Granì 19 (7):64-68 (
The starting point of the article is the understanding that one of the most important features of modern research finding is the emergence of interdisciplinary work. Prominent among the latter, in author’s opinion, take up works with the subject which is on the verge of sociology and philosophy of management, management of social work and quality. The relevance of the past defined the development of principles of service country in Ukraine, developing social services, the need to improve the performance of providers of the latter. The purpose of the publication is to analyze the types of organizational processes to ensure implementation of the mission socially work institution. It is emphasized that the product of socially work institution is service. Providing it is a consequence of the internal organizational processes. However, the author notes that this processes are complex associated and they make fuzzy line between formal and informal sectors routine workforce. However, this is the situation, in his opinion, regardless of the internal set of social norms and values can personalize responsibility and professional relationships without significantly reducing of the rationality goal. It is proved that in the daily life of the collective labor of any organization, including socially oriented people, we can distinguish two areas formal and informal. Describing the first area author emphasizes that within it are staff units, divisions or departments whose activities are coordinated and deliberately created by direction towards a common goal of instrumentally rational. In this area implemented behaviors and relationships that provided early and for legal reasons. The main feature of the formal sector, as defined in the article, is the presence of a coherent and general procedures specified individual units of the organization. Based on this, the author concludes that in the labor group of social institution in his inner life, the dynamics defined processes are not always directly related to the final product. As stated in the article, as they occur in the formal and informal sectors institution correlated with standard management functions and structure of the latter, as well as ensuring its integrity and social selfsufficiency. However, the main focus of the publication focuses on the processes of communication, decision making, implementation of power and influence, conflict management. In everyday these processes are not rigidly delineated by typical feature and create diversity of combinatorial forms. Research of the relationship of instrumentally rational and attractive qualities in them will determine not only the nature of the subculture employees socially oriented institution, but may be a prerequisite for the theoretical reproduction of social image of their professional competence.