
ISSNs: 1339-942X, 1336-6556

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  1.  20
    La perception du beau dans al-Man'zir. Alhazen - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
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  2.  13
    Rázcestia antickej filozofie. Rozhovor s Františkom Škvrndom.Peter Fraňo - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
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  3.  10
    Prísľub šťastia, ale ktorého? [REVIEW]Jakub Huba - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
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  4.  16
    Jan Patočka- filozof, ktorý patrí všetkým.Romana Javorčeková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
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  5.  14
    Eugen Fink: Smrt jako sociální fenomén.Lenka Jedličková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
    According to Eugen Fink, a German phenomenologist and student of Martin Heidegger, „metaphysics of death“ is one of the most important tasks of philosophy. However, metaphysics, as the queen of philosophical disciplines, finds itself in the sharpest marginal situation because its concepts of illuminating and determining being seem to be fragmented. The relationship between metaphysics and death should be perceived as such that death is not the subject of metaphysical thought, but rather its existential motive. Fink looks at the phenomenon (...)
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  6.  16
    Táto strana raja. [REVIEW]Róbert Karul - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
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  7.  14
    Vyžaduje si videnie presné reprezentácie?Ondrej Močkor - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
    Some philosophers claim that our visual world is just an illusion. They support this point of view with a body of empirical research which shows the fragility of our capacity to precisely represent our visual world. My aim is to show that this question is even more complicated. I will introduce a double notion of visual representation. I argue that what we called vision is a result of two distinct processing of visual information.
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  8.  16
    Šťastní Sisyfové a nekonečná revolta: Několik poznámek k interpretacím díla Alberta Camuse.Michal Müller - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
    At first sight, the work of Albert Camus appears to be readily interpretable. However, it is the literary and unsystematic nature of the expression of thoughts that causes different understandings of his texts. It is no wonder that many authors point out to the Camus’s philosophical inconsistencies. In this paper I focus on several interpretations of Camus’s texts, which I consider to be inaccurate. This is, particularly, the critique of “happy Sisyphus” by Eva Beránková in the afterword of Czech edition (...)
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  9.  18
    Masarykova kritika Schopenhauerovej filozofie pesimizmu v diele Ideály humanitní.Katarína Rajtíková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
    The main aim of this paper is to contribute to the field of history of Slovak philosophy by focusing on the reflection of Schopenhauerʼs philosophy in the thinking of Tomáš Garrique Masaryk. We focus on the criticism of Masaryk’s statement in his famous work Ideály humanitní: Pessimism is identical with nihilism. We try to prove that Schopenhauer’s pessimism is not necessarily identical with nihilism by detailed analysis of Schopenhauer’s ontological system.
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    Pyrrhón ako grécky Budha? [REVIEW]Katarína Rajtíková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
    The main aim of this paper is to contribute to the field of history of Slovak philosophy by focusing on the reflection of Schopenhauerʼs philosophy in the thinking of Tomáš Garrique Masaryk. We focus on the criticism of Masaryk’s statement in his famous work Ideály humanitní: Pessimism is identical with nihilism. We try to prove that Schopenhauer’s pessimism is not necessarily identical with nihilism by detailed analysis of Schopenhauer’s ontological system.
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  11.  14
    Úvodník.Pavol Sucharek - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
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  12.  15
    Fatalizmus.Richard Taylor - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
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  13.  10
    Filozofia oddychu. [REVIEW]Jaroslava Vydrová - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
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  14.  11
    Filozofia ako duchovné cvičenia: staronová možnost' pre filozofiu.Andrej Záthurecký - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
    The text deals with the understanding of philosophy as spiritual exercises, which accentuate its practical, transformative part. Ancient philosophy consists at the same rate from discourse as from particular practice oriented on transformation of philosophizing subject. This non-reductionist approach is present, e.g. in eastern philosophies as well. As Pierre Hadot points out, in ancient and eastern philosophy a certain set of common features and practices can be described. In more detailed way the text is addressed to the forms of philosophies (...)
