Summary |
If truth is a genuine property, such that there are things which can be termed 'true', then it should be possible to identify what kind(s) of things can possess this property. Truth-bearers are any entities that are apt for truth, falsity, or other truth values. There is widespread disagreement about what the type of items that sustain this property are, which is why the neutral term 'truth-bearer' is used. Candidate truth-bearers include declarative sentences, declarative sentences in contexts, utterances of declarative sentences, propositions, the contents of thoughts, beliefs, judgements. Monists maintain that only one candidate can be the truth-bearer; pluralists may identify only one as primary, but may allow others as secondary in the sense of being derivative. Furthermore, the theory of truth one subscribes to might inform what one takes the primary truth-bearer to be. For example, theories that incorporate grammatical structure in the process of defining truth, such as Tarski's semantic theory, take sentences to be the truth-bearer since they have grammatical structure, while the other candidates are extra-linguistic and do not. |