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  1. Operationism in Psychology. An Epistemology of Exploration.Uljana Feest - 2025 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The book examines the evolution and significance of operationism in psychology, asserting that a thorough analysis of this concept can address crucial epistemological questions concerning the relationship between experimental practices and concept formation. The book begins by situating its approach within existing discussions about the philosophy of science in practice and integrated HPS (Introduction). It then delves into the historical roots of operationism, focusing on key figures such as S.S. Stevens, E. Tolman, and C. Hull. It argues that operationism emerged (...)
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  2. On being a lonely brain‐in‐a‐vat: Structuralism, solipsism, and the threat from external world skepticism.Grace Helton - 2024 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (3):353-373.
    David Chalmers has recently developed a novel strategy of refuting external world skepticism, one he dubs the structuralist solution. In this paper, I make three primary claims: First, structuralism does not vindicate knowledge of other minds, even if it is combined with a functionalist approach to the metaphysics of minds. Second, because structuralism does not vindicate knowledge of other minds, the structuralist solution vindicates far less worldly knowledge than we would hope for from a solution to skepticism. Third, these results (...)
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  3. Behavior analysis: translational perspectives and clinical practice.Henry S. Roane (ed.) - 2024 - London: The Guilford Press.
    Throughout this text, many of the research paradigms and methodologies across experimental analysis of behavior (EAB) and applied behavior analysis (ABA) are presented within the "bench-to-bedside" approach of translational research described by the National Institutes of Health. The first few chapters of the text introduce underlying core tenets of behaviorism as well as core characteristics and methods that define the field of behavior analysis. The next several chapters of the book introduce the reader to some of the foundational principles of (...)
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  4. Science and philosophy of behavior: selected papers.William M. Baum - 2023 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    This book records almost 50 years' worth of developing and explaining a new way of thinking about behavior. It represents a journey more than a goal. I came to see that the science of behavior needed a new paradigm, and two sorts of changes were required. First, the old molecular view inherited from the nineteenth century, based on discrete responses and contiguity, had to be replaced by a view based on the dynamics of behavior. Behavior is manifestly process and cannot (...)
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  5. Standard Human: social ethics, & the administration of human life in 3rd M.Dariush Ghasemian Dastjerdi - 2023 - Tehran, Iran: Dariush Ghasemian Dastjerdi.
    Standard human means believing and accepting that there are hundreds of millions and even billions of standards in different religious, political, cultural, racial, individual, etc. fields in the world, and a "standard human" is a truthful and honest person who respects all of those standards; - This is why we call him a standard human, that is, he respects all the standards, and he himself is one of them too - those who do not respect are liars, false, and as (...)
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  6. Do anthropologists use rational actor models? The case of Marilyn Strathern.Terence Rajivan Edward - 2022 - IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 7 (3).
    Economics uses rational actor models, but what about anthropology? I present an interpretation of the influential anthropologist Marilyn Strathern according to which she engages in a kind of rational actor modelling, but a kind that is different from economic modelling.
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  7. A Cybernetic Theory of Persons: How and Why Sellars Naturalized Kant.Carl B. Sachs - 2022 - Philosophical Inquiries 10 (1).
    I argue that Sellars’s naturalization of Kant should be understood in terms of how he used behavioristic psychology and cybernetics. I first explore how Sellars used Edward Tolman’s cognitive-behavioristic psychology to naturalize Kant in the early essay “Language, Rules, and Behavior”. I then turn to Norbert Wiener’s understanding of feedback loops and circular causality. On this basis I argue that Sellars’s distinction between signifying and picturing, which he introduces in “Being and Being Known,” can be understood in terms of what (...)
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  8. The Problem of State-Dependent Utility: A Reappraisal.Jean Baccelli - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (2):617-634.
    State-dependent utility is a problem for the behavioural branch of decision theory under uncertainty. It questions the very possibility that beliefs be revealed by choice data. According to the current literature, all models of beliefs are equally exposed to the problem. Moreover, the problem is solvable only when the decision-maker can influence the resolution of uncertainty. This article gives grounds to reject these two views. The various models of beliefs can be shown to be unequally exposed to the problem of (...)
