Results for 'Rosa Goig'

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  1.  24
    Psychological Well-Being and Youth Autonomy: Comparative Analysis of Spain and Colombia.Claudia Charry, Rosa Goig & Isabel Martínez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:564232.
    The construct of autonomy appears in the literature associated with individual psychological wellbeing. In Ryff's model, autonomy is presented as one of the dimensions of wellbeing, along with self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. The present study compared the levels of autonomy and psychological wellbeing between Spanish and Colombian young people. Ryff's Scale of Psychological Wellbeing and the Transition to Adulthood Autonomy (EDATVA according to its initials in Spanish) scales were used on a (...)
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    The Relationship Between Psychological Well-Being and Autonomy in Young People According to Age.Ángel De-Juanas, Teresita Bernal Romero & Rosa Goig - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Psychological well-being manifests itself in all aspects of human activity and is essential to understanding whether young people experience life satisfaction and whether, as they mature, well-being can be associated with different levels of personal autonomy. This quantitative study was developed within the framework of international research on young people’s autonomy in the transition to adulthood. Its main objectives were to analyze the relationship between psychological well-being and autonomy and examine potential variations between the two variables according to age. To (...)
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  3. The Benefit to Philosophy of the Study of its History.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (1):161-184.
    This paper advances the view that the history of philosophy is both a kind of history and a kind of philosophy. Through a discussion of some examples from epistemology, metaphysics, and the historiography of philosophy, it explores the benefit to philosophy of a deep and broad engagement with its history. It comes to the conclusion that doing history of philosophy is a way to think outside the box of the current philosophical orthodoxies. Somewhat paradoxically, far from imprisoning its students in (...)
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  4. XII—The Distinction in Kind between Knowledge and Belief.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2021 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 120 (3):277-308.
    Drawing inspiration from a well-attested historical tradition, I propose an account of cognition according to which knowledge is not only prior to belief; it is also, and crucially, not a kind of belief. Believing, in turn, is not some sort of botched knowing, but a mental state fundamentally different from knowing, with its own distinctive and complementary role in our cognitive life. I conclude that the main battle-line in the history of epistemology is drawn between the affirmation of a natural (...)
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    Adolescents in Quarantine During COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy: Perceived Health Risk, Beliefs, Psychological Experiences and Expectations for the Future.Elena Commodari & Valentina Lucia La Rosa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:559951.
    Since March 2020, many countries throughout the world have been in lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Italy, the quarantine began on March 9, 2020, and containment measures were partially reduced only on May 4, 2020. The quarantine experience has a significant psychological impact at all ages but can have it above all on adolescents who cannot go to school, play sports, and meet friends. In this scenario, this study aimed to provide a general overview of the perceived (...)
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  6. The Hypercategorematic Infinite.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2015 - The Leibniz Review 25:5-30.
    This paper aims to show that a proper understanding of what Leibniz meant by “hypercategorematic infinite” sheds light on some fundamental aspects of his conceptions of God and of the relationship between God and created simple substances or monads. After revisiting Leibniz’s distinction between (i) syncategorematic infinite, (ii) categorematic infinite, and (iii) actual infinite, I examine his claim that the hypercategorematic infinite is “God himself” in conjunction with other key statements about God. I then discuss the issue of whether the (...)
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  7.  62
    Higher-level Inferences in the Strong-Kleene Setting: A Proof-theoretic Approach.Pablo Cobreros, Elio La Rosa & Luca Tranchini - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (6):1417-1452.
    Building on early work by Girard ( 1987 ) and using closely related techniques from the proof theory of many-valued logics, we propose a sequent calculus capturing a hierarchy of notions of satisfaction based on the Strong Kleene matrices introduced by Barrio et al. (Journal of Philosophical Logic 49:93–120, 2020 ) and others. The calculus allows one to establish and generalize in a very natural manner several recent results, such as the coincidence of some of these notions with their classical (...)
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    A framework for the ethical assessment of chimeric animal research involving human neural tissue.Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Rosa Sun & Göran Hermerén - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):10.
    Animal models of human diseases are often used in biomedical research in place of human subjects. However, results obtained by animal models may fail to hold true for humans. One way of addressing this problem is to make animal models more similar to humans by placing human tissue into animal models, rendering them chimeric. Since technical and ethical limitations make neurological disorders difficult to study in humans, chimeric models with human neural tissue could help advance our understanding of neuropathophysiology. In (...)
