Results for 'vocational training'

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  1.  25
    (1 other version)Vocational training and the community.Peter Board - 1923 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):45 – 51.
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  2. Ukrainian experience of personnel vocational training: problems and prospects.Oleksandr Krupskyi & Vladislava Ivankiva - 2019 - VUZF REVIEW 3 (4):3-14.
    A critical analysis of the Ukrainian experience of vocational training of personnel is conducted in the work. The statistics data on the number of employees who participated in vocational training activities during 2016-2018 are presented and analyzed. Based on the analysis, the main reasons for the low interest of Ukrainian business owners in the personnel vocational training were identified. In the work, the author also has highlighted the factors that restrain and activate the development (...)
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    Vocational Training in Virtual Environments for People With Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Systematic Review.Stefan C. Michalski, Caroline Ellison, Ancret Szpak & Tobias Loetscher - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    People with neurodevelopmental disorders are often considered unsuitable or incapable of working in open employment. When employment is available, tasks are often limited, and opportunities for career development are restricted. Policy and funding constraints leave people with disabilities without an opportunity to develop skills due to the additional time and costs for employers. To overcome these barriers, virtual environments have been proposed as a safe and reliable solution for training. An important prerequisite for a wider uptake of training (...)
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    Initial vocational training for police patrol officers in the use of physical force based on the use of the sensorimotor method.Evgeny Ivanovich Troyan - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):303-307.
    The purpose of the study is to identify the possibility of using the sensorimotor method for modeling variable situations of the use of physical force by police officers and organizing the level structure of the sequential use of variable situations for training cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The scientific novelty lies in identifying the effectiveness of sensorimotor method in situational training of police patrol officers, which makes it possible to (...)
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    Assessment of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Vocational Training Students: Development of a New Scale and Relationships With Self-Efficacy and Personal Initiative.Arantxa Gorostiaga, Jone Aliri, Imanol Ulacia, Goretti Soroa, Nekane Balluerka, Aitor Aritzeta & Alexander Muela - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:442005.
    Having emerged as an important concept in the organizational field, entrepreneurial orientation has also become a key idea in the context of education. Indeed, entrepreneurial education is now one of the common objectives for education and training systems in the European Union. Despite its importance, however, there is a scarcity of valid and reliable measures for assessing entrepreneurial orientation in students. The present study aimed to address this by developing and examining the psychometric properties of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale (...)
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    Lifelong learning and the ‘New Deal’ vocationalism: Vocational Training Qualifications and the Small Business Sector.Terry Hyland & Harry Matlay - 1998 - British Journal of Educational Studies 46 (4):399-414.
    The success of the New Deal policies of the current Labour administration - particularly the Welfare to Work and University for Industry initiatives - will depend crucially on the cooperation of the vital small and medium-sized enterprises sector of British industry. In turn, the reaction of small employers to the new policies will be structured by the national vocational education and training efforts and the vocational qualifications system. Against the background of our recent research on SMEs in (...)
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    Influence of Person-Vocation Fit on Satisfaction and Persistence in Vocational Training Programs.Christian Michaelis & Stefanie Findeisen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Positive effects of person-environment fit on job satisfaction and persistence are well documented. However, little is known about the consequences of person-vocation fit for vocational education and training. Using data from the German National Educational Panel Study, we examine the influence of selected P-V fit indicators on training satisfaction and premature contract termination for 4,097 trainees in VET. We find that most P-V incongruences do not lead to negative consequences. Training satisfaction is not affected by interest (...)
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    Asking questions getting answers: A sociopragmatic approach to vocational training interaction.Laurent Filliettaz - 2011 - Pragmatics and Society 2 (2):234-259.
    Adopting a sociopragmatic and interactional perspective, the paper proposes to investigate how apprentices engage in questioning practices and how trainers respond to these questions. A detailed empirical analysis of audio/video data collected in the context of Swiss training companies establishes that answers provided by trainers in response to questions do not constitute the dominant form of questioning work observed. Alternative interactional patterns that stress the tensions connected with questioning in the workplace context and the complexity of the social practices (...)
