Over the past three decades the ethnographic-based human sciences (anthropology, social linguistics, ethnomusicology, sociology, etc.) have come under heavy scrutiny for the perpetuation of injustice and inequality, and a lack of sensitivity to indigenous epistemologies and material needs. Among the nefarious epistemological issues is that of “transcendental knowledge,” information that is presented as “fact” or through impervious narrative in the mode of so-called empirical sciences. The model of transcendental knowledge still pervades the human sciences despite critiques from postcolonial and poststructural scholars. Through a simultaneous re-evaluation of the Dialectic of Enlightenment 's critique and an analysis of the pressures and perils of the academic market, we can see how Horkheimer and Adorno's cautionary analysis can be applied to contemporary ethnography in an effort to philosophize and practice writing that does not submit to the reifying pressures of grand and grave theories and represents human life with the deserved dignity and distress