Results for ' ‘cultural expression’ and music'

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  1.  12
    The Blues as Cultural Expression.Philip Jenkins - 2011-12-09 - In Fritz Allhoff, Jesse R. Steinberg & Abrol Fairweather (eds.), Blues–Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 38–48.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Two Categories of the Blues What is Cultural Expression? A Too‐Loose Definition of Culture Conclusion Notes.
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  2. The Notion of Expression in Music Criticism.Elena Alessandri - 2014 - In Dorottya Fabian, Renee Timmers & Emery Schubert (eds.), Expressiveness in Music Performance: Empirical Approaches Across Styles and Cultures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    The evolution of music as artistic cultural innovation expressing intuitive thought symbolically.Valerie van Mulukom - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44:e91.
    Music is an artistic cultural innovation, and therefore it may be considered as intuitive thought expressed in symbols, which can efficiently convey multiple meanings in learning, thinking, and transmission, selected for and passed on through cultural evolution. The symbolic system has personal adaptive benefits besides social ones, which should not be overlooked even if music may tend more to the latter.
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  4. Philosophical Reflections on Expressive Music Performance.Mine Dogantan-Dack - 2014 - In Dorottya Fabian, Renee Timmers & Emery Schubert (eds.), Expressiveness in Music Performance: Empirical Approaches Across Styles and Cultures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  5. Expressive Performance in Contemporary Concert Music.Mark Doffman - 2014 - In Dorottya Fabian, Renee Timmers & Emery Schubert (eds.), Expressiveness in Music Performance: Empirical Approaches Across Styles and Cultures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    What makes that Black?: the African-American aesthetic in American expressive culture. Luana - 2018 - [United States]: Luana Luana.
    What Makes That Black? The African American Aesthetic in American Expressive Culture delineates the African-American aesthetic in both the African-American culture and the artistic cultural formation of the United States. It presents a definition of the African-American aesthetic using a typology of seventy-four tenets-markers that expand the aesthetic's definition to include its artistic structure, cultural function, and consciousness.¿The book is both anecdotal and scholarly, creating an accessible dialogue in a research area sometimes burdened by excessive scholarly nomenclature. The power of (...)
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  7. Lost in musical translation : a cross-cultural study of musical grammar and its relation to affective expression in two musical idioms between Chennai and Geneva.Constant Bonard - 2018 - In Florian Cova & Sébastien Réhault (eds.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Aesthetics. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  8. Understanding Performance Expression in Popular Music Recordings.Nicola Dibben - 2014 - In Dorottya Fabian, Renee Timmers & Emery Schubert (eds.), Expressiveness in Music Performance: Empirical Approaches Across Styles and Cultures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  9. Expressive perception as projective imagining.Paul Noordhof - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (3):329–358.
    I argue that our experience of expressive properties (such as the joyfulness or sadness of a piece of music) essentially involves the sensuous imagination (through simulation) of an emotion-guided process which would result in the production of the properties which constitute the realisation of the expressive properties experienced. I compare this proposal with arousal theories, Wollheim’s Freudian account, and other more closely related theories appealing to imagination such as Kendall Walton’s. I explain why the proposal is most naturally developed (...)
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    Metaphor of the labyrinth in the musical culture of the second half of the XX century: ballet "Labyrinths" by A. Schnittke.Daria Igorevna Kalashnikova - 2022 - Философия И Культура 5:38-45.
    The metaphor of the labyrinth in the second half of the XX century becomes an iconic model of the postmodern world order. In musical culture, the phenomenon of the labyrinth has acquired the meaning of a symbol of intertextuality, a game with cultural codes and musical heritage of the past, multivariance, variability, uncertainty. The ballet "Labyrinths" by Alfred Schnittke is an example of the embodiment of the labyrinth paradigm and is the object of research. The subject of the study is (...)
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  11. Heuristics for Expressive Performance.Helen M. Prior - 2014 - In Dorottya Fabian, Renee Timmers & Emery Schubert (eds.), Expressiveness in Music Performance: Empirical Approaches Across Styles and Cultures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Rakhmaninov’s creative work influence on national music cultures in 20th century.E. R. Skurko - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russia 2 (2):149.
