Results for 'Yahya Maroofi'

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  1. Le Livre de la Sagesse Orientale Kit'b Hikmat Al-Ishr'q.Yahyá ibn Habash Suhrawardi, Henry Corbin, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Sadr al-din Shirazi & Mahmud ibn Mas ud Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi - 1986
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    Yalnızlıkla Başa Çıkma: Yalnızlık, Dini Başa Çıkma, Dindarlık, Hayat Memnuniyeti ve Sosyal Medya Kullanımı.Yahya Turan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):395-434.
    Günümüzde hızla yayılan, insanların hayat kalitesini ve mutluluğunu olumsuz olarak etkileyen yalnızlık, özellikle Amerika ve Avrupa’da en önemli toplumsal sorunlardan birine dönüşmüştür. İngiltere’de yalnızlıktan sorumlu bakanlık kurulmasına kadar varan bu olgunun, Türkiye’de özellikle genç nesli temsil eden üniversite öğrencilerinde ne düzeyde olduğu, bu araştırmanın temel araştırma konularından birini oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırma, Ordu üniversitesinin değişik fakültelerinde öğrenim gören 416 öğrenci örneklemi üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Anket formunda; UCLA yalnızlık ölçeği, dini başa çıkma ve hayat memnuniyeti ölçekleri kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca katılımcıların bireysel dindarlık algıları ve (...)
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  3. Yahya Ibn Adi, a Critical Edition and Study of His Tahdhib Al-Akhlaq.Naji Al-Takriti & Yahya ibn Adi (eds.) - 1978 - Beirut: Editions Oueidat.
    A critical edition of "Tahdhīb Al-Akhlāq", a treatise ascribed to the Jacobite theologian, logician, and translator in Abbasid period, Yahya ibn Adi.
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  4. Sterbehilfe, Glaubensverlust und Religionsersatz in Theodor Storms Bekenntnis.Yahya Elsaghe - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 63 (1):23-44.
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  5. EOTHEN, Band VIII.Yahya Kouroshi (ed.) - 2022
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    Pokok-pokok filsafat Junani.Mukhtar Yahya - 1962 - Djakarta,: Widjaya.
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    Religionskritik in Gottfried Kellers Erzählwerk.Yahya Elsaghe - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 73 (3):179-203.
    Gottfried Keller’s reservations about the church and religion, which remarkably did not stand in the way of his installation as a national writer or at least were partly overlooked in the course of a self-congratulatory reception, can be studied in the prime example of the famous novella interlude of Meretlein, as it is found in both versions of Green Henry. The investigation of the interlude here is based on the various media and sources which shaped the novel character. The conglomerate (...)
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    Thomas Manns Katholiken.Yahya Elsaghe - 2001 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 53 (1):145-168.
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    Forty hadith on poisonous social habits: with short commentaries = Arbaʻūn ḥadīthan fī al-ʻādāt al-ijtimāʻīyah al-masmūmah maʻ taʻlīqāt qaṣīrah.Yahya Muhammad Atei Ondigo - 2013 - Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House.
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    Sabbath, Nyepi, and Pandemic: The Relevance of Religious Traditions of Self-Restraint for Living with the ‘New Normal’.Yahya Wijaya - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (4):529-543.
    This article focuses on the relevance of religious traditions of self-restraint, particularly Sabbath and Nyepi, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. From an economic perspective, the pandemic interrupts a lifestyle marked by an unceasing process of production and consumption that affects almost all aspects of life. Such a lifestyle, known as ‘productivism’, has been confronted with ‘anti-productivism’ promoted by groups of Marxism-inspired intellectuals and activists. Employing the method of public theology, this study reveals that religious traditions of self-restraint prepare (...)
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    The Prospect of Familism in the Global Era: A Study on the Recent Development of the Ethnic-Chinese Business, with Particular Attention to the Indonesian Context.Yahya Wijaya - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (3):311-317.
    The ethnic-Chinese business is often characterised by a central role of the family both in the structure of the firm and in its corporate culture. This has political, social as well as cultural reasons. The centrality of the family in business has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it enables a fast, efficient and flexible process of decision-making. On the other hand, it often contradicts modern business professionalism. The younger generation of ethnic-Chinese business actors tend to preserve crucial (...)
