Results for ' Christian apologetics ‐ trying to “prove” the historical reliability of gospels'

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  1.  11
    From Christian Apologetics to Deism.Joan-Pau Rubiés - 2016 - In William J. Bulman & Robert G. Ingram, God in the Enlightenment. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    India and its religion played an important role in the assault on Christian orthodoxy during the late Enlightenment. However, the late-seventeenth century transition from antiquarian apologetics to libertinism is harder to explain, and yet historically more crucial. This chapter maps this process with particular reference to the interpretation of the remarkable range of materials concerning Hinduism that appeared in the illustrated encyclopedia of world religions Cérémonies et coutumes de tots les peuples du monde. Its editor, Jean-Fréderic Bernard, went (...)
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    Phenomenology as Apologetics.Szczepan Urbaniak - 2022 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 27 (2):193-210.
    In this article, we analyse the relation of philosophy and theology in the work of Jean‑Luc Marion in order to be able to see not only how the phenomenology of givenness can serve as a “new apologetics” for theology, but also how Marion’s phenomenology itself, in its historical development and in its core principle and method, is influenced and changed by theological phenomena. We present three ways of describing the relation, tension, mutual influence and separation of philosophy and (...)
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    Synoptic Problem and Redaction Criticism: An Introductory Survey.Zafer Duygu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):521-544.
    The Synoptic Problem is a puzzle that scholars have desired to solve since the 18th century. The discussion has a religious background, because it is about the first three canonical Gospels of the Church, namely Matthew, Mark and Luke, which came to be called the Synoptic Gospels. The discussion, in the most basic context, concentrates on the point that there is a possible relationship or connection between the Synoptic Gospels and that each one is substantially similar to (...)
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  4. Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics.Michael Sudduth - 2003 - Religious Studies 39 (3):299-321.
    It is a widely held viewpoint in Christian apologetics that in addition to defending Christian theism against objections (negative apologetics), apologists should also present arguments in support of the truth of theism and Christianity (positive apologetics). In contemporary philosophy of religion, the Reformed epistemology movement has often been criticized on the grounds that it falls considerably short of satisfying the positive side of this two-tiered approach to Christian apologetics. Reformed epistemology is said to (...)
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    Christian Apologetic Literature as Source from Antiquity in Grotius’s De Veritate Religionis Christianae.Silke-Petra Bergjan - 2007 - Grotiana 35 (1):32-52.
    _ Source: _Volume 35, Issue 1, pp 32 - 52 In the 1630s, Grotius was engaged in extensive reading of patristic texts. From his involvement with these texts come the numerous and sometimes extensive quotations from patristic texts in the Annotata of De veritate religionis Christianae, which accompanied the work starting in 1640. Grotius was particularly interested in the apologetic literature of the ancient Church, which can also be seen in his correspondence. Strikingly, Grotius cites individual passages from texts that (...)
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  6. Second Scholasticism — Analytical Metaphysics — Christian Apologetics.David Svoboda, Prokop Sousedík & Lukáš Novák (eds.) - 2024 - Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: editiones scholasticae.
    Second scholasticism, ​analytical metaphysics, and Christian apologetics are the three topics characteristic of the lifelong efforts of the eminent Czech philosopher Stanislav Sousedík, who celebrated his 90th birthday in 2021. To honour this anniversary, a conference named accordingly was organized in Prague. The papers presented at this event — further elaborated by their authors and supplemented with Sousedík’s remarkable “Brief Autobiography” — constitute the gist of this book: a collective homage to Professor Sousedík and an attempt to promote (...)
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    Socrates and St. Paul: Can Christian Apologetics be Public Philosophy?Mark S. McLeod-Harrison - 2014 - Essays in Philosophy 15 (1):117-137.
    Can popular Christian apologetics be public philosophy? This paper argues that it can be partly because the criteria for what counts as public philosophy are so vague but also partly because popular Christian apologetics parallels much that counts as public philosophy both in terms of its historical roots in Socrates but also how public philosophy is practiced now. In particular, there are parallels on the role of amateurs vs. professionals, the sorts of topics, the quality (...)
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  8. Creating clear and reliable scientific evidence for marine stakeholders with felt responsibility to act against climate change.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Ruining Jin, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Tam-Tri Le & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Climate change prevention necessitates the communication of transparent and reliable scientific evidence to improve public awareness and support. Felt responsibility is an essential factor influencing human environment-related psychology and behavior. However, the knowledge about the relationship between the felt responsibility and perceived uncertainty of scientific evidence regarding climate change has remained limited. The current study examines factors associated with the perceived uncertainty of scientific evidence (including felt responsibility to act on climate change) among stakeholders of marine and coastal ecosystems in (...)
