Results for ' Authors, Serbian'

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  1. Soldiers in War as Homo Sacer.AssociAte PrOfessor Of Military Ethics At THe Military Academy In Belgradehe Is Also Lecturer In Ethics at The School Of National Defence he Is An Elected Member Of The Board Of Directors Of The EuropeAn Society For Military Ethics & War Collection He is A. Reserve Officer in the Serbian Armed Forces Editor-in-Chief of the Online Ethics of Peace - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-13.
    In this article, the author aims to demonstrate how Agamben’s concept of Homo Sacer is ideally epitomized by a soldier in war. A soldier in war holds a peculiar position, as killing of soldiers is considered neither illegal by laws nor immoral by ethics, and so a soldier is not considered to be legally or morally “guilty” in the usual sense of the word if he or she kills another soldier in war. The author analyzes the notion of Homo Sacer (...)
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    Is Nicholai Velimirovich the Author of the Book Words to the Serbian People Through the Dungeon Window?Srećko Petrović - 2020 - Philotheos 20 (2):260-303.
    Bishop Nicholai Velimirovich (1881–1956) spent WWII in Nazi captivity. After the war, in 1946, he left for the United States, where he lived for the rest of his life. During his life, he enjoyed great spiritual and moral authority, both in Eastern Orthodox Church as well as in a wider international and ecumenical context. However, his public image was significantly changed 30 years after his death, i.e. after the publication of several pieces attributed to him posthumously, and especially after the (...)
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  3.  29
    Basic characteristics of the development of Serbian philosophical periodicals.Marinko Lolic - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (2):5-15.
    This work discusses the creation, development, and key characteristics of philosophical periodicals in Serbia, as one of the most important institutional pillars for the development of a philosophical culture. The author shows that Serbian philosophical periodicals played a significant role in the development and dissemination, not only of its primary goal, philosophical culture, but also in building general standards of criticism, necessary for critical thinking in science and our society. At the end of the account, the author emphasizes that (...)
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  4.  19
    Violence in social memory intimate beliefs regarding operation storm in the Croatian and Serbian publics.Gordana Djeric - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (1):43-68.
    This text is part of a research conducted under the working title "What do we talk about when we are silent and what are we silent about when we are talking? - premises for the anthropology of silence about the nearest past." In the first part the author investigates the meaning of silence in the Croatian and Serbian press right before and during Croatia's Operation Storm. The ratio between silence, suppression of information and forgetting, on the one hand, and (...)
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  5.  24
    Views of Europe among Serbian political and cultural elite in late 20th and early 21st century.Božidar Jakšić - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (30):107-122.
    On the basis of his own previous research the author examines views of Europe held by the Serbian political and cultural elite in the late 20th and early 21st century. Unable to meet the challenges of the historical moment, this elite has brought Serbia into open conflict with its closest neighbors and exposed its citizens to international sanctions. War-mongering propaganda of the major state-controlled media was developing feelings of xenophobia and frustration among citizens. The collusion between authoritarian government and (...)
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  6.  20
    Marxism and sociopolitical engagement in Serbian musical periodicals between the two world wars.Aleksandar Vasic - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (3):212-235.
    Between the two World Wars, in Belgrade and Serbia, seven musical journals were published:?Musical Gazette?,?Music?,?Herald of the Musical Society Stankovic?,?Sound?,?Journal of The South Slav Choral Union?,?Slavic Music? and?Music Review?. The influence of marxism can be observed in?Musical Herald?,?Sound? and?Slavic Music?. A Marxist influence is obvious through indications of determinism. Namely, some writers observed elements of musical art and its history as consequences of sociopolitical and economic processes. Still, journals published articles of domestic and foreign authors who interpreted the relation between (...)
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  7.  44
    The social origins and political uses of popular narratives on Serbian disunity.Slobodan Naumović - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (26):65-104.