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  9. From the Method of Division to the Theory of Transformations: Thompson After Aristotle, and Aristotle After Thompson.Laura Nuño de la Rosa & James G. Lennox - 2023 - Biological Theory 1.
    Aristotle’s influence on D’Arcy Thompson was praised by Thompson himself and has been recognized by others in various respects, including the aesthetic and normative dimensions of biology, and the multicausal explanation of living forms. This article focuses on the relatedness of organic forms, one of the core problems addressed by both Aristotle’s History of Animals (HA), and the renowned chapter of Thompson’s On Growth and Form (G&F), “On the Theory of Transformations, or the Comparison of Related Forms.” We contend that, (...)
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  10.  63
    Intuition in the history of philosophy (what’s in it for philosophers today?).Maria Rosa Antognazza & Marco Segala - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (4):574-578.
    What are intuitions? Do they exist as distinctive mental states? Do they have an epistemic function? Can we discern specific features that characterize intuitions? Questions like these are widely d...
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  11.  24
    Towards a post-democratic era? Moral education against new forms of authoritarianism.Cruz Pérez, Maria Rosa Buxarrais & Vicent Gozálvez - 2023 - Journal of Moral Education 52 (4):474-488.
    ABSTRACT Educating in a convulsed political context demands a detailed analysis of the new circumstances of our times, especially the current democracy crisis. According to the latest reports issued by international evaluation organisations, one of the greatest challenges for democratic citizenship is the emergence and rise of authoritarianism within the framework of the so-called post-democracy, and also in the manifestations known as illiberal democracy. Moral and civic education has to respond to this challenge. With this in mind, we propose revitalising (...)
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  12.  47
    Values in nursing students and professionals.F. Rosa Jiménez-López, Jesus Gil Roales-Nieto, Guillermo Vallejo Seco & Juan Preciado - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (1):79-91.
    Background: Many studies have explored personal values in nursing, but none has assessed whether the predictions made by the theory of intergenerational value change are true for the different generations of nursing professionals and students. This theory predicts a shift in those personal values held by younger generations towards ones focussed on self-expression. Research question: The purpose of the study was to identify intergenerational differences in personal values among nursing professionals and nursing students and to determine whether generational value profiles (...)
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  13. Ecclesiology, Ecumenism, Toleration.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2013 - In The Oxford Handbook of Leibniz. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This contribution discusses Leibniz’s conception of the Christian church, his life-long ecumenical efforts, and his stance toward religious toleration. Leibniz’s regarded the main Christian denominations as particular churches constituting the only one truly catholic or universal church, whose authority went back to apostolic times, and whose theology was to be traced back to the entire ecclesiastical tradition. This is the ecclesiology which underpins his ecumenism. The main phases and features of his work toward reunification of Protestants and Roman Catholics, and (...)
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  14. Chances and Propensities in Evo-Devo.Laura Nuño de la Rosa & Cristina Villegas - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (2):509-533.
    While the notion of chance has been central in discussions over the probabilistic nature of natural selection and genetic drift, its role in the production of variants on which populational sampling takes place has received much less philosophical attention. This article discusses the concept of chance in evolution in the light of contemporary work in evo-devo. We distinguish different levels at which randomness and chance can be defined in this context, and argue that recent research on variability and evolvability demands (...)
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  15.  20
    Clinical Case Studies in Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Treatment.Jochem Willemsen, Elena Della Rosa & Sue Kegerreis - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  16. Knowledge and Belief from Plato to Locke.Michael Ayers & Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2019 - In Knowing and Seeing: Groundwork for a New Empiricism. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 3–33.
    This essential historical introduction to the main themes of the book starts with a close, sympathetic, and significantly novel analysis of a famous argument in Plato’s Republic in which Plato draws a distinction of kind between knowledge and belief, and between their objects. It is then demonstrated that the distinction, broadly so understood, remained a dominant force, in one form or another, in all non-sceptical branches of the European philosophical tradition, including empiricism, until the eighteenth century. It is argued that (...)
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  17.  35
    Subject, Object, and Knowledge as First-Person.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2021 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 98 (4):516-529.
