Results for ' Alonso Schökel, Luis'

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  1. Counterfactuals, correlatives, and disjunction.Luis Alonso-Ovalle - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (2):207-244.
    The natural interpretation of counterfactuals with disjunctive antecedents involves selecting from each of the disjuncts the worlds that come closest to the world of evaluation. It has been long noticed that capturing this interpretation poses a problem for a minimal change semantics for counterfactuals, because selecting the closest worlds from each disjunct requires accessing the denotation of the disjuncts from the denotation of the disjunctive antecedent, which the standard boolean analysis of or does not allow (Creary and Hill, Philosophy of (...)
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  2. Modal indefinites.Luis Alonso-Ovalle & Paula Menéndez-Benito - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (1):1-31.
    Across languages, we find indefinites that trigger modal inferences. This article contributes to a semantic typology of these items by contrasting Spanish algún with indefinites like German irgendein or Italian uno qualsiasi. While irgendein-type indefinites trigger a Free Choice effect (Kratzer and Shimoyama 2002; Chierchia 2006), algún simply signals that at least two individuals in its domain are possibilities. Additionally, algún, but not irgendein, can convey that the speaker does not know how many individuals satisfy the existential claim in the (...)
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    Innocent exclusion in an Alternative Semantics.Luis Alonso-Ovalle - 2008 - Natural Language Semantics 16 (2):115-128.
    The exclusive component of unembedded disjunctions is standardly derived as a conversational implicature by assuming that or forms a lexical scale with and. It is well known, however, that this assumption does not suffice to determine the required scalar competitors of disjunctions with more than two atomic disjuncts (McCawley, Everything that linguists have always wanted to know about logic* (But were ashamed to ask). Chicago University Press, Chicago, 1993, p. 324; Simons, “Or”: Issues in the semantics and pragmatics of disjunction. (...)
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  4. Is the 'arbitrary interpretation' a semantic epiphenomenon?Luis Alonso-Ovalle - manuscript
    Much syntactic research on Romance, and, specifically, on Spanish, has been devoted within the GB framework to examining the properties of a class of pronominal elements involving the so-called ‘arbitrary reference’.1 Here is a sample of such constructions.
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    «Somos iguales que nuestros hermanos»: para una exegénesis de Neh 5, 1-13.Luis Alonso Schökel - 1976 - Salmanticensis 23 (1):257-266.
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  6. Null vs. overt pronouns and the topic-focus articulation in spanish.Luis Alonso-Ovalle - manuscript
    Carminati (2002) shows that the existence of both phonetically full and phonetically null pronouns (pro) in Italian reflects a division of labor with respect to anaphora resolution. Pro prefers to link to prominent antecedents more than its phonetically overt counterpart does (where prominence is determined by syntactic position in intrasentential anaphora cases).
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  7. WCCFL paper.Luis Alonso-Ovalle - manuscript
    Wednesday, October 10th in Research Alonso-Ovalle, Luis. 2007. Alternatives in the Disjunctive Antecedents Problem. Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. University of California, Berkeley.
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  8. (1 other version)Maximize presupposition and two types of definite competitors.Luis Alonso-Ovallea - unknown
    Indefinites impose an anti-uniqueness condition on their domain of quantification. The sentence in (1), for instance, cannot be felicitously uttered when it is taken for granted that John has only one friend (Hawkins 1978, 1991, Heim 1991).
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    Eventive modal projection: the case of Spanish subjunctive relative clauses.Luis Alonso-Ovalle, Paula Menéndez-Benito & Aynat Rubinstein - 2024 - Natural Language Semantics 32 (2):135-176.
    How do modal expressions determine which possibilities they range over? According to the Modal Anchor Hypothesis (Kratzer in _The language-cognition interface: Actes du 19_ _e_ _congrès international des linguistes_, Libraire Droz, Genève, 179–199, 2013 ), modal expressions determine their domain of quantification from particulars (events, situations, or individuals). This paper presents novel evidence for this hypothesis, focusing on a class of Spanish relative clauses that host verbs inflected in the subjunctive. Subjunctive in Romance is standardly taken to be licensed only (...)
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  10. Arbitrary pronouns are not that indefinite.Luis Alonso-Ovalle - manuscript
    Defining structural constraints on coindexing proved fruitful. Its semantic import, however, remains unclear.1 Syntactic work in the late seventies and early eighties extended the use of indexing to capture the ‘arbitrariness’ of examples like (1a) (Chomsky and Lasnik 1977, Chomsky 1980), (1b) or (1c) (Suñer 1983). The semantic import of this type of indexing is not less unclear.
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  11. Pecado y existencia: Notas sobre el pensamiento de Escoto Eriúgena.José Luis Cantón Alonso - 1996 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 3:159-172.