    The article dwells on the problem of Rakhmaninov’s art, style and poetics influence on the process of formation and development of national music cultures, national composer schools and some individual author’s styles of the former USSR. Three evolution stages of all national music cultures are determined: “preprofessional”, “professional” and the stage of “new music”. Two work concepts are introduced: a Rakhmaninov’s musical and style canon as an individual system including characteristic properties of the composer’s style and poetics, and (...)
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    Music induces universal emotion-related psychophysiological responses: comparing Canadian listeners to Congolese Pygmies.Hauke Egermann, Nathalie Fernando, Lorraine Chuen & Stephen McAdams - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:116059.
    Subjective and psychophysiological emotional responses to music from two different cultures were compared within these two cultures. Two identical experiments were conducted: the first in the Congolese rainforest with an isolated population of Mebenzélé Pygmies without any exposure to Western music and culture, the second with a group of Western music listeners, with no experience with Congolese music. Forty Pygmies and 40 Canadians listened in pairs to 19 music excerpts of 29–99 s in duration in (...)
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  14. Expressiveness in Funk.Richard Ashley - 2014 - In Dorottya Fabian, Renee Timmers & Emery Schubert (eds.), Expressiveness in Music Performance: Empirical Approaches Across Styles and Cultures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    From Cultured Chats to the Chirrups of Choo-Choo-Da-Choos, or How We Found a Key to the Gate of Eden.Evangelina Uskoković, Theo Uskoković, Victoria Wu & Vuk Uskoković - 2023 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 14 (3).
    Reinvention of the form of expression is a conceptual approach characteristic for the evolution of all arts. This research study provides one such step forward in the advancement of scientific paper, a standard form of expression in natural sciences, toward more progressive terrains. The paper adopts the form of a theatrical play where a scientific family of four attempts to find the way around a writer’s block (Act I). Their idealess sense of confinement is overcome through arts or, more specifically, (...)
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    The Expression of Self-consciousness in Kamala Das's ''An Introduction''.Florian Demont - 2008 - Consciousness, Literature, and the Art 9 (2).
    The philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel emphasises the importance of understanding consciousness and, even more so, self-consciousness. His lectures on aesthetics contain aesthetic theories for all forms of art (viz. architecture, painting, music or poetry), but critics use them only in significantly altered versions. The present paper attempts to give an in-depth analysis of a poem following one interpretation of Hegel's philosophy of self-consciousness. The poem analysed is not a German Romantic poem, but an Indian poem from the mid-20th century. (...)
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    The occult arts of music: an esoteric survey from Pythagoras to pop culture.David Huckvale - 2013 - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
    Music has often attempted to express mystical states of mind, cosmic harmony, the demonic and the divine. This wide-ranging survey explores how such film music works and uncovers its origins in Pythagorean and Platonic ideas about the divine order of the universe and its essentially numerical/musical nature.
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    Modeling Discontinuous Cultural Evolution: The Impact of Cross-Domain Transfer.Kirthana Ganesh & Liane Gabora - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper uses autocatalytic networks to model discontinuous cultural transitions involving cross-domain transfer, using as an illustrative example, artworks inspired by the oldest-known uncontested example of figurative art: the carving of the Hohlenstein-Stadel Löwenmensch, or lion-human. Autocatalytic networks provide a general modeling setting in which nodes are not just passive transmitters of activation; they actively galvanize, or “catalyze” the synthesis of novel nodes from existing ones This makes them uniquely suited to model how new structure grows out of earlier structure, (...)
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  19.  19
    Cultures of the (masked) face.Gabriele Marino - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (3-4):318-337.
    What we generally regard as ‘the face’ should be semiotically understood not as something given and monolithic, but rather stratified – it is at least threefold: biological (face), physiognomic (expression), perceivable (visage) – and relational as it has to be put within a narrative in order to make sense. The face lies at the centre of a whole semiotic system, the form of life, revolving around the issue of identity (which the face – the visage, to be precise – embodies (...)
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  20.  57
    (1 other version)Culture as Existential Territory: Ecosophic Homelands for the Twenty-first Century.Janell Watson - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (2):306-327.
