This paper discusses the relation between the natural deduction rules of
deduction in sequent format and the provability valuation starting from Garson’s Local
Expression Theorem, which is meant to establish that the natural deduction rules of
inference enforce exactly the classical meanings of the propositional connectives if these
rules are taken to be locally valid, i.e. if they are taken to preserve sequent satisfaction.
I argue that the natural deduction rules for disjunction are in no better position than the
axiomatic calculi in uniquely determining the intended meaning of disjunction when the
local models are used, if a satisfied sequent embeds, as a logical inferentialist should
require, a formal derivability relation. This happens because, when governed by these
rules and without additional semantic assumptions, the disjunction sign still expresses a
non-extensional connective, i.e. a connective that, properly understood, has no unique
logical characteristic. However, this is not a dead end for the logical inferentialists since
both a multiple conclusions formalization of the disjunction operator and a bilateralist
one do succeed in restoring the standard meaning of disjunction.