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  15.  18
    Dějinnost a humanita v Blochově verzi marxismu.Martin Bojda - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
    On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Ernst Bloch´s death and the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx´ birth, the presented study examines Bloch´s reinterpretation of the Marxist philosophy in his original concept, which is based on the self-transcendence, on the utopian horizons of the materialistic-monistic founded identities. Is the humanistic philosophy of historical progress founded ontologically enough?
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  16.  13
    Mužik Marej.Fiodor Michajlovič Dostojevskij - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
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  17.  26
    Don Quijote ako idiot.Juraj Dragašek - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
    The topic of the paper is an accentuation and analysis of moral message of Cervantes‘ character of Don Quixote. The aim of the interpretation is to advert that the absurdity of knight-errant could be used as a demonstration of idealistic conviction in personal and also in public life. The article also concerns with the fact that idealism necessary collides with its realistic background and opposite. This collision does not prove that the idealism or realism is true or false. It concerns (...)
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  18.  11
    Difficile est saturam non scribere. [REVIEW]Peter Fraňo - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
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  19.  14
    Premýšľanie o poctivej neviere.Anna A. Hlaváčová - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
    In the deeper layers of Les Misérables, II. In the deeper layers of the Kolyma Tales On first sight, it would seem that Victor Hugo and Varlam Shalamov represent completely opposite worlds. From a formal standpoint, it is truly so: Hugo’s epopeia versus the short prosaic thriftiness of Shalamov. What connects both of these poets then? Hugo in the meeting of the bishop with the member of the Convention, G. explores the eventual convergence of opposing political positions. On a personal (...)
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  20.  17
    Letné čítanie redaktorov časopisu Ostium. [REVIEW]Jana Juhásová, Peter Fraňo & Mária Suríková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
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  21.  15
    Upracovaní na smrt'. [REVIEW]Alžbeta Kuchtová - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
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  22.  16
    Desubstancializácia epistemických intuícií.Martin Nuhlíček - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
    The paper deals with epistemic intuitions as a specific epistemological phenomenon. It points out some difficulties of examining this matter and suggests a new methodological perspective which seems promising with respect to removing such difficulties. The first part of the paper concerns with identification and characteristics of EI. They occur primarily within the so-called method of cases in which the judgements based on EI constitute demonstrations of “normal” understanding of knowledge. In the second part of the paper the attention is (...)
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  23.  11
    Terapia Antisthenom. [REVIEW]Matúš Porubjak - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
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  24.  10
    Ako sa približujem k cieľu, pohybujem sa do kruhu, vraciam sa a som čoraz bližšie k začiatku. [REVIEW]Eva Sládeková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
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  25.  14
    Hronského filozofia života v kontexte „roľníckeho románu“.Mária Stanková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
    This study tries to answer two questions. First, whether we can consider Hronský´s novel ‘Chlieb’ agricultural novel and second, whether the meaning and function of agricultural novel represents Hronský´s philosophy of life. This study also deals with the grounds of Hronský´s philosophy of life.
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  26.  23
    (2 other versions)Úvodník.Andrea Tureková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
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  27.  15
    Predmet a povaha teológie.Albert Veľký - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
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  28.  15
    La poésie d'inspiration marxiste dans l'œuvre poétique d'Aimé Césaire.Frano Vrančić - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
    The purpose of this paper is to examine Césaireʼs dismissed poems, written between 1948 and 1950, the time when „Mandela of the Caribbean“ was a convinced communist. Firstly, we observe conditions of his membership in PCF and the role he played in the most communist party in the West. Secondly, we will try to explain how the influence of „socialist realism“ is being manifested in his seven Stalinist poems, both in their genesis and their expression. Eventually, on the basis of (...)
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  29.  12
    Osobné znamenia o stave doby. [REVIEW]Jaroslava Vydrová - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
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  30.  15
    Význam ženských postáv v sókratovskej filozofii.Zuzana Zelinová - 2018 - Ostium 14 (3).
    This paper focuses on the three famous female characters in Socratic philosophy – namely on Aspasia of Miletus, Diotima of Mantineia and Theodota. The main aim of this paper is to argue for the hypothesis that the female characters in the Socratic literature and the ideas to which they refer are of much greater importance than the masculine characters and even represent some exemplary examples of philosophical wisdom. We will try to verify this hypothesis by analyzing important parts from Platoʼs (...)
