Results for ' Bentham, Jeremy, utilitarisme queer, non-conformité sexuelle, ascétisme, théorie esthétique, altruisme efficace, masochisme sexuel'

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  1.  5
    ‘Queer Utilitarianism’ Today.Carrie Shanafelt - 2024 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 25.
    Depuis la parution en 2014 de l’ouvrage _Of Sexual Irregularities and Other Writings on Sexual Morality_, toute une série de travaux autour des manuscrits de Jeremy Bentham sur la sexualité ont ouvert de nouvelles pistes de recherche pour l’historiographie queer et l’utilitarisme. Les trois essais présentés dans ce numéro spécial démontrent en quoi les articles de Bentham sur la sexualité pourraient s’avérer nécessaires à la compréhension fondamentale de notre jugement du plaisir des individus (Tsin Yen Koh), de l’échec de (...)
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    The Panopticon Writings.Jeremy Bentham - 2011 - Verso Books. Edited by Miran Bo\V. Zovi\V. C..
    The Panopticon project for a model prison obsessed the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham for almost 20 years. In the end, the project came to nothing; the Panopticon was never built. But it is precisely this that makes the Panopticon project the best exemplification of Bentham’s own theory of fictions, according to which non-existent fictitious entities can have all too real effects. There is probably no building that has stirred more philosophical controversy than Bentham’s Panopticon. The Panopticon is not merely, as (...)
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  3. Bentham and Effective Altruism.Jeremias Koh - 2024 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 25.
    In this paper, I explain how Bentham’s utilitarianism is at odds with Effective Altruism’s (EA) abstract use of numbers to calculate the most ‘effective’ ways to do good. This is interesting because Bentham is widely regarded as the father of modern utilitarianism and EA is a movement popularly associated with utilitarianism today. My paper is divided into 3 parts. In part 1, I explain how Bentham’s utilitarianism is built on a view of pleasure as widely varied and inherently subjective. In (...)
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  4. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation: The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham.Jeremy Bentham - 1970 - New York: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by J. H. Burns & H. L. A. Hart.
    The new critical edition of the works and correspondence of Jeremy Bentham is being prepared and published under the supervision of the Bentham Committee of University College London. In spite of his importance as jurist, philosopher, and social scientist, and leader of the Utilitarian reformers, the only previous edition of his works was a poorly edited and incomplete one brought out within a decade or so of his death. Eight volumes of the new Collected Works, five of correspondence, and three (...)
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    (1 other version)Bentham's Theory of fictions.Jeremy Bentham - 1932 - New York: AMS Press. Edited by C. K. Ogden.
    Introduction, by C.K. Ogden.--The theory of fictions, by Jeremy Bentham.
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    Actualité de la pensée juridique de Jeremy Bentham.Jeremy Bentham & Philippe Gérard (eds.) - 1987 - Bruxelles: Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis.
    La pensée du jurisconsulte anglais Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) se prête particulièrement bien à une approche interdisciplinaire telle que celle qui est menée dans le présent ouvrage. Si Bentham, en effet, a consacré l'essentiel de ses travaux à des projets de réforme de la société anglaise de son temps par le biais de la codification des lois, il n'a cessé d'enrichir cette réflexion par des emprunts faits à d'autres disciplines, dans lesquelles il était également passé maître, telles la morale, la psychologie, (...)
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    Bentham's Theory of legislation.Jeremy Bentham - 1914 - New York [etc.]: H. Milford, Oxford university press. Edited by Etienne Dumont & Charles Milner Atkinson.
    I. Principles of legislation. Principles of the civil code.--II. Principles of the penal code.
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  8. The theory of legislation.Jeremy Bentham - 1975 - Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: distributed outside India by Oceana Publications.
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  9. Utilitarianism 'the theory of legislation'.Jeremy Bentham & C. K. Ogden - 1938 - In Jerome Hall (ed.), Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt. pp. 165.
