Results for 'Anna Rauba-Bukowska'

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  1.  27
    Neurologic Music Therapy Training for Mobility and Stability Rehabilitation with Parkinson’s Disease – A Pilot Study.Anna A. Bukowska, Piotr Krężałek, Elżbieta Mirek, Przemysław Bujas & Anna Marchewka - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  2. Is there an unqualified right to leave?Anna Stilz - 2016 - In Sarah Fine & Lea Ypi (eds.), Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership. Oxford University Press UK.
  3. Is Well-being Measurable After All?Anna Alexandrova - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 10 (2).
    In Valuing Health, Dan Hausman argues that well-being is not measurable, at least not in the way that science and policy would require. His argument depends on a demanding conception of well-being and on a pessimistic verdict upon the existing measures of subjective well-being. Neither of these reasons, I argue, warrant as much skepticism as Hausman professes.
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  4. O relatywizmie językowym.Anna Jedynak - 2003 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    According to linguistic relativism, we acquire knowledge about the world through language and thus the use of different languages results in different visions of the world. This view is sometimes supported by a statement saying that some of those visions are mutually inconsistent and they cannot be accepted simultaneously: the use of one of them is inconsistent with the use of the other. The paper discusses this statement referring to an example of languages of two logical calculi, and shows it (...)
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  5. Jaką logikę może zaakceptować filozof?Anna Wójtowicz - 1995 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
    In this article several metalogical properties which are interesting and important from the philosophical point of view are discussed. Examples of non-classical logical systems which posses these properties are presented.
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    Two forms of the axiom of choice for an elementary topos.Anna Michaelides Penk - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (2):197-212.
  7.  51
    Self-illness ambiguity and anorexia nervosa.Anna Drożdżowicz - 2023 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (1):127-145.
    Self-illness ambiguity is a difficulty to distinguish the ‘self’ or ‘who one is’ from one's mental disorder or diagnosis. Although self-illness ambiguity in a psychiatric context is often deemed to be a negative phenomenon, it may occasionally have a positive role too. This paper investigates whether and in what sense self-illness ambiguity could have a positive role in the process of recovery and self-development in some psychiatric contexts by focusing on a specific case of mental disorder – anorexia nervosa.
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    Human Rights and New Horizons? Thoughts toward a New Juridical Ontology.Anna Grear - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (1):129-145.
    The much-lamented anthropocentrism of human rights is misleading. Human rights anthropocentrism is radically attenuated and reflects persistent patterns of intra- and interspecies injustice and binary subject–object relations inapt for twenty-first-century crises and posthuman complexities. This article explores the possibility of reimagining the “human” of human rights in the light of anti- and post-Cartesian analyses drawing—in particular—upon Merleau-Ponty and on new materialism. This article also seeks to reimagine human rights themselves as responsibilized, injustice-sensitive claim concepts emerging in the “midst of” lively (...)
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  9. Do we need toleration as a moral virtue?Anna Elisabetta Galeotti - 2001 - Res Publica 7 (3):273-292.
    In this essay, I reconstruct tolerance as a moral virtue, by critically analysing its definition, circumstances, justification and limits. I argues that, despite its paradoxical appearance, tolerance qualifies as a virtue, by means of a restriction of its proper object to differences that are chosen. Since this excludes the most important and divisive differences of contemporary pluralism from the scope of the virtue of tolerance, the moral model of toleration cannot constitute the micro-foundation of the corresponding political practice. However, if (...)
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    Experiences of linguistic understanding as epistemic feelings.Anna Drożdżowicz - 2021 - Mind and Language 38 (1):274-295.
    Language understanding comes with a particular kind of phenomenology. It is often observed that when listening to utterances in a familiar language, competent language users can have experiences of understanding the meanings of these utterances. The nature of such experiences is a much debated topic. In this paper, I develop a new proposal according to which experiences of understanding are a particular kind of epistemic feelings of fluency that result from evaluative monitoring processes. The perceptual experience that accompanies linguistic comprehension (...)
