Results for 'women’s suffrage'

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  1. Women's Suffrage in Victoria.Dianne Gardiner - 2010 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 45 (4):54.
  2. No Laughing Matter: John Stuart Mill's Establishment of Women's Suffrage as a Parliamentary Question: Ann Robson.Ann Robson - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (1):88-101.
    Of all my recollections connected with the H of C that of my having had the honour of being the first to make the claim of women to the suffrage a parliamentary question, is the most gratifying as I believe it to have been the most important public service that circumstances made it in my power to render. This is now a thing accomplished.….
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    [Book review] women's suffrage and social politics in the French third republic. [REVIEW]Steven C. Hause & Anne R. Kenney - 1989 - Feminist Studies 15.
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    Winning the vote in the west: The political successes of the women's suffrage movements, 1866-1919.Karen E. Campbell & Holly J. Mccammon - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (1):55-82.
    When Congress passed the 19th Amendment in 1919 granting women voting rights, 13 western states had already adopted woman suffrage. Only 2 states outside the West had done so. Using event history analysis, the authors investigate why woman suffrage came early to the western states. Alan Grimes's hypotheses, that native-born, western men were willing to give women the vote to remedy western social problems and to increase the number of women in the region, receive little support in our (...)
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    Review [review of Leslie Parker Hume, The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, 1897-1914 ].Richard A. Rempel - 1983 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 3 (2):189-189.
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    "One Hand Tied behind Us": The Rise of the Women's Suffrage MovementFeminism and Suffrage: The Emergence of an Independent Women's Movement in America.Christine Stansell, Jill Liddington, Jill Norris & Ellen Carol DuBois - 1980 - Feminist Studies 6 (1):65.
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    Women, Nature, and the Suffrage:Feminism and Suffrage: The Emergence of an Independent Women's Movement in America 1848-1869. Ellen Carol DuBois; Separate Spheres: The Opposition to Women's Suffrage in Britain. Brian Harrison. [REVIEW]Carole Pateman - 1980 - Ethics 90 (4):564-.
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    A Matter of Debate or Just a Misunderstanding? Woman's Suffrage and the Ambivalence of Writing.Daniel Nichanian - 2016 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (4):500-523.
    In the wake of the Civil War, women’s suffrage activists hoped that the U.S. Congress would meet their demand for enfranchisement. But not only did the Fourteenth Amendment, first introduced in 1865, leave that out, but it introduced an explicit mention of sex into the Constitution for the first time by referring to the rights of “male citizens.” When efforts to change the amendment’s language failed, some within the suffrage movement publicly opposed its ratification. Tensions mounted further (...)
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    Feminism and Suffrage the Emergence of an Independent Women's Movement in America, 1848-1869.Carole Pateman - 1978
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    Myriam Boussahba-Bravard (ed.), Suffrage Outside Suffragism: Women’s Vote in Britain, 1880-1914.Karen Offen - 2008 - Clio 28:285-285.
    C’est toujours une joie de découvrir l’existence d’un réseau transnational. Dans ce cas précis, il s’agit d’un réseau de spécialistes en France et Outre-Manche travaillant sur l’histoire politique et institutionnelle des femmes britanniques. Ils ont produit un livre de qualité : en plus de l’éditrice du volume, les auteurs comptent Pat Thane, Lori Maguire, Linda Walker, Julia Bush, Gillian Scott, June Hannam, Philippe Vervaecke, Susan Trouvé-Finding et Lucy Delap. Neuf articles excellents sui...
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    “Gandhi’s Encounter with the British Suffrage Movement: Lessons Learned".Gail M. Presbey - 2022 - In Veena Howard & Falon Kartch (eds.), Gandhi's Global Legacy: Moral Methods and Modern Challenges. Lexington Books / Rowman and Littlefield. pp. 87-106.
    Most accounts of the influences on Gandhi's philosophy and tactics of nonviolent action do not give enough credit to the role that women in the British suffrage movement played in inspiring and guiding him. The article explains how, despite his specifically mentioning on occasion that he is NOT copying their tactics, he actually does repeat many of them in his 1913 satyagraha campaign in South Africa. And on many occasions he does credit them with inspiring him and his movement. (...)
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    Celebrate Suffrage.Patricia Beattie Jung - 2020 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 40 (2):205-220.
