Arthur Schopenhauer , filozof postkantovske tradicije, u svojim se djelima Svijet kao volja i predodžba i O temelju morala u velikoj mjeri bavio i etičkim pitanjima. Pri tome je bilo nemoguće zaobići Kantovo etičko naučavanje, koje je Schopenhauer podvrgnuo detaljnoj kritici. Schopenhauer je Kantu spočitavao rigorizam u etici, koji je za njega neprihvatljiv s obzirom da predstavlja čisti formalizam, a ne govori ništa o zbiljskim motivima koji pokreću ljudsko ponašanje. Za te Kantove odredbe Schopenhauer je pronašao mjesto unutar uređenja pravne države, jer se pravne države ne tiču motivi koji nekoga navode na određeno ponašanje, već isključivo formalno zadovoljenje načela pravednosti.Arthur Schopenhauer , the philosopher of postKantian tradition, in his writings The World as Will and Representation and On the Basis of Morality, has been dealing a lot with ethical questions. In that way, it was impossible to skirt from Kant’s ethical teaching, which Schopenhauer submitted to detailed criticism. Schopenhauer reproached him his ethical rigorism, which was unacceptable for Schopenhauer, knowing the fact that it represents pure formalism, but it does not tell anything on real motives that are driving force of a human behaviour. These Kant’s instructions were placed by Schopenhauer in the frame of establishing legal state, because the system in itself is not considered of human motives as being a reason for certain behaviour, while the system is exclusively considered of a formal fulfillment of a principle of justice