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  31.  24
    Les singes de Watteau.Katalin Bartha-Kovács - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    The aim of this study is to examine different possible meanings of the expression “Watteau’s monkeys”. In its literal sense, it leads us to those works of the artist which represent monkeys: to the arabesque entitled The Monkeys of Mars, to the engraving called Amour mal accompagné and to his two paintings in which monkey artists can be found. In a more abstract and theoretical sense, this expression is related – in a pejorative way – to artistic imitation: it may (...)
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  32.  13
    Les mystères de la bête Zolienne.Eva Voldřichová Beránková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    Few French writers have pushed the love of animals as far as Emile Zola. To the somewhat Rousseauist eyes of the French writer, the animal is always good and man, animated by a “fraternal tenderness” towards him, has a sacred duty to defend this mute and fragile companion against hunger and cruelty. But where does the human bestiality come from, since we do not keep it from animals? In theory, Zola begins by imputing it to the incompatible “shock of temperaments”, (...)
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  33.  10
    Entre singe et oiseau, l'homme amélioré par l'animal chez rétif de la Bretonne.Florence Boulerie - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    Rétif de La Bretonne is well known as an erotic writer, but he also imagined strange and exotic worlds as in The Austral Discovery by a Flying Man, first published in 1781. The novel could be seen as a pa- rody of travel books, surprising the reader with unbelievable semi-human animals. It could also be a humoristic rewriting of Buffon’s Natural History. But Rétif seems to be serious: not only human beings should take care of all the species of human-animals, (...)
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  34.  10
    Des loups, des panthères…et des femmes selon Olivia Rosenthal.Sylviane Coyault - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    In her novel Que font les rennes après Noël? Olivia Rosenthal interweaves a documentary on animals, based on testimonies gathered from professionals who work in contact with animals and a biographical fiction: the story of a woman, from her childhood to adulthood, until the moment when She assumes her homosexuality. This complex weaving makes it possible to address most of the questions that the contemporary world poses about the animal world, but above all, to question the savagery and the domestication (...)
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  35.  10
    L'homme et l'insecte: De la terreur à l'appropriation.David El Kenz - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    Why do insects elicit such repulsion? From a corpus of 150 insect films, this paper proposes several ways for capturing this aversion. From an anthropological point of view, the insect recalls the past epidemics, refers to the infernal spaces and by its power, inspires excess. Also, in the Fifties, it was a hero of the fantastic movies. This moment of golden age has technological causes related to the transformations of occidental society in the aftermath of the Second World War. However, (...)
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  36.  13
    Les enfants sauvages et la question de la nature humaine.Josef Fulka - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    In the present text, the authors deals with the specific phenomenon of the so-called wild children, i. e. human beings deprived of contact with other members of the human species. We concentrate on a particular historical case – Victor of Aveyron, a wild child found in France in the end of the 18thcentury who has been submitted to remarkable pedagogical procedures conducted by J.-M. Itard. We attempt to highlight Itard’s philosophical background and to show how his philosophical conjectures might have (...)
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  37.  16
    La symbolique du bestiaire surréaliste.Collete Guedj - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    The animal, guardian of the magical rites, is an usual theme of surrealists. Frida Kahlo, seriously injured in this flesh, finds refuge next to her guardian pets which are considered like the idol in the colombia civilization. Her parrots, her dwarf stag, her small and dark monkey are the faithful companions. The other companions are her itzcuintli dogs descended from an old mexican race that aztec Xoloti god should have offered to the humanity to lead towards this one to the (...)
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  38.  19
    Animalisté mise à nu: Les personnages des Romans de Karine Tuil.Tereza Hemzová - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    The theme of animal and animality has been linked to literature since a long time ago. We could also find it in a writing of contemporary French writer Karine Tuil. The main characters of her novels are going through stressful life situations that make it possible for the readers to reveal the true depth of the human soul. In the present study we are dealing, among other things, with the question of what situations are turning people into animals – where (...)