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    Service robots for affective labor: a sociology of labor perspective.Anna Dobrosovestnova, Glenda Hannibal & Tim Reinboth - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):487-499.
    Profit-oriented service sectors such as tourism, hospitality, and entertainment are increasingly looking at how professional service robots can be integrated into the workplace to perform socio-cognitive tasks that were previously reserved for humans. This is a work in which social and labor sciences recognize the principle role of emotions. However, the models and narratives of emotions that drive research, design, and deployment of service robots in human–robot interaction differ considerably from how emotions are framed in the sociology of labor and (...)
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    Introduction: Philosophical Anthropology and Social Analysis.Anna Borisenkova - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (1):1-5.
    The guest editor introduces No. 3 Vol. 1 (2012), "Philosophical Anthropology and Social Analysis." .
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  13. The person in religion.Anna Driver Burkart - 1930 - Philadelphia,: S.N.
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    Non-Cartesian Coordinates in the Contemporary Humanities.Anna Grzegorczyk - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 47:75-98.
  15.  13
    Justice for Women in War? Feminist Ethics and Human Rights for Women.Anna T. Höglund - 2003 - Feminist Theology 11 (3):346-361.
    Despite its commonality rape in war has long been an invisible war crime. Gender-based violence has escaped sanction because it has been shielded into the private sphere. Although rape in war is a form of public violence committed by soldiers representing a state it continues to be conceived as a private crime, committed by individual men. If women's human rights are to be respected in war and in peace the imaginary border between the public and the private has to be (...)
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    Vaclav Smil: Harvesting the biosphere: What we have taken from nature: The MIT Press, London and Cambridge MA, 2013, 307 pp, ISBN 978-0-262-01856-2.Anna Krzywoszynska - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):363-364.
  17. Przestępca czy zatroskany obywatel? (Hannah Arendt: O przemocy. Nieposłuszeństwo obywatelskie).Anna Siwek - 1999 - Civitas 3 (3):265-270.
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    Emotions in the media: A paradigm shift in thinking about public debate.Anna Sámelová - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (3):352-355.
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  19. Prymat tworzenia nad poznaniem w teoriach symbolizmu rosyjskiego i twórczości Bolesława Leśmiana.Anna Sobieska - 2003 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 22:254.
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    Passion for Place Book II: Between the Vital Spacing and the Creative Horizons of Fulfilment.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1997 - Springer.
    Among the multiple, subliminal passions that inspire our life in innumerable ways, literature shows us one that seems to play a particularly penetrating role in human concerns. This passion, which Tymieniecka calls an `esoteric passion', finds its projection and crystallization in space: it is the esoteric passion for space. This subliminal passion, investigated through literature, allows the philosopher to reach beneath the fallacious separations of nature, humanness and the cultural world, restoring the wholeness of experience that has become lost in (...)
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    Phenomenology of life: meeting the challenges of the present-day world.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.) - 2005 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Philosophy has been always received or bypassed for its resonance or aloofness with the spirit of the time. Should not philosophy/phenomenology of life be expected to do more to ascertain its validity? Should it not pass the pragmatic test, that is to respond directly to the life-concerns of its time? What is the role of the philosopher and philosophy today? Due to the ever-advancing scientific, technological, social and cultural changes that are shaping human life and the life-world-in-transformation, we are desperately (...)
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    Shades of Awareness on the Mechanisms Underlying the Quality of Conscious Representations: A Commentary to Fazekas and Overgaard ().Anna Anzulewicz & Michał Wierzchoń - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (6):2095-2100.
    Fazekas and Overgaard () present a novel, multidimensional model that explains different ways in which conscious representations can be degraded. Moreover, the authors discuss possible mechanisms that underlie different kinds of degradation, primarily those related to attentional processing. In this letter, we argue that the proposed mechanisms are not sufficient. We propose that attentional mechanisms work differently at various processing stages; and factors that are independent of attentional ones, such as expectation, previous experience, and context, should be accounted for if (...)