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  9. Cold War Pavlov: Homosexual aversion therapy in the 1960s.Kate Davison - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (1):89-119.
    Homosexual aversion therapy enjoyed two brief but intense periods of clinical experimentation: between 1950 and 1962 in Czechoslovakia, and between 1962 and 1975 in the British Commonwealth. The specific context of its emergence was the geopolitical polarization of the Cold War and a parallel polarization within psychological medicine between Pavlovian and Freudian paradigms. In 1949, the Pavlovian paradigm became the guiding doctrine in the Communist bloc, characterized by a psychophysiological or materialist understanding of mental illness. It was taken up by (...)
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  10. Behaviorism, Consciousness, and the Literary Mind.Joshua Gang - 2021 - Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    What might behaviorism, that debunked school of psychology and philosophy, tell us about literature? -/- If inanimate objects such as novels or poems have no mental properties of their own, then why do we talk about them as if they do? Why do we perceive the minds of characters, narrators, and speakers as if they were comparable to our own? In Behaviorism, Consciousness, and the Literary Mind, Joshua Gang offers a radical new approach to these questions, which are among the (...)
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  11. Epistemological solipsism as a route to external world skepticism.Grace Helton - 2021 - Philosophical Perspectives 35 (1):229-250.
    I show that some of the most initially attractive routes of refuting epistemological solipsism face serious obstacles. I also argue that for creatures like ourselves, solipsism is a genuine form of external world skepticism. I suggest that together these claims suggest the following morals: No proposed solution to external world skepticism can succeed which does not also solve the problem of epistemological solipsism. And, more tentatively: In assessing proposed solutions to external world skepticism, epistemologists should explicitly consider whether those solutions (...)
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  12. La nature humaine et les exigences éthiques contemporaines.Adama Marico - 2021 - Bamako: L'Harmattan-Mali.
    Considérée comme une donnée immédiate chez l'homme, la nature humaine ne s'actualise que dans le monde de la culture. Ce qui signifie que la culture intègre et oriente la nature humaine au point qu'elle devienne une seconde nature. De ce fait, parler d'une actualisation de la nature humaine par la culture, c'est aborder une question philosophique universelle. Cette orientation de la conduite humaine dans le sens de la normativité semble s'inscrire au centre des thèmes de l'éthique contemporaine en tant que (...)
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  13. Psychological Operationisms at Harvard: Skinner, Boring, and Stevens.Sander Verhaegh - 2021 - Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 57 (2):194-212.
    Contemporary discussions about operational definition often hark back to Stanley Smith Stevens’ classic papers on psychological operationism (1935ab). Still, he was far from the only psychologist to call for conceptual hygiene. Some of Stevens’ direct colleagues at Harvard---most notably B. F. Skinner and E. G. Boring---were also actively applying Bridgman’s conceptual strictures to the study of mind and behavior. In this paper, I shed new light on the history of operationism by reconstructing the Harvard debates about operational definition in the (...)
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  14. The Rise and Fall of Behaviorism: The Narrative and the Numbers.Michiel Braat, Jan Engelen, Ties van Gemert & Sander Verhaegh - 2020 - History of Psychology 23 (3):1-29.
    The history of twentieth-century American psychology is often depicted as a history of the rise and fall of behaviorism. Although historians disagree about the theoretical and social factors that have contributed to the development of experimental psychology, there is widespread consensus about the growing and declining influence of behaviorism between approximately 1920 and 1970. Since such wide-scope claims about the development of American psychology are typically based on small and unrepresentative samples of historical data, however, the question rises to what (...)
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  15. ‘Ghastly marionettes’ and the political metaphysics of cognitive liberalism: Anti-behaviourism, language, and the origins of totalitarianism.Danielle Judith Zola Carr - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (1):147-174.