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  10. (2 other versions)An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation.Jeremy Bentham - 1780 - New York: Dover Publications. Edited by J. H. Burns & H. L. A. Hart.
    Bentham's best-known book stands as a classic of both philosophy and jurisprudence. The 1789 work articulates an important statement of the foundations of utilitarian philosophy — it also represents a pioneering study of crime and punishment. Bentham's reasoning remains central to contemporary debates in moral and political philosophy, economics, and legal theory.
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    Utilitarianism: On Liberty ; Essay on Bentham.John Stuart Mill, Jeremy Bentham, John Austin & Mary Warnock - 1962 - Plume Books.
    The word utiliarianism was coined by Jeremy Bentham in 1781 in a letter to friend in which he said: "A new religion would be an odd sort of thing without a name." While the doctrine never quite became a religion, its thesis, as expressed by Mill in the first essay in this volume-that the good and right are to be defined as that which promotes happiness-became the dominant naturalistic theory of the nineteenth century and provided the moral basis for classical (...)
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  12. Ethical Theory: Classical and Contemporary Readings.Louis P. Pojman - 1995 - Wadsworth. Edited by Louis P. Pojman.
    Part I: WHAT IS ETHICS? Plato: Socratic Morality: Crito. Suggestions for Further Reading. Part II: ETHICAL RELATIVISM VERSUS ETHICAL OBJECTIVISM. Herodotus: Custom is King. Thomas Aquinas: Objectivism: Natural Law. Ruth Benedict: A Defense of Ethical Relativism. Louis Pojman: A Critique of Ethical Relativism. Gilbert Harman: Moral Relativism Defended. Alan Gewirth: The Objective Status of Human Rights. Suggestions for Further Reading. Part III: MORALITY, SELF-INTEREST AND FUTURE SELVES. Plato: Why Be Moral? Richard Taylor: On the Socratic Dilemma. David Gauthier: Morality and (...)
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  13. The Theory of Legislation.Jeremy Bentham - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41:645.
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    (2 other versions)Theory of legislation.Jeremy Bentham, Etienne Dumont, C. K. Ogden & Richard Hildreth - 1908 - London,: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co.. Edited by Étienne Dumont & Richard Hildreth.
    Principles of legislation.--Principles of the civil code.--Principles of the penal code.
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  15. Jeremy Bentham, Deontologia, a cura di Sergio Cremaschi.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi & Jeremy Bentham - 2000 - Scandicci (Firenze), Italy - Milano: La Nuova Italia - Rcs Scuola.
    This is the first Italian translation of Bentham’s “Deontology”. The translation goes with a rather extended apparatus meant to provide the reader with some information on Bentham’s ethical theory's own context. Some room is made for so-called forerunners of Utilitarianism, from the consequentialist-voluntarist theology of Leibniz, Malebranche, John Gay, Thomas Brown and William Paley to Locke and Hartley's incompatible associationist theories. After the theoretical context, also the real-world context is documented, from Bentham’s campaigns against the oppression of women and cruelty (...)
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  16.  50
    Chrestomathia.Jeremy Bentham - 1983 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by M. J. Smith & W. H. Burston.
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    A treatise on judicial evidence.Jeremy Bentham - 1825 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman. Edited by Etienne Dumont.
    Explains every part of the theory of the law of evidence, including the nature and species of judicial proof, means of protection against falsehood, grounds of excluding proof, and peculiarities of certain species of evidence.
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  18.  35
    Introduction aux principes de morale et de législation.Jeremy Bentham - 2011 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    "L'Introduction aux principes de morale et de législation de Jeremy Bentham, paru en 1789, est un ouvrage en tout point remarquable, quoique trop méconnu aujourd'hui. Il poursuit en effet trois objets distincts mais complémentaires : définir le principe d'utilité, ce principe dont la force critique reste sensible en toute réflexion morale ; quantifier les « ressorts de l'action » qui sont au fondement de la psychologie humaine, afin de permettre le calcul utilitariste, un calcul qui n'est jamais totalement absent de (...)