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  23. Flat ontology and differentiation : in defence of Bennett's vital materialism, and some thoughts towards decolonial new materialisms for international law.Anna Grear - 2024 - In Matilda Arvidsson & Emily Jones (eds.), International law and posthuman theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Filozoficzne i naukowo-przyrodnicze elementy obrazu świata.Anna Latawiec & Anna Lemańska (eds.) - 1998 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Akademii Teologii Katolickiej.
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  25. Alexander's Space, time and deity.Anna Forbes Liddell - 1925 - Chapel Hill, N.C.,: The Department of philosophy.
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  26. The relation of philosophy to religion.Anna Forbes Liddell - 1936 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 17 (4):407.
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  27. Potenza, Materia e Forma Nella Metafisica di Aristotele.Anna Marmodoro - 2012 - Philosophical News 5.
    In this paper I investigate Aristotle’s power ontology, and of it argue for a new interpretation of his hylemorphism and theory of the four causes.
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    Between Phenomenology and Semantics: Charles S. Peirce’s Conception of Categories Revisited.Anna Michalska - 2019 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 64:113-128.
  29. Life Scientific Philosophy, Phenomenology of Life and the Sciences of Life.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1999
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    The Logic of the Living Present: Experience, Ordering, Onto-Poiesis of Culture.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1994 - Springer Verlag.
    Some might ask "Why Locke's theory of knowledge now?" Though appreciated for his social philosophy, Locke has been criticized for his work in the field of epistemology ever since the publication of the Essay. It is even as if Locke serves only as an example of how not to think. When people criticize Locke, they usually cite the hostile commen taries of Berkeley, Kant, Husserl, or Sellars. But, one might ask, are they not all so eager to show the excellence (...)
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  31. The Reality of Modality.Anna Sherratt - 2010 - In Bob Hale & Aviv Hoffmann (eds.), Modality: metaphysics, logic, and epistemology. qnew York: Oxford University Press.
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  32. Overt infinitival subjects (if that's what they are).Anna Szabolcsi - 2005 - In Broekhuis (ed.), The Organization of Grammar. Mouton--de Gruyter.
    Krifka (1998) argues that stressed postposed additive particles associate with a clausemate constrastive topic, which need not be overt as long as it satisfies the appropriate contextual role. English too is stressed. Of the two Hungarian particles, szintén is stressed, is is not.
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    Priority rules as solutions to conflicting health care rights.Anna-Karin Andersson, Frode Lindemark & Kjell Arne Johansson - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (1):67-76.
    Recent health legislation in Norway significantly increases access to specialist care within a legally binding time frame. The paper describes the contents of the new legislation and introduces some of the challenges with proliferations of rights to health care. The paper describes some of the challenges associated with the proliferation of legal rights to health care. It explains the benefits of assessing the new law in the light of a rights framework. It then analyses the problematic aspects of establishing additional (...)
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  34. Etyczne aspekty klonowania ludzi. W nawiązaniu do powieści Kazuo Ishiguro Nie opuszczaj mnie.Anna Głąb - 2012 - Diametros 32:37-61.
    Tematem artykułu jest etyczny problem klonowania ludzi. Zaprezentowane zostają w nim najważniejsze argumenty przeciwko klonowaniu obecne w powieści Kazuo Ishiguro Nie opuszczaj mnie. Wśród argumentów moralnych przeciwko klonowaniu ludzi przeanalizowane zostają: argument z instrumentalizacji oraz wewnętrznego życia klonów; z ograniczenia wolności jednostki oraz z jej unieszczęśliwienia; z prawa do posiadania wyjątkowej tożsamości i otwartej przyszłości; ze szkód psychicznych i rozchwiania tożsamości; z naturalnego prawa jednostki do relacji rodzinnych. Na koniec autor przeformułuje argument z mądrości odrazy na argument z mądrości współczucia.