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    Without Excuse: Scripture, Reason, and Presuppositional Apologetics.David Haines (ed.) - 2020 - Leesburg: The Davenant Press.
    The twentieth century was unkind to classical Reformed theology. While theological conservatives often blame liberals for undermining traditional Protestant doctrines, the staunchest conservatives and neo-Orthodox also revised several key doctrines. Although Cornelius Van Til developed presuppositional apologetics as an attempt to remain faithful to timeless Christian truth as the Reformed tradition expresses it, he sacrificed the catholic and Reformed understanding of the use of natural revelation in theology and apologetics in the process. -/- "The invisible things of (...)
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    Gospel Historicity: Some Philosophical Observations.T. A. Roberts - 1966 - Religious Studies 1 (2):185 - 202.
    In this article I propose to discuss some recent theological contributions to the problem of the historicity of the Gospels, and I wish to suggest that philosophical issues may ultimately be relevant to its solution.
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    Die Einzigkeit Gottes im Proslogion des Anselm von Canterbury.Christian Tapp - 2012 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 119 (1):15-25.
    Existence and uniqueness are standard questions in cases where definite descriptions are used. In his Proslogion Anselm of Canterbury uses definite and non-definite descriptions of God: He is “id/aliquid quo maius cogitari non potest” (and similar). While Anselm’s proof for the existence of God is widely discussed, including its relations to those famous descriptions, this is not the case for the question of uniqueness. Is there at most one perfect being or might there be more than one? ‘Of course there (...)
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  12. What Place, then, for Rational Apologetics?Richard Brian Davis & W. Paul Franks - 2013 - In Paul Gould & Richard Brian Davis, Loving God with Your Mind: Essays in Honor of J. P. Moreland (edited book). Chicago, IL, USA: Moody Publishers. pp. 127–140.
    In this chapter, we attempt to show that J.P. Moreland's understanding of apologetics is beautifully positioned to counter resistance to a rationally defensible Christianity—resistance arising from the mistaken idea that any rational defense will fail to support or even undermine relationship. We look first at Paul Moser's complaint that since rational apologetics doesn’t prove the God of Christianity, it falls short of delivering what matters most—a personal agent worthy of worship and relationship. We then consider John Wilkinson's charge (...)
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    Emigrant feelings among domestic pentecostals: historical-theological preconditions.Mykhailo Mykhailovych Mokiyenko - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:125-133.
    The article analyzes the theological and historical preconditions of emigrant feelings among the Ukrainian Pentecostal believers. It is proved that the gospel narrative influences the way Christians of evangelical faith see their own life - as a "temporary earthly journey", determining, along with the unfavorable conditions for the confession of their own religious views in the Soviet era, the desire to emigrate to any non-socialist country. Under conditions of spiritual freedom, a transition from cosmopolitan to patriotic views is observed (...)
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    Historical or Presuppositional Apologetics: A Henrecian Response to Michael Licona’s New Historiographical Approach.William C. Roach - 2019 - Perichoresis 17 (3):43-61.
    Two cross-currents from the twentieth century have affected evangelical apologetics: apologetic methodology and Carl F. H. Henry. Henry was considered the dean of American evangelicalism, who shaped the movement by providing a rational and propositional apologetic. Henry also engaged the issues in the midst of a larger question of apologetic methodology, primarily, between presuppositionalists and evidentialists. This article continues to address the two cross-currents by offering a Henrecian evaluation of Michael Licona’s new historiographical approach to defending the resurrection. In (...)
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    What was Frege trying to prove? A response to Jeshion.Joan Weiner - 2004 - Mind 113 (449):115-129.
    Why did Frege look for the foundations of arithmetic in logic? Robin Jeshion has argued against several proposed answers, mine among them, and offered one of her own. In response, I argue that (i) Jeshion's own interpretation does not work: it is unsupported by the text and fails to answer the question; (ii) while it is not my view that Frege is motivated solely by philosophical concerns, his motivation cannot be divorced from his belief that foundations for science must show (...)
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  16. Hermeneutics, Historicity, and Poetry as Theological Revelation in Dante's Divine Comedy.William Franke - 2007 - In Jan Lloyd Jones, Art and Time. Australian Scholarly Publishing. pp. 39.
    The classical is defined by Gadamer, following and adapting Hegel, as “self-significant” and “self-interpretive”. By its power of interpreting itself, the classic reaches into the present and addresses it. In so doing, the classical precedes, encompasses and anticipates latter-day interpretations within its own already-in-progress self-interpretation: “the classical preserves itself precisely because it is significant in itself and interprets itself; that is, it speaks in such a way that it is not a statement about what is past — documentary evidence that (...)
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    Text, Medium und publizistische Begleitung: Buchproduktion und Buchkomposition bei Augustinus.Christian Tornau - 2011 - Quaestio 11:141-168.