    The text offers an examination of socio-political bases, modes of functioning, and of the consequences of political instrumentalisation of popular narratives on Serbian disunity. The first section of the paper deals with what is being expressed and what is being done socially when narratives on Serbian disunity are invoked in everyday discourses. The next section investigates what political actor sty, by publicly replicating them, or by basing their speeches on key words of those narratives. The narratives on (...) disunity are then related to their historical and social contexts, and to various forms of identity politics with which they share common traits. The nineteenth century wars over political and cultural identity, intensified by the struggle between contesting claims to political authority, further channeled by the development of party politics in Serbia and radicalized by conflicts of interest and ideology together provided the initial reasons for the apparition of modern discourses on Serbian disunity and disaccord. Next, addressed are the uninnally solidifying or misinterpreting really existing social problems, or because of intentionally exploiting popular perceptions of such problems, the constructive potential related to existing social conflicts and splits can be completely wasted. What results is a deep feeling of frustration, and the diminishing of popular trust in the political elites and the political process in general. The contemporary hyperproduction of narratives on disunity and disaccord in Serbia seems to be directly related to the incapacity of the party system, and of the political system in general, to responsibly address, and eventually resolve historical and contemporary clashes of interest and identity-splits. If this vicious circle in which the consequences of social realities are turned into their causes is to be prevented, conflicts of interest must be discursively disassociated from ideological conflicts, as well as from identity-based conflicts, and all of them have to be disentangled from popular narratives on splits and disunity. Most important of all, the practice of political instrumentalisation of popular narratives on disunity and disaccord has to be gradually abandoned. U radu se istrazuju istorijske i drustvene osnove narodskih prica o srpskom nejedinstvu i neslozi, kao i posledice njihove politicke instrumentalizacije. Paznja se prvo usmerava na ono sto se narodskim pricama o srpskom nejedinstvu i neslozi najcesce postize u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji. Narodskim pricama se, pre svega, ukazuje na pretpostavljeno nepromenljivo svojstvo srpskog identiteta. Njima se odredjuje i glavni uzrok poraza ili neuspeha, u kom slucaju one neretko prerastaju u jeremijade nad istorijskom sudbinom Srba. Najzad, nesloga se moze predstaviti i kao posledica jednog, ili citavog niza faktora, od mentaliteta ili kulture Srba, pa do tudjinske zavere. U sledecem segmentu rada, istrazuju se vidovi politickog instrumentalizovanja narodskih prica o neslozi i ne jedinstvu Srba, odnosno njihova upotreba kao ogleda, modela i velova. U prvom slucaju, politicki akter narodsko vidjenje stanja stvari koristi kao izgovor za svoje neuspehe, ili kako bi naglasio razlike izmedju sebe, svojih takmaca i pobornika. Narativi o neslozi omogucuju akteru i da usmerava publiku na zeljeni nacin, bilo da zeli da unese nove podele u grupu, zaostrava sukob vec postojecih frakcija i povezuje se sa nekom od njih, ili a uspostavlja izgubljeno jedinstvo grupe. Obe prethodne mogucnosti akter moze iskoristiti da bi obezbedio retoricki veo kojim ce prikriti svoje prave namere. Analiza se potom pomera ka ispitivanju istorijskih i drustvenih osnova prica o srpskom ne jedinstvu. Ratovi oko politickog identiteta iz sredine i druge polovine devetnaestog veka, pojacani trvenjima izmedju rivalskih pretenzija na politicki autoritet, dodatno usanceni razvojem stranackog sistema, i radikalizovani novim oblicima sukoba izmedju interesa, vrednosti i identiteta na pocetku dvadesetog veka, zajedno su uslovili razvoj narativa o srpskom ne jedinstvu i rascepima. Na takvu osnovu su se potom nadovezivali rascepi izazvani dinastickim, konfesionalnim ili nacionalnim razlikama, svi zajedno zacementirani iskustvima ratova i revolucija. Analiza se najzad pomera ka nenameravanim posledicama narodskih prica o srpskom ne jedinstvu i razlicitih oblika njihove politicke instrumentalizacije. Zbog pogresnog predstavljanja ili objasnjavanja stvarnih problem a, karakteristicnog za narodske price, a pogotovu zbog politicke zloupotrebe narodskih prica o tim problemima, konstruktivni potencijal vezan za drustvene konflikte i njihovu narativizaciju biva ozbiljno ugrozen. Sledi duboki osecaj frustracije i opadanje poverenja u politicke elite i politicki proces uopste. U zakljucku se skrece paznja na cinjenicu da je savremeno umnozavanje narodskih prica o srpskom ne jedinstvu, kao i prakse njihove politicke instrumentalizacije, povezano sa nesposobnoscu srpskog partijskog sistema i politickog sistema uopste da se odgovorno suoci sa, a pogotovu da razresi splet istorijskih i savremenih sukoba interesa i identitetskih rascepa koji su izvoriste narodskih prica. (shrink)
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    Mediaeval Bulgarian and Serbian theological literature: an essential Vademecum.Francis J. Thomson - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (2):503-549.