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    Lectures: Philosophy from Aristotle to Augustine.Jeremy Bentham - unknown
    This course is an introduction to political theory by way of a history of ideas about politics, and these ideas are of course related to ideas concerning ethics, religion and other fields.
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    La question du peuple dans la philosophie de Jeremy Bentham.Armand Guillot - 2015 - Archives de Philosophie 78 (2):259-274.
    Jeremy Bentham entend rompre avec les théories du contrat social et proposer une justification utilitariste de la démocratie. Or, aucune théorie de la démocratie ne peut se dispenser d’une théorie du « demos ». L’utilitarisme benthamien comporte ainsi un renouvellement de la question du peuple dans chacun de ses aspects, ontologique, politique et moral. Bentham développe une véritable théorie du peuple qui, bien que méconnue, constitue un tournant dans l’histoire de la philosophie politique.
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    Uncommon Sense: Jeremy Bentham, Queer Aesthetics, and the Politics of Taste. [REVIEW]Wesley D. Cray - 2023 - British Journal of Aesthetics 63 (4):608-611.
    It would be an almost comical understatement to say that, throughout my graduate study in philosophy and subsequent years of teaching and writing, I found myself engaging with the works of Jeremy Bentham somewhat infrequently. Beyond flavorful anecdotes about mummified heads and jabs about stilted nonsense in my undergraduate Intro to Ethics courses—as we segued into extended discussion of John Stuart Mill, of course—Bentham’s direct and recognized role in my philosophical activities has been pretty much nonexistent. With all that said: (...)
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    Carrie D. Shanafelt, Uncommon Sense: Jeremy Bentham, Queer Aesthetics, and the Politics of Taste, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2022.Anne Brunon-Ernst - 2024 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 25.
    In 1984, Lea Campos-Boralevi published a seminal study on _ Bentham and the Oppressed _, which focused on women, sexual non-conformists, the poor, the colonized, the enslaved and animals. There did not seem to be any need for further studies on the subject. Carrie D. Shanafelt proves us wrong. The combination of the publication of new volumes of the _ Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham _, especially _ Not Paul, but Jesus. ___ ___ vol. __ III. Doctrine _ (2013) and (...)
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    Irregular Sexuality; or, The Story of a Girl in Three Parts.Heather Heckman-McKenna - 2024 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 25.
    Le présent article, à cheval entre autobiographie et recherche, donne à lire trois récits entremêlés : dans l’un d’eux, l’autrice est temporairement prise au piège d’une situation de violence conjugale ; dans un autre, elle accepte enfin sa sexualité queer ; enfin, le dernier consiste en une réflexion sur les propos, au xviii e siècle, de Jeremy Bentham sur les « irrégularités sexuelles », pour reprendre sa formule. En particulier, l’autrice se penche sur les dynamiques de pouvoir, notamment sur la (...)
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  24.  30
    Bentham’s Universal Jurisprudence and Theory of Legal Transplant.Michihiro Kaino - 2023 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 24.
    In her influential book of _ A Turn to Empire _, J. Pitts argues that Bentham’s project was very different from later British liberal aspiration to civilize the backward countries. On the other hand, Pitts appears to struggle how to treat Bentham’s such description, for instance, of Islamic countries as a region of incurable barbarity and ignorance. I would like to argue that there was no such contradiction as suggested by Pitts in Bentham’s theory. I will firstly (in section 2) (...)
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    Utilitarisme: agrandir les cages ou liberer les animaux?Enrique Utria - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 11:129-139.
    Dans cet article sont examinées les positions de Jeremy Bentham et Peter Singer sur la question animale. L’utilitarisme benthamien, un utilitarisme de l’acte associé à une théorie hédoniste de la valeur et à une théorie juridique du bénéfice, promeut la création d’un droit légal des animaux à ne pas être l’objet d’un excès de cruauté ; mais il aboutit aussi à certaines conséquences contre-intuitives pour le meurtre humain et animal. L’utilitarisme singerien, dont la structure a (...)