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    Platons Kritik am Gelderwerb. Die Kritik an den Sophistenhonoraren und die Besitzregeln in der Politeia.Anna Schriefl - 2011 - In Peter Seele (ed.), Ökonomie, Politik Und Ethik in der Praktischen Philosophie der Antike. De Gruyter. pp. 29-48.
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  36. Związek między gramatyką, teorią znaczenia a ontologią.Anna Wójtowicz - 2006 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    In this article a certain "aesthetical" argument in favor of the situation ontology is presented. The connections between the claims concerning ontology, semantics and grammar are examined. The main thesis of the article is, that assuming the non-compositionality principle commits us to the acceptance of the primacy of situation.
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  37.  18
    ‘And Eden from the Chaos rose’: utopian order and rebellion in the Oxford Physick Garden.Anna Svensson - 2019 - Annals of Science 76 (2):157-183.
    ABSTRACTAbel Evans's poem Vertumnus celebrates Jacob Bobart the Younger, second keeper of the Oxford Physick Garden, as a model monarch to his botanical subjects. This paper takes Vertumnus as a point of departure from which to explore the early history of the Physick Garden, situating botanical collections and collecting spaces within utopian visions and projects as well as debates about order more widely in the turbulent seventeenth-century. Three perspectives on the Physick Garden as an ordered collection are explored: the architecture (...)
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  38.  68
    Relativism, Universalism, and Applied Ethics: The Case of Female Circumcision.Anna Elisabetta Galeotti - 2007 - Constellations 14 (1):91-111.
  39. Values and the science of well-being : a recipe for mixing.Anna Alexandrova - 2012 - In Harold Kincaid (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science. Oxford University Press.
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    Philosophie Und Mystik in der Späten Almohadenzeit: Die Sizilianischen Fragen des Ibn Sabٴ Īn.Anna Akasoy - 2005 - Boston: Brill.
    This study of the Sicilian Questions of the philosopher and mystic Ibn Sabٴ īn of Murcia interprets the structure and sources of the text as a reflection of intellectual life in the late Almohad Arab West.
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  41. Brill Online Books and Journals.Anna Alexandrova - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (1).
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  42. Substituted Decision-making.Anna-Karin Margareta Andersson - 2022 - In Ezio Di Nucci, Ji-Young Lee & Isaac A. Wagner (eds.), The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Bioethics. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Truth and mathematics (prawda a matematyka).Lemanska Anna - 2010 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 46 (1):37-54.
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    I Quodlibeta teologici nel XIV secolo.Anna Arezzo - 2007 - Quaestio 7 (1):561-567.
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    Potere e limiti della conoscenza da Enrico di Gand a Enrico di Harclay.Anna Arezzo - 2013 - Quaestio 13:353-368.
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    Gäste, Fremde, Feinde.Anna Aurast - 2009 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 43 (1):439-452.
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    Controversy over the Power Between the Papacy and the Empire in the light of Marsilius’ of Padua Defensor pacis.Anna Białas - 2010 - Peitho 1 (1):145-159.
    The most famous medieval controversy over the power and the temporal dominion took place between the papacy and the empire. One of the greatest advocates of the imperial domination was Marsilius of Padua, the author of an original work that demonstrated the advantage of acknowledging the emperor’s superiority over the Pope’s. The Defensor pacis, written between 1319 and 1324, was devoted to the dispute on such sovereignty issues as proving that the Pope should be subordinate to the Emperor, and not (...)
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    Interview with Cécile Laborde.Anna Blijdenstein - 2019 - Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 39 (1):79-86.
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  49. William James and Wittgenstein.Anna Boncompagni - 2018 - In Alexander Mugar Klein (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of William James. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    What Is Considered “Fair” Depends on the Purposes of Elite Sports.Anna C. F. Lewis Sarah Polcz A. Brigham - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (11):35-37.
    Volume 24, Issue 11, November 2024, Page 35-37.
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