    The name of Gerhard PODSKALSKY is well known to all Byzantinists and his works on Russian Christianity and theology (988–1237) and Greek theology (1453–1821) published by Beck in 1982 and 1988 respectively have become classic works of reference. Since both Bulgaria and Serbia were the Empire's immediate neighbours and at various times integral parts of the Byzantine Empire this book is of greater importance for the Byzantinist than the previous two and without any doubt it will find a place in (...)
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  9. Emotions and Identity as Foreign Policy Determinants: Serbian Approach to Relations with Russia.Artem Patalakh - 2018 - Chinese Political Science Review 3 (4):495-528.
    The paper argues that while the Serbian society and political elite are known for treating their country’s accession to the EU in terms of pragmatic utility maximisation, they generally conceive of Serbian relations with Russia, contrariwise, as an identity-laden issue. To prove it, the author analyses Serbia’s behaviour toward Russia along the features of emotion-driven cooperation, found in the literature on identity and emotions in foreign policy. In particular, the paper focuses on Serbians’ especially strong friendliness vis-à-vis Russia, (...)
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  10.  13
    Ethnic minority women in the Serbian academic community.Karolina Lendák-Kabók - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (4):502-517.
    The aim of this article is to discuss the position of ethnic minority women in relation to their career-building in the Serbian higher education system and reaching decision-making positions. The author defines two hypotheses: that there are invisible biases in the sciences that put ethnic minority women in a challenging position when attempting to build a career in academia, and that these women encounter a glass ceiling when trying to reach more senior positions. The analysis is based on 16 (...)
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    Inter-Ethnic Relations in Kosovo.Agon Demjaha - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):181-196.
    The paper aims to analyse the state of inter-ethnic relations in Kosovo between ethnic Albanians and ethnic Serbs, with special focus on the period after unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo in 2008. Inter-ethnic conflict in Kosovo has exclusively been over its territory since both Serbs and Albanians have made claims about history and ethno-demography to justify their alleged exclusive right to this ethnically mixed region. Consequently, inter-ethnic relations between Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo have been rather problematic throughout the (...)
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  12. Leksikon srpskog prosvetiteljstva.Mirjana D. Stefanović - 2009 - Beograd: Službeni Glasnik.
  13.  25
    University and science in Serbia in context of Europe’s integration.Marinko Lolic - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (31):115-126.
    Author considering, appearing and existing modern idea about university like one of the most important institution of knowledge which is arise in modern epoch. In this work particular attention will be initiated on considered different ideas and conception university which were before so-called Himbolt?s idea of university which has global disposition and which is in the last two centuries regardless on period of crisis, had dominant position in contemporary high school education.. The second part of work is consecrated on analysis (...)
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  14.  48
    Psychiatry in a battle zone.Izet Pajević, Mevludin Hasanović & Alina Koprić - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):304-307.
    The authors describe the arrival and treatment of 164 severe chronic psychiatric patients who were displaced from the Serbian army-controlled Jakes psychiatric hospital and off-loaded on the afternoon of 28th of May, 1992 at the gates of the Psychiatry Clinic in Tuzla. Through analysis of their incomplete medical records, which arrived with the patients in Tuzla, and analysis of their activities during and after the war, they found that 83 of the patients (50%) were males and 147 (89.6%) were (...)
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    Brief aus Serbien.Rastko Jovanov & Željko Radinković - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (5).
    Two authors with a similar philosophical biography write this letter from Serbia. First the German professor is introduced to the history of Serbian philosophy. Special attention is given to the relations between German and Serbian philosophy. Subsequently, the present situation of philosophy in Serbia is described, including the toil and deprivation implied in occupying oneself with philosophy in this country. The authors demonstrate that in these circumstances, enthusiasm and personal dedication are of the essence.
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    Psychiatry in a battle zone.Mevludin HasanoviĆ Izet PajeviĆ - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):304-307.
    ABSTRACTThe authors describe the arrival and treatment of 164 severe chronic psychiatric patients who were displaced from the Serbian army‐controlled Jakes psychiatric hospital and off‐loaded on the afternoon of 28th of May, 1992 at the gates of the Psychiatry Clinic in Tuzla.Through analysis of their incomplete medical records, which arrived with the patients in Tuzla, and analysis of their activities during and after the war, they found that 83 of the patients were males and 147 were admitted to the (...)
