  1. 應該不只有一種公共健康倫理.國斌 程 - 2024 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 22 (2):137-143.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. Professor Cong Yali’s paper precisely describes the central contradiction in contemporary public health ethics, which is related to the difference between individual liberalism and communitarianism. However, it fails to critique the root cause of this contradiction—the modernity that is the basis of public health’s construction. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine and philosophy, it is possible to develop a cognitive approach to human public health that is entirely distinct (...)
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  2. “仁術”概念與“仁”的價值實現——醫用護理機器人倫理設計反思.子瑜 陳 & 國斌 程 - 2024 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 22 (1):13-31.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 當前醫用護理機器人的倫理設計存在現實局限,而“仁術”概念則能為突破這些局限提供新的思路。在“仁術”概念中,“仁”是“仁術”得以存在的根源,並決定了“術”作為“仁術”的價值指向,而在現實實踐中不斷擴充的 “仁”也意味著“仁術”最終會成為更高層面的“仁政”。“仁術”概念對醫用護理機器人倫理設計的啟示是:倫理設計的目標應當以價值為優先,在關注醫護工作者具體專業實錢的同時,也應兼顧面向社會成員的公共衛生事業 。 The ethical design of healthcare robots has practical limitations in current design practice, but these can be addressed by the concept of “benevolence.” The value orientation of “art” can be regarded as benevolence, as the meaning of the concept is constantly expanding in practice. Benevolence can eventually attain the higher level of “benevolent government.” The concept of benevolence can inform the ethical design of healthcare robots. Ethical design should (...)
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    重審中醫瘟疫理論在當代疫情危機中的認知價值和倫理效應.國斌 程 - 2023 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 21 (1):7-23.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 在對中國古代瘟疫理論和公共衛生的研究中,往往認為傳統中醫學的傳染觀念和瘟疫理論不夠"科學”和"精准”,在公共衛生和社會防疫等中觀維度上無法發揮積極作用。但中醫學瘟疫理論,將疫情描述為彌漫性環境風險與人 類活動相互作用的動態圖景,不僅具有在特定社會歷史環境和時人認知觀念背景下的時代合理性,相較於現代傳染病學"傳染鏈”的線性分析模型,對當今疫情也能夠給出一個更具整體性的風險認知模型,具有不可替代的價值。 更重要的是,古典瘟疫理論有助於打破傳染鏈交織迭加成群體流行的線性思維所帶來的道德難題,為促成全人類肩並肩面對風險、共同承擔責任與持續性協同抗疫的價值目標,提供一個基於中國文化傳統的論證依據。 In the study of concepts developed in the context of public health management in ancient China, the notion of infectiousness and plague theories in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) are often perceived to have little significance to epidemic prevention and public health today because they are viewed as “unscientific.” This paper, however, argues that the doctrine of yinqi (the epidemic qi) and the concept of infectiousness in TCM present a (...)
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