Husserl v Biti in času Husserl in Being and Time
Prevod Biti in časa je v različnih pogledih povezan z razumevanjem Heideggrove hermenevtične destrukcije temeljnih filozofskih pojmov. Prevajalec Biti in časa je nadalje sooočen s kompleksnimi teoretskimi vprašanji, kot je na primer razmerje med Husserlovo transcedentalno in Heideggrovo hermenevtično fenomenologijo. Članek skuša prepoznati pomen Husserlovih fenomenoloških raziskav glede geneze nekaterih osrednjih konceptov v Biti in času.The translation of Being and time is in various ways related to the understanding of Heidegger’s hermeneutical destruction of basic philosophic concepts. Furthermore, the translator of Being and Time is faced with complex theoretical questions, such as the relationship between Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and Heidegger’s hermeneutical phenomenology. The article aims at recognizing the importance of Husserl’s phenomenological investigations for the genesis of several central concepts in Being and Time