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  17.  30
    Can philosophy contribute to a change of ethos? (The road from the law of the ethos toward European law.Jovan Arandjelovic - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (21):117-135.
    The author examines the character of the changes taking place in contemporary Serbian society. He emphasizes at the same time that contemporary Serbian philosophy is facing these crucial questions as well, which without it cannot be even addressed, let alone solved. The key difference between modern West European and contemporary Serbian societies, seen from the perspective of philosophy, is demonstrated most clearly in the manner of constituting institutions and transforming the modern Serbian society. In the process (...)
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  18.  47
    Non-governmental organizations and politics of interpretation of South-Slavic’s recent past.Mirjana Radojičić - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (27):109-125.
    In the text the author considers politics of interpretation of South-Slavic peoples' recent past, which was demonstrated by the most prominent activists of Serbian non-governmental organizations. By summarizing the interpretation in a few points, the author attempts to identify its key features: arrogance and extremism as a style, counter factuality as a strategy and anti-Serbian nationalism and racism as an ideological strongpoint. In the final section of the text, what is pleaded is a precise legal regulation of that (...)
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  19.  30
    Socijalistički realizam i Sreten Marić.Dušan Bošković - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (27):163-187.
    In histories of Serbian painting Sreten Maric is listed among the protagonists of socialist realism, and that on the basis of a single article - his criticism of an exhibition staged by the Association of Visual Artists of Serbia to the benefit of wounded veterans. Without denying the historical basis for this judgment, the author of the present paper pleads for a more nuance approach and propounds the thesis that socialist realism was primarily a complex pattern of social relations, (...)
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    Ideas and strategies of discursive equalization of life and death.Gordana Djeric - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (21):247-258.
    By analyzing discursive equalization of the categories of life and death in different spoken and written genres in the 1990s, the author uncovers a number of ideas and strategies around which the discourses guided by this phenomenon are structured. The first part of the paper is aimed at understanding the relation of these categories in Serbian folk culture and possible influences of the latter on recent articulations of the examined phenomenon. In the second part of the paper the central (...)
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  21.  21
    Towards a Framework for Research Ethics Education for Physicians in Serbia.Tatjana Gazibara, Jelena Dotlic, Dejan Donev, Vida Jeremic Stojkovic & Darija Kisic-Tepavcevic - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1249-1266.
    With growing opportunities for medical doctors to work either in academia and industry, research ethics education for health sciences research, meaning research which includes humans and animals and/or their tissues and cells with the goal to understand underlying mechanisms of disease occurrence and disease treatment, is of paramount importance, especially in regions, such as Serbia, where comprehensive research ethics curricula for physician researchers are lacking. This article addresses the spectrum of research ethics topics that were identified through analysis of the (...)
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  22.  37
    From Mothers’ Day to “Grandma” Frost. Popularisation of New Year Celebrations as an Ideological Tool. Example of Čačak Region 1945-1950.Nikola Baković - 2014 - History of Communism in Europe 5:207-226.
    Th is microhistorical case-study of the role of the Antifascist Front of Women of Yugoslavia in popularising New Year celebrations in the Serbian municipality of Čačak aims to examine the internalisation of the communist discourse through ritual practices serving to infiltrate the private life of the local community and to expand the Party’s support basis. In the first post-war years, the new authorities not only tolerated, but tacitly approved and aided celebrations of Christian holidays. Yet this policy changed radically (...)
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    To sleep, perchance to dream... or staying awake: On Balkanism and the failure of the constructivist standpoint in Serbia: A view from the past.Gordana Djeric - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (31):195-219.
    The paper examines the meanings of representations of Serbia, the Balkans and Europe at the time of encounter between Enlightenment and Romanticist traditions. The analysis starts from the assumption that the emergence of negative representations of South Eastern Europe cannot be discussed without placing it within the broader context of 18th and 19th century philosophy and literature and the consequences of new philosophical and literary ideas. Underlying the substantial change of the previously dominant paradigms that is expressed in the symbolic (...)
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    The Denial of Bosnia.Rusmir Mahmutćehajić - 2000 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In 1997, Rusmir Mahmutćehajić, one of Bosnia’s leading public intellectuals, was scheduled to lecture on Bosnia at Stanford University but was unexpectedly denied an entry visa by American authorities. This book, first published in Bosnia in 1998, is an expanded version of that lecture. It is an indictment of the partition of Bosnia, formalized in 1995 by the Dayton Accord. It is also a plea for Bosnia’s communities to reject ethnic segregation and restore mutual trust. For the first time, English-speaking (...)