    The mass popular dissent which has marked the early twenty-first century, from al-Qaeda to the Arab Spring to the Occupy movement, can be read as expressions of collective, subjective, existential mutation. This reading is inspired by Félix Guattari, who described the 1979 Iranian revolution, the Polish Solidarity movement and the 1989 Chinese student demonstrations as demands for subjective singularisation. In each of these examples of social discontent, past and present, demands vary widely even within the same movement, spanning economics, lifestyle, (...)
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  21.  30
    The Aesthetics of Cultural Studies (review).Paul Duncum - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (4):113-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Aesthetics of Cultural StudiesPaul DuncumThe Aesthetics of Cultural Studies, edited by Michael Bérube. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005, 208 pp., $26.95 paper, $67.95 cloth.This new anthology of ten chapters and a chapter-length introduction by the editor is primarily intended to act as a corrective to the view that cultural studies is uninterested in aesthetics. Contributors argue that while some cultural studies scholars have given this impression, either abandoning (...)
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  22.  23
    ‘Standing up’ Maḥallu al-Qiyām as cultural expression in Indonesia: A historical approach.Moh Ashif Fuadi, Andi Arif Rifa’I., Supriyanto Supriyanto, Yunika Triana, Rustam Ibrahim & Moh Mahbub - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):10.
    This study aims to discuss the historiography of standing up Maḥallu al-Qiyām in the cultural expression in Indonesia. This research is classified as qualitative research with a historical approach method reinforced with documentation, interview and observation. To deepen the meaning of Maḥallu al-Qiyām using analysis using the symbolic interpretive theory of Clifford Geertz. Interestingly, the tradition of Maḥallu al-Qiyām becomes a symbolic meaning of the expression of homage to the Prophet Muhammad and has the content of Maḥabbah teachings to the (...)
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  23.  78
    Expression in Music.Derek Matravers - 2007 - In Kathleen Stock (ed.), Philosophers on Music: Experience, Meaning, and Work. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    This is a critical review of the current state of the debate in the philosophy of music, and defends the author's view as the phenomenology of the experience.
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    Ashé: ritual poetics in African diasporic expression.Paul Carter Harrison, Michael D. Harris & Pellom McDaniels (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    ASHÉ: Ritual Poetics in African Diasporic is a collection of interdisciplinary essays contributed by international scholars and practitioners. Having distinguished themselves across such disciplines as Anthropology, Art, Music, Literature, Dance, Philosophy, Religion, and Theology and conjoined to construct a defining approach to the study of Aesthetics throughout the African Diaspora with the Humanities at the core, this collection of essays will break new ground in the study of Black Aesthetics. This book will be of great interest to scholars, practitioners, (...)
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  25.  19
    A Music-Mediated Language Learning Experience: Students’ Awareness of Their Socio-Emotional Skills.Esther Cores-Bilbao, Analí Fernández-Corbacho, Francisco H. Machancoses & M. C. Fonseca-Mora - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    In a society where mobility, globalization and contact with people from other cultures have become its basic descriptors, the enhancement of plurilingualism and intercultural understanding seem to be of the utmost concern. From a Positive Psychology Perspective, agency is the human capacity to affect other people positively or negatively through their actions. This agentic vision can be related to mediation, a concept rooted in the socio-cultural learning theory where social interaction is considered a fundamental cornerstone in the development of cognition. (...)
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  26.  56
    Music as Negative Theology.Eduardo de la Fuente - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 56 (1):57-79.
    Jean-Francois Lyotard's essay `Adorno as the Devil' had argued that Theodor Adorno's Philosophy of Modern Music was a `diabolic' work of `negative theology' which attributed to Schoenberg's music a secret redemptive power. However, in his later writings, such as the essays in The Inhuman, Lyotard has himself moved close to a `negative theological' position with respect to modernity, time, aesthetics and music. The paper uses the occasion of Lyotard's own theologically inspired essays on music, `God and (...)
