Results for 'natural deduction, local models, extensionality, provability valuation'

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  1.  4
    Provability and Satisfiability. On the Local Models for Natural Deduction.Constantin C. Brîncuș - 2024 - Problems of Logic (Probleme de Logică) (1):56-73.
    This paper discusses the relation between the natural deduction rules of deduction in sequent format and the provability valuation starting from Garson’s Local Expression Theorem, which is meant to establish that the natural deduction rules of inference enforce exactly the classical meanings of the propositional connectives if these rules are taken to be locally valid, i.e. if they are taken to preserve sequent satisfaction. I argue that the natural deduction rules for disjunction are in (...)
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    The polytopologies of transfinite provability logic.David Fernández-Duque - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3-4):385-431.
    Provability logics are modal or polymodal systems designed for modeling the behavior of Gödel’s provability predicate and its natural extensions. If Λ is any ordinal, the Gödel-Löb calculus GLPΛ contains one modality [λ] for each λ < Λ, representing provability predicates of increasing strength. GLPω has no non-trivial Kripke frames, but it is sound and complete for its topological semantics, as was shown by Icard for the variable-free fragment and more recently by Beklemishev and Gabelaia for (...)
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  3. Expressive Power and Incompleteness of Propositional Logics.James W. Garson - 2010 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 39 (2):159-171.
    Natural deduction systems were motivated by the desire to define the meaning of each connective by specifying how it is introduced and eliminated from inference. In one sense, this attempt fails, for it is well known that propositional logic rules underdetermine the classical truth tables. Natural deduction rules are too weak to enforce the intended readings of the connectives; they allow non-standard models. Two reactions to this phenomenon appear in the literature. One is to try to restore the (...)
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    Contextual Deduction Theorems.J. G. Raftery - 2011 - Studia Logica 99 (1-3):279-319.
    Logics that do not have a deduction-detachment theorem (briefly, a DDT) may still possess a contextual DDT —a syntactic notion introduced here for arbitrary deductive systems, along with a local variant. Substructural logics without sentential constants are natural witnesses to these phenomena. In the presence of a contextual DDT, we can still upgrade many weak completeness results to strong ones, e.g., the finite model property implies the strong finite model property. It turns out that a finitary system has (...)
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    Natural deduction and semantic models of justification logic in the proof assistant Coq.Jesús Mauricio Andrade Guzmán & Francisco Hernández Quiroz - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The purpose of this paper is to present a formalization of the language, semantics and axiomatization of justification logic in Coq. We present proofs in a natural deduction style derived from the axiomatic approach of justification logic. Additionally, we present possible world semantics in Coq based on Fitting models to formalize the semantic satisfaction of formulas. As an important result, with this implementation, it is possible to give a proof of soundness for $\mathsf{L}\mathsf{P}$ with respect to Fitting models.
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    On the nature and origin of complexity in discrete, homogeneous, locally-interacting systems.Charles H. Bennett - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (6):585-592.
    The observed complexity of nature is often attributed to an intrinsic propensity of matter to self-organize under certain (e.g., dissipative) conditions. In order better to understand and test this vague thesis, we define complexity as “logical depth,” a notion based on algorithmic information and computational time complexity. Informally, logical depth is the number of steps in the deductive or causal path connecting a thing with its plausible origin. We then assess the effects of dissipation, noise, and spatial and other symmetries (...)
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    Annotated Natural Deduction for Adaptive Reasoning.Patrick Allo & Giuseppe Primiero - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 409-437.
    We present a multi-conclusion natural deduction calculus characterizing the dynamic reasoning typical of Adaptive Logics. The resulting system AdaptiveND is sound and complete with respect to the propositional fragment of adaptive logics based on CLuN. This appears to be the first tree-format presentation of the standard linear dynamic proof system typical of Adaptive Logics. It offers the advantage of full transparency in the formulation of locally derivable rules, a connection between restricted inference-rules and their adaptive counterpart, and the formulation (...)
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    Natural Deduction for Quantum Logic.K. Tokuo - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (3):469-497.
    This paper presents a natural deduction system for orthomodular quantum logic. The system is shown to be provably equivalent to Nishimura’s quantum sequent calculus. Through the Curry–Howard isomorphism, quantum $$\lambda $$ -calculus is also introduced for which strong normalization property is established.
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  9. Categorical Quantification.Constantin C. Brîncuş - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):pp. 227-252.