    This article tries to show that focusing on why and how subject and object are distinct is of key importance for understanding the nature of knowledge itself. It argues that: 1) cognition starts with an aliud which is present to a felt self in a way fundamentally different from one’s own modes of being; 2) individual human knowledge in its paradigmatic form is essentially first-personal, that is, its object-directedness requires a built-in, implicit awareness of a ‘self’ that provides the unifying (...)
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  18.  82
    Leibniz and Religious Toleration.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2002 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 76 (4):601-622.
    As one might expect, throughout his life Leibniz assumed an attitude of religious toleration both ad intra (that is, toward Christians of other confessions) and ad extra (that is, toward non-Christians, notably Muslims). The aim of this paper is to uncover the philosophical and theological foundations of Leibniz’s views on this subject. Focusing in particular on his epistolary exchange with the French Catholic convert Paul Pellisson-Fontanier, I argue that neither toleration ad intra nor toleration ad extra is grounded for Leibniz (...)
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  19.  32
    Corporate recidivism in emerging economies.Qinqin Zheng & Rosa Chun - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (1):63-79.
    Prior research on corporate misconduct pays extensive attention to single misconduct behaviors. However, little research has addressed recidivism – the repeated behaviors of corporate misconduct. Based on institutional theory and using the context of emerging economies where recidivism plays a considerable role, we propose the path dependency of corporate recidivism and suggest that three influential factors exist: internal preconditioning, inter-organizational imitation, and the prevailing external evaluation. Our event history analysis of 1,036 listed companies in China over the period 2001–2008 statistically (...)
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  20.  20
    Team Emotional Intelligence in Working Contexts: Development and Validation of the Team-Trait Meta Mood Scale.Aitor Aritzeta, Rosa Mindeguia, Goretti Soroa, Nekane Balluerka, Arantxa Gorostiaga, Unai Elorza & Jone Aliri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21.  42
    The effect of social categorization on trust decisions in a trust game paradigm.Elena Cañadas, Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón & Juan Lupiáñez - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Explicit Reasons, Implicit Stereotypes and the Effortful Control of the Mind.Tillmann Vierkant & Rosa Hardt - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (2):251-265.
    Research in psychology clearly shows that implicit biases contribute significantly to our behaviour. What is less clear, however, is whether we are responsible for our implicit biases in the same way that we are responsible for our explicit beliefs. Neil Levy has argued recently that explicit beliefs are special with regard to the responsibility we have for them, because they unify the agent. In this paper we point out multiple ways in which implicit biases also unify the agent. We then (...)
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  23.  83
    The meaning of time in the theory of relativity and “Einstein's later view of the Twin Paradox”.Waldyr A. Rodrigues & Marcio A. F. Rosa - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (6):705-724.
    The purpose of the present paper is to reply to a misleading paper by M. Sachs entitled “Einstein's later view of the Twin Paradox” (TP) (Found. Phys. 15, 977 (1985)). There, by selecting some passages from Einstein's papers, he tried to convince the reader that Einstein changed his mind regarding the asymmetric aging of the twins on different motions. Also Sachs insinuates that he presented several years ago “convincing mathematical arguments” proving that the theory of relativity does not predict asymmetrical (...)
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  24.  36
    The Oxford Handbook of Leibniz.Maria Rosa Antognazza (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    "This handbook is currently in development, with individual articles publishing online in advance of print publication. At this time, we cannot add information about unpublished articles in this handbook, however the table of contents will continue to grow as additional articles pass through the review process and are added to the site. Please note that the online publication date for this handbook is the date that the first article in the title was published online. For more information, please read the (...)
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  25.  43
    (1 other version)Thematic Files-the reception of euclid's elements during the middle ages and the renaissance-the euclidian theory of proportions in Pietro mengoli's geometriae speciosae elementa of 1659.Maria Rosa Massa Esteve - 2003 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 56 (2):457-474.
  26. Truth and Toleration in Early Modern Thought.Maria Rosa Antognazza - forthcoming - In Whatmore Richard & Hunter Ian, Natural Law and Politics. Cambridge University Press.
    The issue discussed in this paper is as topical today as it was in the early modern period. The Reformation presented with heightened urgency the question of how to relate the system of beliefs and values regarded as fundamental by an established political community to alternative beliefs and values introduced by new groups and individuals. Through a discussion of the views on toleration advanced by some key early modern thinkers, this paper will revisit different ways of addressing this problem, focusing (...)