    While behaviourist psychology had proven its worth to the US military during the Second World War, the 1950s saw behaviourism increasingly associated with a Cold War discourse of ‘totalitarianism’. This article considers the argument made in Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism on totalitarianism as a form of behaviourist control. By connecting Arendt’s Cold War anti-behaviourism both to its discursive antecedents in a Progressive-era critique of industrial labour, and to contemporaneous attacks on behaviourism, this paper aims to answer two interlocking (...)
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  16. Psychological Mechanisms.Ulrich Koch & Kelso Cratsley - 2020 - In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford, Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. pp. 4145-4154.
    In the most inclusive sense, psychological mechanisms offer a type of causal explanation of mental states and behavior, often with reference to underlying processes, systems, activities, or entities. By postulating and investigating such mechanisms, researchers have sought explanations of a wide range of psychological phenomena. However, the concept has been deployed in dramatically different ways, with very different meanings, depending upon the particular school or tradition of psychology (and specific research program therein). In fact, usage has been so diverse as (...)
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  17. 에 의해 사회 세계를 만드는 검토 (Making the Social World) John Searle (2010).Michael Richard Starks - 2020 - In 지구상의 지옥에 오신 것을 환영합니다 : 아기, 기후 변화, 비트 코인, 카르텔, 중국, 민주주의, 다양성, 역학, 평등, 해커, 인권, 이슬람, 자유주의, 번영, 웹, 혼돈, 기아, 질병, 폭력, 인공 지능, 전쟁. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 10-34.
    사회 세계 (MSW)를 만들기 에 자세히 언급하기 전에 m나는 먼저 철학 (설명 심리학)과 Searle (S)와 비트 겐슈타인 (W)의 작품에서 예시로 현대 심리학 연구와의 관계에 대한 몇 가지 의견을 제공 할 것입니다, 나는 이것이 행동에 Searle 또는 어떤 해설자를 배치하는 가장 좋은 방법이라고 생각하기 때문에, 적절한 관점에서. 그것은 크게 설명 심리학의이 두 천재에 의해 PNC, TLP, PI, OC, TARW 및 기타 책의 내 리뷰를 볼 도움이 될 것입니다. S는 TLP의 메커니즘으로 W의 선견지명 진술과 그의 후기 작업에서 그의 파괴에 대한 언급을하지 않습니다. (...)
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  18. 에 의해 사회 세계를 만드는 검토 (Making the Social World) John Searle (2010).Michael Richard Starks - 2020 - In 지구상의 지옥에 오신 것을 환영합니다 : 아기, 기후 변화, 비트 코인, 카르텔, 중국, 민주주의, 다양성, 역학, 평등, 해커, 인권, 이슬람, 자유주의, 번영, 웹, 혼돈, 기아, 질병, 폭력, 인공 지능, 전쟁. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 10-34.
    사회 세계 (MSW)를 만들기 에 자세히 언급하기 전에 m나는 먼저 철학 (설명 심리학)과 Searle (S)와 비트 겐슈타인 (W)의 작품에서 예시로 현대 심리학 연구와의 관계에 대한 몇 가지 의견을 제공 할 것입니다, 나는 이것이 행동에 Searle 또는 어떤 해설자를 배치하는 가장 좋은 방법이라고 생각하기 때문에, 적절한 관점에서. 그것은 크게 설명 심리학의이 두 천재에 의해 PNC, TLP, PI, OC, TARW 및 기타 책의 내 리뷰를 볼 도움이 될 것입니다. S는 TLP의 메커니즘으로 W의 선견지명 진술과 그의 후기 작업에서 그의 파괴에 대한 언급을하지 않습니다. (...)
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  19. El engaño del altruismo: la aptitud inclusiva y el colapso de la civilización.Michael Richard Starks - 2020 - Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press.
    La predisposición genética a ayudar a nuestros parientes cercanos ("altruismo"), que era vital para la supervivencia en nuestros antepasados en las llanuras de Africa de cenas de miles a decenas de millones de años atrás, es un defecto fatal en un mundo superpoblado donde nuestros vecinos ya no están estrechamente relacionados y están involucrados en una lucha de vida o muerte por la supervivencia. Me he referido a esto como "El gran delirio de la familia feliz" y es fundamental para (...)