    Due to Gӧdel’s incompleteness results, the categoricity of a sufficiently rich mathematical theory and the semantic completeness of its underlying logic are two mutually exclusive ideals. For first- and second-order logics we obtain one of them with the cost of losing the other. In addition, in both these logics the rules of deduction for their quantifiers are non-categorical. In this paper I examine two recent arguments –Warren (2020), Murzi and Topey (2021)– for the idea that the natural deduction rules (...)
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  10. Normal natural deduction proofs (in classical logic).Wilfried Sieg & John Byrnes - 1998 - Studia Logica 60 (1):67-106.
    Natural deduction (for short: nd-) calculi have not been used systematically as a basis for automated theorem proving in classical logic. To remove objective obstacles to their use we describe (1) a method that allows to give semantic proofs of normal form theorems for nd-calculi and (2) a framework that allows to search directly for normal nd-proofs. Thus, one can try to answer the question: How do we bridge the gap between claims and assumptions in heuristically motivated ways? This (...)
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    Lambda Calculus and Intuitionistic Linear Logic.Simona Della Rocca & Luca Roversi - 1997 - Studia Logica 59 (3):417-448.
    The introduction of Linear Logic extends the Curry-Howard Isomorphism to intensional aspects of the typed functional programming. In particular, every formula of Linear Logic tells whether the term it is a type for, can be either erased/duplicated or not, during a computation. So, Linear Logic can be seen as a model of a computational environment with an explicit control about the management of resources.This paper introduces a typed functional language Λ! and a categorical model for it.The terms of Λ! encode (...)
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    Natura a reguły postępowania.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1970 - Etyka 6:51-78.
    Conceptions deducing the rules of behaviour from nature are analysed on the basis of a model involving three assumptions: the existence of nature, the deductibility of rules from nature, and natural rules as a criterion of valuation. Three basic constructions of nature are distinguished: „real nature”, two kinds of „ethical nature”, „logical nature”.
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    Natural deduction for non-classical logics.David Basin, Seán Matthews & Luca Viganò - 1998 - Studia Logica 60 (1):119-160.
    We present a framework for machine implementation of families of non-classical logics with Kripke-style semantics. We decompose a logic into two interacting parts, each a natural deduction system: a base logic of labelled formulae, and a theory of labels characterizing the properties of the Kripke models. By appropriate combinations we capture both partial and complete fragments of large families of non-classical logics such as modal, relevance, and intuitionistic logics. Our approach is modular and supports uniform proofs of soundness, completeness (...)
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  14. Subformula and separation properties in natural deduction via small Kripke models: Subformula and separation properties.Peter Milne - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (2):175-227.
    Various natural deduction formulations of classical, minimal, intuitionist, and intermediate propositional and first-order logics are presented and investigated with respect to satisfaction of the separation and subformula properties. The technique employed is, for the most part, semantic, based on general versions of the Lindenbaum and Lindenbaum–Henkin constructions. Careful attention is paid to which properties of theories result in the presence of which rules of inference, and to restrictions on the sets of formulas to which the rules may be employed, (...)
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    Natural deduction for intuitionistic linear logic.A. S. Troelstra - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 73 (1):79-108.
    The paper deals with two versions of the fragment with unit, tensor, linear implication and storage operator of intuitionistic linear logic. The first version, ILL, appears in a paper by Benton, Bierman, Hyland and de Paiva; the second one, ILL+, is described in this paper. ILL has a contraction rule and an introduction rule !I for the exponential; in ILL+, instead of a contraction rule, multiple occurrences of labels for assumptions are permitted under certain conditions; moreover, there is a different (...)
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    A consistent theory of attributes in a logic without contraction.Richard B. White - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (1):113 - 142.
    This essay demonstrates proof-theoretically the consistency of a type-free theoryC with an unrestricted principle of comprehension and based on a predicate logic in which contraction (A (A B)) (A B), although it cannot holds in general, is provable for a wide range ofA's.C is presented as an axiomatic theoryCH (with a natural-deduction equivalentCS) as a finitary system, without formulas of infinite length. ThenCH is proved simply consistent by passing to a Gentzen-style natural-deduction systemCG that allows countably infinite conjunctions (...)
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  17. On an intuitionistic modal logic.G. M. Bierman & V. C. V. de Paiva - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (3):383-416.
    In this paper we consider an intuitionistic variant of the modal logic S4 (which we call IS4). The novelty of this paper is that we place particular importance on the natural deduction formulation of IS4— our formulation has several important metatheoretic properties. In addition, we study models of IS4— not in the framework of Kirpke semantics, but in the more general framework of category theory. This allows not only a more abstract definition of a whole class of models but (...)