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  39.  13
    Avant-propos.Petr Kyloušek - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
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  40.  12
    L'animal dans comme une bête et la peau de l'ours de Joy Sorman.Myriam Lépron - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    Joy Sorman was born in 1973. She likes to write about what she does not know, and explore improbable topics. She asserts that she has no imagination whatsoever, which implies for her to work a lot on documentary sources. The body is at the core of her work and this body can also be that of an animal. In a dyptich-like construction, Comme une bête, published in 2012 and La peau de l’ours in 2014, Joy Sorman investigates the links between (...)
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  41.  18
    Les chiens de Watteau: Entre traition et invention.Luca Molnár - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    The aim of this article is to offer several possible interpretations of dogs which appear in many works of Jean-Antoine Watteau. By the analysis of the influences that led the painter to the creation of his own style, we have found that he borrowed the motif of this animal from 17th century Flemish painting, and Rubens’s art in particular. The role of the dog in Watteau’s paintings is nonetheless not evident: it could be paying homage to Rubens, it could be (...)
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  42.  12
    Poincheval-OURS.Christelle Nicolas - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    From 1st till 13 April 2014 continuously, the performeur Abraham Poincheval lives inside a bear naturalized in one of the showrooms of the Musée de la chasse et de la nature in Paris. The animal is fitted out to receive his tenant as well as a whole device of autonomy. What reveals such an artistic act? A fable, where the ancestral order of domination would symbolically be spilled, between the human being-predator and the animal-consommé; no without irony because the performance (...)
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  43.  17
    Face aux «fauves» Européens. Représentation dans les littératures Africaines Francophones.Vojtěch Šarše - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    The victims of the cruelty of beasts, the Africans die with the hand of Europeans who are entertained by killing without being ever punished. The death comes even without the participation of European, the colonizer is only its cause indirect. In fact the contact between European and African is never realized. Another important aspect of this relation inferior-superior, of this death dehumanised, is its symbolic value: while the death of old-men of fictional Africa represents the disappearance of the notion of (...)
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  44.  13
    Nietzsche, les vaches.André Scala - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    The animal is the point living on tension where from leaves for Nietzsche the question: which is this “not yet fixed animal”, this “tense rope between the superman and the animal”, in brief man? Cows are at the same time the animals of the damaged link of the man in the animality by the memory ; and those of a link compromised by the human being in his animality by the ruminante thought. So, cows are not the stuffed specimens of (...)
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  45.  13
    Leschiens comme acteurs actifs du travail dans le domaine de l'odorologie policière.Olga Smolová, Pavel Kos & Jaroslav Mareček - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    The purpose of this text is to present a set of arguments showing that the status of dogs working in the field of human scent identification should not be midway between “a living work instrument” and “an actor in work” as it is considered now. Dogs should be clearly recognized not only as actors in work in this field, but also as “active actors”, because the type of work that human scent identification requires is not based on forcing dogs to (...)
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  46.  14
    «Plus quam civilia bella»: Animalité et cruauté dans le Roman de l'ouest.Jaroslav Stanovský - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    So called “Western roman”, focused on the period of the civil wars during the French revolution between the republicans and the royalists represents an important phenomena of the French historical novel in the 19th century. It’s connected with the names of such authors like Victor Hugo or Honoré de Balzac. The article deals with the motifs of cruelty and bestiality, typical for this type of literature. Firstly, the article will point to the origin of this theme in the Vendée literature, (...)
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  47.  13
    Le chien sur les tableaux de Greuze: Accessoire, symbole ou membre de famille?Enikő Szabolcs - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    The dog, seen today as the symbol of faith and alertness, has been present in pictorial arts, especially in Flemish and Dutch painting since the 15th century. Over time, this animal has lost its aggressive character in various forms of representation and has become a somewhat indispensable element of genre paintings. Our analysis aims to study the dogs which appear in the sketches and paintings of Jean-Baptiste Greuze. We wish to show the different roles that can be attributed to the (...)
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  48.  11
    Le bestiaire, la parodie et le libertinage dans Tanzaï et Néadarné de Crébillon fils.Andrea Tureková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (2).
    The animal is an integral part of the literary fancy, and especially the fancy of the marvellous. Yet the birth of the fairy tale, as a literary genre, is due to the French storytellers’ quill in the end of the 17thcentury. That way a true fashion for fairy-tales arises, strengthened by the entrance of the oriental fairy-tale in the early 18th century. The 1730’s bring the parodic reaction, together with the influence of libertinism. The question, in view of parodic processes (...)