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    Gender, Migration and the Ambiguous Enterprise of Professionalizing Domestic Service: The Case of Vocational Training for the Unemployed in France.Francesca Scrinzi - 2011 - Feminist Review 98 (1):153-172.
    This article aims to contribute to current debates about international migration and the restructuring of the Welfare state in Europe, by highlighting the specificities of the French context. It draws on ethnographic research about the training of unemployed migrant women as domestic workers in Paris to address the ambiguities that underlie the enterprise of professionalizing domestic service. The qualitative data presented in the article show how essentialist ideologies operate within training practices of domestic workers. They reveal that the (...)
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    Vocational Education and Training.Paul Hager & Terry Hyland - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 271–287.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Vocational‐Academic Distinctions Criticisms of the Vocational Education/General Education Dichotomy The Front‐end Model and its Increasing Problems Vocational Education and Training: Developments and Strategies Conclusion: Enhancing Vocational Studies.
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    Governance and industrial relations in the Italian system of continuous vocational training.Edoardo Della Torre, Stefano Di Palma & Luca Solari - 2012 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 26 (1):33-68.
  12.  25
    New Challenge, New Motivation? Goal Orientation Development in Graduates of Higher Track Schools and Their Peers in Vocational Training.Sarah Becker, Maximilian Pfost & Cordula Artelt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Coping strategies of disabled people facing barriers to their participation in education, vocational training and employment.Bruno Schüpbach Trezzini - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-3 (16-3):73-89.
    En 2014, la Suisse a ratifié la Convention des Nations Unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées, qui établit comme l’un de ses principes directeurs la participation et l’intégration pleines et effectives des personnes handicapées dans la société. La présente étude examine l’expérience vécue et l’agentivité des personnes handicapées vivant en Suisse en ce qui concerne les stratégies d’adaptation auxquelles elles ont eu recours en réponse aux obstacles à leur participation dans des domaines de la vie tels que l’éducation, la (...)
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    Using corpora for teaching interaction in vocational training of manual professions: example of a digital exercise on the French word “genre”.Anita Rousset Thomas - 2023 - Corpus 24.
    Cet article s’inscrit dans la continuité des études sur l’utilisation des corpus oraux comme ressource didactique en français langue étrangère. Il présente les défis sous-jacents à la construction d’un exercice sous format numérique à partir de l’expression polysémique genre à l’oral. L’exercice a été développé dans le cadre du projet de recherche appliquée DiCoi (Digitalisation – Corpus – Interaction), dont le but est de soutenir le développement de la compétence d’interaction orale de jeunes en formation professionnelle de métiers manuels. L’effet (...)
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    The New Equal Treatment Directive: Plus Ça Change …: Comment on Directive 2002/73/EC of 23 September 2002 Amending Council Directive 76/207/EEC on the Implementation of the Principle of Equal Treatment for Men and Women as Regards Access to Employment, Vocational Training and Promotion, and Working Conditions. [REVIEW]Annick Masselot - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (1):93-104.
    Directive 2002/73 enacted by the Council and Parliament of the European Union introduces substantial and procedural amendments to the European Community's `old' Equal Treatment Directive 76/207, providing, in particular, clarification of the definitions of concepts such as direct and indirect discrimination and harassment. Yet, while the European Commission has praised the progressive nature of the new European legislation, a critical assessment of its provisions reveals some serious shortcomings and a host of missed opportunities. Although the new Directive generally reflects the (...)
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    Insights Into the Factors Influencing Student Motivation in Augmented Reality Learning Experiences in Vocational Education and Training.Jorge Bacca, Silvia Baldiris, Ramon Fabregat & Kinshuk - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:393453.
    Research on Augmented Reality in education has demonstrated that AR applications designed with diverse components boost student motivation in educational settings. However, most of the research conducted to date, does not define exactly what those components are and how these components positively affect student motivation. This study, therefore, attempts to identify some of the components that positively affect student motivation in mobile AR learning experiences to contribute to the design and development of motivational AR learning experiences for the Vocational (...)
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    Professional legitimacy within vocational teacher training pathways – What traces can be found in personal accounts?Sandrine Cortessis & Amélie Deschenaux - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (2):32.