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    A deductive-nomological model for mathematical scientific explanation.Eduardo Castro - 2020 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (1):1-27.
    I propose a deductive-nomological model for mathematical scientific explanation. In this regard, I modify Hempel’s deductive-nomological model and test it against some of the following recent paradigmatic examples of the mathematical explanation of empirical facts: the seven bridges of Königsberg, the North American synchronized cicadas, and Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian systems. I argue that mathematical scientific explanations that invoke laws of nature are qualitative explanations, and ordinary scientific explanations that employ mathematics are quantitative explanations. I analyse the repercussions of this deductivenomological model (...)
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    The Naturality of Natural Deduction (II): On Atomic Polymorphism and Generalized Propositional Connectives.Paolo Pistone, Luca Tranchini & Mattia Petrolo - 2021 - Studia Logica 110 (2):545-592.
    In a previous paper we investigated the extraction of proof-theoretic properties of natural deduction derivations from their impredicative translation into System F. Our key idea was to introduce an extended equational theory for System F codifying at a syntactic level some properties found in parametric models of polymorphic type theory. A different approach to extract proof-theoretic properties of natural deduction derivations was proposed in a recent series of papers on the basis of an embedding of intuitionistic propositional logic (...)
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  20. Establishing Connections between Aristotle's Natural Deduction and First-Order Logic.Edgar José Andrade & Edward Samuel Becerra - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (4):309-325.
    This article studies the mathematical properties of two systems that model Aristotle's original syllogistic and the relationship obtaining between them. These systems are Corcoran's natural deduction syllogistic and ?ukasiewicz's axiomatization of the syllogistic. We show that by translating the former into a first-order theory, which we call T RD, we can establish a precise relationship between the two systems. We prove within the framework of first-order logic a number of logical properties about T RD that bear upon the same (...)
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    On Natural Deduction in Dependence Logic. [REVIEW]Juha Kontinen - 2015 - In Åsa Hirvonen, Juha Kontinen, Roman Kossak & Andrés Villaveces, Logic Without Borders: Essays on Set Theory, Model Theory, Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 297-304.
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  22.  28
    Models of transfinite provability logic.David Fernández-Duque & Joost J. Joosten - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (2):543-561.
    For any ordinal $\Lambda$, we can define a polymodal logic $\mathsf{GLP}_\Lambda$, with a modality $[\xi]$ for each $\xi < \Lambda$. These represent provability predicates of increasing strength. Although $\mathsf{GLP}_\Lambda$ has no Kripke models, Ignatiev showed that indeed one can construct a Kripke model of the variable-free fragment with natural number modalities, denoted $\mathsf{GLP}^0_\omega$. Later, Icard defined a topological model for $\mathsf{GLP}^0_\omega$ which is very closely related to Ignatiev's. In this paper we show how to extend these constructions for (...)
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    Model theory of deduction: a unified computational approach.Bruno G. Bara, Monica Bucciarelli & Vincenzo Lombardo - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (6):839-901.
    One of the most debated questions in psychology and cognitive science is the nature and the functioning of the mental processes involved in deductive reasoning. However, all existing theories refer to a specific deductive domain, like syllogistic, propositional or relational reasoning.Our goal is to unify the main types of deductive reasoning into a single set of basic procedures. In particular, we bring together the microtheories developed from a mental models perspective in a single theory, for which we provide a formal (...)
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    Naive probability: A mental model theory of extensional reasoning.Philip Johnson-Laird, Paolo Legrenzi, Vittorio Girotto, Maria Sonino Legrenzi & Jean-Paul Caverni - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (1):62-88.
    This article outlines a theory of naive probability. According to the theory, individuals who are unfamiliar with the probability calculus can infer the probabilities of events in an extensional way: They construct mental models of what is true in the various possibilities. Each model represents an equiprobable alternative unless individuals have beliefs to the contrary, in which case some models will have higher probabilities than others. The probability of an event depends on the proportion of models in which it occurs. (...)
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    Two traditions in abstract valuational model theory.Rohan French & David Ripley - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5291-5313.
    We investigate two different broad traditions in the abstract valuational model theory for nontransitive and nonreflexive logics. The first of these traditions makes heavy use of the natural Galois connection between sets of valuations and sets of arguments. The other, originating with work by Grzegorz Malinowski on nonreflexive logics, and best systematized in Blasio et al. : 233–262, 2017), lets sets of arguments determine a more restricted set of valuations. After giving a systematic discussion of these two different traditions (...)