    2020 marks 100 years of women’s suffrage in the U.S. Considering this anniversary and the Christian presumption in favor of democracy, this essay invites readers to honor all those who worked for women’s suffrage in two specific ways. First, it invites them to tell the whole truth about the movement, both its many moments of grace and its moral failures. Second, it encourages readers to make the connection between this ambiguous legacy and ongoing forms of voter (...)
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    Sex, Suffrage, and Marriage: Russell and Feminism.Allauren Samantha Forbes - 2024 - In Landon D. C. Elkind & Alexander Mugar Klein (eds.), Bertrand Russell, Feminism, and Women Philosophers in his Circle. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 83-113.
    The question of Russell’s engagement with feminist ideas of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century is helpfully illuminated, I argue, by comparison to some of his feminist contemporaries—namely, Victoria Claflin Woodhull (1838–1927) and Emma Goldman (1869–1940). Like Woodhull and Goldman, Russell argues for women’s right to vote, a new sexual ethic, and a significant revision to marriage. These are paradigmatic feminist projects, and so would seem to suggest that Russell, particularly within Marriage and Morals, has significant philosophical overlap (...)
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  14.  16
    Julia Bush, Women Against the Vote: Female Anti-Suffragism in Britain.Myriam Boussahba-Bravard - 2009 - Clio 29.
    Le travail de recherche de Julia Bush s’inscrit dans le champ encore négligé de l’histoire des femmes conservatrices, impérialistes et anti-suffragistes. Après Edwardian Ladies and Imperial Power (2000), ses contributions aux revues Women’s History Review (2002), History of Education (2005) et à l’ouvrage collectif Suffrage Outside Suffragism (2007) ont anticipé son dernier livre Women Against the Vote. Les histoires modernes du suffragisme ignorent trop souvent les anti-suffragistes engagées...
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    Suffrage Art and Feminism.Alice Sheppard - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (2):122 - 136.
    Suffrage graphics constitute one of the first collective, ideological, artistic expressions by American women. Premised on the popular view of woman's nature as virtuous, responsible, and nurturant, this art nonetheless challenged traditional practices and demanded political change. Interrelationships between feminism, art, and the historical context are explored in this analysis of women's imagery.
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    Development of Women's Rights in Lithuania: Recognition of Women Political Rights.Toma Birmontienė & Virginija Jurėnienė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 116 (2):23-44.
    The article discusses the problems of development of women’s political rights in Lithuania in the legal historical aspect starting from the 16th century, when some property and individual rights were enshrined in the first codifications of the laws of the Great Duchy of Lithuania. The aim of the article is to show that women’s struggle for political equality and suffrage at the end of the 19th and at the turn of the 20th century correlates with the movement (...)
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    A Defense of the Late Nineteenth Century White Suffrage Activists of Australia, New Zealand and Colorado.Theodora-Eliza Vacarescu - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (6):73-88.
    This paper addresses the history of late nineteenth century women’s suffrage and the history of the women involved in the struggle for female enfranchisement of Australia, New Zealand, and Colorado, which have recently been the target of fervent postcolonial criticism. The paper will attempt to defend the efforts of white suffragists by deconstructing the groundlessness and, occasion- ally, the falseness of postcolonial criticism.
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    Conflicting Interests: The British and Irish Suffrage Movements.Margaret Ward - 1995 - Feminist Review 50 (1):127-147.
    This article uses a case-study of the relationship between the British suffrage organization, the Women's Social and Political Union, and its equivalent on the Irish side, the Irish Women's Franchise League, in order to illuminate some consequences of the colonial relationship between Britain and Ireland. As political power was located within the British state, and the British feminist movement enjoyed superior resources, the Irish movement was at a disadvantage. This was compounded by serious internal divisions within the Irish movement (...)
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    Florence Nightingale and the Women's Movement: Friend or foe?Lynne M. Hektor - 1994 - Nursing Inquiry 1 (1):38-45.
    The historical analysis of the complex and often contradictory views of Florence Nightingale regarding the rights of women is explored in this paper. Feminism and nursing are often viewed as contradictory and antithetical. The relationship between the two is examined through the link between Florence Nightingale and her contemporary, Barbara Leigh‐Smith Bodichon. Leigh‐Smith was founder and primary financier of The English Women's Journal that provided a public platform for the major feminist writings of the period. Its offices in Langham Place (...)