    Dans les formations professionnalisantes enseignantes, on observe un recours de plus en plus fréquent à des dispositifs de formalisation écrite de parcours ou d’expériences personnelles et professionnelles vécues par les enseignant-e-s en formation. C’est dans ce contexte que cette étude exploratoire cherche à identifier, dans des récits d’expérience rédigés par des enseignant-e-s professionnel-le-s dans le cadre de leur formation, ce qui participe dans leur parcours au développement d’un sentiment de légitimité professionnelle.
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    A Private Function: Independent Providers of Vocational Education and Training in Post-War England.Robin Simmons - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (6):765-782.
    This paper focuses on independent training providers (ITPs) – in other words, private companies – as suppliers of vocational education and training in post-war England. Whilst acknowledging the central role of further education (FE) colleges in delivering vocational learning, it draws attention to a large, diverse sector of ITPs operating alongside FE colleges, particularly during the 1960s and 1970s. Data suggest that around 15–20% of vocational learners were enrolled as fee-paying customers with private providers at (...)
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    Big Five Personality Traits Predict Successful Transitions From School to Vocational Education and Training: A Large-Scale Study.Désirée Nießen, Daniel Danner, Marion Spengler & Clemens M. Lechner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:499880.
    Educational transitions play a pivotal role in shaping educational careers, and ultimately social inequality. Whereas parental socioeconomic status (SES) and cognitive ability have long been identified as key determinants of successful educational transitions, much less is known about the role of socio-emotional skills. To address this gap, the present study investigated whether Big Five personality traits predict success in the transition from secondary school to vocational education and training (VET) above and beyond SES, cognitive ability, and other covariates. (...)
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    Re-humanization of vocational education and training in Australia.Cheryl Livock - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (1):63-77.
    Australia is restricted by the academic, social and administrative mechanisms of financialization. Exaggerated critiques about the adequacy of learner-centered approaches to education have been used to support a retrogressive shift from curriculum informed by contemporary educational theories, towards curriculum informed by management theories based on the dehumanizing educational theory of behaviourism. I therefore suggest a return to pre-1987 learning-centered educational theories, which include face-to-face relations, compassion and civility. This call is not new, but it has been largely ignored by powerful (...)
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    “Laying bricks to build integrated career guidance plans”: Best practices in vocational education and training in Andalusia, Spain.Soledad Romero-Rodríguez, Celia Moreno-Morilla & Tania Mateos-Blanco - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Vocational Education and Training policies are paying increasing attention towards the need to develop quality career guidance processes. Career guidance plays an essential role in this challenge by enabling people to develop the career management skills that allow them to become aware of their full potential and to construct life projects that facilitate the emotional management of uncertainty and complexity, participating as responsible agents in their environment. After conducting a literature review on each of these key elements, we (...)
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  22.  33
    Empiricism in vocational education and training.John Halliday - 1996 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 28 (1):40–56.
  23.  29
    Enhancing critical thinking skills and media literacy in initial vocational education and training via self-nudging: The contribution of NERDVET project.Riccardo Sartori, Francesco Tommasi, Andrea Ceschi, Mattia Falser, Silvia Genero & Silvia Belotto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Vocational Education and Training programs are fuelled by technical and practical educational modules. The teaching staff adopts both traditional and innovative pedagogical frameworks to increase the generalization and maintenance of practical skills. At the same time, VET teachers and trainers have a few occasions to promote and include disciplines and educational programs for enhancing students' soft skills, e.g., critical thinking skills and media literacy. Following the European VET framework and literature of the field, CT and ML represent a (...)
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  24.  53
    Research in Vocational Education and Training.Christopher Winch - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (1):53-63.
  25.  9
    Profession philosophe, vocation écrivain: imaginer et créer.Nicolas Poirier - 2022 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    Les vocations sont des chemins que la mémoire trace après-coup pour donner sens au parcours singulier qui nous mène de l'enfance à l'âge adulte. Aux lisières de l'adolescence, je me voyais chauffeur de train ou de taxi, même si je rêvais surtout de devenir journaliste. Je voulais écrire pour raconter ce que je voyais, pour rendre compte d'événements dont j'étais le témoin. L'essentiel était de prendre la route, d'explorer quelque chose qui n'avait été qu'entrevu ou d'en parler d'une manière originale. (...)
