Background and Objectives: People are always looking for new ways to achieve a good and healthy life. They associate such a life with wellbeing and happiness. The World Health Organization defines health as a form of wellbeing, in which each person identifies his or her abilities and plays a role in society effectively. Many studies have shown the correlation between moral virtues and psychological wellbeing. This research aims to study the role of militancy/ peacefulness morality in predicting psychological wellbeing among university students. Methods: This research was a correlational study. The sample size was calculated based on Kline guideline. We included in our study 530 undergraduate students in humanities, engineering, basic sciences, art, and architecture. They were selected by random cluster sampling method from different faculties of Shiraz University, Shiraz City, Iran, from January to September 2019. Then, they responded to Ryff’s psychological wellbeing scale and researcher-made militancy/peacefulness scale. The obtained data were analyzed using structural equation modeling in AMOS software. Results: Their Mean±SD total scores of wellbeing and militancy were 21.62±4.54 and 52.75±10.15, respectively. The results of analytical statistics showed that militancy/peacefulness is a negative predictor of psychological wellbeing. The obtained results of this analysis also showed that the final model of the study has good fitness. Conclusion: Considering the findings of this study, we recommend teaching peaceful behaviors in universities by using educational workshops in the field of moral virtue.