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    Nasilje u društvenom pamćenju: intima hrvatske i srpske javnosti povodom operacije Oluja.Gordana Đerić - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (1):43-69.
    This text is part of a research conducted under the working title "What do we talk about when we are silent and what are we silent about when we are talking? - premises for the anthropology of silence about the nearest past." In the first part the author investigates the meaning of silence in the Croatian and Serbian press right before and during Croatia's Operation Storm. The ratio between silence, suppression of information and forgetting, on the one hand, and (...)
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    Serbia in the processes of European integrations: Between traumatic experience and real politic necessity.Mirjana Radojičić - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (30):135-148.
    The article contains an explanation of the topic to be dealt with by the author in the next research cycle. In the first part of the article author try to identify the main obstacles facing Serbia in the imperative processes of its European integrations. According to the author, those obstacles are numerous and mostly unique, based on the fact that in the last decade Serbian people was a subject of complete state disintegration to which the most powerful external contribution (...)
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    What is a Troubadour Joy?Dragan Prole - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (2):369-380.
    In the first part of the paper, the author tackles the question of troubadour subjectivity. The subject of the poem announces the losing of oneself, abandonment of the existing state of affairs and self-surrender, but sees no tragedy in it, for a source of genuine joy. Love deserves sacrifice, it is worthy of all human desire, but it is not a conventional love, neither marital nor family love, rather, it is an ethereal and poetic love for Our Lady. For everything (...)
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    Philosophic Implications of the War over Kosova.Peter Hudis - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 3:129-142.
    In analysis of reactions to the NATO-led bombing of Kosova, the author finds that radical critics relied on a disembodied logic of anti-imperialism rather than focusing on the experience of the Kosovar population. For this reason, the author argues that the left failed to consider the history of Kosovar nonviolent resistance to Serbian domination or the Serbian repressions that followed. And in the aftermath of the bombing, the left failed to see how NATO intervention was also leveled at (...)
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  29. Ontological representations of rhetorical figures for argument mining.Randy Allen Harris & Chrysanne Di Marco - 2017 - Argument and Computation 8 (3):267-287.
    This paper surveys ontological modeling of rhetorical concepts, developed for use in argument mining and other applications of computational rhetoric, projecting their future directions. We include ontological models of argument schemes applying Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST); the RhetFig proposal for modeling; the related RetFig Ontology of Rhetorical Figures for Serbian (developed by two of the authors); and the Lassoing Rhetoric project (developed by another of the authors). The Lassoing Rhetoric venture is interesting for its multifaceted approach to linguistic devices, (...)
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    Noch einmal zum Heldenzorn bei Marko Kraljević und Achilleus.Peter Grossardt - 2015 - Hermes 143 (2):229-239.
    With the following paper the author responds to criticism concerning his argument about the origin of the legend of the Trojan War and about the role the wrath of Achilleus played in the development of Greek epic tradition. It is shown that the Serbian song of „Marko Kraljević and Mina of Kostur“ indeed represents the story-pattern of an insulted hero who reacts with anger and withdrawal from fighting and therewith forces his king to make amends. As there are similar (...)
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    Sajmište kao evropsko mesto sećanja na holokaust.Christopher R. Browning - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (4):99-105.
    The article analyzes the peculiarities of the destruction of Serbian Jews during Second Wolrd War in the local and European context. Of all the sites in Serbia relevant to the destruction of the Serbian Jews, Sajmiste is the most important. After the consideration of the attitude of Germans and Nedic?s regime toward Jews and?Gypsies? in the context of the Final Solution, the author highlights that the Sajmiste internment camp was transformed into a local death camp-the only such site (...)
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    ‘Are we there yet?’ Citizens of Serbia and public policy on gender equality within the EU accession context.Aleksandar Bošković & Suzana Ignjatović - 2013 - European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (4):425-440.
    This article explores three dimensions of the current state of gender equality in Serbia: public policy on gender equality, public opinion on gender equality and the context of Serbia’s accession to the EU. Using data from the recent public opinion survey of citizens’ attitudes towards gender equality, the authors address the following issues: harmonization of public policy on gender equality in Serbia with EU policies; differences between public policy on gender equality in Serbia and citizens’ preferences; convergences/divergences between citizens of (...)