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    A Functional Contextualist Approach to Mastery Learning in Vocational Education and Training.Daniel A. Parker & Elizabeth A. Roumell - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Along with technological progress, vocational education and training (VET) is consistently changing. Workforce disruption has serious consequences for workers and international economies, often requiring adults to transition into different occupations or to upskill to maintain employment. We review recent literature covering VET trends, theoretical considerations for the 21st century, and present an approach to workforce training to help workers not only learn necessary skills but also become adaptable to constant change. We suggest a functional contextualist approach to (...)
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    Perspectives on Participation in Continuous Vocational Education Training–An Interview Study.Christin Siegfried & Josephine Berger - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In European industrialized countries, a large number of companies in the healthcare, hotel, and catering sectors, as well as in the technology sector, are affected by demographic, political, and technological developments resulting in a greater need of skilled workers with a simultaneous shortage of skilled workers (CEDEFOP, 2015, 2016). Consequently, employers have to address workers who have not been taken into account such as low-skilled workers, workers returning from a career break, people with a migrant background, older people, and jobseekers (...)
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  28. What Influences Participation in Non-formal and Informal Modes of Continuous Vocational Education and Training? An Analysis of Individual and Institutional Influencing Factors.Julia Lischewski, Susan Seeber, Eveline Wuttke & Therese Rosemann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Participation in further education is a central success factor for economic growth and societal as well as individual development. This is especially true today because in most industrialized countries, labor markets and work processes are changing rapidly. Data on further education, however, show that not everybody participates and that different social groups participate to different degrees. Activities in continuous vocational education and training are mainly differentiated as formal, non-formal and informal CVET, whereby further differences between offers of non-formal (...)
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    On the Effect of Employer Offered Leave of Work on Participation in Continuing Vocational Education and Training – Investigating the Intention-Behavior Relation.Fabian Rüter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The availability of time is a deciding factor for participation of adults in continuing vocational education and training. In view of the importance of time for participation, the present study investigates the impact of employer offered leave of work on employees’ participation behavior in CVET. Leave of work provides a specific timeframe for CVET by enabling the use of working time as learning time. The rationale of the intention-behavior relation as theorized by the theory of planned behavior provides (...)
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    The Acute Effects of Standing on Executive Functioning in Vocational Education and Training Students: The Phit2Learn Study.Petra J. Luteijn, Inge S. M. van der Wurff, Amika S. Singh, Hans H. C. M. Savelberg & Renate H. M. de Groot - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Research suggests that sedentary behavior is negatively associated with cognitive outcomes. Interrupting prolonged sitting has been shown to improve cognitive functions, including executive functioning, which is important for academic performance. No research has been conducted on the effect of standing on EF in VET students, who make up a large proportion of the adolescent population and who are known to sit more than other students of this age. In this study, we investigated the acute effects of reducing SB by short (...)
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  31.  42
    (1 other version)Vocational and Civic Education: Whither British Policy?Christopher Winch - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (4):603-618.
    The current crisis in British VET (Vocational Education and Training) is explained in terms of the decline of opportunities beyond preparation for university for young people after school. The continuing large numbers of ‘NEETS’ (those not in employment, education or training) is but one aspect of this problem: much larger is the decline in good quality VET opportunities for those who do not intend to go to university. A very important element in the problem is a misunderstanding (...)
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    Integrating vocational and general education: a Rudolf Steiner School: case study of the Hibernia School, Herne, Federal Republic of Germany.Georg Rist - 1979 - Hamburg: Unesco Institute for Education. Edited by Peter Schneider.
    Monograph describing the theoretical basis and curriculum development of the hibernia experimental school, combining vocational education with general education and located in the ruhr region of Germany, Federal Republic - in light of rudolf steiner's integrated approach to education, traces its evolution from factory training unit to an integrated comprehensive school, reviews the structure of practical education, and applies pedagogics of steiner's "study of man" to the process of learning. Bibliography pp. 191 to 196 and diagrams.
