LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 2022年底,中國內地政府發佈了一系列政策,完成了新冠疫情防控從以"政府”為主體的舊做法,到充分發揮"家庭+個人”主體作用的新做法的轉變。本文基於“仁愛”、"公義”、"誠信”及“和諧”等儒家生命倫理的四項基本原則,立足於防疫做法轉變過程中的行為主體,探討了防疫主體變化背景下的民派生活和健康保障問題、資源與財富分配公正問題、真實可靠資訊獲取問題、費用共擔與資源共用問題。本文認為,"家庭+個人+政府”多主體協作防疫的實現是必然的;相較於防疫舊做法,新的防疫做法更加可持續。當下中國內地亟需加快恢復正常生產生活,緩解防疫主體變化對全社會帶來的"陣痛”,與此同時總結經驗,為之後可能出現的疫情反復進行提前準備。 In late 2022, the central government of China introduced a series of policies for the mainland as part of a comprehensive transformation of COVID-19 Pandemic Prevention and Control (PPC) from the traditional, government-centered approach to a novel approach that prioritizes individuals and families. Drawing upon the four fundamental principles of Confucian bioethics, namely “benevolence,” “justice,” “integrity,” and “harmony,” this paper examines the ethical challenges of safeguarding lives and health, ensuring a fair distribution of resources and wealth, obtaining accurate and reliable information, and openly sharing the costs and resources throughout this transformation in the PPC approach. By focusing on the key actors involved in the process, we propose that the shift from a government-centric to a collaborative “family + individual + government” approach is both necessary and sustainable. Accordingly, we advocate for accelerating the return to normal production and daily life to mitigate the societal “pain” associated with the transformation. Additionally, we urge the government to reflect on its previous experience and prepare for a possible pandemic recurrence.