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    An Ontology of Nature with Local Causality, Parallel Lives, and Many Relative Worlds.Mordecai Waegell - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (12):1698-1730.
    Parallel lives is an ontological model of nature in which quantum mechanics and special relativity are unified in a single universe with a single space-time. Point-like objects called lives are the only fundamental objects in this space-time, and they propagate at or below c, and interact with one another only locally at point-like events in space-time, very much like classical point particles. Lives are not alive in any sense, nor do they possess consciousness or any agency to make decisions—they are (...)
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    Boolean Valued Models, Boolean Valuations, and Löwenheim-Skolem Theorems.Xinhe Wu - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (1):293-330.
    Boolean-valued models for first-order languages generalize two-valued models, in that the value range is allowed to be any complete Boolean algebra instead of just the Boolean algebra 2. Boolean-valued models are interesting in multiple aspects: philosophical, logical, and mathematical. The primary goal of this paper is to extend a number of critical model-theoretic notions and to generalize a number of important model-theoretic results based on these notions to Boolean-valued models. For instance, we will investigate (first-order) Boolean valuations, which are (...) generalizations of (first-order) theories, and prove that Boolean-valued models are sound and complete with respect to Boolean valuations. With the help of Boolean valuations, we will also discuss the Löwenheim-Skolem theorems on Boolean-valued models. (shrink)
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    A note on equality in finite‐type arithmetic.Benno van den Berg - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (3-4):282-288.
    We present a version of arithmetic in all finite types based on a systematic use of an internally definable notion of observational equivalence for dealing with equalities at higher types. For this system both intensional and extensional models are possible, the deduction theorem holds and the soundness of the Dialectica interpretation is provable inside the system itself.
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    Propositions in Prepositional Logic Provable Only by Indirect Proofs.Jan Ekman - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (1):69-91.
    In this paper it is shown that addition of certain reductions to the standard cut removing reductions of deductions in prepositional logic makes prepositional logic non-normalizable. From this follows that some provable propositions in prepositional logic has no direct proof.
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  30. (1 other version)Partiality and Adjointness in Modal Logic.Wesley H. Holliday - unknown - In Rajeev Gore, Advances in modal logic, volume. pp. 313-332.
    Following a proposal of Humberstone, this paper studies a semantics for modal logic based on partial “possibilities” rather than total “worlds.” There are a number of reasons, philosophical and mathematical, to find this alternative semantics attractive. Here we focus on the construction of possibility models with a finitary flavor. Our main completeness result shows that for a number of standard modal logics, we can build a canonical possibility model, wherein every logically consistent formula is satisfied, by simply taking each individual (...)
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    Validity in Intensional Languages: A New Approach.William H. Hanson & James Hawthorne - 1985 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26 (1):9-35.
    Although the use of possible worlds in semantics has been very fruitful and is now widely accepted, there is a puzzle about the standard definition of validity in possible-worlds semantics that has received little notice and virtually no comment. A sentence of an intensional language is typically said to be valid just in case it is true at every world under every model on every model structure of the language. Each model structure contains a set of possible worlds, and models (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Future logic: categorical and conditional deduction and induction of the natural, temporal, extensional, and logical modalities.Avi Sion - 1990 - Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace.
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  33. A Utopian Model of Order: Imperial Skepticism and Local Ecologies in Nehemiah Grew's Political Economy of Nature.Justin Niermeier-Dohoney - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (4):733-766.
    This study examines the botanical and chymical investigations Nehemiah Grew conducted for his magnum opus, The Anatomy of Plants (1682), and explores how they informed his political economic theory, as documented in the unpublished manuscript The Means of a Most Ample Increase of the Wealth and Strength of England (1707). While several scholars have argued that Grew's political economy is best described as mercantilist, this article argues for a much more multifaceted and idiosyncratic reading of Grew's political economy, which aligned (...)
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    Local reflection, definable elements and 1-provability.Evgeny Kolmakov - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (7-8):979-996.
    In this note we study several topics related to the schema of local reflection \\) and its partial and relativized variants. Firstly, we introduce the principle of uniform reflection with \-definable parameters, establish its relationship with relativized local reflection principles and corresponding versions of induction with definable parameters. Using this schema we give a new model-theoretic proof of the \-conservativity of uniform \-reflection over relativized local \-reflection. We also study the proof-theoretic strength of Feferman’s theorem, i.e., the (...)