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    An uneven introduction to many forgotten women scientists, studded with many interesting facts: Patricia Fara: A lab of one’s own: science and suffrage in the First World War. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018, 304pp, US$24.95 HB.Naomi Pasachoff - 2018 - Metascience 28 (1):105-110.
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    Seeing Through Spectacles: The Woman Suffrage Movement and London Newspapers, 1906–13.Katherine E. Kelly - 2004 - European Journal of Women's Studies 11 (3):327-353.
    Between 1906 and 1914, the Woman Suffrage Movement in London produced aseries of public spectacles designed to bring the suffrage cause to the attention of politicians and citizens. During this same period, daily newspapers designed for mass reading surpassed in sales the older, class-based newspapers. A survey of stories and photographs published in the mass pressreveals how the press and the movement collaborated in bringing to readersa new sense of urban life as restless, dynamic and forward moving. Catering (...)
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  22.  36
    Women's Movements in America: Their Successes, Disappointments, and Aspirations.Rita James Simon & Gloria Danziger - 1991 - Praeger.
    This work is a survey of the efforts through which women have changed their place in American society from the nation's founding to the present. Examining the historical struggle for suffrage, legal and property rights, and rights in the work place, the authors show how these experiences have shaped a contemporary movement for economic, political, and social equality that has become increasingly independent and less and less likely to place women's issues second to other national concerns. The authors recount (...)
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    Paradoxes of Democratic Progress in Kuwait: The Case of the Kuwaiti Women's Rights Movement.Mary Ann Tétreault & Doron Shultziner - 2011 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 7 (2).
    This paper analyzes the struggle for women’s suffrage in Kuwait to determine how and why it was successful. The research highlights two paradoxical findings: first, democratic progress occurred despite the pacifying and hindering effects of modernization; second, it was supported more strongly and effectively by Kuwait's autocratic executive than the democratically elected Kuwaiti parliament. We delineate two psychological factors that were connected to the climax of the struggle as they were experienced and acted upon by a relatively small number (...)
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    Beyond Women’s Voices: Towards a Victim-Survivor-Centred Theory of Listening in Law Reform on Violence Against Women.Sarah Ailwood, Rachel Loney-Howes, Nan Seuffert & Cassandra Sharp - 2022 - Feminist Legal Studies 31 (2):217-241.
    Australia is witnessing a political, social and cultural renaissance of public debate regarding violence against women, particularly in relation to domestic and family violence (DFV), sexual assault and sexual harassment. Women's voices calling for law reform are central to that renaissance, as they have been to feminist law reform dating back to nineteenth-century campaigns for property and suffrage rights. Although feminist research has explored women’s voices, speaking out and storytelling to highlight the exclusions and limitations of the legal (...)
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    Indigenous Women’s Political Participation: Gendered Labor and Collective Rights Paradigms in Mexico.Holly Worthen - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (6):914-936.
    In Latin America, rights to local political participation in many indigenous communities are not simply granted, but rather “earned” through acts of labor for the community. This is the case in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, where almost three-fourths of municipalities elect municipal authorities through custom and tradition rather than secret ballot and universal suffrage. The alarmingly low rate of women’s formal participation in these municipalities has garnered attention from policymakers, provoking a series of legislative reforms designed to (...)
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    Women as Australian Citizens: Underlying Histories.Patricia M. Crawford, Philippa Crawford & Philippa C. Maddern - 2001 - Melbourne University.
    Academic examination of the role of women as Australian citizens. Asks what it means to be a woman citizen in Australia today. Questions male domination of Australian public political life. Examines the histories of citizenship for Australian women of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, showing how gender has been central to the construction of citizenship. Demonstrates how the masculinisation of citizenship has marginalised women's activities as citizens. Includes notes, select bibliography, notes on contributors and index. Editors both teach history at (...)
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    “One injustice can never become a legitimate reason to commit another”: Condorcet, women’s political rights, and social reform during the French Revolution (1789–1795). [REVIEW]Guillaume Ansart - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (2):249-266.
