Results for ' Bullfights'

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  1.  39
    Whaling, Bullfighting, and the Conditional Value of Tradition.Paula Casal - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (3):467-490.
    The paper develops an account of the value of tradition that completes that of Samuel Scheffler and employs it to discuss whaling and bullfighting. The discussion, however, is applicable to many other practices the paper describes, and its relevance extends also beyond animal ethics. Some of the arguments discussed here for maintaining these traditions appeal to their positive aspects, such as their contribution to social or environmental harmony; other arguments focus on the impermissibility of one group criticizing another group’s practices (...)
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    From Bullfights to Bollywood: The Contemporary Relevance of Jean-Baptiste Du Bos’s Approach to the Arts.Benjamin Evans - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 55 (2):180.
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    Animal Welfare, National Identity and Social Change: Attitudes and Opinions of Spanish Citizens Towards Bullfighting.Genaro C. Miranda de la Lama, Francisco J. Zarza, Beatriz Mazas & Gustavo A. María - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (6):809-826.
    Traditionally, in Spain bullfighting represents an ancient and well-respected tradition and a combined brand of sport, art and national identity. However, bullfighting has received considerable criticism from various segments of society, with the concomitant rise of the animal rights movement. The paper reports a survey of the Spanish citizens using a face-to-face survey during January 2016 with a total sample of 2522 citizens. The survey asked about degree of liking and approving; culture, art and national identity; socio-economic aspects; emotional perception (...)
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  4. Gaspar de Jovellanos' Critique of Bullfighting.Gabriel Andrade - 2022 - International Journal of the History of Sport 37 (11).
    Bullfighting debates in Spain are increasingly intense. Defenders of bullfighting as sport and as art, typically argue that many of the country’s most esteemed intellectual and artistic figures were bullfight enthusiasts. This is admittedly true, but by the same token Spain has a long tradition of anti-bullfighting thought. One prominent critic of bullfighting in the eighteenth century was Gaspar Melchor Jovellanos. Often considered the best representative of the Spanish Enlightenment, Jovellanos did not address bullfighting as a central concern. But, in (...)
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    Hidden and Unintended Racism and Speciesism in the Portuguese Animal Rights Movement: The Case of Bullfighting.Luis Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2015 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 62 (144):1-18.
    The Portuguese animal rights movement has been extremely active in campaigning against bullfighting. Indeed, from 2002 to 2014, this was their main priority in terms of campaigns. In this article, I assess how these campaigns have been carried out, arguing that the animal rights movement in Portugal has been othering supporters and practitioners of bullfights in their campaigns. In other words, their campaigns have consisted of drawing a sharp contrast between bullfight supporters and practitioners and the rest of the (...)
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  6. Animal rights and spanish bullfighting in France.Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier - 1998 - In Georges Chapouthier & Jean-Claude Nouët, The universal declaration of animal rights: comments and intentions. Paris: Ligue Française des Droits de l'Animal.
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    A Response to Cultural Arguments in the Renewed Disputes over the Ethics of Bullfighting.Gabriel E. Andrade - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (1):50-65.
    Bullfighting has a strong historical tradition in Spain, but now it is beginning to be challenged by various sectors in society. The debate about the ethics of bullfighting is by no means new. But,...
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    Framing The Bullfight: Aesthetics Versus Ethics.Nathalie Heinich - 1993 - British Journal of Aesthetics 33 (1):52-58.
  9.  99
    "Africa begins at the pyrenees": Moral outrage, hypocrisy, and the spanish bullfight.Cathryn Bailey - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (1):23-38.
    : The long history of criticism directed at bullfighting usually suggests that there is something especially morally noxious about it. I analyze the claims that bullfighting is distinctively immoral, comparing it to more widely accepted practices such as the slaughtering of animals for food. I conclude that, while bullfighting is horrific, the emphasis on it as especially "uncivilized" may serve to disguise the similarities that it has with other practices that also depend on animal suffering. I conclude that, for many, (...)
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  10. A Critique of Mario Vargas Llosa’s Putative Justifications of Bullfighting.David Villena - 2021 - Journal of Animal Ethics 11 (2):31-41.
    The Nobel Prize in Literature laureate Mario Vargas Llosa (2020) praises the legal protection of bullfighting by a Peruvian law that prohibits the torture of animals except in case of cultural traditions, such as bullfighting and cockfighting. He claims that his defense of bullfighting follows from his liberal point of view, and advances three reasons in favor of its preservation: It is a tradition, it is a fine art, and the individuals should be constitutionally free to choose what to see (...)
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    The ethics of prioritisation and advocacy dilemmas: Bullfighting or veganism?Luis Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):63-78.
    Animal, Basta and PAN are the main advocates of animal rights in Portugal. These groups have prioritised abolishing bullfighting over other causes. It is the purpose of this article to challenge the reasons why this prioritisation was made and argue that pro-vegan campaigns should be prioritised. I argue that this prioritisation ought not to be made for a variety of reasons. Namely animal farming is the main cause of suffering; the educational argument provided is disproved by theory and empirical evidence; (...)
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  12.  24
    Breasts in the Bullring: Female Physiology, Female Bullfighters and Competing Femininities.Sarah Pink - 1996 - Body and Society 2 (1):45-64.
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    Horses as players in equine sports.Jason Holt - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (4):456-464.
    Though animal ethics in sport obviously applies most urgently to cases of animals at mortal risk (e.g., hunting and bullfighting) or vulnerable to various types of abuse (e.g., doping and harmful training practices), less obvious domains bear scrutiny as well. Here I examine whether we can strictly take not just riders but horses to be players in equine sports. There is an apparent tension in the concept of equestrian prowess, a peculiar blend of skills and attitudes, between regarding horses as (...)
