La herencia oscura del logicismo
Logicism finds a prominent place in textbooks as one of the main alternatives in the foundations of mathematics, even though it lost much of its attraction from about 1950. Of course the neologicist trend has revitalized the movement on the basis of Hume’s Principle and Frege’s Theorem, but even so neologicism restricts itself to arithmetic and does not aim to account for all of mathematics. The present contribution does not focus on the classical logicism of Frege and Dedekind, nor on the Russell-Carnap period, and also not on recent neologicism; its aim is to call attention to some forms of heritage from logicism that normally go quite unnoticed. In the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, the logicist thesis became a stimulus for some deep innovations in the field of mathematical logic. One can argue, in particular, that two key ideas linked with formal semantics had their origins in the conception of logic associated with the logicist trend – the expansion of metamathematics brought about by Tarski, opening the way to model theory, and the insistence on the “full” set-theoretic semantics as “standard” for second-order logic. The paper proposes an analysis of those inheritances and argues that that logical theory ought to avoid some of their implications.