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  35. Précis of Deduction.Philip N. Johnson-Laird & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):323-333.
    How do people make deductions? The orthodox view in psychology is that they use formal rules of inference like those of a “natural deduction” system.Deductionargues that their logical competence depends, not on formal rules, but on mental models. They construct models of the situation described by the premises, using their linguistic knowledge and their general knowledge. They try to formulate a conclusion based on these models that maintains semantic information, that expresses it parsimoniously, and that makes explicit something not (...)
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    Modelling local voids using an irregular polyhedron based on natural neighbourhood and application to characterize near-dense random packing.K. K. Sahu & K. N. Ishihara - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (36):5909-5926.
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    The Psychology of Proof: Deductive Reasoning in Human Thinking.Lance J. Rips - 1994 - MIT Press.
    Lance Rips describes a unified theory of natural deductive reasoning and fashions a working model of deduction, with strong experimental support, that is capable of playing a central role in mental life.
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  38. The Quantified Argument Calculus with Two- and Three-valued Truth-valuational Semantics.Hongkai Yin & Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2022 - Studia Logica 111 (2):281-320.
    We introduce a two-valued and a three-valued truth-valuational substitutional semantics for the Quantified Argument Calculus (Quarc). We then prove that the 2-valid arguments are identical to the 3-valid ones with strict-to-tolerant validity. Next, we introduce a Lemmon-style Natural Deduction system and prove the completeness of Quarc on both two- and three-valued versions, adapting Lindenbaum’s Lemma to truth-valuational semantics. We proceed to investigate the relations of three-valued Quarc and the Predicate Calculus (PC). Adding a logical predicate T to Quarc, true (...)
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  39. Diagrams as locality aids for explanation and model construction in cell biology.Nicholaos Jones & Olaf Wolkenhauer - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (5):705-721.
    Using as case studies two early diagrams that represent mechanisms of the cell division cycle, we aim to extend prior philosophical analyses of the roles of diagrams in scientific reasoning, and specifically their role in biological reasoning. The diagrams we discuss are, in practice, integral and indispensible elements of reasoning from experimental data about the cell division cycle to mathematical models of the cycle’s molecular mechanisms. In accordance with prior analyses, the diagrams provide functional explanations of the cell cycle and (...)
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    A Note on Bisimulation and Modal Equivalence in Provability Logic and Interpretability Logic.Vedran Čačić & Domagoj Vrgoč - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (1):31-44.
    Provability logic is a modal logic for studying properties of provability predicates, and Interpretability logic for studying interpretability between logical theories. Their natural models are GL-models and Veltman models, for which the accessibility relation is well-founded. That’s why the usual counterexample showing the necessity of finite image property in Hennessy-Milner theorem (see [1]) doesn’t exist for them. However, we show that the analogous condition must still hold, by constructing two GL-models with worlds in them that are modally (...)
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  41. Proof-theoretic semantics for a natural language fragment.Nissim Francez & Roy Dyckhoff - 2010 - Linguistics and Philosophy 33 (6):447-477.
    The paper presents a proof-theoretic semantics (PTS) for a fragment of natural language, providing an alternative to the traditional model-theoretic (Montagovian) semantics (MTS), whereby meanings are truth-condition (in arbitrary models). Instead, meanings are taken as derivability-conditions in a dedicated natural-deduction (ND) proof-system. This semantics is effective (algorithmically decidable), adhering to the meaning as use paradigm, not suffering from several of the criticisms formulated by philosophers of language against MTS as a theory of meaning. In particular, Dummett’s manifestation argument (...)
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    Completeness of the Quantified Argument Calculus on the Truth-Valuational Approach.Hanoch Ben-Yami & Edi Pavlović - 2022 - In Boran Berčić, Aleksandra Golubović & Majda Trobok, Human Rationality: Festschrift for Nenad Smokrović. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka. pp. 53–77.
    The Quantified Argument Calculus (Quarc) is a formal logic system, first developed by Hanoch Ben-Yami in (Ben-Yami 2014), and since then extended and applied by several authors. The aim of this paper is to further these contributions by, first, providing a philosophical motivation for the truth-valuational, substitutional approach of (Ben-Yami 2014) and defending it against a common objection, a topic also of interest beyond its specific application to Quarc. Second, we fill the formal lacunae left in the original presentation, which (...)