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  14.  27
    Fatal Attractions. The ethics of persuasion of the animal-based entertainment industry.Paula Casal & Macarena Montes - 2023 - In Núria Almiron, Animal suffering and public relations: the ethics of persuasion in the animal industrial complex. New York, NY: Routledge.
    The animal entertainment industry includes different practices. Some consist in torturing an animal to death, as in bullfighting and countless other popular traditions, while others involve watching an animal in captivity, which can be another form of torture. Perhaps the most profitable practice is forcing very intelligent animals to perform the same routine several times daily in zoos and aquariums containing marine mammals, or in circuses containing terrestrial mammals. These businesses then present the animals in whatever way that makes the (...)
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  15.  51
    (1 other version)Story of the Eye.Lem Coley - 1978 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1978 (36):249-252.
    Whatever track history is on, the coach bearing French intellectuals always seems to be leaving the station as the coach bearing us is pulling in. Place, for example, George Bataille's erotic novel, Story of the Eye, first published in 1928, next to works by Hemingway and Fitzgerald from the same period. The comparison is less perverse than it sounds. Story of the Eye has the sanatoriums and the incest of Tender is the Night, the bullfights of The Sun Also (...)
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  16.  48
    Klossowski, Deleuze, and Orthodoxy.Eleanor Kaufman - 2005 - Diacritics 35 (1):47-59.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Klossowski, Deleuze, and OrthodoxyEleanor Kaufman (bio)Among the many strange and wonderful things to be found there, Pierre Klossowski's oeuvre is a preeminent illustration of what divides univocity and equivocity and therefore serves as one of the twentieth century's most instructive models for thinking the complexity of the dialectic. Univocity and equivocity are significant both in their roots in Scholastic philosophy, as the idea that Being is expressed in either (...)
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  17.  37
    A place for healing: A hospital art class, writing, and a researcher's task.Julia Kellman - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3):pp. 106-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Place for Healing:A Hospital Art Class, Writing, and a Researcher's TaskJulia Kellman (bio)Introduction[O]bjects transform the top of our chest into a site of memory. I think of private landscapes like this one as querencias, places that hold the heart. The word has been translated as homing instinct and affection. Expatriate Alastair Reid introduced me to it in 1965, writing about the Spanish bullfight in The New Yorker. After (...)
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  18.  24
    Tauroética de Fernando Savater: una aproximación crítica.Renzo Llorente - 2012 - Dianoia 57 (69):171-184.
    En Tauroética, Fernando Savater pretende ofrecer una refutación tanto de los argumentos que se esgrimen para condenar (moralmente) las corridas de toros como de las razones que suelen aducirse para justificar una mayor consideración moral hacia los animales. Este intento de refutación se basa en varias tesis: los seres humanos no tenemos obligaciones morales con los animales, los animales no tienen "intereses", la argumentación antitaurina estriba en una equiparación equivocada de los animales con los seres humanos, quienes condenan las corridas (...)
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  19. Devils and angels in almodóvar's talk to her.Robert Pippin - unknown
    dimension is actually “the typical.”[i] There would seem to be little typical about a world of comatose women, a barely sane, largely delusional male nurse, a woman bullfighter, and a rape that leads to a “rebirth” in a number of senses. But comatose women, the central figures in Almodóvar’s Talk to Her, are, oddly, very familiar in that mythological genre closest to us: fairy tales. Both Snow White and Sleeping Beauty are comatose women who endure, “non-consensually” we must say, a (...)
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  20. Between Ethics and Aesthetics: Art and Animality.Nathalie Heinich, Esthe Lin & Johanna Liu - 2006 - Philosophy and Culture 33 (10):51-67.
    In this paper, the future of bullfighting in France not long to break the moral value and aesthetic experience in disputes arising from conduct analysis to facilitate thinking about aesthetic experience and the relationship between animal existence. This paper is seeking to explore, and not in the evaluation of an article or opinion on a work conflict, but conflict involved to judge the value of multiple values. Guardian of moral values ​​and oppose bullfighting events, the main slogan is to respect (...)
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  21.  9
    Another Music: Polemics and Pleasures.John McCormick - 2008 - Routledge.
    As the essays in this book attest, in a time of specialization John McCormick chose diversification, a choice determined by a life spent in many occupations and many countries. After his five years in the U. S. Navy in the Second World War, the academy beckoned by way of the G. I. Bill, graduate training, and a career in teaching. Prosperity in the American university at the time meant setting up as a "Wordsworth man," a "Keats man," or a "Dr. (...)
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    Mágica ceremonia: de Darwin a Hitler pasando por Peter Singer: manifiesto contra la irracionalidad animalista.Francisco López Barrios - 2013 - Madrid, España: Huerga & Fierro Editores.
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    El movimiento animalista, la producción animal y la tauromaquia: una trilogía malavenida.Antonio Purroy Unanua - 2021 - [Madrid]: Ediciones Temple.
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    Tauromachia as Counter-Sacrificial Ritual: Insights from Mimetic Theory.Brian Harding - 2018 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 25 (1):243-263.
    Many proponents and opponents of the Corrida de Toros agree in describing the practice as a sacrifice. This surprising agreement is compounded by a further agreement that the sacrificial victim is the bull. In what follows, I contest both points. Beginning with the later, I argue that the victim is not the bull but the torero, especially the matador. Rather than seeing the corrida as the sacrifice of the bull, it is the deferred sacrifice of the torero, and the crowd (...)
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