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    Training Young Killers: How Butcher Education Might Be Damaging Young People.Maša Blaznik - 2018 - Journal of Animal Ethics 8 (2):199-215.
    The job of butcher requires the routinized mass killing of nonhuman animals and has damaging mental health consequences for individuals and negative impacts on society. However, vocational training for butchers is part of many educational systems in the European Union where teenagers can start training from the age 0/15. In this article, I explore the effects of the violent content of this training on young people and its relation to the context of their developmental period—adolescence. In (...)
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    Mind your mindset. An empirical study of mindset in secondary vocational education and training.Jaap Glerum, Sofie M. M. Loyens & Remy M. J. P. Rikers - 2019 - Educational Studies 46 (3):273-281.
    Mindset plays a pivotal role in academic achievement. In particular, a growth mindset is related to academic success. This study explored the role of mindset in Secondary Vocational Education and T...
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    The legitimation of school‐based Bildung in the context of vocational education and training: The legacy of Eduard Spranger.Philipp Gonon - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (3):438-449.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Forming “friendships” with working-class families: social workers and care in the interwar period in France, between vocation and training.Lola Zappi - 2019 - Clio 49:93-113.
    L’objet de cet article est de se demander comment les assistantes sociales de l’entre-deux-guerres envisagent les enjeux de la relation de care qui les lie aux usagers des services sociaux. Les assistantes ont en effet un rôle double : prendre soin des familles populaires mais aussi les surveiller et les contrôler. Comment concilient-elles ces impératifs paradoxaux en cherchant la « bonne distance » avec leur public? Pour répondre à cette question, nous nous tournons vers les archives de la formation professionnelle. (...)
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    Principles and a Philosophy for Vocational Education.Melvin D. Miller - 1984 - National Center for Research in Vocational Education, Ohio State University.
    Discussion of the philosophical principles underlying vocational training and vocational education in the USA - discusses the importance of philosophical concepts educational policy and training policy setting and evaluation; analyses principles relative to people (vocational guidance, work attitudes, etc.), to programme (curriculum development, etc.), and to processes (educational planning, educational research). References.
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    Revisiting the liberal and vocational dimensions of university education.David Carr - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (1):1-17.
    The purposes of higher education in general and of university education in particular have long been subject to controversy. Whereas for some, the main role of universities is to provide professional and vocational education and training and their benefits are to be measured in terms of social or economic utility, their value for others is to be seen more in terms of the liberal development and promotion of certain intrinsically worthwhile qualities of mind and intellect. In this context, (...)
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    Acceptable Masculinities: Working-Class Young Men and Vocational Education and Training Courses.Michael R. M. Ward - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (2):225-242.
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    Decolonizing Vocational Education in Togo: Postcolonial, Deweyan, and Feminist Considerations.Tairou Goura & Deborah L. Seltzer-Kelly - 2013 - Education and Culture 29 (1):46-63.
    In his landmark work, Democracy and Education, John Dewey (1916/1980) proposed that "democracy is more than a form of government; it is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience" (93). Given this, he argued, the role of the system of public education in a democracy must not only facilitate individual development, but do so in a way that simultaneously attends to the larger social good. Preparation for vocation was central to this effort, understood not as narrow technical (...)
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    The Effects of Technological Developments on Work and Their Implications for Continuous Vocational Education and Training: A Systematic Review.Patrick Beer & Regina H. Mulder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Online vs. Classroom Learning: Examining Motivational and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Among Vocational Education and Training Students.Carla Quesada-Pallarès, Angelina Sánchez-Martí, Anna Ciraso-Calí & Pilar Pineda-Herrero - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Vocation and Service Learning.Nathaniel J. Brown, Anji E. Wall & John P. Buerck - 2010 - Teaching Ethics 10 (2):37-46.