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  33.  23
    Freedom of expression in multicultural societies: Political cartooning in Europe in the modern and postmodern eras.Nives Rumenjak - 2019 - Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 10 (2):167-189.
    At the intersection of modern cultural and political history, security studies and debates about freedom of expression and international human-rights law, this article aims to contribute to a better understanding of political cartooning and its implications in multicultural societies of Europe, which have shifted in a geographical, cultural, normative, communicational, political and many other respects through the last two centuries. Through comparison of the Serbian cartoons from late nineteenth-century Croatia and the recent Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, the (...)
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    Ideological and political conflicts about popular music in Serbia.Misa Djurkovic - 2004 - Filozofija I Društvo 2004 (25):271-284.
    The paper is focused on ideological and political conflicts about popular music in Serbia, as a good example of wrong and confused searching for identity. Basic conflict that author is analyzing is about oriental elements and the question if they are legitimate parts of Serbian musical heritage or not. Author is making an analysis of three periods in twentieth century, in which absolutely the same arguments were used, and he's paying special attention to contemporary conflicts, trying to explain why (...)
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    The luminosity of love.Predrag Cicovacki - 2018 - Alhambra, California: Sebastian Press / Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
    We long to love and to be loved. We also fear love because we risk betrayal by those we love, or we betray them. Predrag Cicovacki's charming book, Luminosity of Love, uses the extraordinary love story of the great unconventional Serbian poet Laza Kostić and the vivacious aristocratic young woman, Lenka Dundjerski, as a starting point for a wide-ranging discussion of the nature of love, its importance in the Western philosophical tradition, and its relevance for living a meaningful life (...)
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    Come alive in God!: words for Christian living.Nikolaj Velimirović - 2021 - Canton, Ohio: Hesychia Press, LLC. Edited by Daniel M. Rogich.
    Come Alive in God! is a collection of wisdom sayings of Nikolai Velimirovic (1881-1956), translated from Serbian into English by Daniel M. Rogich, with an introduction and notes.
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    Belgrade 1968 Protests and the Post-Evental Fidelity: Intellectual and Political Legacy of the 1968 Student Protests in Serbia. [REVIEW]Mark Losoncz Aleksandar Pavlović - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (1):149-164.
    Even though Belgrade student protests emerged and ended abruptly after only seven days in June of 1968, they came as a cumulative point of a decade-long accumulated social dissatisfaction and antagonisms, as well as of philosophical investigations of the unorthodox Marxists of the Praxis school. It surprised the Yugoslav authorities as the first massive rebellion after WWII to explicitly criticize rising social inequality, bureaucratization and unemployment and demand free speech and abolishment of privileges. This article focuses on the intellectual destiny (...)
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    Siyasetin Dine Etkisi Bağlamında Stalin’in Kilise Politikaları.Şir Muhammed Dualı - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (2):1305-1322.
    : Undoubtedly, in the formation of history, relations between religious structures and political powers, which are shaped within certain principles, have an important place. The course of these relations determines the strength and domain of both sides. This form of relationship, in some cases, evolves in favor of political power, and sometimes manifests itself as a political direction of religious interests. It is possible to see politics as a direction of religion or to use it in the direction of its (...)
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  39.  45
    Charting an Invisible Domain: Travel and the Genesis of the Concept of Sexual Atrocities as Genocide.Natalie Nenadic - 2023 - In Marie-Élise Zovko & John Dillon (eds.), Tourism and Culture in Philosophical Perspective. Springer Verlag. pp. 167-188.
    In my paper, I document a “travel” journey of concept formation and its concrete expression in law, which also constituted a literal travel journey across continents. Through poetic-hermeneutical approaches to language, guided by previously existing concepts stemming from experiences of the Holocaust, communism, and African-American feminist analyses of rape as an attack on a racial/ethnic group, a previously invisible domain of the human condition was charted. Throughout history, sexual atrocities have been committed within the context of wars, but their weaponisation (...)
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    Belgrade 1968 protests and the post-evental fidelity: Intellectual and political legacy of the 1968 student protests in Serbia. [REVIEW]Aleksandar Pavlovic & Mark Losoncz - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (1):149-164.