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  27. Philosophical Theology and Christian Doctrines.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2013 - In The Oxford Handbook of Leibniz. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This contribution discusses Leibniz’s views on key Christian doctrines which were surrounded, in the early modern period, by particularly lively debates. The first section delves into his defence of the Trinity and the Incarnation against the charge of contradiction, and his exploration of metaphysical models capacious enough to accommodate these mysteries. The second section focuses on the resurrection and the Eucharist with special regard to their connections with Leibniz’s metaphysics of bodies. The third section investigates Leibniz’s position on predestination, grace, (...)
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  28. Faith and Reason.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2013 - In The Oxford Handbook of Leibniz. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This contribution discusses Leibniz’s conception of faith and its relation to reason. It shows that, for Leibniz, faith embraces both cognitive and non-cognitive dimensions: although it must be grounded in reason, it is not merely reasonable belief. Moreover, for Leibniz, a truth of faith (like any truth) can never be contrary to reason but can be above the limits of comprehension of human reason. The latter is the epistemic status of the Christian mysteries. This view raises the problem of how (...)
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  29.  8
    A Epistemologia da Justiça [Elizabeth Anderson].Marcos Fanton & Juliano Pires da Rosa - 2024 - Dissertatio 59:232-261.
    Em discussões sobre justiça, diferentes perspectivas geralmente compartilham princípios morais, mas chegam a conclusões distintas sobre justiça, porque discordam sobre fatos. Argumento que o raciocínio motivado, a injustiça epistêmica e as ideologias de injustiça apoiam instituições injustas ao consolidarem representações distorcidas do mundo. Partindo de uma concepção naturalista de justiça como um tipo de contrato social, sugerirei algumas estratégias para descobrir o que a justiça demanda, neutralizando esses vieses. Sentimentos morais oferecem recursos essenciais para esse fim.
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  30.  48
    The role of symbolic language in the transformation of mathematics.Massa Esteve & Maria Rosa - 2012 - Philosophica 87 (4).
  31. Redefining Identity. Posthumanist Theories in Westworld.Raquel Cascales & Rosa Fernández-Urtasun - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 7 (2):119-137.
    El proyecto transhumanista de mejoramiento humano viene proponiendo ya desde hace tiempo una superación de los límites humanos que nos permita convertirnos en una nueva especie. A pesar de que dicha posibilidad es todavía lejana en la práctica, las hipótesis han invadido la ciencia ficción y están generando la imagen colectiva de lo que se considera posible o, incluso, deseable. Al mismo tiempo en la ciencia ficción esos desarrollos artificiales se llevan hasta sus últimos límites y se ponen en cuestión. (...)
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  32. Leibniz’s theory of substance and his metaphysics of the Incarnation.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2014 - In Paul Lodge & Tom Stoneham, Locke and Leibniz on Substance. New York: Routledge. pp. 231-252.
    This paper explores the development of Leibniz’s metaphysics of the Incarnation in the context of his philosophy. In particular it asks to what extent Leibniz’s repeated endorsement of the traditional analogy between the union in humankind of soul (mind) and body, and the union in Christ of divine and human natures, could be accommodated by his more general metaphysical doctrines. Such an investigation highlights some of the deepest commitments in Leibniz’s theory of substance as well as detect in it some (...)
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  33. The defence of the mysteries of the trinity and the incarnation: An example of Leibniz's 'other' reason.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2001 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (2):283 – 309.
    In this paper I will discuss certain aspects of Leibniz's theory and practice of 'soft reasoning' as exemplified by his defence of two central mysteries of the Christian revelation: the Trinity and the Incarnation. By theory and practice of 'soft' or 'broad' reasoning, I mean the development of rational strategies which can successefully be applied to the many areas of human understanding which escape strict demonstration, that is, the 'hard' or 'narrow' reasoning typical of mathematical argumentation. These strategies disclose an (...)
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  34.  35
    Modern Philosophers and Lectures on Bergson.Alma Rosa Thorne - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24 (6):670.