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    Arabic Fake News Detection: Comparative Study of Neural Networks and Transformer-Based Approaches.Maha Al-Yahya, Hend Al-Khalifa, Heyam Al-Baity, Duaa AlSaeed & Amr Essam - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Fake news detection involves predicting the likelihood that a particular news article is intentionally deceptive. Arabic FND started to receive more attention in the last decade, and many detection approaches demonstrated some ability to detect fake news on multiple datasets. However, most existing approaches do not consider recent advances in natural language processing, i.e., the use of neural networks and transformers. This paper presents a comprehensive comparative study of neural network and transformer-based language models used for Arabic FND. We examine (...)
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    The Nature of Philosophy for Children and Its Role in Teaching and Learning.Yahya Gaedi - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (6).
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    In defence of systemic validity: extra-systemic and unconstitutional norms.Yahya Berkol Gülgeç - 2021 - Jurisprudence 13 (1):1-25.
    Systemic validity has been criticised based on its supposed inability to account for the validity of so-called extra systemic norms and unconstitutional statutes. The article argues that these crit...
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  15. 'Misled and Misleading' ... 'Yet Central in their Intellectual Influence!' Ibn Taymiyya's Views on Ikhwan al-Safa.Yahya J. Michot - 2008 - In Nader El-Bizri (ed.), Epistles of the Brethren of Purity: the Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ and their Rasāʾil: an introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Doktrin Trinitas dalam Diskursus Teologi Ekonomik.Yahya Wijaya - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):45.
    Abstrak: Artikel ini menguraikan penggunaan konsep teologis “Trinitas sosial” oleh empat teolog yang secara khusus menyoroti isu-isu ekonomi. Secara umum para teolog itu menyatakan bahwa teologi ekonomik yang berdasarkan “Trinitas sosial” menolak model ekonomi individualistik yang memertaruhkan komunitas. Mereka memberi gambaran yang berbeda-beda tentang model ekonomi yang layak ditolak itu. Meeks dan Boff melihat praktik ekonomi pasar yang berlaku saat ini maupun praktik ekonomi sosialis yang pernah dijalankan di negara-negara komunis sebagai wujud-wujud dari model ekonomi semacam itu. Novak menolak praktik (...)
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    Solution, the values of the Qurʼan.Hârun Yahya - 2001 - London: Ta-Ha.
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    Şeref Hanım'ın Bir Şiiri ve Bu Şiirin Tic'ret ve Edebiyat Bağlamında İncelenmesi.Yahya Yüksel - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):729-729.
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    N'bî Dîv'nında Tic'rî ve İktis'dî Unsurlar.Yahya Yüksel - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):2285-2285.
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    Milliyetçilik ve Yazın Bağlamında Türk Romanında Gayrimüslim Azınlık.Yahya Aydin - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):31-31.
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    Die Eidgenossen als LykierThe Swiss as Lycians.Yahya Elsaghe - 2020 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 94 (3):347-383.
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  22. Knowing the Unknown. Ibn Taymiyya's commentary on Avicenna's Ishărāt, namaṭ X.Yahya M. Michot - 2018 - In Abdelkader Al Ghouz (ed.), Islamic philosophy from the 12th to the 14th century. Bonn: Bonn University Press.
  23. Majmu Ah- I Musannafat-I Shayk-I Ishraq.Yahyá ibn Habash Suhrawardi, Henry Corbin & Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1976 - Anjuman-I Shahanshahi-I Falsafah-I Iran.
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  24. A critique of causality in islamic philosophy.Yahya Yasrebi - 2007 - Topoi 26 (2):255-265.
    After the problems of epistemology, the most fundamental problem of Islamic philosophy is that of causality. Causality has been studied from various perspectives. This paper endeavors first to analyze the issues of causality in Islamic philosophy and then to critique them. A sketch is provided of the history of the development of theories of causality in Islamic philosophy, with particular attention to how religious considerations came to determine the shape of the philosophical theories that were accepted. It is suggested that (...)
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    Relationships Between Gregorian Armenians And Protestant Armenians In Ottoman Empire.Yahya BAĞÇECİ - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:707-732.
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    Zeitun Armenian Revolt Of 1895.Yahya BAĞÇECİ - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:123-149.
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    Timur, Rodos Şövalyeleri ve Batı Anadolu Seferi.Yahya Başkan - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):139-139.