    Augustine was a writer who carefully observed and consciously tried to influence the reception of his own works. In order to achieve this he employed three different but closely interrelated means: 1) the text of the books itself; 2) their media, which, in Augustine’s time, primarily means the codex; but oral elements are also important, because the usual way of book production was dictation and readers were usually listeners; 3) the public advertising of the writings in Augustine’s letters. In the (...)
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    Postmodern Apologetics?:Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy: Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2013 - Fordham University Press.
    This book provides an introduction to the emerging field of Continental philosophy of religion by treating the philosophical thought of its most important representatives, including its appropriations by several thinkers in the US. Part I provides a context to the field by looking at the religious aspects of the thought of Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Lévinas, and Jacques Derrida. It contends that although the work of these thinkers is not apologetic in nature, it prepares the ground for the more religiously motivated (...)
  19. Chinese Perspectives on Free Will.Christian Helmut Wenzel & Marchal Kai - 2016 - In Kevin Timpe, Meghan Griffith & Neil Levy, Routledge Companion to Free Will. New York: Routledge. pp. 374-388.
    The problem of free will as it is know in Western philosophical traditions is hardly known in China. Considering how central the problem is in the West, this is a remarkable fact. We try to explain this, and we offer insights into discussions within Chinese traditions that we think are related, not historically but regarding the issues discussed. Thus we introduce four central Chinese concepts, namely: (1) xīn 心 (heart, heart-mind), (2) xìng 性 (human nature, characteristic tendencies, inborn capacity), (3) (...)
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  20.  22
    Der Jesus der Exegeten und der Christus der Dogmatiker. Die Bedeutung der neueren Jesusforschung für die systematisch-theologische Christologie.Christian Danz - 2009 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 51 (2):186-204.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGSeit den 80er Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts ist die Jesusforschung in eine neue Phase getreten. Dieser Beitrag nimmt sowohl die Forschungsresultate als auch die Diskussion auf und versucht, Konsequenzen für die systematisch-theologische Christologie zu ziehen. Dies geschieht in drei Schritten. Im ersten Teil wird die Debatte um den historischen Jesus und deren Aufnahme in die dogmatische Christologie dargestellt. Der zweite Teil zeichnet grundlegende Aspekte der neueren Jesusforschung nach. Unter dem Titel ›Christologie als Religionshermeneutik‹ wird schließlich die Bedeutung der third quest (...)
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    Public Presuppositions for Christian Apologetics.Hugh G. Gauch - 2015 - Philosophia Christi 17 (1):189-198.
    Public presuppositions suffice in arguments for Christianity, without needing controversial presuppositions such as the authority of the Bible. Necessary and sufficient presuppositions can be derived from rudimentary common sense, which is shared by Christianity and virtually all other worldviews. These claims are defended against three problematic ideas in contemporary Christian apologetics concerning circular reasoning, starting points, and neutral rationality. Public presuppositions are discussed in the contexts of both evidential and presuppositional apologetics.
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    Die Joule-Thomson-Experimente—Anmerkungen zur Materialität eines Experimentes.Christian Sichau - 2000 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 8 (1):222-243.
    To analyze science as practice and culture has become, since the early 1970s, the object of the new history and sociology of science. Hence, historians and sociologists pay now more attention to the role of experiment in science. In order to study experiments we need to think more carefully about instruments, apparatus and their use. In this article I put forward a method which allows to do both, to study the materiality of experiment as well as the activities involved in (...)
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    Religiöser Universalismus im Zeitalter der Nation. Friedrich von Hügel und die deutsche Geisteswelt.Christian Stoll - 2021 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 28 (2):246-298.
    The article analyzes the influence of German thought on Baron Friedrich von Hügel’s philosophy of religion. The activities of the British scholar in the networks of Catholic modernism are placed within the broader framework of the international discussion on religion around 1900. His religious universalism was shaped to a great extent by the encounter of German intellectuals from a liberal Protestant background, most notably by Rudolf Eucken, Ernst Troeltsch and Friedrich Naumann. This encounter, started during the 1890s, focussed on the (...)
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    Compassionate Justice: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue with Two Gospel Parables on Law, Crime, and Restorative Justice by Christopher D. Marshall.Glen Stassen - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):221-223.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Compassionate Justice: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue with Two Gospel Parables on Law, Crime, and Restorative Justice by Christopher D. MarshallGlen StassenCompassionate Justice: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue with Two Gospel Parables on Law, Crime, and Restorative Justice CHRISTOPHER D. MARSHALL Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012. 386 pp. $33.60Christopher Marshall is known to Society of Christian Ethics members for his highly acclaimed book on restorative justice, Beyond Retribution, and for his (...)
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    Resistant Hinduism. Sanskrit Sources on Anti-Christian Apologetics in Early Nineteenth-Century India.Richard W. Lariviere - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1):182.
