Méthexis 23 (1):53-71 (
The article aims to reconstruct (on the basis of some rarely studied passages of the Protagoras and Theaetetus, as well as some doxographical evidence) the theory of the Protagorean dialeghesthai, and shows its connections with other areas (linguistic, theory of law and hermeneutics) of Protagoras’ thought. This theory is related to the distinction between the competitive and the dialectical use of the discourse. The latter is constructive and involves an application of the principles of the orthoepeia to dialectical argumentation, in order to strengthen its logical and linguistic rigor, and elaborate exemplary speeches on topics of law, politics, ethics. Divenuto partecipe di una sorte divina, l’uomo, a causa della sua parentela con la divinità, fu, in primo luogo, il solo tra gli esseri viventi a credere negli dèi, e a imprendere a elevare altari e statue delle divinità; in seguito, egli articolò ben presto la voce e le parole per mezzo dell’arte, inventò abitazioni, vesti, calzature, coperte e gli alimenti che provengono dalla terra.