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    Linguistic Responses of Abd al-Hamid al-Farahi: His Responses to Grammatical Issues as a Case Study.Hussein Ali Abd Salim & Dr Kyan Ahmed Hazem Yahya - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1419-1433.
    This research focuses on the contributions of a non-Arab scholar who has significantly impacted the study of the language of the Qur'an, the most revered and miraculous of texts. Despite its eternal wonders and the mysteries of its miraculous nature remaining untapped, the language of the Qur'an continues to be a subject of intense study. After reviewing the works of al-Farahi, I was impressed by the boldness of this non-Arab scholar in critiquing many established theories of Arabic lexicographers, morphologists, and (...)
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  29. Kitāb ʻuyūn al-ḥikmah.Yahyá Avicenna, Mujtabá Mahdavi, Minuvi & Topkap Saray Müzesi - 1954 - Chapkhanah- I Danishgah. Edited by Yaḥyá Mahdavī & Mujtabá Mīnuvī.
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    Armenian Policy of France Treaty of Berlin To 1st World War According To Ottoman Documents.Yahya BAĞÇECİ - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:835-859.
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    Educational Activities Of American Missioners For Armenians In Ottoman Empire.Yahya BAĞÇECİ - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:169-192.
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  32. Hegel's reading of Hafez as part of his Berlin aesthetics lectures. The jargon of the prosaic world.Yahya Kouroshi - 2022 - In EOTHEN, Band VIII.
    Hegel's reading of Hafez as part of his Berlin aesthetics lectures. The jargon of the prosaic world -/- This essay deals with Hegel's reading (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 1770 - 1831) of Hafez' poetry (Moḥammad Schams ad-Din Hafez Schirazi, around 1315 - 1390) during his lectures on the Aesthetics or Philosophy of Art at the University of Berlin (1820/21; 1823; 1826; 1828/29). Hegel's writings, Lectures on Aesthetics, were published from his remains by Heinrich Gustav Hotho (1802 - 1873) in three (...)
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    (1 other version)Semantic adjustment in Matthew 6:12 in the Smith-Van Dyck Arabic Bible.Yuangga K. Yahya, Zamzam Afandi & Ibnu Burdah - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):7.
    This research focused on one of the messages in the Lord’s Prayer, particularly Matthew 6:12 about prayer for forgiveness and forgiveness to others in order to suggest a concept revision for the sake of a rather normative modern Arabic audience. In the Smith-Van Dyck version, asking God for forgiveness serves as the basis for forgiving sinners by using the present and future form of the verb نغفر كما (as we will forgive). This translation is in contrast to 1881 Jesuit Arabic (...)
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    Islam and karma.Hârun Yahya - 2003 - London: Ta-Ha Publishers. Edited by Abdassamad Clarke.
    Islamic cosmology; Hindu cosmology; Karma.
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    Relation of religion and practical politics: Contextual adoption of constitutional Islamic jurisprudence for Muslim clerics in Indonesia.Imam Yahya & Sahidin Sahidin - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):9.
    Some clerics (ulama) in the Islamic world are of the view that practical politics is closely related to Islam, which regulates how an order of state is run. This view historically departs from Islamic constitutional jurisprudence texts that justify political Islam. Likewise, some Islamic boarding schools’ (pesantren) clerics, better known as kyai in Indonesia, are of the view that practical politics is not only a world affair but also an activity based on the application of Islamic legal principles in achieving (...)
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    Neural Substrates of Cognitive Motor Interference During Walking; Peripheral and Central Mechanisms.Emad Al-Yahya, Wala’ Mahmoud, Daan Meester, Patrick Esser & Helen Dawes - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    A New Standard for Avicenna StudiesIbn Sina, lettre au vizir Abu Sad: Editio princeps d'apres le manuscrit de Bursa.David C. Reisman & Yahya Michot - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (3):562.
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    The Tribal Factor in the ʿAbbāsid Revolution: The Betrayal of the Imam Ibrāhīm b. MuḥammadThe Tribal Factor in the Abbasid Revolution: The Betrayal of the Imam Ibrahim b. Muhammad.Khalid Yahya Blankinship - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):589.
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    The Impact of Digital, Servant, and Green Leadership on Innovation in the Manufacturing Sector.Harbani Pasolong, Enny Radjab, Andi Yahya, Syamsuddin & Aisyah - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:860-868.