    This paper proposes a new definition of vocation that honors the concept’s ancient roots, is consistent with how the term is used in modern contexts, and also expands the concept for greater versatility. We discuss the centrality of service in the concept of vocation locating it as part of the bridge between a student’s core values and their embodiment in community life. The commitment to one’s profession begins before independent status as a practitioner of that profession. It begins in (...) during which service-learning is a laudable and increasingly popular way to connect to the charitable aspects of professionalism. We further discuss how the concept of vocation is especially appropriate in the context of citizenship. Citizenship is a way of belonging to a community. It is a relationship that requires giving and taking. Service-learning is an ideal way to practice good citizenship on a local scale, and prepare future professionals for understanding their communities and commitments morebroadly. We discuss how these concepts are being emphasized in the medical informatics master’s degree program at Saint Louis University through the incorporation of a service-learning module. We describe the module, discussing how it can be applied to curricula at other institutions and modified for inclusion in other types of courses. (shrink)
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    Psychiatry as a vocation: Moral injury, COVID-19, and the phenomenology of clinical practice.Matthew R. Broome, Jamila Rodrigues, Rosa Ritunnano & Clara Humpston - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (2):157-170.
    In this article, we focus on a particular kind of emotional impact of the pandemic, namely the phenomenology of the experience of moral injury in healthcare professionals. Drawing on Weber's reflections in his lecture Politics as a Vocation and data from the Experiences of Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic Survey, we analyse responses from healthcare professionals which show the experiences of burnout, sense of frustration and impotence, and how these affect clinicians’ emotional state. We argue that this may relate (...)
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  45. The Vocation of the Christian Scholar: A Fichtean Analysis.Domenic Marbaniang - 2013 - NATA Journal 3 (1).
    Johann Fichte gave a lecture on The Vocation of the Scholar. The article explores its applicability for the Vocation of the Christian Scholar.
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    The construction of legal professionalism in special education teacher training: The role of the extended relational circle in a professional situation.Cédric Laheyne - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (4):56-71.
    Referring mainly to theories of transformation engineering, this article focuses on an experimental vocational training system bringing together special education teachers in initial training, under apprenticeship contracts and in employment. It uses the issue of the construction of emerging professionalism to analyze the formation of legal skills among educators. This contribution offers a broader vision of the conditions that make this learning possible, pointing to their effects on the feeling of personal effectiveness. The analysis of the traces (...)
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  47. The Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track: Implementation and Challenges.Justino Cesar Arban, Fernando Enad & Asuncion Pabalan - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 26 (1):6-12.
    This study delved into the Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track in Bohol Province for the 2022-2023 school year, aiming to evaluate policy implementation, recognize barriers, and propose interventions. Employing a mixed-method approach, integrating quantitative-descriptive surveys and qualitative-descriptive research methods as recommended by Creswell and Plano Clark (2017), the findings unveiled a predominantly positive perception of policy implementation across various dimensions of the TVL track. These encompass curriculum development, teacher training, resource allocation, industry partnerships, assessment and evaluation, student (...)
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  48. Factors influencing vocational college students’ creativity in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: The group comparison between male and female.Xinchen Niu & Xueshi Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced higher education institutions to shift their teaching activities from traditional face-to-face to online learning. This brings a great challenge to the creativity training of vocational college students, who not only learn theoretical knowledge but also cultivate technical skills. Therefore, it is very important to explore the influencing factors of online learning on students’ creativity during the epidemic. By relying on the related literature review, an extensive model is developed by integrating the expectation confirmation (...)
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  49. Towards a liberal vocational education.Theodore Lewis - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 31 (3):477–489.
    This essay takes up the issue of the impact of technology on jobs in modern workplaces, and the curricular challenges thereby engendered for vocational educators. Conceptions of the nature of workplaces are examined, along with conceptions of the types of skill needed. It is proposed that distinction be made between vocational education at the secondary school, and that beyond. At the secondary school, vocational education would be education about work, and the goal would be vocational literacy. (...)
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  50.  14
    (actor-net) Working Bodies and Representations: Tales from a Training Field.Dianne Mulcahy - 1999 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 24 (1):80-104.
    This article seeks to locate the body and embodiment more centrally among the concerns of actor-network theory by exploring working bodies. Using a newly introduced national system of vocational training as an exemplary case, it explores the tension between representations of skilled human bodies—‘competencies’—as given to trainers and the ways in which these representations are incorporated into their everyday practice. Vocational training has had a long struggle with the apparent separability of subject and object—between what can (...)
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