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    Democracy and the Intersection of Religion and Traditions: The Reading of John Dewey's Understanding of Democracy and Education.Rosa Bruno-Jofré, James Scott Johnston & Gonzalo Jover - 2010 - McGill Queens University Press.
    How are ideas about education and democracy configured and reconfigured as they travel? Democracy and the Intersection of Religion looks at the work of John Dewey, the renowned philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer, and the ways in which his educational ideas and democratic ideals have been configured and reconfigured, adopted, and interpreted in different historical and cultural spaces.
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    Users’ Opinion About a Virtual Reality System as an Adjunct to Psychological Treatment for Stress-Related Disorders: A Quantitative and Qualitative Mixed-Methods Study.Verónica Guillén, Rosa M. Baños & Cristina Botella - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Assessing Quality and Evaluating Performance in Higher Education: Worlds Apart or Complementary Views?Cláudia S. Sarrico, Maria J. Rosa, Pedro N. Teixeira & Margarida F. Cardoso - 2010 - Minerva 48 (1):35-54.
    This paper reflects on quality assessment and performance evaluation in higher education, namely by analysing the insufficient link between those two aspects. We start by reviewing the current state of the art regarding different processes and mechanisms of quality assessment and performance evaluation and discuss some of the major issues regarding the implementation of some of them. In particular, we analyse the current limitations regarding data collected, available and publicised on the performance of HEIs and the problems those limitations bring (...)
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  38. Theory and Praxis in Leibniz’s Theological Thought.Maria Rosa Antognazza - forthcoming - In Irena Backus, Wenchao Li & Hartmut Rudolph, G. W. Leibniz im Lichte der Theologien [Leibniz in the Light of Theology]. Steiner.
    This paper re-assesses the place of theology in Leibniz’s thought focusing on the relationship between theory and praxis. It takes as its point of departure a general conclusion established in previous work, namely that Leibniz’s key formulations of his overarching plan for the reform and advancement of all the sciences, are devoted to a set of objectives which is both shaped by broadly theological concerns and ultimately practical. Against this backdrop, the discussion will then turn to an exploration of how (...)
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    Reconsidering Morphology Through an Experimental Case Study.Alessandro Minelli, Rocco Micciolo, Mara Rosa, Paolo Chistè, Luisa Canal & Liliana Albertazzi - 2017 - Biological Theory 12 (3):131-141.
    This study analyzes shells of marine gastropods of a zoological museum and the Latin epithets expressing perceptual and connotative attributes that they have received in the standard, Linnaean nomenclature. Making use of the Osgood semantic differential, we presented the subjects with digital 3-D reproductions of the shell specimens to be subjectively evaluated according to 17 pairs of attributes. The results show that, overall, the subjective evaluations given by the subjects are consistent, which suggests that an intersubjective characterization of the shells (...)
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  40.  51
    We Are Made of Star-Stuff.Joris A. Gregor & Hartmut Rosa - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (2):272-289.
    Connectedness is a significant element of sociality that occurs not only ideally and ‘leiblich’, but also consists of a material dimension. This is established through the materiality of the human body and points beyond it at the same time. The material aspect of connectedness is not simply social but has a social meaning nonetheless: Materiality has an impact on society and on the quality of human coexistence with the environment. To be able to describe this aspect, we use approaches of (...)
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  41. Arguments for the Existence of God: The Continental European Debate.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2006 - In The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Philosophy, Volume 2. Cambridge University Press.
    This chapter argues that the outbreak of the Protestant Reformation undermined the Christian consensus that unaided human reason could prove God’s existence. As a consequence the issue of the provability of God in principle gained new prominence and had to be addressed in the first instance before entering the discussion of specific proofs of His existence. On the basis of the answers given to the preliminary question of the provability of God’s existence, the chapter discusses eighteenth-century reformulations of a priori (...)
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  42.  37
    Habit, Gesture and the History of Ideas.Giovanni Maddalena & Simone Bernardi Della Rosa - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (2):40.
    This paper explores the intertwinement of ontology and history that happened after the idealist turn of Kantian transcendentalism, particularly in classic German idealism and later in American pragmatism. The paper focuses on the less remarked-upon consequence of this intertwinement, namely the possibility of a new reading of history based on changes in concepts and habitual mentality. The paper proposes a new take on historiography that vindicates Hegel’s insight but changes his approach to a pragmatist one, more apt to face historical (...)