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    Consumo e hipermodernidad: una revisión de la teoría de Gilles Lipovetsky.Luis E. Alonso Benito & Carlos J. Fernández Rodríguez - 2010 - Anuario Filosófico:325.
    Dentro de la sociología francesa actual, Gilles Lipovetsky se ha convertido de forma paulatina en uno de los sociólogos con mayor proyección internacional, con sus finos análisis sobre las sociedades postmodernas. En este artículo se plantea una revisión crítica de las principales líneas argumentativas que expone el autor francés. El objetivo es el de reflexionar sobre las limitaciones de su aproximación a los conceptos de postmodernidad, hipermodernidad, y consumo.
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  13. Spanish de-clauses are not always in the right mood.Luis Alonso-Ovalle - manuscript
    The benchmark theory of conditionals maintains that conditionals quantify over a contextually restricted domain of worlds (Kratzer 1991). They are modal statements. The antecedent contributes to the interpretation of the whole conditional a proposition, a set of worlds. Conditionals quantify over a contextually restricted domain of worlds in which the proposition that the antecedent expresses is true. This is all antecedents do. In particular, the semantic import of its tense and mood inflection is neglected: it is - at most - (...)
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  14. Análisis de la dinámica temporal en series históricas de precios de tomate chonto (lycopersicum esculentum mill) en las ciudades de Pereira, manizales Y armenia, colombia.Adrián Alonso Arboleda & Luis Miguel Mejía Giraldo - forthcoming - Revista Aletheia Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt Vol. 1, Año 2011.
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    Expressives and identity conditions.Christopher Potts, Ash Asudeh, Yurie Hara, Eric McCready, Martin Walkow, Luis Alonso-Ovalle, Rajesh Bhatt, Christopher Davis, Angelika Kratzer & Tom Roeper - 2009 - Linguistic Inquiry 40 (2):356-366.
    We present diverse evidence for the claim of Pullum and Rawlins (2007) that expressives behave differently from descriptives in constructions that enforce a particular kind of semantic identity between elements. Our data are drawn from a wide variety of languages and construction types, and they point uniformly to a basic linguistic distinction between descriptive content and expressive content (Kaplan 1999; Potts 2007).
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    A Manual of Hebrew Poetics.Edward L. Greenstein, Luis Alonso Schökel & Luis Alonso Schokel - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):507.
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    La innovación social y el nuevo discurso del Management: limitaciones y alternativas.Luis Enrique Alonso & Carlos Jesús Fernández Rodríguez - 2011 - Arbor 187 (752):1133-1145.
    El discurso de la innovación social se construyó, en otras épocas, en torno a la articulación de proyectos colectivos; sin embargo, en la actualidad se ha consolidado un nuevo imaginario simbólico en el que la noción de cambio personal, muy permeable a las explicaciones psicológicas y a la fascinación por lo emocional, se ha convertido en la variable central sobre la que gira la explicación de lo social. En este sentido, el discurso del management, hegemónico en la actualidad, representa esta (...)
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    La función de la doctrina heraclítea en el Teeteto.Luis Alonso Gerena Carrillo - 2010 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 41:139-154.
    En este trabajo intento mostrar que la función de la doctrina heraclítea en el Teeteto es argumentar a favor de la equivalencia entre la tesis de Protágoras y la definición de Teeteto “la percepción es conocimiento”, y que de esta manera la doctrina apoya la relatividad del conocimiento. Esta lectura va en contra de quienes sostienen que Platón introduce la doctrina porque la cree correcta acerca de lo sensible, y va un paso más allá de la interpretación que afirma que (...)
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  19. A Case Study of Safety in the Design of Surgical Robots: The ARAKNES Platform.Luis Alonso Sanchez Secades, Minh-Quyen Le, Kanty Rabenorosoa, Chao Liu, Nabil Zemiti, Philippe Poignet, Etienne Dombre, Arianna Menciassi & Paolo Dario - 2013 - In R. Kruse, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer. pp. 121-130.
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  20. Unconscious symmetrical inferences: A role of consciousness in event integration.Diego Alonso, Luis J. Fuentes & Bernhard Hommel - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):386-396.
    Explicit and implicit learning have been attributed to different learning processes that create different types of knowledge structures. Consistent with that claim, our study provides evidence that people integrate stimulus events differently when consciously aware versus unaware of the relationship between the events. In a first, acquisition phase participants sorted words into two categories , which were fully predicted by task-irrelevant primes—the labels of two other, semantically unrelated categories . In a second, test phase participants performed a lexical decision task, (...)
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  21.  19
    La sociohermenéutica como programa de investigación en sociología.Luis Enrique Alonso - 2013 - Arbor 189 (761):a035.