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  26.  13
    Anthologie historique et critique de l'utilitarisme: Jeremy Bentham et ses précurseurs (1711-1832).Catherine Audard (ed.) - 1999 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Qu'est-ce que l'utilitarisme? Philosophie du bourgeois, philosophie de l'homo oeconomicus, dénoncée, entre autres, par Marx, Nietzsche et Foucault? Ou la seule philosophie morale de taille à concurrencer le kantisme et l'une des bases de l'éthique appliquée contemporaine? L'utilitarisme a cherché à constituer une morale purement rationnelle, critique des croyances religieuses et des conventions sociales. L'exemple le plus illustre est celui de la justice pénale. Bentham, dans des textes révolutionnaires, soutient, à la suite de Beccaria, que la peine doit (...)
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  27.  17
    "La déontologie politique", ou, La pensée constitutionnelle de Jeremy Bentham.Emmanuelle de Champs - 2008 - Geneve: Droz.
    Inventeur du néologisme « déontologie », le philosophe anglais Jeremy Bentham lui donnait pour but de fixer ce qui doit être sous l'égide du principe de l'utilité, de concilier les intérêts privés et les intérêts publics. Emmanuelle de Champs explore la branche politique de la déontologie benthamienne, l'art du législateur, celui du droit constitutionnel, et la dimension morale de l'utilitarisme, qu'elle juge centrale dans le système philosophique benthamien. Elle montre que la théorie du langage et de la connaissance (...)
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    Henri Poincaré: A Scientific Biography.Jeremy Gray - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    Henri Poincaré was not just one of the most inventive, versatile, and productive mathematicians of all time--he was also a leading physicist who almost won a Nobel Prize for physics and a prominent philosopher of science whose fresh and surprising essays are still in print a century later. The first in-depth and comprehensive look at his many accomplishments, Henri Poincaré explores all the fields that Poincaré touched, the debates sparked by his original investigations, and how his discoveries still contribute to (...)
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  29.  15
    The Cambridge Companion to Popper.Jeremy Shearmur & Geoffrey Stokes (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Karl Popper was one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. His criticism of induction and his falsifiability criterion of demarcation between science and non-science were major contributions to the philosophy of science. Popper's broader philosophy of critical rationalism comprised a distinctive philosophy of social science and political theory. His critique of historicism and advocacy of the open society marked him out as a significant philosopher of freedom and reason. This book sets out the historical and intellectual contexts (...)
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  30. Bentham on animal welfare.Johannes Kniess - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (3):556-572.
    ABSTRACT Jeremy Bentham is often thought to have set the groundwork for the modern ‘animal liberation’ movement, but in fact he wrote little on the subject. A full examination of his work reveals a less radical position than that commonly attributed to him. Bentham was the first Western philosopher to grant animals equal consideration from within a comprehensive, non-religious moral theory, and he was a staunch defender of animal welfare laws. But he also approved of killing and using animals, as (...)
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  31. Von Queerness, sexueller Aufklärung und Umweltengagement. Ansätze für eine zeitgemäße Anthropologie.Anna Puzio - 2024 - In Religion auf Instagram.
    Wenn man heute Instagram öffnet, begegnen vielfältige Beiträge zu Gendervielfalt, sexueller Aufklärung, Umweltengagement und Körperoptimierung. Auf Instagram gibt es Queerness ebenso wie neue Lebensformen, ein neues Verhältnis zur Umwelt, veränderte Selbstverständnisse, eine breite Varianz von Formen der Selbstdarstellung und Körperinszenierung. Die hier gezeigten veränderten Lebenswirklichkeiten und Selbstverständnisse der Menschen legen nahe, dass diese neuen Entwicklungen in eine zeitgenössische Anthropologie, die sich mit dem menschlichen Selbstverständnis wissenschaftlich auseinandersetzt, aufgenommen werden müssen. Der Aufsatz nimmt die Social-Media-Plattform Instagram als Anlass, um Perspektiven für (...)
