Going Over: The Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in North-West Europe
Alasdair Whittle and Vicki Cummings: Introduction: transitions and transformations Alan Barnard: From Mesolithic to Neolithic modes of thought Jean Guilaine and Claire Manen: From Mesolithic to Early Neolithic in the western Mediterranean Pablo Arias: Neighbours but diverse: social change in north-west Iberia during the transition from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic Detlef Gronenborn: Beyond the models: 'Neolithisation' in Central Europe John Robb and Preston Miracle: Beyond 'migration' versus 'acculturation': new models for the spread of agriculture Alex Bentley: Mobility, specialisation and community diversity in the Linearbandkeramik: isotopic evidence from the skeletons Richard P. Evershed: Exploiting molecular and isotopic signals at the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition Ruth Bollongino and Joachim Burger: Neolithic cattle domestication as seen from ancient DNA Anne Tresset and Jean-Denis Vigne: Substitution of species, techniques and symbols at the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in western Europe Pierre Allard: The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Paris Basin: a review Grégor Marchand: Neolithic fragrances : Mesolithic-Neolithic interactions in western France Chris Scarre: Changing places: monuments and the Neolithic transition in western France Philippe Crombé and Bart Vanmontfort: The neolithisation of the Scheldt basin in western Belgium Leendert P. Louwe Kooijmans: The gradual transition to farming in the Lower Rhine Basin Graeme Warren: Mesolithic myths Chris Tilley: The Neolithic sensory revolution: monumentality and the experience of landscape Richard Bradley: Houses, bodies and tombs Amy Bogaard and Glynis Jones: Neolithic farming in Britain and central Europe: contrast or continuity? Alasdair Whittle: The temporality of transformation: dating the early development of the southern British Neolithic Gill Hey and Alistair Barclay: The Thames Valley in the late fifth and early fourth millennium cal BC: the appearance of domestication and the evidence for change Julian Thomas: Mesolithic-Neolithic transitions in Britain: from essence to inhabitation Alison Sheridan: From Picardie to Pickering and Pencraig Hill? New information on the 'Carinated Bowl Neolithic' in northern Britain Vicki Cummings: From midden to megalith? The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in western Britain Steven Mithen, Anne Pirie, Sam Smith and Karen Wicks: The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in western Scotland: a review and new evidence from Tiree Gabriel Cooney: Parallel worlds or multi-stranded identities? Considering the process of 'going over' in Ireland and the Irish Sea zone Sönke Hartz, Harald Lübke and Thomas Terberger: From fish and seal to sheep and cattle: new research into the process of neolithisation in northern Germany Lars Larsson: Mistrust traditions, consider innovations? The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in southern Scandinavia Alasdair Whittle: Going over: people and their times.