    En este artículo hemos tratado de argumentar que la sociohermenéutica es una tradición propia del conocimiento sociológico desde el primer momento de formación de la sociología interpretativa clásica. Tradición totalmente diferente de la actual deconstrucción postmoderna y de su idea sobre el poder total del texto. Se revisan críticamente, a continuación, las aportaciones de Bourdieu al conocimiento de las prácticas lingüisticas como prácticas sociales de poder. Finalmente se define la lógica del análisis sociológico de los discursos —como análisis comprehensivo e (...)
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  22. Código de deontología médica.Luis Alonso Muñoyerro - 1942 - Madrid,: Ediciones Fax.
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  23. La mente en la naturaleza: el problema de la finalidad de lo inconsciente.Luis E. Echarte Alonso - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (92):383-414.
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  24. Pedagogía de la comprensión.Luis Alonso Schökel - 1954 - Barcelona,: J. Flors.
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    Postural Stability and Cognitive Performance of Subjects With Parkinson’s Disease During a Dual-Task in an Upright Stance.Luis Morenilla, Gonzalo Márquez, José Andrés Sánchez, Olalla Bello, Virginia López-Alonso, Helena Fernández-Lago & Miguel Ángel Fernández-del-Olmo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  26. El problema de la finalidad en el pensamiento de Leonardo Polo: de la termodinámica a la cibernética.Luis E. Echarte Alonso - 2009 - Studia Poliana 11:133-164.
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    Una reflexión sobre la libertad.Luis Norberto Alonso - 2022 - [San Juan, Argentina?]: Fondo Editorial, Cámara de Diputados de San Juan.
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  28. Cuestiones de método en el Antiguo testamento.Luis Alonso Schökel - 1981 - Salmanticensis 28 (1):23-36.
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    V. Harte, Plato on Parts and Wholes. The Metaphysics DJ Structure, Oxford 2002 (Clarendon Press, X + 311 págs.).Luis Alonso Gerena Carrillo - 2004 - Méthexis 17 (1):129-132.
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  30. Consumo e Hipermodernidad. Una revisión de la obra de G. Lipovestky.Luís E. Alonso & Carlos J. Rodriguez Férnandez - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
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    From Neuroethics to Neo-romanticism. Aldous Huxley in Response to Current Proposals for Ethical and Legal Regulation of Neuroscience.Luis Enrique Echarte Alonso - 2021 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 21:113-148.
    The neuroethics field emerged in the early 2000s in an effort to face important philosophical dilemmas and anticipate disruptive social changes linked to the use of neurotechnology (Safire, 2002). From very early on, this field grew out of two core issues, namely inquiries into the ethics of neuroscience –concerning the moral use of knowledge and technology– and inquiries into the neuroscience of ethics –on how new brain function evidence can change human self-understanding (Roskies 2002). Similarly, neurolaw is now on a (...)
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    Consumo e hipermodernidad: una revisión de la teoría de Gilles Liporvetsky.Luis Enrique Alonso Benito & Carlos Jesús Fernández Rodríguez - 2010 - Anuario Filosófico 43 (98):325-351.
    Dentro de la sociología francesa actual, Gilles Lipovetsky se ha convertido de forma paulatina en uno de los sociólogos con mayor proyección internacional, con sus finos análisis sobre las sociedades postmodernas. En este artículo se plantea una revisión crítica de las principales líneas argumentativas que expone el autor francés. El objetivo es el de reflexionar sobre las limitaciones de su aproximación a los conceptos de postmodernidad, hipermodernidad, y consumo.
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    Populismo empresarial: la nueva frontera del discurso gerencial.Luis Enrique Alonso & Carlos Jesús Fernández Rodríguez - forthcoming - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi.
    In recent years, the term populism has become indeed popular. Among its variants, a very particular one stands out. It is the so-called managerial populism, in which prominent businessmen have entered the arena of politics with a program focused on the regeneration of economic and social life. Donald Trump, perhaps, has been the most outstanding example. In this article, our aim is to analyze this phenomenon of managerial populism, addressing a number of issues. Firstly, we will discuss the emergence of (...)
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  34. Las ideas como causas de lo que llega a ser.Luis Alonso Gerena Carrillo - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 46 (117):105-117.
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  35. Consumo y sociedad líquida en la obra de Zygmunt Bauman: una recapitulación crítica.Luis Enrique Alonso Benito & Carlos Jesús Fernández Rodríguez - 2009 - Estudios Filosóficos 58 (167):9-29.
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    Maimónides y el pensamiento medieval: VIII Centenario de la muerte de Maimónides: actas del IV Congreso Nacional de Filosofía Medieval, Córdoba, 9, 10 y 11 de diciembre de 2004.Cantón Alonso & José Luis (eds.) - 2007 - Córdoba: Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones.
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  37. El Tratado de República de Alonso de Castrillo. Una reflexión sobre la legitimidad de la acción política.Pablo Luis Alonso Baelo - 2007 - Res Publica 18:457-490.
