to present the main open problems whose resolution would further enhance the applicability of the technique.
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    Three-valued semantics for hybrid MKNF knowledge bases revisited.Fangfang Liu & Jia-Huai You - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 252 (C):123-138.
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  26. The Metasemantics of Contextual Sensitivity.Jeffrey C. King - 2014 - In Alexis Burgess & Brett Sherman, Metasemantics: New Essays on the Foundations of Meaning. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 97-118.
    Some contextually sensitive expressions are such that their context independent conventional meanings need to be in some way supplemented in context for the expressions to secure semantic values in those contexts. As we’ll see, it is not clear that there is a paradigm here, but ‘he’ used demonstratively is a clear example of such an expression. Call expressions of this sort supplementives in order to highlight the fact that their context independent meanings need to be supplemented in context for (...)
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  27. A Completenesss Theorem for a 3-Valued Semantics for a First-order Language.Christopher Gauker - manuscript
    This document presents a Gentzen-style deductive calculus and proves that it is complete with respect to a 3-valued semantics for a language with quantifiers. The semantics resembles the strong Kleene semantics with respect to conjunction, disjunction and negation. The completeness proof for the sentential fragment fills in the details of a proof sketched in Arnon Avron (2003). The extension to quantifiers is original but uses standard techniques.
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    Coronavirus Deformation of the Value-Semantic Matrix of the Life of the World Community in the Conditions of a Postmodern Society.Volodymyr Bekh, Viktor Vashkevych, Olena Postol, Bogdan Kalinichenko & Mykola Lipin - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):284-295.
    The range of research on value issues is quite wide today. The transition from understanding values as a philosophical category to a psychological interpretation of the nature of values has led to the emergence of many trends and psychological concepts of value problems. In this study, we will reveal the main modern views of researchers on the essence of the value-semantic matrix of both an individual and the entire world community. The modern socio-economic situation in the (...)
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    The representation of gappy sentences in four-valued semantics.Genoveva Martí & José Martínez-Fernández - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (240):145-163.
    Three-valued logics are standardly used to formalize gappy languages, i.e., interpreted languages in which sentences can be true, false or neither. A three-valued logic that assigns the same truth value to all gappy sentences is, in our view, insufficient to capture important semantic differences between them. In this paper we will argue that there are two different kinds of pathologies that should be treated separately and we defend the usefulness of a four-valued logic to represent adequately these two (...)
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    The scope of alternatives: indefiniteness and islands.Simon Charlow - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 43 (4):427-472.
    I argue that alternative-denoting expressions interact with their semantic context by taking scope. With an empirical focus on indefinites in English, I show how this approach improves on standard alternative-semantic architectures that use point-wise composition to subvert islands, as well as on in situ approaches to indefinites more generally. Unlike grammars based on point-wise composition, scope-based alternative management is thoroughly categorematic, doesn’t under-generate readings when multiple sources of alternatives occur on an island, and is compatible with standard treatments (...)
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    Realizability of three-valued semantics for abstract dialectical frameworks.Jörg Pührer - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 278 (C):103198.
  32. Modeling the concept of truth using the largest intrinsic fixed point of the strong Kleene three valued semantics (in Croatian language).Boris Culina - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Zagreb
    The thesis deals with the concept of truth and the paradoxes of truth. Philosophical theories usually consider the concept of truth from a wider perspective. They are concerned with questions such as - Is there any connection between the truth and the world? And, if there is - What is the nature of the connection? Contrary to these theories, this analysis is of a logical nature. It deals with the internal semantic structure of language, the mutual semantic connection (...)
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    (1 other version)A truth value semantics for modal logic.J. Michael Dunn - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (2):87--100.
  34. A many-valued semantics for category mistakes.John Martin - 1975 - Synthese 31 (1):63 - 83.
    In this paper it is argued that herzberger's general theory of presupposition may be successfully applied to category mistakes. The study offers an alternative to thomason's supervaluation treatment of sortal presupposition and as an indirect measure of the relative merits of the two-Dimensional theory to supervaluations. Bivalent, Three-Valued matrix, And supervaluation accounts are compared to the two-Dimensional theory according to three criteria: (1) abstraction from linguistic behavior, (2) conformity of technical to preanalytic distinctions, And (3) ability to capture classical logic. (...)