    Writing around the time of the French Revolution, Condorcet was a very early advocate of women’s suffrage. To fully appreciate the importance and originality of his contribution to the cause of women’s political rights, it is necessary to situate his ideas within the broad context of revolutionary feminist activism in general, its goals, modes of expression, successes or failures, as well as the nature of the opposition it faced. Such contextualization confirms that Condorcet, whose affirmation of (...) voting rights was grounded in the theory of natural rights, was the most articulate and consistent feminist voice during the Revolution. My analysis of the Convention’s decision to ban all women’s political clubs in the fall of 1793 also calls into question a common and influential assessment of the Revolution. In contrast to the anti-feminist arguments of the Montagnards who wielded power at the time, arguments predicated on a restrictive understanding of natural law, Condorcet’s earlier feminist reasoning based on natural rights, one of the central political concepts of the Enlightenment, casts doubt on the claim that the Revolution was inherently misogynist and that the bourgeois public sphere to which it gave rise was founded on the exclusion of women. (shrink)
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    Civil Liberty: 1954.David Schmidtz & Jason Brennan - 2010 - In David Schmidtz & Jason Brennan (eds.), Brief History of Liberty. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 169–207.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Must Liberty and Equality Come Apart? Freedom of Conscience Self‐Ownership and Universal Suffrage Slavery Women's Rights The Cold War Thurgood Marshall Discussion Acknowledgments.
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    The Pragmatic Force of Making an Argument.Jean Goodwin & Beth Innocenti - 2019 - Topoi 38 (4):669-680.
    Making arguments makes reasons apparent. Sometimes those reasons may affect audiences’ relationships to claims (e.g., accept, adhere). But an over-emphasis on audience effects encouraged by functionalist theories of argumentation distracts attention from other things that making arguments can accomplish. We advance the normative pragmatic program on argumentation through two case studies of how early advocates for women’s suffrage in the U.S. made reasons apparent in order to show that what they were doing wasn’t ridiculous. While it might be (...)
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    Working-Class Women and Republicanism in the French Revolution of 1848.Judith DeGroat - 2012 - History of European Ideas 38 (3):399-407.
    Following the February Revolution in 1848, working-class women as well as men attempted to hold the government to its promise of the right to work, through street demonstrations, individual and collective demands for work, and participation in the national workshops that had been established in an attempt to address the problem of unemployment in the capital. In the process, these activists articulated what scholars have labelled as a democratic socialist vision of republicanism. In June of 1848, women participated in the (...)
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    Striving for autonomy and feminism: What possibilities for Saudi Women?Zahia Smail Salhi - 2024 - Diogenes 65 (2):251-263.
    Caught in a web of cultural and religious conservatism, a totalitarian government that does not permit any form of civil society organisation, it is hardly surprising to note that before 1991 Saudi women could not mobilise in a movement to demand their confiscated rights. Until very recently, Saudi women were deprived of suffrage rights, freedom of movement, and the right to own their bodies and act freely without the consent of their male guardians. This article traces Saudi women’s (...)
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    A Working Definition of Moral Progress.Jeremy Evans - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (1):75-92.
    Essentially everyone agrees that the outlawing of slavery, or the beginning of women’s suffrage, or the defeat of Nazism constitute paradigmatic examples of moral progress in human history. But this consensus belies a deep division about the nature of moral progress more generally, a consequence of the foundational differences among and within normative traditions regarding the nature and scope of the ‘moral’ in moral progress. This essay proposes that philosophers might nonetheless converge on a working definition of moral (...)
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    Mill in Parliament: The View from the Comic Papers: John M. Robson.John M. Robson - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (1):102-143.
    So, on 22 July 1865, under the title ‘Philosophy and Punch’, did England's premier comic weekly greet the election of J. S. Mill as MP for Westminster. Mill held his seat for only one term, until the general election of 1868, when his Whig-Liberal colleague Robert Wellesley Grosvenor was re-elected, but Mill was replaced by the loser in 1865, the Conservative W. H. Smith, Jr., who, though he never went to sea, became the ruler of the Queen's navy. The reasons (...)
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    The Grounding of Modern Feminism.Laurie Shrage - 1987 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Examines changes in the women's movement in the twenty years following women's suffrage, and describes the complex issues of that period.
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    Fidelity to Truth: Gandhi and the Genealogy of Civil Disobedience.Alexander Livingston - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (4):511-536.