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  20. Ein weiteres Cartoon-Porträt des Geistes von den reduktionistischen Metaphysikern -eine Rezension von Peter Carruthers "Die Opazität des Geistes" (The Opacity of Mind) (2011)( Rezension überarbeitet 2019).Michael Richard Starks - 2020 - In Willkommen in der Hölle auf Erden: Babys, Klimawandel, Bitcoin, Kartelle, China, Demokratie, Vielfalt, Dysgenie, Gleichheit, Hacker, Menschenrechte, Islam, Liberalismus, Wohlstand, Internet, Chaos, Hunger, Krankheit, Gewalt, Künstliche Intelligenz, Krieg. Reality Press. pp. 130-157.
    Materialismus, Reduktionismus, Verhaltenismus, Funktionalismus, Dynamische Systemtheorie und Computeralismus sind populäre Ansichten, aber sie wurden von Wittgenstein als inkohärent gezeigt. Das Studium des Verhaltens umfasst das gesamte menschlicheLeben, aber Verhalten ist weitgehend automatisch und unbewusst und selbst der bewusste Teil, der meist in Sprache ausgedrückt wird (was Wittgenstein mit dem Geist gleichsetzt), ist nicht auffällig, daher ist es entscheidend, einen Rahmen zu haben, den Searle die Logische Struktur der Rationalität (LSR) nennt und ich nenne die Deskriptive Psychologie des Höheren Ordnungsdenkens (DPHOT). (...)
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  21. Design as aesthetic education: On the politics and aesthetics of learning environments.Christina Vagt - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (1):175-187.
    The article, speaking from the double perspective of media history and political aesthetics, discusses the impact of behaviourism and early computer technology on the design of learning environments in the United States after the Second World War. By revisiting B. F. Skinner’s approaches to behavioural techniques and cultural engineering, and by showing how these principles were applied first at US design departments, and later to prison education, it argues that cybernetic and behavioural techniques merged in the common field of design (...)
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  22. Revaluing the behaviorist ghost in enactivism and embodied cognition.Nikolai Alksnis & Jack Alan Reynolds - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5785-5807.
    Despite its short historical moment in the sun, behaviorism has become something akin to a theoria non grata, a position that dare not be explicitly endorsed. The reasons for this are complex, of course, and they include sociological factors which we cannot consider here, but to put it briefly: many have doubted the ambition to establish law-like relationships between mental states and behavior that dispense with any sort of mentalistic or intentional idiom, judging that explanations of intelligent behavior require reference (...)
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  23. Moral Hazard, the Savage Framework, and State-Dependent Utility.Jean Baccelli - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (2):367-387.
    In this paper, I investigate the betting behavior of a decision-maker who can influence the likelihood of the events upon which she is betting. In decision theory, this is best known as a situation of moral hazard. Focusing on a particularly simple case, I sketch the first systematic analysis of moral hazard in the canonical Savage framework. From the results of this analysis, I draw two philosophical conclusions. First, from an observational and a descriptive point of view, there need to (...)
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  24. Human behavior and another kind in consciousness: emerging research and opportunities.Shigeki Sugiyama - 2019 - Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference.
    This book examines the general views of artificial intelligence. It also explores the idea of consciousness, consciousness pictures, and mechanisms for wet consciousness and dry consciousness.
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  25. Mental States Are Like Diseases.Sander Verhaegh - 2019 - In Robert Sinclair, Science and Sensibilia by W. V. Quine: The 1980 Immanuel Kant Lectures. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    While Quine’s linguistic behaviorism is well-known, his Kant Lectures contain one of his most detailed discussions of behaviorism in psychology and the philosophy of mind. Quine clarifies the nature of his psychological commitments by arguing for a modest view that is against ‘excessively restrictive’ variants of behaviorism while maintaining ‘a good measure of behaviorist discipline…to keep [our mental] terms under control’. In this paper, I use Quine’s Kant Lectures to reconstruct his position. I distinguish three types of behaviorism in psychology (...)