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  35. Robert Boyle and the heuristic value of mechanism.R. P. - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (1):157-170.
    This paper argues that, contrary to the claims of Alan Chalmers, Boyle understood his experimental work to be intimately related to his mechanical philosophy. Its central claim is that the mechanical philosophy has a heuristic structure that motivates and gives direction to Boyle's experimental programme. Boyle was able to delimit the scope of possible explanations of any phenomenon by positing both that all qualities are ultimately reducible to a select group of mechanical qualities and that all explanations of natural phenomena (...)
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  36. Negation As Refutation.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    A refutation mechanism is introduced into logic programming, dual to the usual proof mechanism; then negation is treated via refutation. A four-valued logic is appropriate for the semantics: true, false, neither, both. Inconsistent programs are allowed, but inconsistencies remain localized. The four-valued logic is a well-known one, due to Belnap, and is the simplest example of Ginsberg’s bilattice notion. An efficient implementation based on semantic tableaux is sketched; it reduces to SLD resolution when negations are not involved. (...)
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  37.  16
    A four-valued semantics for terminological logics.Peter F. Patel-Schneider - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 38 (3):319-351.
  38.  50
    The Missing Link Between Memory and Reinforcement Learning.Christian Balkenius, Trond A. Tjøstheim, Birger Johansson, Annika Wallin & Peter Gärdenfors - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:560080.
    Reinforcement learning systems usually assume that a value function is defined over all states (or state-action pairs) that can immediately give the value of a particular state or action. These values are used by a selection mechanism to decide which action to take. In contrast, when humans and animals make decisions, they collect evidence for different alternatives over time and take action only when sufficient evidence has been accumulated. We have previously developed a model of memory processing (...)
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  39. Three Abortion Theorists: A Critical Appreciation.James W. Anderson - 1985 - Dissertation, Georgetown University
    This study evaluates the ontological and ethical premises and presuppositions of three abortion theorists: Germain Grisez, Eike-Henner W. Kluge, and Michael Tooley. ;Grisez's argument that human embryos and fetuses are moral persons because moral rights are derived from moral value, and the full moral value of human adults who are moral persons is implicit in the living genetic mechanism of all human beings, is criticized on the basis of the tension in Aristotle's doctrine between the notion of (...)
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    Logical mechanisms of tabooing discourse.Wojciech Krysztofiak - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 35 (1):21-45.
    The paper presents the semantic model of logical content processing in the environment of tabooed sentences. Such sentences occur both in academic and colloquial discourses. They can be interpreted as infected formulas with the value of an insult. The proposed model assumes that the inferential mechanism of argumentative activities realised in discourses in the environment of such formulas is based on Bochvar's logical matrices and Kripke’s possible worlds semantic structures. This mechanism is determined by (...) consequence operators of three types. The presented theory can be viewed as a formal tool for reconstructing the logical mental mechanism which stops deductive actions aiming at the development of narrative worlds in discourse practices during epistemic wars. It postulates that these practices, which occur in processes of developing science, are governed by special logical mechanisms of inference. (shrink)
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    Logical mechanisms of tabooing discourse.Wojciech Krysztofiak - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 35 (1):21-45.
    The paper presents the semantic model of logical content processing in the environment of tabooed sentences. Such sentences occur both in academic and colloquial discourses. They can be interpreted as infected formulas with the value of an insult. The proposed model assumes that the inferential mechanism of argumentative activities realised in discourses in the environment of such formulas is based on Bochvar's logical matrices and Kripke’s possible worlds semantic structures. This mechanism is determined by (...) consequence operators of three types. The presented theory can be viewed as a formal tool for reconstructing the logical mental mechanism which stops deductive actions aiming at the development of narrative worlds in discourse practices during epistemic wars. It postulates that these practices, which occur in processes of developing science, are governed by special logical mechanisms of inference. (shrink)
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    Maximal and Premaximal Paraconsistency in the Framework of Three-Valued Semantics.Ofer Arieli, Arnon Avron & Anna Zamansky - 2011 - Studia Logica 97 (1):31 - 60.