    Even though Belgrade student protests emerged and ended abruptly after only seven days in June of 1968, they came as a cumulative point of a decade-long accumulated social dissatisfaction and antagonisms, as well as of philosophical investigations of the unorthodox Marxists of the Praxis school. It surprised the Yugoslav authorities as the first massive rebellion after WWII to explicitly criticize rising social inequality, bureaucratization and unemployment and demand free speech and abolishment of privileges. This article focuses on the intellectual destiny (...)
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  41. Tatjana Markovic.Serbian Music Romanticism - 2003 - In Eero Tarasti, Paul Forsell & Richard Littlefield (eds.), Musical semiotics revisited. Imatra: International Semiotics Institute. pp. 468.
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    Authority and the Individual.Vol. IIIndependence, Convergence, and Borrowing in Institutions, Thought, and Art.Vol. III.E. A. J. Johnson & Various Authors - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47 (4):442.
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    Éditorial. L'histoire, à nouveau ?No Author - 2012 - Labyrinthe 39:7-8.
    À ceux qui nous suivent, cette remise à plat n’aura rien d’une surprise. Lorsque nous avions en tête de méditer l’indiscipline de Jacques Rancière ; lorsque nous nourrissions un dialogue avec « l’alter-historien » Daniel S. Milo ; lorsque nous entreprenions de traduire la Metahistory d’Hayden White : chaque fois, sans sillon de prédilection, mais toujours tentés par l’ironie, nous avons cherché les expériences auxquelles l’histoire livre la pensée, et la pensée l’histoire. Affirmerons-nous qu..
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    Author's response.Review author[S.]: Philip S. Kitcher - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (3):653-673.
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    ¿Es posible otra globalización? Miradas desde el Norte y el Sur.No Author - 2003 - Polis 4.
    El foco de interés de este número está centrado en el tema de la globalización, el cual ha sido tratado en los artículos de la sección Lente de Aproximación. La idea de “globalización” contiene una carga semántica absolutamente disímil para las personas dependiendo de donde estén ubicados, sea en el norte o en el sur de nuestro planeta, o en el norte o sur de nuestros países. Según algunos autores, implica para la mayoría dimensiones perversas y destructivas, mientras que otros (...)
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    Glossaire.No Author - 2007 - 28:125-130.
    Agada, pl. agadot – textes rabbiniques du Talmud et du midrash qui n’ont pas de caractère juridique et n’appartiennent donc pas à la halakha. Il s’agit pour l’essentiel de commentaires, de récits populaires, de légendes et de « leçons » à dimension éthique. Alliance israélite universelle – organisation philanthropique fondée en 1860, par des notables des communautés juives d’Europe occidentale récemment émancipées. L’AIU, fondée sur le principe de la responsabilité des Juifs envers leurs cor...
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    Habilitations à diriger des recherches.No Author - 2007 - Methodos 7.
    Pierre Corbin, Avec des dictionnaires pour compagnons.Habilitation à diriger des recherches soutenue le 24 novembre 2006. Composition du jury Henri Béjoint (Lyon 2) Franz Josef Hausmann (Erlangen-Nürnberg) Benoît Habert (Paris 10) Pierre Rézeau (CNRS) Michel Roché (Toulouse 2) Danièle Van de Velde (Lille 3, UMR STL), Directrice d'habilitation. Philippe Sabot, La philosophie, entre pratiques de lecture et pratiques d'écritureHabilitation à diriger des recherches soutenue le 24 novembre 2006. C..
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    (1 other version)Séminaires et groupes de travail réguliers.No Author - 2005 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 5.
    Groupe d'études « La philosophie au sens large » animé par Pierre Macherey. Une séance hebdomadaire, d'octobre à mi-mai. Thème de l’année « Le quotidien » Groupe de travail « Introduction à la lecture de Différence et répétition de Gilles Deleuze » Groupe de travail hebdomadaire, proposé et animé par Arnaud Bouaniche et Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc. En continuité avec le travail effectué l’année dernière sur l’Avant-propos, l’Introduction et le Chapitre I, les séances de cette année ont porté su...
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    Volume contents and author index.[No Author Name Available] - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 26 (4):471-475.
    INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Volume 26 Number 1 March 2012 ARTICLES An Inferential Model of Scientific Understanding Mark Newman 1 Evidence and the Assessment of Causal Rela...
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    G. H. Von Wright. Några anmärkningar om nödvändiga och tillräckliga betingelser . Ajatus , vol. 11 , pp. 220–239.Author Abstract - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (2):50-50.
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