Correlations with: AOS:General Philosophy of Science
N = 931 (target faculty). Cut-off = +/-0.05
n < 10 omitted. Some redundant or trivial correlations are not shown.
Jump to: Main Survey questions | Philosophical orientation | Background questions
Main Survey questions
Answer |
Corrrelation coefficient |
Knowledge:empiricism | 0.181 |
empiricism |
rationalism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 919 p-value: < 0.001
Meta-ethics:moral anti-realism | 0.141 |
moral anti-realism |
moral realism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 896 p-value: < 0.001
Mind:physicalism | 0.129 |
non-physicalism |
physicalism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 918 p-value: < 0.001
not Moral judgment:cognitivism | 0.126 |
cognitivism |
non-cognitivism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 875 p-value: < 0.001
Time:B-theory | 0.123 |
A-theory |
B-theory |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 583 p-value: 0.002
Normative ethics:consequentialism | 0.115 |
consequentialism |
not consequentialism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.001
Personal identity:biological view | 0.109 |
biological view |
not biological view |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 813 p-value: 0.001
Abstract objects:nominalism | 0.109 |
Platonism |
nominalism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 894 p-value: 0.001
Metaphilosophy:naturalism | 0.102 |
naturalism |
non-naturalism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 855 p-value: 0.002
A priori knowledge:no | 0.099 |
no |
yes |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 918 p-value: 0.002
Laws of nature:Humean | 0.092 |
Humean |
non-Humean |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 864 p-value: 0.006
Perceptual experience:representationalism | 0.08 |
representationalism |
not representationalism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 716 p-value: 0.032
God:atheism | 0.079 |
theism |
atheism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 917 p-value: 0.016
Science:scientific anti-realism | 0.076 |
scientific realism |
scientific anti-realism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 906 p-value: 0.022
Epistemic justification:externalism | 0.071 |
internalism |
externalism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 868 p-value: 0.036
Knowledge claims:relativism | 0.07 |
relativism |
not relativism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.047
not Free will:libertarianism | 0.069 |
libertarianism |
not libertarianism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 899 p-value: 0.038
Zombies:conceivable but not metaphysically possible | 0.066 |
conceivable but not metaphysically possible |
not conceivable but not metaphysically possible |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 825 p-value: 0.058
Aesthetic value:subjective | 0.064 |
objective |
subjective |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 895 p-value: 0.055
not Normative ethics:deontology | 0.062 |
deontology |
not deontology |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.079
not Zombies:metaphysically possible | 0.058 |
metaphysically possible |
not metaphysically possible |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 825 p-value: 0.095
Politics:libertarianism | 0.056 |
libertarianism |
not libertarianism |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 751 p-value: 0.125
Free will:no free will | 0.056 |
no free will |
free will |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 899 p-value: 0.093
not Perceptual experience:qualia theory | 0.054 |
qualia theory |
not qualia theory |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 716 p-value: 0.148
not Personal identity:further-fact view | 0.05 |
further-fact view |
not further-fact view |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 813 p-value: 0.154
Philosophical orientation
Answer |
Corrrelation coefficient |
AOS:Philosophy of Physical Science | 0.3 |
Philosophy of Physical Science |
not Philosophy of Physical Science |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: < 0.001
AOS:Philosophy of Probability | 0.203 |
Philosophy of Probability |
not Philosophy of Probability |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: < 0.001
AOS:Philosophy of Biology | 0.201 |
Philosophy of Biology |
not Philosophy of Biology |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: < 0.001
xian:Carnap | 0.173 |
Carnap |
not Carnap |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: < 0.001
not AOS:Normative Ethics | 0.12 |
Normative Ethics |
not Normative Ethics |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: < 0.001
metasurvey:accuracy | -0.116 |
accuracy ≥ median |
accuracy < median |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 210 p-value: 0.093
not AOS:Philosophy of Language | 0.104 |
Philosophy of Language |
not Philosophy of Language |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.001
not AOS:Metaphysics | 0.095 |
Metaphysics |
not Metaphysics |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.003
not AOS:Meta-Ethics | 0.094 |
Meta-Ethics |
not Meta-Ethics |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.004
not AOS:Social and Political Philosophy | 0.093 |
Social and Political Philosophy |
not Social and Political Philosophy |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.004
not AOS:Ancient Greek Philosophy | 0.091 |
Ancient Greek Philosophy |
not Ancient Greek Philosophy |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.005
xian:Hume | 0.089 |
Hume |
not Hume |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.006
not xian:Wittgenstein | 0.071 |
Wittgenstein |
not Wittgenstein |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.03
not xian:Frege | 0.068 |
Frege |
not Frege |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.038
not AOS:Philosophy of Law | 0.059 |
Philosophy of Law |
not Philosophy of Law |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.071
not AOS:Epistemology | 0.058 |
Epistemology |
not Epistemology |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.076
not xian:Moore | 0.057 |
Moore |
not Moore |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.082
xian:Leibniz | 0.056 |
Leibniz |
not Leibniz |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.087
not AOS:Philosophy of Action | 0.056 |
Philosophy of Action |
not Philosophy of Action |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.087
not AOS:Applied Ethics | 0.056 |
Applied Ethics |
not Applied Ethics |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.087
not AOS:Philosophy of Mind | 0.055 |
Philosophy of Mind |
not Philosophy of Mind |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.093
not xian:Rawls | 0.055 |
Rawls |
not Rawls |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.093
not AOS:17th/18th Century Philosophy | 0.053 |
17th/18th Century Philosophy |
not 17th/18th Century Philosophy |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.106
not xian:Aristotle | 0.052 |
Aristotle |
not Aristotle |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.112
not AOS:Aesthetics | 0.051 |
Aesthetics |
not Aesthetics |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.119
not AOS:Metaphilosophy | 0.05 |
Metaphilosophy |
not Metaphilosophy |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.127
Background questions
Answer |
Corrrelation coefficient |
not nationality_region:United States | 0.063 |
United States |
not United States |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.054
affil:region:Canada | 0.051 |
Canada |
not Canada |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.119
not affil:region:Australasia | 0.051 |
Australasia |
not Australasia |
General Philosophy of Science |
| |
not General Philosophy of Science |
| |
Response pairs: 931 p-value: 0.119
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