The national and spiritual values of the Azerbaijani people (language, religion, customs and rituals) emerged and formed over the centuries in the course of historical development, as well as the geopolitical location of the country, while being preserved in social, historical, cultural and family traditions, being passed down from generation to generation.
It should be emphasized that during the Soviet period, the situation in the economy, industry, culture and education was very clear. As for the preservation and protection of national and spiritual values, due to the fact that this direction for the Soviet system had an ideological essence, to make the slightest progress was extremely difficult and fraught with various kinds of dangers.
During this period, the Soviet ideologists defined social property, justice and collectivism as the main moral values, and the protection of national and spiritual values of the peoples living in the territory of the former USSR, especially Muslims living not only in Azerbaijan, was politicized and presented as a value contrary to the Soviet ideology.
The article deals with the first period of the leadership of Azerbaijan by national leader Heydar Aliyev (1969-1982). The author characterizes this period of dominance of Soviet ideology in the public consciousness as difficult and contradictory. It is noted the undeniable role and efforts of Heydar Aliyev, who, despite all the difficulties and obstacles in the struggle to preserve the identity of the Azerbaijani people, to preserve the native language, customs and rituals, national holidays, which are the main components of national and moral values, to increase the national spirit, national and spiritual consciousness, culture, for the return of the people its historical memory. He has done a considerable amount of work to overcome various other kinks. The philosophical analysis of the language policy of the Soviet regime is also attracted to the study.