    Maximality is a desirable property of paraconsistent logics, motivated by the aspiration to tolerate inconsistencies, but at the same time retain from classical logic as much as possible. In this paper we introduce the strongest possible notion of maximal paraconsistency, and investigate it in the context of logics that are based on deterministic or non-deterministic three-valued matrices. We show that all reasonable paraconsistent logics based on three-valued deterministic matrices are maximal in our strong sense. This applies to practically all three-valued (...)
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  43. Reference and Modality: A Theory of Intensions.Alik Pelman - 2007 - Dissertation, University of London, Ucl
    The study of reference often leads to addressing fundamental issues in semantics, metaphysics and epistemology; this suggests that reference is closely linked to the three realms. The overall purpose of this study is to elucidate the structure of some of these links, through a close examination of the “mechanism” of reference. As in many other enquiries, considering the possible (i.e., the modal,) in addition to the actual proves very helpful in clarifying and explicating insights. The reference of a term (...)
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  44. Robert Boyle and the heuristic value of mechanism.Peter R. Anstey - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (1):157-170.
    This paper argues that, contrary to the claims of Alan Chalmers, Boyle understood his experimental work to be intimately related to his mechanical philosophy. Its central claim is that the mechanical philosophy has a heuristic structure that motivates and gives direction to Boyle's experimental programme. Boyle was able to delimit the scope of possible explanations of any phenomenon by positing both that all qualities are ultimately reducible to a select group of mechanical qualities and that all explanations of natural phenomena (...)
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  45. Choice functions and scope of existential polarity wh-phrases in mandarin chinese.Jo-Wang Lin - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (4):451-491.
    A recent popular analysis of English indefinites isthat they involve a choice function mechanism in their semantic interpretation. However,there are diversified views regarding how intermediate scope readings should be dealt withand which level(s) existential closure should apply to. This paper attempts to make acontribution to this debate by examining existential polarity wh-phrases in Chinese. I showthat unlike the behaviors of polarity indefinites in St''át''imcets reported by Matthewson(1999), intermediate scope readings are possible for polarity wh-phrases in Chinese but aresubject (...)
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  46. Cut-free ordinary sequent calculi for logics having generalized finite-valued semantics.Arnon Avron, Jonathan Ben-Naim & Beata Konikowska - 2007 - Logica Universalis 1 (1):41-70.
    . The paper presents a method for transforming a given sound and complete n-sequent proof system into an equivalent sound and complete system of ordinary sequents. The method is applicable to a large, central class of (generalized) finite-valued logics with the language satisfying a certain minimal expressiveness condition. The expressiveness condition decrees that the truth-value of any formula φ must be identifiable by determining whether certain formulas uniformly constructed from φ have designated values or not. The transformation preserves the (...)
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  47. Stratified, Weak Stratified, and Three-valued Semantics.Melvin Fitting & Marion Ben-Jacob - unknown
    We investigate the relationship between three-valued Kripke/Kleene semantics and stratified semantics for stratifiable logic programs. We first show these are compatible, in the sense that if the three-valued semantics assigns a classical truth value, the stratified approach will assign the same value. Next, the familiar fixed point semantics for pure Horn clause programs gives both smallest and biggest fixed points fundamental roles. We show how to extend this idea to the family of stratifiable logic programs, producing a semantics (...)
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    Hugues Leblanc. Truth-value semantics. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1976, XII + 319 pp. [REVIEW]J. Michael Dunn - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (2):376-377.
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    Expressiveness of SETAFs and support-free ADFs under 3-valued semantics.W. Dvořák, A. Keshavarzi Zafarghandi & S. Woltran - 2023 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 33 (3-4):298-327.
    1. The last 25 years have seen an increasing interest in the area of formal argumentation. The ultimate goal of the field is to come up with computational models of how we make decisions, based on...
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    Specificity and what is meant.Zoltán Gendler Szabó - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (11):3181-3189.
    Felicitous underspecification—apparently flawless use of context-sensitive words in contexts where they cannot be assigned unique semantic values—is rather common in ordinary speech. King presents a hypothesis about the mechanism conversational participants employ handling felicitous underspecification, one that fits the rich data he surveys well. I will begin by illustrating how King’s account could be put to use in making sense of what happens in a real life conversation. Then I will point out certain shortcomings of the explanation and (...)
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