Nostalgia as an instrument for emancipation. A reconsideration of nostalgia and its current uses
In this chapter we analyze how the experience of nostalgia, far from being necessarily understood as a tool of collective persuasion or as a refuge from an unwanted present, can also be experienced as a tool of emaciation.
The reflective plexus that makes longing for a lived past possible is at the same time an opportunity for reunion, for the recognition of oneself from oneself, which offers a way with which to "sew" discontinuities by reconsidering life from a unitary perspective. . We refer to opportunities - in plural - to review past errors, to reconsider successes or to reinforce forgotten elements that can regain relevance to our present eyes, allowing us, contrary to what happens when nostalgia is stimulated from outside, to find new ones. paths of empowerment and, consequently, emancipation.