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  26. Dialogue on Small Groups.Participants: Paul W. B. Atkins, Steven C. Hayes & David Sloan Wilson - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  27. Prososical: Using CBS to Build Flexible, Healthy Relationships.Paul W. B. Atkins - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  28. Symbolic Thought and Communication : 4. Symbolic Thought and Communication from a Contextual Behavioral Science Perspective.Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes & Ciara McEnteggart - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  29. Dialogue on Emotions and Empathy.Participants: Jack W. Berry, Steven C. Hayes, Kibby McMahon, Lynn E. O'Connor & M. Zachary Rosenthal - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  30. Better Living Through Evolution".Aaron P. Blaisdell - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  31. Dialogue on Behavioral and Physical Health.Participants: Aaron P. Blaisdell, David Sloan Wilson & Kelly G. Wilson - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  32. Organizational Flexibility: Creating a Mindful and Purpose-Driven Organization.Frank W. Bond - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  33. Dialogue on Organizational Development.Frank W. Bond, Mark van Vugt J. W. Stoelhorst & David Sloan Wilson - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  34. Dialogue on Organizational Development.Frank W. Bond, Mark van Vugt J. W. Stoelhorst & David Sloan Wilson - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  35. Classical and Operant Conditioning: Evolutionarily Distinct Strategies?Zohar Z. Bronfman, Simona Ginsburg & Eva Jablonka - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  36. Shaping DNA (Discoverer, Noticer, and Advisor): A Contextual Behavioral Science Approach to Youth Intervention.Joseph Ciarrochi & Louise L. Hayes - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  37. Learning : 2. The Contextual Science of Learning: Integrating Behavioral and Evolution Science Within a Functional Approach.Michael J. Dougher & Derek A. Hamilton - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  38. Dialogue on Psychopathology and Behavior Change.Participants: Renée Duckworth, Steven C. Hayes, Jean-Louis Monestès & David Sloan Wilson - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  39. Psychopathology and Behavior Change : 17. Reconciling the Tension Between Behavioral Change and Stability.Renée A. Duckworth - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  40. The Social and Contextual Nature of Emotion: An Evolutionary Perspective.Lynn E. O'Connor & Jack W. Berry - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
  41. Development and Adolescence : 6. The Evolutionary Basis of Risky Adolescent Behavior.Bruce J. Ellis - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  42. Variation and Selection in Psychopathology and Psychotherapy: The Example of Psychological Inflexibility.Steven C. Hayes & Jean-Louis Monestès - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  43. Evolution and Contextual Behavioral Science: Where Are We and Where Are We Going? A Concluding Dialogue Between the Editors.Stevn C. Hayes & David Sloan Wilson - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  44. Emotions and Empathy : 8. Situated Empathy: Applying Contextualism to the Science of Recognizing Other People's Emotions.Kibby McMahon & M. Zachary Rosenthal - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  45. The Varieties and Origins of Wilfrid Sellars's Behaviorism.Peter Olen - 2018 - In Luca Corti & Antonio M. Nunziante, Sellars and the History of Modern Philosophy. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 178-196.
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  46. Dialogue on Symbolic Thought and Communication.Yvonne Barnes-Holmes Participants: Dermot Barnes-Holmes, W. Deacon Terrence & C. Hayes Steven - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  47. Dialogue on Development and Adolescence.Bruce Participants: Joseph Ciarrochi, Louise J. Ellis & David Sloan Wilson L. Hayes - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  48. Dialogue on Learning.J. Dougher Participants: Michael, A. Hamilton Derek, C. Hayes Steven & Eva Jablonka - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  49. Organizational Development : 10. Relational Models, Leadership, and Organization Design: An Evolutionary View of Organizational Development.J. W. Stoelhorst & Mark van Vugt - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  50. Small Groups : 14. Small Groups as Fundamental Units of Social Organization.David Sloan Wilson - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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