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    Popper, political philosophy, and social democracy: Reply to Eidlin.Jeremy Shearmur - 2006 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 18 (4):361-376.
    The later thought of Karl Popper—notably, his ideas about traditions and his “modified essentialism” in the philosophy of natural science— should lead to revisions in the political philosophy set out in The Open Society and Its Enemies. The structural approach allowed for by Popper's modified essentialism, and the delicate nature of traditions, buttress certain issues raised by Friedrich Hayek that pose serious problems for Popper's social‐democratic approach to politics. Fred Eidlin's review essay on my Political Thought of Karl Popper misses (...)
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  33.  27
    Political and religious radicalism in the thought of Jeremy Bentham.Philip Schofield - 1999 - History of Political Thought 20 (2):272-291.
    This paper challenges both the traditional view of L. Stephen and E. Albee that Bentham's attitude towards religion was irrelevant to his moral and political thought, and the revisionist critique of J.C.D. Clark and J.E. Crimmins that his religious radicalism was the prerequisite for his political radicalism. It also challenges the two further claims advanced by Crimmins: first, that Bentham was an atheist; and second, that he wished to eliminate religion from the mind. In contrast it is argued that Bentham's (...)
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  34. Le libéralisme, l’utilitarisme et l’économie politique classique dans l’interprétation d’Élie Halévy.Philippe Mongin - 1990 - la Revue du M.A.U.S.S 10:135-169.
    Élie HALÉVY (1870-1937), philosophe et historien des idées, fut professeur à l'École libre des sciences politiques, l'ancêtre de l'actuel Sciences Po. Comme son autre grand ouvrage, l'Histoire du peuple anglais au XIXe siècle, paru en six tomes de 1913 à 1932, les trois tomes de La formation du radicalisme philosophique, parus en 1901 pour les deux premiers et en 1904 pour le troisième, reflètent pour partie ses enseignements de l'Ecole libre consacrés à l'histoire britannique. Le premier tome, La jeunesse de (...)
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    A Defense of Derk Pereboom’s Containment Policy.Jeremy Scharoun & Neil Campbell - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (5):1291-1307.
    Derk Pereboom disagrees with P.F. Strawson that abandoning the reactive attitudes associated with praise and blame would come at the price of exiting our personal relationships. According to Pereboom, we can contain or modify our attitudes in ways that preserve, and perhaps even enrich interpersonal relationships. In a recent article, Seth Shabo defends “the inseparability thesis” in order to undermine Pereboom’s containment policy. Drawing on David Goldman’s work on non-antagonistic responses to wrongdoing, we defend Pereboom from Shabo’s critique.
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    Utilitarisme et liberté. La pensée politique de Jeremy Bentham.Emmanuelle de Champs - 2015 - Archives de Philosophie 78 (2):221-228.
    Cette introduction présente les enjeux politiques et historiographiques soulevés par l’examen des rapports entre utilitarisme et libéralisme. Car l’utilitarisme occupe une place à part au sein du courant libéral. Quel rôle les intérêts doivent-ils jouer en politique? Comment mettre en œuvre les conditions du plus grand bonheur du plus grand nombre? Comment articuler liberté et droits de l’homme? Au fur et à mesure que de nouvelles sources sont disponibles pour les chercheurs, ces questions trouvent – notamment en France (...)
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  37. Quantum chance and non-locality.Jeremy Butterfield - manuscript
    This is an excellent book, by one of the philosophy of quantum theory's brightest stars. It combines a clear presentation of determinism, probability and non-locality in several current interpretations of quantum theory, with a good deal of detailed analysis, both reporting other people's and Dickson's own results, and developing his own ideas|which are often heterodox, but always well-defended and thought-provoking. The treatment is often concise, especially when reporting standard material or others' results. There are also frequent changes of gear; both (...)
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    An Equality of Security.Mark J. Kaswan - 2023 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 23.