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  27.  11
    Musical Worlds: New Directions in the Philosophy of Music.Philip Alperson - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This volume, reproducing a special issue of The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism on &"The Philosophy of Music&" (Winter 1994) with a revised introduction and two new articles, is distinguished by its breadth of content, diversity of approaches, and clarity of argument, which should make it useful for classroom teaching. The topics covered include musical representation, the expression of feeling in music, the metaphysics of operatic speech and song, musical understanding, musical composition, feminist music theory, (...) and politics, music and racial identity, music in non-Western cultures, and the ontological implications of recording technology for rock music. The approaches used are philosophical, historical, social and political, feminist, and ethnomusicological. The book includes discussions of a great many styles and historical periods of music, from ancient Greek music and music theory to instrumental and operatic music in the Western classical tradition, Persian music, music of the Blackfoot Indians, rock and the blues, and the avant-garde compositions and performances of John Cage. The contributors, all eminent scholars in the field, are Philip Alperson, No&ël Carroll, Stephen Davies, Claire Detels, John Andrew Fisher, Lydia Goehr, Peter Kivy, Jerrold Levinson, James Manns, Bruno Nettl, Jenefer Robinson, Joel Rudinow, G&öran S&örbom, Francis Sparshott, and Kendall Walton. (shrink)
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  28. The Expressiveness of Music.Sanja Sreckovic - 2015 - Theoria: Beograd 58 (3):19-39.
    The paper deals with the relationship between the art of music and human emotions, in particular, with the feature of musical works designated in aesthetic literature as „expressiveness“. After a short presentation of several main attempts at explaining the expressiveness of music in analytical aesthetics, the author offers a clarification of the conceptual confusion within presented theories, and points out their main difficulties and deficiencies.
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    Expressiveness in Music Performance: Empirical Approaches Across Styles and Cultures.Dorottya Fabian, Renee Timmers & Emery Schubert (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This book brings together researchers from a range of disciplines that use diverse methodologies to provide new perspectives and formulate answers to questions about the meaning, means, and contextualisation of expressive performance in music.
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  30. Musical expression. Expression in music / Derek Matravers ; Explaining musical experience / Paul Boghossian ; Persona sometimes grata : on the appreciation of expressive music.Aaron Ridley - 2007 - In Kathleen Stock (ed.), Philosophers on Music: Experience, Meaning, and Work. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Super-expressive voices: Music to my ears?Elizabeth A. Simpson, William T. Oliver & Dorothy Fragaszy - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):596-597.
    We present evidence from neuroimaging and brain lesion studies that emotional contagion may not be a mechanism underlying musical emotions. Our brains distinguish voice from non-voice sounds early in processing, and dedicate more resources to such processing. We argue that super-expressive voice theory currently cannot account for evidence of the dissociation in processing musical emotion and voice prosody.
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    The rock band "Sektor Gaza" as a phenomenon of Russian (counter)culture.Бесков А.А - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 6:123-139.
    The object of study in the article is the Russian culture of the post-Soviet period. The subject of the study is the well-known rock band "Gaza Strip", which is considered as a cultural phenomenon that has influenced Russian culture as a whole. This band was created by the author-performer Yuri Klinskikh (creative pseudonym – Khoy) in the late 1980s in Voronezh. The band soon became super-popular, with virtually no media promotion. The band ceased to exist in 2000 due to the (...)
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    Music as a subject of discussion in A.F. Losev’s philosophical prose.Konstantin Zenkin - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (3-4):363-376.
    This article focuses on Alexei Losev’s literary texts that embrace his mythology of music: “I was 19 years old,” “A meteor,” “A woman-thinker,” “The Tchaikovsky trio,” and “An encounter.” It is shown that Losev’s musical mythology developed from his early musical-critical works—through the artistic-mythological episodes of his philosophical works per se —to his fiction of the 1930s. Losev’s intentionally abstract philosophy of music required to be complemented by the artistic, emotional, socially and historically specific expression. The main idea (...)
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  34. Philosophical Expression Through the Cultural Mithila Paintings.Narendra Narain Sinha'Nirala - 2007 - In Manjulika Ghosh (ed.), Musings on philosophy: perennial and modern. New Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan.
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  35. Music Communicates Affects, Not Basic Emotions – A Constructionist Account of Attribution of Emotional Meanings to Music.Julian Cespedes-Guevara & Tuomas Eerola - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:326516.
