Hermenevtika v Diltheyevi utemeljitvi duhoslovnih znanosti Hermeneutics in Dilthey’s Formation of Human Sciences
V sklopu čedalje intenzivnejšega ukvarjanja z zgodovino hermenevtike v zadnjih letih se kaže Dilthej pogosto kot »klasik« tiste z Gadamerjem inkriminirane tradicionalne hermenevtike, s čimer je postavljen v pozicijo golega predhodnika filozofske hermenevtike oz. hermenevtične filozofije Heideggra in Gadamerja. Toda ta pogled, ki izhaja v glavnem iz Gadamerjeve koncepcije in se lahko zdi na prvi pogled povsem sprejemljiv, je problematičen in pomeni po mojem mnenju odločno prikrajšanje Diltheyevega filozofskega dosežka in njegovega prispevka hermenevtičnemu mišljenju.Within the context of the more and more intensive research on the history of hermeneutics in recent years, Dilthey more and more often appears as a “classic” of the traditional hermeneutics incriminated by Gadamer, which puts him in the position of a mere predecessor of philosophical hermeneutics viz. hermeneutic philosophy of Heidegger and Gadamer. This view, however, stemming primarily from Gadamer’s conception and appearing to be quite acceptable at a first glance, is highly problematic and, in my opinion, contributes to a decisive diminution of Dilthey’s philosophical achievement and his contribution to hermeneutic thinking.