    Mohandas Gandhi is civil disobedience’s most original theorist and most influential mythmaker. As a newspaper editor in South Africa, he chronicled his experiments with satyagraha by drawing parallels to ennobling historical precedents. Most enduring of these were Socrates and Henry David Thoreau. The genealogy Gandhi invented in these years has become a cornerstone of contemporary liberal narratives of civil disobedience as a continuous tradition of conscientious appeal ranging from Socrates to King to Rawls. One consequence of this contemporary canonization of (...)
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    John Stuart Mill: Victorian firebrand.Richard Reeves - 2007 - London: Atlantic Books.
    The definitive life of John Stuart Mill, one of the heroic giants of Victorian England Richard Reeves' sparkling new biography can be read as an attempt to do justice to this eminent thinker, and it succeeds triumphantly. He reveals Mill as a man of action--a philosopher and radical MP who profoundly shaped Victorian society and whose thinking continues to illuminate our own. The product of an extraordinary and unique education, Mill would become in time the most significant English thinker of (...)
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    Spreading the word: The “woman question” in the periodicals a voz feminina and O progresso.Cláudia Pazos-Alonso - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):61-75.
    This article considers for the first time the progressive Portuguese periodicals A Voz Feminina and O Progresso from a transnational perspective, with particular reference to contemporary debates about women’s suffrage in England as well as the wider emergence of transnational women’s networks around that time. It discusses the epistolary contact of the Principal Editor, Francisca Wood, with key radical figures such as Lydia Becker in England, Marie Goegg in Switzerland and André Léo in France, through an analysis (...)
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  38. Gender, Metaphor and the State.Marian Sawer - 1996 - Feminist Review 52 (1):118-134.
    The neo-liberal upsurge of the last twenty years and the neo-liberal case against the welfare state has gained much of its emotional force from a sub-text which is highly gendered. Whereas social liberalism had contained the promise of more autonomy within the private sphere and more caring values in the public sphere, neo-liberalism depicts the results of social liberalism as a loss of self reliance – through ‘over-protection’ by the state in the public sphere and usurpation of male roles in (...)
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    Bertrand Russell: The False Consciousness of a Feminist.Brian Harrison - 1984 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 4 (1):157.
    Russell is set into the overall context of male contributions to british feminism. first it is shown that he devoted much time, political sophistication and commitment to campaigning for women's suffrage before 1914. second, that his lifelong contribution to british feminism is rationalistic, courageous, and highly progressive. third, that in his relationships with women (including his wives), he continues to display anti-feminist attitudes and, still more, anti-feminist conduct.
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    Liberal irony, rhetoric, and feminist thought: A unifying third wave feminist theory.Valerie R. Renegar & Stacey K. Sowards - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (4):330-352.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.4 (2003) 330-352 [Access article in PDF] Liberal Irony, Rhetoric, and Feminist Thought: A Unifying Third Wave Feminist Theory Valerie R. Renegar School of Communication San Diego State University Stacey K. Sowards Department of Communication Studies California State University, San Bernardino The meanings of a feminist movement and feminism have changed significantly over the past hundred years. From the women's suffrage movement, to the Supreme (...)
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    The Music Between Us”: Ethel Smyth, Emmeline Pankhurst, and “Possession.Rachel Lumsden - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (2):335-370.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 41, no. 2. © 2015 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 335 Rachel Lumsden “The Music Between Us”: Ethel Smyth, Emmeline Pankhurst, and “Possession” But limelight is bad for me: the light in which I work best is twilight. —Virginia Woolf to Ethel Smyth1 There are few composers who seemed to seek the glow of public limelight more than Dame Ethel Smyth (1858–1944). Smyth fearlessly forged a career for (...)
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    Ordinary Democratization: The Electoral Strategy That Won British Women the Vote.Dawn Langan Teele - 2014 - Politics and Society 42 (4):537-561.
    Were women agents of their own political emancipation or did politicians preemptively grant rights to them in a bid for electoral success? This article claims that both electoral politics and the ordinary strategies of women’s movements explain the timing of female suffrage. Drawing on archival evidence from the United Kingdom, I show how in an electoral environment where the incumbent Liberals saw disadvantage to reform, an enterprising group of Liberal suffragists formed a pact with the Labour party, trading (...)
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    Engaging in a Cover-Up: the “Deep Morality” of War.Jennifer Kling - 2019 - In Pacifism, Politics, and Feminism: Intersections and Innovations. The Netherlands: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 96-116.
