The Awaken Lion Image in Modern Cultural Context
From the sleeping lion and lion, is flourishing period of the late Qing ethnic nationalist ideas of a literary symbol of the spirit, the formation process itself, is a fusion of East meets West, and by the history of Chinese intellectuals to imagine fictional resultant. It is different from the traditional Chinese lion image, but also different from the Western image of a lion, it is an awakening of the Enlightenment who is who, based on the use of force has both a strong rule of force, there Wei Meng mild deterrent. A literary symbol for the national spirit in late-Qing period is the image transformation from sleeping lion to awaken lion, of which the process itself is the blending of Western and Chinese cultures. As a product of a fictional history imagined by Chinese intellectuals, it differs both from the lion image in traditional Chinese culture and that of Western world. It is the enlightener and awakener, have both the strong power of governing based on force and the mighty yet gentle power of deterring