All the osteological data analyzed in this article belongs to two muslim necropolis of Toledo. This study has enabled us to make inferences about the physical characteristics of the Andalusian population who lived in the city in the 8th-11th centuries. We have to keep in mind that Toledo has been a city open to the mixing of cultures and therefore, has received a great weight of external influences during Antiquity and the Middle Ages. For this reason, archaeologists must examine in great detail characteristics such as the extension of the cemetery areas, the proportions of the graves and the placement of the bodies. However, the simplicity of the Muslim ritual, makes the skeletal remains one of the main subject of study. However, the special relevance that these maqābir have had for centuries, contrasts with the absence of scientific publications in relation to its anthropological study. In this sense, this work offers consistent and unpublished documentation of a society, whose strong indigenous component, has maintained its own impact during the process of Islamization.