Hermenevtika in tvorba pojmov Hermeneutics and Creation of Concepts
Prispevek raziskuje specifično funkcijo, ki jo mlademu Heideggru mora izpolnjevati hermenevtika faktičnega življenja. Najprej sledimo tistim avtorjem, ki so po Heideggrovem mnenju vzeli resno fenomen življenja. Nato opisujemo metodološko problematiko, ki vsebuje konkretni dostop do orginarne življenjske sfere. Nato preidemo na poglavitne razlike med Husserlovo refleksivno fenomenologijo in Heideggrovo hermenevtično fenomenologijo. Na koncu pokažemo nalogo formalno-naznačujoče hermenevtike s katerim je tesno povezana pojmovna artikulacijo poglavitni ontoloških struktur človeške tubiti.The present article tackles the specific function that the young Heidegger assigns a hermeneutic of factical life. First I remember those authors that in Heidegger’s opinion have undertook seriously the phenomenon of life. Than I analyze the methodological problem of an appropriate access to the original sphere of live. In this point we can establish the basic differences between Husserl’s reflexive phenomenology and Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology. And finally I show how Heidegger understands hermeneutics as a conceptual articulation of the ontological structures of human being