    This chapter examines whether, as Jeff McMahan argues, we should not integrate what he refers to as the “deep morality” of war into our military and international public policies and laws, because of the possible negative consequences of doing so. On the basis of feminist epistemology, I argue that McMahan is wrong to think that publicizing and legalizing the deep morality of war will have the negative consequences that he claims. Through a comparison with the Women's Suffrage Movement in (...)
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    Chinese Girl Wants Vote.Grace Li - 2020 - Constellations 11 (2).
    American suffrage history is dominated by white suffragettes; however, this essay aims to bring to light another vibrant dimension of the American women’s suffrage movement. Mabel Ping-Hua Lee turned tides when she marched horseback at a women’s suffrage parade at the age of sixteen, and further entrenched herself as a prominent Asian-American suffragette as she continued to fight for women’s suffrage throughout her lifetime, although the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 barred her and (...)
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    Banners, Banter and Boys: Feminism and Historical Distortion in Iron Jawed Angels.Julia Stanski - 2022 - Constellations 13 (1&2).
    This paper investigates the relationship between the 2004 film Iron Jawed Angels and the historic events and figures it purports to represent. As a major film on the national women’s suffrage movement in the US, Iron Jawed Angels had great potential in terms of educating viewers on the lives and accomplishments of America’s suffragists. However, this paper argues that in modifying the character and story of activist Alice Paul to appeal to female, conservative, and American audiences, the movie (...)
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    A few laced genes: women's standpoint in the feminist ancestry of Dorothy E. Smith.Deirdre Smythe - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (2):22-57.
    This article looks at the feminist activism of particular women in the ancestry of the eminent Canadian sociologist, Dorothy E. Smith, and at the archival data that confirm the traces of their influence found in her theory-building. Using the method of interpretative historical sociology and a conceptual framework drawn from Marx called the `productive forces', the article examines the feminist theology of her Quaker ancestor, Margaret Fell, and the militant suffrage activism of her mother and her grandmother, Dorothy Foster (...)
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    Wollstonecraft and rights.Susan James - unknown
    Event synopsis: The Society for Women in Philosophy, Ireland, in conjunction with UK Society for Women in Philosophy, are hosting their first joint conference. The conference aims to explore the broad theme of Politics and Women across philosophical traditions. 2012 marks the 90th anniversary of full women's suffrage in Ireland when all women over 21 were given the right to vote. Even so only around 15% of Irish politicians are women. In recognition of the continuing disparity between the promise (...)
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    La purezza perduta. Il sociale nei femminismi otto-novecenteschi.Paola Persano - 2016 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 28 (54).
    ‘Social Purity’ appears in a part of the French and Anglo-Saxon nineteenth-twentieth century’s feminisms, as a mean for many claims: from the full recognition of sexual difference in Hubertine Auclert’s social and ‘differentialist’ republicanism in France to Josephine Butler’s refusal of any purity imposed from above in England, until the absolute turn of the idea of women’s moral superiority and the equal and opposite force to the final exit from ‘the social’ by the American ‘New Womanism’, individualizing and de-feminizing (...)
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    Justice for All Without Exception: Julia Ward Howe's 1886 Lecture “The Position of Women in Plato's Republic”.Mary Townsend - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (1):145-171.
    Julia Ward Howe, author of the lyrics to “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” remains known as a poet, abolitionist, and founding member of the antiracist organization American Woman Suffrage Association, but her work on political philosophy and her foundational sense of the necessity for justice and suffrage for all without exception are still unexplored. Howe's speech, “The Position of Women in Plato's Republic” provides a window into the philosophy that shaped the second half of her life and (...)
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  50. Tyrannized Childhood of the Liberator-Philosopher: J. S. Mill and Poetry as Second Childhood.Joshua M. Hall - 2016 - In Brock Bahler & David Kennedy (eds.), Philosophy of Childhood Today: Exploring the Boundaries. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 117-132.
    In this chapter, I will explore the intersection of philosophy and childhood through the intriguing case study of J. S. Mill, who was almost completely denied a childhood—in the nineteenth-century sense of a qualitatively distinct period inclusive of greater play, imaginative freedom, flexibility, and education. For his part, Mill’s lack of such a childhood was the direct result of his father, James Mill (economic theorist and early proponent of Utilitarianism), who in a letter to Jeremy Bentham explicitly formulates a plan (...)
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