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  49.  12
    Nový výskum starých príbehov. [REVIEW]Petra Badová - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
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  50.  13
    Nečakaný život – v La vie subite.Michel Deguy - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
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  51.  13
    Klasifikace vědění v Obraně básnictví Philipa Sidneyho.Šárka Fleischmannová - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
    The Renaissance was a period in which the world went throught numerous changes. These changes were reflected in knowledge. In an effort to respond to new findings, science had to undergo a certain revision. This revision manifested itself in several attempts to create a new classification of knowledge. We can find such an attempt to create a certain classification in Philip Sidney´s The Defence of Poesy, where his classification is closely related to his definition of poetry. The aim of the (...)
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  52.  52
    Metajazyk a intertextualita vo filmoch Woodyho Allena.Daniela Glavaničová & Alžbeta Kuchtová - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
    Our aim is to examine ironical intertextual references and metalanguage in the movies of Woody Allen. The first part of the paper is devoted to intertextuality. To begin with, we specify the notion of intertextuality. Consequently, we provide certain typology of intertextual references, which takes its inspiration from Gérard Genette and Denis Fortin. Finally, we use this typology in investigating the phenomenon of intertextuality in Allen’s movies. The remaining part of the paper focuses on metalanguage. Again, we specify the crucial (...)
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  53.  16
    Kdy nastává smrt. Problémy kritérií.Martin Jabůrek - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
    The traditional approach to determine the human’s death was based on evidence of cessation of breathing and circulation. There has been significant progress in the field of resuscitation during the twentieth century. Since the physicians were able to provide an artificial blood circulation and respiration, it turned out that the current cardiopulmonary standard of human death is insufficient. It was therefore replaced by brain death. Even this position has many problems. One of them is the question which part of the (...)
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  54.  18
    Prolegomena alebo pozvanie k čítaniu Platónovho Gorgia. [REVIEW]Andrej Kalaš - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
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  55.  17
    Tri metafory divadla v Plótinových rozpravách O prozreteľnosti.Róbert Karul - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
    The following essay deals with Plotinus’ metaphors of theatre in his work On Providence, which should clarify, what is and what should be the existence of man. The first metaphor presents the life of man through the image of an actor who understands that his role is not real. The other two metaphors reveal the fate of man as given, essential and not phantomic and, thus, appear to contradict the first one. The contradiction is only illusive, because each metaphor of (...)
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  56.  10
    Nočná mora jednej bábiky. [REVIEW]Silvia Kaščáková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
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  57.  15
    Teorie republikanismu v Listech federalistů.Adéla Rádková - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
    Although the US Constitution introduced a republican state system, there is no specific definition of the republic there. The US Constitution is deliberately short document. Its authors wanted to create a charter that would survive throughout times and conditions. However, given the briefness of the Constitution, they felt the need to explain and defend the ideas that had been advocated in it. Thus, The Federalist still serves as the primary source of interpretation of the US Constitution. It is therefore my (...)
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  58.  8
    (8 other versions)Úvodník.Reginald Adrián Slavkovský - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
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  59.  18
    Hayekova negatívna slobod a donútenie.Magdaléna Steinhauser Wesserlová - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
    The paper is focused on the issue of freedom and its negative profiling in thought of F. A. Hayek. Article analyses the meaning and role of negative freedom for the individual, highlights the fundamental pillars of personal freedom in human society and, thus, reveals its contribution to the functioning of state arrangement, which Hayek accentuates. Whereas the protection of individual freedom in society should serve as a measure against any arbitrary coercion, for example by the state, the aim is to (...)
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  60.  13
    Etika ako prvá filozofia podl'a Pierra Hadota.Michal Zvarík - 2018 - Ostium 14 (1).
    The review study focused on Czech translation of Pierre Hadot’s Qu’est-ce que la philosophie antique? is divided into three parts. In the first part the motivation behind the question “what is ancient philosophy?” is considered. On the one hand, Hadot aims to show that usual contemporary understanding of philosophy with its emphasis on discourse and theory does not provide adequate perspective to interpret ancient philosophy in its own right and thus the question on its nature must be asked anew. On (...)
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