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  43. A Mathematical Model of Aristotle’s Syllogistic.John Corcoran - 1973 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 55 (2):191-219.
    In the present article we attempt to show that Aristotle's syllogistic is an underlying logiC which includes a natural deductive system and that it isn't an axiomatic theory as had previously been thought. We construct a mathematical model which reflects certain structural aspects of Aristotle's logic. We examine the relation of the model to the system of logic envisaged in scattered parts of Prior and Posterior Analytics. Our interpretation restores Aristotle's reputation as a logician of consummate imagination and skill. (...)
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    Valuation Contests over the Commoditisation of the Moabi Tree in South-Eastern Cameroon.Sandra Veuthey & Julien-François Gerber - 2011 - Environmental Values 20 (2):239-264.
    We analyse the nature of grassroots conflicts over the commercial logging of moabi by foreign firms in South-eastern Cameroon. Moabi offers a good starting point for understanding forest resistances because it crystallises nature conservation, commercial, as well as local interests as it provides oil, medicine and other use values to local populations and particularly to women. Combining a political ecology approach with elements of ecological economics, we find that the conflicts on moabi extraction can be analysed in terms (...)
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    The provably total NP search problems of weak second order bounded arithmetic.Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk, Phuong Nguyen & Neil Thapen - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (6):419-446.
    We define a new NP search problem, the “local improvement” principle, about labellings of an acyclic, bounded-degree graph. We show that, provably in , it characterizes the consequences of and that natural restrictions of it characterize the consequences of and of the bounded arithmetic hierarchy. We also show that over V0 it characterizes the consequences of V1 and hence that, in some sense, a miniaturized version of the principle gives a new characterization of the consequences of . Throughout (...)
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    Provably True Sentences Across Axiomatizations of Kripke’s Theory of Truth.Carlo Nicolai - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (1):101-130.
    We study the relationships between two clusters of axiomatizations of Kripke’s fixed-point models for languages containing a self-applicable truth predicate. The first cluster is represented by what we will call ‘\-like’ theories, originating in recent work by Halbach and Horsten, whose axioms and rules are all valid in fixed-point models; the second by ‘\-like’ theories first introduced by Solomon Feferman, that lose this property but reflect the classicality of the metatheory in which Kripke’s construction is carried out. We show that (...)
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  47. Non-Local Correlations in Therapeutic Settings? A Qualitative Study on the Basis of Weak Quantum Theory and the Model of Pragmatic Information.Anja Matschuck - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (2):249-261.
    Weak Quantum Theory (WQT) and the Model of Pragmatic Information (MPI) are two psychophysical concepts developed on the basis of quantum physics. The present study contributes to their empirical examination. The issue of the study is whether WQT and MPI can not only explain ‘psi’-phenomena theoretically but also prove to be consistent with the empirical phenomenology of extrasensory perception (ESP). From the main statements of both models, 33 deductions for psychic readings are derived. Psychic readings are defined as settings, in (...)
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    The Epistemological Consequences of Artificial Intelligence, Precision Medicine, and Implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces.Ian Stevens - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    ABSTRACT I argue that this examination and appreciation for the shift to abductive reasoning should be extended to the intersection of neuroscience and novel brain-computer interfaces too. This paper highlights the implications of applying abductive reasoning to personalized implantable neurotechnologies. Then, it explores whether abductive reasoning is sufficient to justify insurance coverage for devices absent widespread clinical trials, which are better applied to one-size-fits-all treatments. INTRODUCTION In contrast to the classic model of randomized-control trials, often with a large number of (...)
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    Dynamic Topological Completeness for.David Fernandez Duque - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (1):77-107.
    Dynamic topological logic combines topological and temporal modalities to express asymptotic properties of dynamic systems on topological spaces. A dynamic topological model is a triple 〈X ,f , V 〉, where X is a topological space, f : X → X a continuous function and V a truth valuation assigning subsets of X to propositional variables. Valid formulas are those that are true in every model, independently of X or f. A natural problem that arises is to identify (...)
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    On the Closure Properties of the Class of Full G-models of a Deductive System.Josep Maria Font, Ramon Jansana & Don Pigozzi - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):215-278.
    In this paper we consider the structure of the class FGModS of full generalized models of a deductive system S from a universal-algebraic point of view, and the structure of the set of all the full generalized models of S on a fixed algebra A from the lattice-theoretical point of view; this set is represented by the lattice FACSs A of all algebraic closed-set systems C on A such that (A, C) ε FGModS. We relate some properties of these structures (...)
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