    Basic Emotion theory has had a tremendous influence on the affective sciences, including music psychology, where most researchers have assumed that music expressivity is constrained to a limited set of basic emotions. Several scholars suggested that these constrains to musical expressivity are explained by the existence of a shared acoustic code to the expression of emotions in music and speech prosody. In this article we advocate for a shift from this focus on basic emotions to a constructionist (...)
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  36. La critica di Adorno alla popular music.Luca Corchia - 2017 - The Lab's Quarterly 18 (4):31-56.
    For a long time, popular music has been presented as a field of loisir, devoid of artistic value, social expression of barbaric subcultures and product of a cultural industry aimed at mass distraction. In this perspective, the criticism of Theodor W. Adorno is crucial and, even today, his theses – on the aesthetic inferiority of popular music compared to the “cultivated” music and on the deplorable socio-cultural effects of its diffusion – are still a shared judgment. Even (...)
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  37.  22
    A Cultural Psychology of Music Education.Margaret S. Barrett (ed.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Recent studies in music education have investigated the ways in which different groups construe music and music education, and the ways in which these constructions are culturally bound. A Cultural Psychology of Music Education explores the ways in which the discipline of cultural psychology can contribute to our understanding of how music learning and development occurs in a range of cultural settings, and the subsequent implications of such understanding for the theory and practice of (...) education. The book opens with an overview of the theoretical underpinnings of a cultural psychology of music education. Ten eminent music education scholars and researchers provide chapters that illustrate the application of this approach to key issues in music education; its theory and practice. These chapters provide opportunities to look more deeply into the practices of music education in order to understand the role culture plays in shaping children's musical learning and thinking, the learning and teaching of music teachers, the formal and informal institutions and structures within and through which learning and teaching occur, and, the intersection of these processes and structures in the development of musical thought and practice. As the first major publication to explore a cultural psychology of music education, this volume signals new directions for the study of music educational theory and practice, and the continuing transformation of the discipline. It draws together a number of music education researchers working within a cultural psychology framework establishing a basic reference in this developing field. A fascinating subject, this volume will be of interest to music educators, students and researchers of music education, and music psychologists. (shrink)
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  38. Wittgenstein on Varieties of the Absurd in the Music of Interwar Austria.Eran Guter - 2022 - In Károly Kókai (ed.), Zeit der Unkultur: Ludwig Wittgenstein im Österreich der Zwischenkriegszeit. Wien: NoPress. pp. 185-202.
    In this essay I take the opportunity to recast some insights from my extensive study over the last decade of Wittgenstein’s remarks on music into a coherent and concise portrayal of Wittgenstein’s philosophical underpinning and upshots pertaining to his perception of the modern music scene in interwar Austria. The gist of the present essay is to show that, for better or for worse, Wittgenstein’s personal taste in music was powered by philosophical reasoning, which was organic to his (...)
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    The Pastoral Origin of Semiotically Functional Tonal Organization of Music.Aleksey Nikolsky - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:508791.
    This paper presents a new line of inquiry into when and how music as a semiotic system was born. Eleven principal expressive aspects of music each contains specific structural patterns whose configuration signifies a certain affective state. This distinguishes the tonal organization of music from the phonetic and prosodic organization of natural languages and animal communication. The question of music’s origin can therefore be answered by establishing the point in human history at which all eleven expressive (...)
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    Musical features emerging from a biocultural musicality.Tudor Popescu, Nathan Oesch & Bryony Buck - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Savage et al. make a compelling case, Mehr et al. less so, for social bonding and credible signalling, respectively, as the main adaptive function of human musicality. We express general advocacy for the former thesis, highlighting: overlap between the two; direct versus derived biological functions, and aspects of music embedded in cultural evolution, for example, departures from tonality.
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    Method Development for Multimodal Data Corpus Analysis of Expressive Instrumental Music Performance.Federico Ghelli Visi, Stefan Östersjö, Robert Ek & Ulrik Röijezon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Musical performance is a multimodal experience, for performers and listeners alike. This paper reports on a pilot study which constitutes the first step toward a comprehensive approach to the experience of music as performed. We aim at bridging the gap between qualitative and quantitative approaches, by combining methods for data collection. The purpose is to build a data corpus containing multimodal measures linked to high-level subjective observations. This will allow for a systematic inclusion of the knowledge of music (...)