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    Psychosocial Work Factors, Job Stress and Strain at the Wheel: Validation of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire in Professional Drivers.Sergio A. Useche, Luis Montoro, Francisco Alonso & Juan C. Pastor - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  39. Por un mundo mejor= For a better world.Ana Alvarez de Lara Alonso, Vicente Ferrer, José Luís García Lorenzo, Alberto Sabatés, Jaime Montalvo Correa, Rafael Jiménez Claudín, Nidita Guerrero & Rigoberta Menchú Tum - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:115-122.
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    Mathematical Perspectives on Liar Paradoxes.José-Luis Usó-Doménech, Josué-Antonio Nescolarde-Selva, Lorena Segura-Abad, Kristian Alonso-Stenberg & Hugh Gash - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (3):251-269.
    The liar paradox is a famous and ancient paradox related to logic and philosophy. It shows it is perfectly possible to construct sentences that are correct grammatically and semantically but that cannot be true or false in the traditional sense. In this paper the authors show four approaches to interpreting paradoxes that illustrate the influence of: the levels of language, their belonging to indeterminate compatible propositions or indeterminate propositions, being based on universal antinomy and the theory of dialetheism.
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    La formalización del consentimiento informado en investigación y la pérdida sentimental del paciente.Antonio Pardo-Caballos & Luis Enrique Echarte-Alonso - 2015 - Persona y Bioética 19 (2).
    El consentimiento informado en investigación se inscribe en la relación médico-paciente, que ha sufrido, y sigue sufriendo, importantes cambios: desde el planteamiento clásico, como relación de amistad, al planteamiento contemporáneo, como relación entre extraños, que es regulada por normas éticas y legales. El principal objetivo de estas últimas es conseguir, mediante requisitos formales, que dicha relación no perjudique al paciente. Bajo esta luz, se examina y compara el consentimiento informado en las principales normativas internacionales y en la ley española. Especialmente, (...)
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  42. La base del desarrollo= The basis of development.Mariano Barbacid, Carlos Martínez Alonso, Manuel Toharia Cortés, Luis Rojas Marcos, Herwig Schooper, Margarita Salas Falgueras, Rafael Rebolo López, Pedro Duque, Francisco J. Carrillo Montesinos & Santiago Grisolía - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:141-148.
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  43. El Libro chino Beng sim po cam.Juan Cobo & Luis G. Alonso Getino (eds.) - 1924 - Madrid: [Impr. del Asilo de Huérfanos del S. C. de Jesús].
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    (1 other version)Spirituality/Religiosity as a Therapeutic Resource in Clinical Practice: Conception of Undergraduate Medical Students of the Paulista School of Medicine (Escola Paulista de Medicina) - Federal University of São Paulo.Silvia Borragini-Abuchaim, Luis Garcia Alonso & Rita Lino Tarcia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: The high degree of religious/spiritual involvement that brings meaning and purpose to a patients’ life, especially when they are weakened by pain, is among the various reasons to consider the spiritual dimension in clinical practice. This involvement may influence medical decisions and, therefore, should be identified in the medical history of a patient.Objective: To verify the opinion of undergraduate medical students of the Paulista School of Medicine – Federal University of São Paulo regarding the use of a patient’s Spirituality/Religiosity (...)
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    Reduction of supercritical multiregional stochastic models with fast migration.Ángeles Rincón, Juan Antonio Alonso & Luis Sanz - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (4):479-500.
    In this work we study the behavior of a time discrete multiregional stochastic model for a population structured in age classes and spread out in different spatial patches between which individuals can migrate. The dynamics of the population is controlled both by reproduction-survival and by migration. These processes take place at different time scales in the sense of the latter being much faster than the former. We incorporate the effect of demographic stochasticity into the population, which results in both dynamics (...)
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  46. El Catecismo de Alonso de Orozco entre los catecismos del XVI.Luis Resines - 2000 - Revista Agustiniana 41 (126):843-870.
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  47. Alonso de Veracruz y las encrucijadas de la lógica en el siglo XVI.Luis Vega - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:119-134.
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    Libros y lecturas para el hogar de don Alonso Sánchez de Cepeda.Luis Enrique Rodríguez San Pedro Bezares - 1987 - Salmanticensis 34 (2):169-188.
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    Retos tecnológicos para un diagnóstico actual por el laboratorio:: Estrés oxidativo en pediatría.María Antonia Acosta Valdés, Jorge Luis Quintana Torres, Maria Elena Macías Llanes & Dalyla Alonso Rodríguez - 2006 - Humanidades Médicas 6 (3):0-0.
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    Alonso de Veracruz y las encrucijadas de la lógica en el siglo XVI.Luis Vega Reñón - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:119-134.
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