    In contemporary industrial times, the success of a company is largely dependent on having effective leadership. Additionally, a leader's capacity for change management is essential when confronted with novel difficulties and shifts. Effective leadership styles are important, as many studies have shown, but not all companies have been able to implement them successfully and witness increases in employee loyalty and performance. The positivist paradigm is applied in this study through empirical research, wherein hypotheses are tested using an empirical model that (...)
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    Algorithmic governance and AI: balancing innovation and oversight in Indonesian policy analyst.Bevaola Kusumasari & Bernardo Nugroho Yahya - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    The objective of this study is to examine the effects of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools, with a specific focus on ChatGPT, on the analytical proficiencies of policy analysts operating in Indonesia. Considering the increasing intricacies of contemporary governance and the emergence of "wicked problems," this study investigates the potential of AI to facilitate the development of inventive, data-centric public policies. Involving postgraduate students in a quasi-experimental design, this study investigated the efficacy of ChatGPT in assisting in the development of (...)
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    A cross-cultural study of obedience.Mitri E. Shanab & Khawla A. Yahya - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (4):267-269.
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    An Early Islamic Family from Oman: Al-ʿAwtabī's Account of the MuhallabidsAn Early Islamic Family from Oman: Al-Awtabi's Account of the Muhallabids.Khalid Yahya Blankinship & Martin Hinds - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (1):123.
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    The Importance of Learning Ethics for and from Psychiatrists: A Teacher–Trainee Reflection.Cynthia Geppert & Hammam Yahya - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (3):199-201.
    It is our privilege to be invited to write a commentary on the "Interface of Ethics and Psychiatry: A Philosophical Case Consultation on Psychiatric Ethics on the Ground." The article presents an innovative collaboration between a philosopher and a psychiatrist reasoning together through the ethical aspects of three clinical cases. The case consultation also offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the teaching of psychiatric ethics in clinical settings. This commentary explores those areas of the article from the perspective of (...)
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    Tarbiyat al-nafs al-insānīyah fī ẓill al-Qurʼān al-karīm.Aḥmad Muḥammad Yaḥyá Muqrī - 1989 - Jiddah: Dār Ḥāfiẓ.
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  45. Œuvres philosophiques et mystiques.Shihabaddin Yahya Sohrawardi & Henry Corbin - 1954 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 59 (3):345-345.
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    Improving binary crow search algorithm for feature selection.Zakariya Yahya Algamal & Zakaria A. Hamed Alnaish - 2023 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 32 (1).
    The feature selection (FS) process has an essential effect in solving many problems such as prediction, regression, and classification to get the optimal solution. For solving classification problems, selecting the most relevant features of a dataset leads to better classification accuracy with low training time. In this work, a hybrid binary crow search algorithm (BCSA) based quasi-oppositional (QO) method is proposed as an FS method based on wrapper mode to solve a classification problem. The QO method was employed in tuning (...)
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  47. A survey on the effect of capital forms on life satisfaction (study on youth of paveh).Babayi Yahya Ali & Bahman Baiyngani - 2011 - Social Research (Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch) 4 (12):17-36.
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    Analysis and Classification of Mobile Apps Using Topic Modeling: A Case Study on Google Play Arabic Apps.Ahlam Fuad & Maha Al-Yahya - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    Mobile app stores provide an extremely rich source of information on app descriptions, characteristics, and usage, and analyzing these data provides insights and a deeper understanding of the nature of apps. However, manual analysis of this vast amount of information on mobile apps is not a simple and straightforward task; it is costly in terms of human effort and time. Computational methods such as topic modeling can provide an efficient and satisfactory approach to mobile app information analysis. Topic modeling is (...)
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    The Saint's Lamp and Other Stories.Trevor J. LeGassick, Yahya Haqqi & M. M. Badawi - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (1):49.
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    Subverting the new narrative: food, gentrification and resistance in Oakland, California.Alison Hope Alkon, Yahya Josh Cadji & Frances Moore - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):793-804.
    Alternative food movements work to create more environmentally and economically sustainable food systems, but vary widely in their advocacy for social, racial and environmental justice. However, even those food justice activists explicitly dedicated to equity must respond to the unintended consequences of their work. This paper analyzes the work of activists in Oakland, CA, who have increasingly realized that their gardens, health food stores and farm-to-table restaurants play a role in what scholars have called green gentrification, the upscaling of neighborhoods (...)
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