    In the “Principles of the Civil Code,” Jeremy Bentham identifies four “principles subsidiary to utility”: subsistence, abundance, equality, and security. Whereas these subsidiary principles form part of the bedrock of classical liberalism, in this essay I show that in the hands of his friend and disciple William Thompson, they are transformed into the foundations for socialism. Where Bentham prioritizes security over equality, and security of property takes a preeminent role, Thompson shows that the system of individual competition and private property—his (...)
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    Is it more reasonable for a critical rationalist to be non-religious?Jeremy Shearmur - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 17 (42):317-331.
    This paper argues that it is not reasonable for a critical rationalist to be a religious believer in the Abrahamic tradition. The argument is distinctive, in that it takes seriously the critical rationalist view that we should abandon ‘justificationist’ argument. What this means, is that the structure of argument then becomes a matter of offering theories as resolutions of problems, and then judging how they fare in the face of ongoing critical appraisal. The paper surveys issues in several areas, including (...)
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    Bentham and Australia.Centre Bentham - 2019 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 15.
    Introduction The ‘Bentham and Australia’ conference took place on 11-12 April 2019 at University College London. It was hosted by the Bentham Project to mark the forthcoming publication of Bentham's Writings on Australia, a new volume edited by Tim Causer and Philip Schofield, as part of the on-going edition of The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham. Corpus In a format the Bentham Project had already tested in previous events, the ‘Bentham and Australia’ conference saw Bentham and non-Bentham...
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    Christophe Salvat, L’utilitarisme.Emmanuelle de Champs - 2022 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 21.
    Le propos de cet ouvrage, paru dans la collection _Repères _aux éditions La Découverte_ _est d’offrir une introduction précise et nuancée à l’utilitarisme comme courant philosophique depuis Bentham jusqu’aux utilitaristes contemporains (Peter Singer, Derek Parfit notamment). Dans un petit format (128 pages dont 108 de texte et 13 de bibliographie), Christophe Salvat donne une synthèse problématisée et efficace des avancées récentes de la recherche et met en valeur leur contribution aux questions éthiques contemporaines. Dans le paysage intellectuel anglophone, l’ (...) occupe une place spécifique depuis le début du XIX e siècle. Les idées de Jeremy Bentham, de John Stuart Mill puis de Henry Sidgwick ont été diffusées, commentées et attaquées, elles ont joué un rôle structurant dans les controverses de l’époque victorienne. Au XX e siècle, une riche tradition universitaire – notamment dans les départements de droit, de politique et de philosophie – a contribué à considérablement élarg... (shrink)
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    The Background to Bentham on Evidence*: A. D. E. Lewis.A. D. E. Lewis - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (2):195-219.
    The path of those who would approach the study of Bentham's writings on Evidence has been considerably smoothed by the recent publication of William Twining's work on the evidence theories of Bentham and Wigmore. The material on evidence is now being tackled by the Bentham Project. It presents no easy task. The central core, The Rationale of Judicial Evidence, edited and published by John Stuart Mill in 1827, exists only in the printed version, the MSS from which Mill worked having (...)
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    The politics of everybody: feminism, queer theory, and Marxism at the intersection.Holly Lewis - 2016 - London: Zed Books.
    It's commonly understood within the academy that the terms "man," "woman," and "other" are socially constructed, and that their meanings are maintained by the current political order. But few thinkers have attempted to reconcile that knowledge - which is rooted in Marxism - with queer theory. The few who have, meanwhile, usually attempt to do so through issues of libidinal desire and sexual expression. In the Politics of Everybody, Holly Lewis argues powerfully that the emphasis on desire, though seemingly innocuous, (...)
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    Bentham and Australia: Convicts, Utility, and Empire.Bentham Project - 2018 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 14.
    The Bentham Project is delighted to announce a call for papers for “Bentham and Australia: Convicts, Utility, and Empire”, a conference to be held at University College London on 11-12 April 2019 to mark the forthcoming publication of Writings on Australia, a volume of The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham. The conference will explore themes such as the influence and impact of Bentham’s ideas on the theory and practice of punishment in convict Australia, on advocates and opponents of co...