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    The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction.Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert & Richard Middleton (eds.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    The Cultural Study of Music is an anthology of new writings that will serve as a basic textbook on music and culture. Increasingly, music is being studied as it relates to specific cultures-not only by ethnomusicologists, but by traditional musicologists as well. Drawing on writers from music, anthropology, sociology, and the related fields, the book both defines the field-i.e., "What is the relation between music and culture?"-and then presents case studies of particular issues in world (...)
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    Justifying the Right to Music Education.Marja Heimonen - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):119-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Justifying the Right to Music EducationMarja HeimonenIn this study I will explore legal philosophical questions related to music education.1 I will begin by asking, "Is there a right to music education?" and move on to consider what constitutes a right and what kind of music education is at issue. My argument is that there is a right to music education and to a certain (...)
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    Turkish Religious Music Practices of the Sufi Music Associations Federation.Mustafa Asım Akkuş - 2023 - Dini Araştırmalar 26 (65):539-569.
    This study aims to reveal the Turkish religious music practices of Jawharism, a sect based on Qadiri and Rifai, founded in Bagcilar, Istanbul. The historical process of the establishment of Jawharism was firstly mentioned, and then the musical activities of the "Association for the Promotion and Sustenance of Sufi Music and Culture", which enabled it to spread in a cultural sense, were discussed. As a result of archives, interviews and observations, the relationship of Jawharism with music was (...)
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    Impact of Music Education on Mental Health of Higher Education Students: Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence.Feng Wang, Xiaoning Huang, Sadaf Zeb, Dan Liu & Yue Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Music education is one of human kind most universal forms of expression and communication, and it can be found in the daily lives of people of all ages and cultures all over the world. As university life is a time when students are exposed to a great deal of stress, it can have a negative impact on their mental health. Therefore, it is critical to intervene at this stage in their life so that they are prepared to deal with (...)
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    Juliet Hess, Music Education for Social Change–Constructing an Activist Music Education (New York, Routledge, 2019).Martin Berger - 2022 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 30 (2):207-212.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Music Education for Social Change–Constructing an Activist Music Education by Juliet HessMartin BergerJuliet Hess, Music Education for Social Change–Constructing an Activist Music Education (New York, Routledge, 2019)Juliet Hess’s book is written with great passion and composed for a very good reason. It is published in troubling times when music educators are looking for new perspectives on old problems and in search of a (...)
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    Towards an Ecology of Music Education.June Tillman - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (2):102-125.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 12.2 (2004) 102-125 [Access article in PDF] Towards an Ecology of Music Education June Boyce-Tillman King Alfred's College, England Western culture has developed a concept of knowledge as divided into discrete categories, which are reflected in the disconnected subjects of our school curricula and the titles of our university faculties. However, music should be intimately bound up with the wider curriculum, (...)
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  48. The Theory of Expressive Action as Foundation of a General Science of Culture.Heinz Kimmerle - 1988 - In Joseph Major Nyasani (ed.), Philosophical focus on culture and traditional thought systems in development. Nairobi: Konrad Adenauer Foundation. pp. 274.
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    Neural Phenomenon in Musicality: The Interpretation of Dual-Processing Modes in Melodic Perception.Nathazsha Gande - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:823325.
    The confluence of creativity in music performance finds itself in performance practices and cultural motifs, the communication of the human body along with the instrument it interacts with, and individual performers’ perceptual, motor, and cognitive abilities that contribute to varied musical interpretations of the same piece or melodic line. The musical and artistic execution of a player, as well as the product of this phenomena can become determinant causes in a creative mental state. With advances in neurocognitive measures, the (...)
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    Ideas in Music.John Shand - 2018 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 74 (4):1307-1328.
    It is often taken for granted that music, whatever else it is able to do, cannot articulate ideas. This paper aims to refute that formalist claim and present an anti-formalist one showing why thinking formalism true is based on a fallacy and involves a misunderstanding of ordinary language. By ‘idea’ is meant a view, and reflection on that view, which in the limiting case may be a worldview, a Weltanschauung. That in this sense ideas are articulated in music (...)
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