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    Trinità e incarnazione: il rapporto tra filosofia e teologia rivelata nel pensiero di Leibniz.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 1999 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
  44.  23
    Escuela de aprendices, Marina Garcés. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2020.Manuel Antonio Silva de la Rosa - 2021 - Revista Disertaciones 10 (1).
    La filósofa Marina Garcés (Barcelona, 1973) ha publicado un libro enfocado en la educación. Desde hace varios años está comprometida con la vida, investigando y aportando reflexiones en línea del problema de lo común. Va desarrollando su filosofía como una amplia experimentación, con las ideas, el aprendizaje y las formas de intervención en nuestro mundo actual. En esta ocasión, este libro: Escuela de aprendices, muestra la educación como el sustrato de la convivencia. La educación es un taller donde se van (...)
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  45. Die Rolle der Trinitäts-und Menschwerdungsdiskussionen für die Entstehung von Leibniz'Denken.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 1994 - Studia Leibnitiana 26 (1):56-75.
    Leibniz's repeated interventions in the Trinitarian polemics widespread throughout Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries cannot merely be read as scholastic exercises or concessions to the conventions of his time. On the contrary, they involved reflection on issues fundamental to Leibniz's philosophical doctrines: issues such as the relationship between faith and reason, the limitations of the human intellect and the various grades of human knowledge, and the significance of the ' analogia Trinitatis' reconsidered in light of the concept of (...)
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    Leibniz and the post-Copernican universe. Koyré revisited.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (2):309-327.
    This paper employs the revised conception of Leibniz emerging from recent research to reassess critically the ‘radical spiritual revolution’ which, according to Alexandre Koyré’s landmark book, From the closed world to the infinite universe was precipitated in the seventeenth century by the revolutions in physics, astronomy, and cosmology. While conceding that the cosmological revolution necessitated a reassessment of the place of value-concepts within cosmology, it argues that this reassessment did not entail a spiritual revolution of the kind assumed by Koyré, (...)
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  47. A Defense of Objectivity.Margarita Rosa Levin - 1999 - In L. Pojman, The Theory of Knowledge: Classical and Contemporary Readings, 2nd edition. Wadsworth Publishing. pp. 631-642.
  48.  32
    Is ectopic expression caused by deregulatory mutations or due to gene‐regulation leaks with evolutionary potential?Francisco Rodríguez-Trelles, Rosa Tarrío & Francisco J. Ayala - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (6):592-601.
    It has long been thought that gene expression is tightly regulated in multicellular eukaryotes, so that expression profiles match functional profiles. This conception emerged from the assumption that gene activity is synonymous with gene function. This paradigm was first challenged by comparative protein electrophoresis studies showing extensive differences in expression patterns among related species. The paradigm is now being challenged by evolutionary transcriptomics using microarray technologies. Most gene expression profiles display features that lack any obvious functional significance. The so‐called “ectopic” (...)
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    La dimensión subterránea del sistema penal: una mirada desde una epistemología jurídica feminista, interseccional y decolonial sobre el encarcelamiento de mujeres negras en el Brasil del siglo XXI.Soraia da Rosa Mendes - 2021 - Aisthesis 70:393-409.
    Las puertas de las cárceles no fueron, son o serán las únicas que definan el proceso de custodia de las mujeres negras dentro y fuera de las cárceles. Como en todos los aspectos de la vida social, política y económica, la experiencia de la cárcel no puede pensarse desde una perspectiva general y aislada de sus lazos con un sistema histórico de opresión. O sea, a partir de la idea, aparente o subliminal, de que allí se encuentran personas definidas como (...)
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  50.  17
    Political Origins of Freudianism and the Neutrality of Psychoanalysis in Brazil as a Symptom.Rose Gurski & Míriam Debieux Rosa - 2023 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 23:179-191.
    The article highlights the origins of Freudian thought as the germ of the advent of psychoanalysis and, in particular, the discovery of the unconscious as one of the disruptive effects that changed the course of human history. The writing suggests that Freud’s Jewishness, in post-Enlightenment Europe in the 19th century, enabled an intellectual formation capable of sustaining political impulses that were not always explicit in the history of psychoanalytic theory. By retracing the path of building ties with the polis, established (...)
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