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    Call for Paper: Queer Utilitarianism.Carrie Shanafelt - 2023 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 23.
    Call for Paper The 2014 publication of three of Jeremy Bentham’s extensive manuscript papers on sexual nonconformity as _ Of Sexual Irregularity and Other Writings on Sexual Morality _ has inspired a wide range of new scholarship on the relationship between utilitarianism and queer theory and history. Bentham’s sexual nonconformity papers demonstrate that the experiences of pleasure and pain are individual to each person, and thus, "the greatest happiness of the greatest number" necessitates the maximal toleration of as many experiences (...)
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    Michel Henry's phenomenology of aesthetic experience and Husserlian intentionality.Jeremy H. Smith - 2006 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 14 (2):191-219.
    In Voir l'invisible Michel Henry applies his philosophy of autoaffection (which is both inspired by, and critical of, Husserl) to the realm of aesthetics. Henry claims that autoaffection, as non-objective experience, is essential not only to self-experience, but also to the experience of objects and their qualities. Intentionality tempts us to experience objects merely from the 'outside', but aesthetic experience returns us to the inner life of objects as a lived experience. On the basis of an examination of Henry's aesthetic (...)
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    The Outline of Selected Marital Satisfaction Factors in the Intercultural Couples based on the Westerner and non-Westerner relationships.Katarzyna Waszyńska, Jeremy Wong Jia Yang, Gabriel Lum Wei Han, Daniel Tan Wen Siang, Atifa Bte Othman & Dariusz P. Skowroński - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (3):346-356.
    The paper investigates the various factors from a socio-cultural perspective that have a bearing on the intercultural couple’s marital satisfaction in Westerner and non-Westerner relationships, and how cultural differences may potentially amplify the difficulties, which non-intercultural couples themselves are already likely to face. These factors include acculturation, language and communication, attitudes toward marriage, individual traits and behaviours, support of the family, societal views, gender roles, managing of the household finances and child rearing. Certain theories are also highlighted in an attempt (...)
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    Sobranie sochineniĭ: v desi︠a︡ti tomakh.Zhabaĭkhan Mubarakovich Abdilʹdin - 2010 - Almaty: Qazyghūrt.
    t. 1. [no assigned title] -- t. 2. Dialektiko-logicheskie print︠s︡ipy postroenii︠a︡ teorii -- t. 3. Dialektika aktivnosti v nauchnom poznanii -- t. 4. Dialekticheskai︠a︡ logika, obshchie problemy, kategorii sfery neposredstvennogo -- t. 5. Dialektika Kanta -- t. 6. Filosofii︠a︡ i logika Gegeli︠a︡.
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    What Hindu Sati can teach us about the sociocultural and social psychological dynamics of suicide.Seth Abrutyn - 2017 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (4):522-539.
    By leveraging the case of Hindu sati, this paper elucidates the ways in which structure and culture condition suicidal behavior by way of social psychological and emotional dynamics. Conventionally, sati falls under Durkheim's discussion of altruistic suicides, or the self-sacrifice of underindividuated or excessively integrated peoples like widows in traditional societies. In light of the fact that Durkheim's interpretation was based on uneven data, nineteenth century Eurocentric beliefs, and a theoretical framework that can no longer resist modification and elaboration, by (...)
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  50. Institutional Legitimacy.N. P. Adams - 2018 - Journal of Political Philosophy:84-102.
    Political legitimacy is best understood as one type of a broader notion, which I call institutional legitimacy. An institution is legitimate in my sense when it has the right to function. The right to function correlates to a duty of non-interference. Understanding legitimacy in this way favorably contrasts with legitimacy understood in the traditional way, as the right to rule correlating to a duty of obedience. It helps unify our discourses of legitimacy across a wider range of practices, especially including (...)
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