Results for 'zozobra'

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  1.  33
    The Phenomenology of Zozobra: Mexican and Latinx Philosophers on (Not) Being at Home in the World.Francisco Gallegos - 2023 - In Patrick Londen, Jeffrey Yoshimi & Philip Walsh (eds.), Horizons of Phenomenology: Essays on the State of the Field and Its Applications. Springer Verlag. pp. 211-230.
    This chapter discusses some contributions that Mexican and Latinx phenomenologists have made to the critical phenomenology of home, i.e., the experience of “being at home in the world”—an experience that has always been both deeply cherished and bitterly contested. Tracing a line of thought that runs from the work of two Mexican phenomenologists in the 1940s and 1950s (Jorge Portilla and Emilio Uranga) to the work of two contemporary Latinx phenomenologists in the U.S. (Gloria Anzaldúa and Mariana Ortega), we find (...)
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  2. Surviving Social Disintegration: Jorge Portilla on the phenomenology of zozobra.Francisco Gallegos - 2018 - APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 2 (17):3-6.
    ​In the wake of the extremely divisive 2016 presidential election, many US Americans are feeling deeply unsettled by the sense that the basic norms that govern life in our society are in a state of flux. How might we best describe and analyze the experience of living in a society that is so divided, a society whose very normative structure seems to be disintegrating? What problematic behaviors might arise in this situation? And how might we continue to work for positive (...)
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    Mexican philosophy for the 21st Century: relajo, zozobra, and other frameworks for understanding our world.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Introduction: Mexican Philosophy: What Is It and Why It Matters -- Relajo -- Nepantla -- Zozobra -- Corazonada -- Tik -- Figure of the World -- Mexistentialism.
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    Feeling disoriented by the election, pandemic and everything else? It’s called ‘zozobra,’ and Mexican philosophers have some advice.Carlos Sanchez - unknown
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    Formulating Metaphysical Contexts in Mexican and Spanish Philosophy.Amy A. Oliver - 2023 - Journal of World Philosophies 7 (2).
    Leopoldo Zea of Mexico and Miguel de Unamuno of Spain are two exemplary philosophers in twentieth-century transatlantic Hispanism. In this article, these thinkers are put in conversation to explore their contrasting orientations toward existence, which reveal both the breadth of modern Hispanic thought and the benefit of Emilio Uranga’s concept of zozobra, in this case applied by holding in tension the differing approaches of Zea and Unamuno rather than choosing one over the other.
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    Sobre la soberbia y otros escritos políticos.Miguel de Unamuno - 2020 - Madrid: Sequitur.
    En momentos de zozobra y duda, de torpeza y desengaño, como los que corren, puede convenir volver la vista atrás e indagar en tiempos pasados de parecido tenor. Fijarse en épocas, como las que siguieron al malhadado 1898, de derrotas interiorizadas e inciertos mimbres de futuro, para vislumbrar propuestas críticas, reflexivas, como las que, a principios del siglo XX, hizo Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) arremetiendo contra los muchos extraños moradores de la política: la soberbia, el fulanismo o la ramplonería, (...)
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  7.  46
    Towards a Phenomenology of Undocumented Immigrant Reason.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2022 - Puncta 5 (3):60-71.
    I offer a phenomenological description of undocumented immigrant reason, provisionally understood as a sort of historical reason grounded on undocumented immigrant life. That is, the categories of undocumented immigrant reason are resources for undocumented immigrant existence and are inscribed in the historical memory of immigration (they are shared and communal), accessed by immigrants in stories, anecdotes, and interpersonal trauma. Abstracting from personal experience, testimony, popular culture, and elsewhere, I propose a fragmentary list of these categories of undocumented immigrant reason, a (...)
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    Sueños de un dios en celestial deriva.Evelio Moreno Chumillas - 2009 - Astrolabio 8:49-78.
    El mito platónico de Prometeo, con el robo del fuego a los dioses, simboliza el despegue del más apasionante reto de la Humanidad, la aventura del conocimiento. Dédalo con sus ingenios persiguió en vano la estela; y el rapto de Europa por Zeus, no en su vertiente ortodoxa, sino tal como lo representa Bayros, clausura un periplo en pos del bienestar que hoy se muestra tan esperanzador como amenazante. Cuando estamos a punto de realizar el imperativo de Francis Bacon dominando (...)
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    Oveja negra, cordero blanco. La creación de lana para teñir por selección artificial de la oveja doméstica.Víctor Manuel Díaz Núñez de Arenas & Juan José Negro - 2023 - Arbor 199 (807):a696.
    La oveja (Ovis aries) es el primer animal domesticado para consumo en un hito histórico que marca el inicio de la sedentarización de las comunidades humanas al comienzo del Neolítico. Durante milenios, fueron semejantes al muflón asiático (Ovis orientalis), su ancestro salvaje. Las razas primitivas supervivientes en el norte de Europa son oscuras, mudan el pelo estacionalmente, tienen cuernos en ambos sexos y apenas producen lana. Los ancestros de las modernas surgieron hace unos 3.500 años. Se seleccionaron para producir lana (...)
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  10. A Revised Existentialist Look at the Americans.Juan Carlos Gonzalez - 2023 - Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):36-51.
    Typically, existentialist analyses of “America” have been limited to North America (more specifically, the United States). I argue that developing an adequate framework for existentially analyzing America requires a turn to Mexican existentialism. In Emilio Uranga’s and Jorge Portilla’s writings, we discover new conceptual tools for understanding Americanness as such. These thinkers help us imagine an account of American being that does not restrict itself to the United States by using the concepts of existentialism to describe the crises their neighbors (...)
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    Accidentality? Thinking Alongside Mexican Existentialists.Carlos Alberto Sánchez, I. I. I. Roberto A. Carleo, Gregory E. Doukas & Imogen M. Sullivan - 2025 - Journal of World Philosophies 9 (2).
    _In this symposium, Roberto A. Carleo III, Gregory Doukas and Imogen M. Sullivan think alongside Carlos Alberto Sánchez about the contingency of human existence as it is understood in Mexican existentialism. They ask: Should the notion of a metaphysical substance be discarded altogether due to its misuse in the history of European philosophy? Or are there philosophical reasons to avoid ontological uncertainty by, for example, postulating the notion of a non-discrete substance? And if attempts to define human substantiality merely seek (...)
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