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    God’s Not Dead as Philosophy: Trying to Prove God Exists.David Kyle Johnson - 2022 - In The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 1435-1466.
    The 2014 movie God’s Not Dead is a clear argument for the truth of its title; in other words, it is an argument that God exists. It does this, primarily, by having its protagonist, college freshman Josh Wheaton, present a number of arguments for God’s existence in front of his philosophy class. It is the purpose of this chapter to evaluate those arguments. In the end, we will see that the movie fails, pretty dramatically, at accomplishing its task, while also (...)
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    C. S. Lewis's Christian Apologetics: Pro and Con.Gregory Bassham (ed.) - 2015 - Brill | Rodopi.
    In _C. S. Lewis’s Christian Apologetics: Pro and Con_, ten articulate defenders and critics of Lewis’s apologetics square off and debate the merits of Lewis’s central arguments for Christian belief.
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    Zwei Entwicklungslinien einer Forschungstechnologie: Zur Geschichte der Analytischen Ultrazentrifugen und Gasultrazentrifugen.Bernd Helmbold & Christian Forstner - 2015 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 23 (3-4):177-201.
    In a historical perspective the ultracentrifuge is often taken as perfect example of a research technology according to Shinn and Joerges. Research technologies are defined by a generic device, its own metrology and the interstitiality of the historical actors connected with the device. In our paper we give a detailed analysis of the development of the ultracentrifuge and thereby reveal two different lines of development: analytical ultracentrifuges and gas ultracentrifuges used for isotope separation. Surprisingly, we could not find (...)
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    Consciousness as a cultivated faculty that develops according to social and historical conditions.Christian Frenopoulo - forthcoming - Anthropology of Consciousness:e70001.
    The articles in this issue of the journal support the claim that consciousness is a circumstantially cultivated faculty of the self. This is contrary to a widespread assumption held by numerous scholars, researchers, and religious doctrines that consciousness is a self‐sustaining unoriginated faculty given to the subject and which at all times is subjectively experienced with wholeness. The articles in this issue counter the belief that consciousness exists in a state of independence from societal, personal, and historical circumstances.
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  30. (1 other version)Critical Phenomenology: An Introduction Critical Phenomenology: An Introduction, by Elisa Magrì & Paddy McQueen, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2022, 240 pp., €62.20 (hardback), ISBN: 9781509541119, €21.90 (paperback), ISBN: 9781509541126. [REVIEW]Tris Hedges - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 55 (1):129-131.
    Fans of arthouse cinema may lament that über-indie idol Greta Gerwig sold out to mainstream cinema with her foray into Barbie. Yet for every film snob who refuses to watch Barbie, innumerable other...
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  31. Vietnam’s Corporate Bond Market, 1990-2010 : Some Reflections.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Tri-Dung Tran - 2011 - Journal of Economic Policy and Research 6 (1):1-47.
    Corporate bond appeared in 1992-1994 in Vietnamese capital markets. However, it is still not popular to both business sectors and academic circles. This paper explores different dimensions of Vietnamese corporate bond market using a unique and perhaps, most complete data set. State not only intervenes in the bond markets with its powerful budget and policies but also competes directly with enterprises. The dominance of state-owned enterprises and large corporations also prevents small and medium enterprises from this debt financing vehicle. Whenever (...)
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    Postmodern Apologetics?: Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    This book provides an introduction to the emerging field of continental philosophy of religion by treating the thought of its most important representatives, including its appropriations by several thinkers in the United States. Part I provides context by examining religious aspects of the thought of Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jacques Derrida. Christina Gschwandtner contends that, although the work of these thinkers is not apologetic in nature, it prepares the ground for the more religiously motivated work of more recent thinkers (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Der Junge Carnap in Historischem Kontext: 1918–1935 / Young Carnap in an Historical Context: 1918–1935.Christian Damböck & Gereon Wolters (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This Open Access volume is based on the 'Early Carnap in Context’ workshop that took place in Konstanz in 2017 and looks at Rudolf Carnap’s philosophy, documented in his recently released diaries, from a combination of historical, cultural and philosophical perspectives. It enables further evaluation of the diaries and traces newly found interrelationships and their systematic definition. From a cultural and historical point of view, Logical Empiricism and Carnap’s pivotal opus, The Logical Structure of the World, did not (...)
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    Moderne aus dem Untergrund: Radikale Fruhaufklarung in Deutschland, 1680-1720 (review).John Christian Laursen - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):419-420.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.3 (2003) 419-420 [Access article in PDF] Martin Mulsow. Moderne aus dem Untergrund: Radikale Frühaufklärung in Deutschland, 1680-1720. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2002. Pp. x + 514. Paper, € 58.00.This is a marvelous, detailed, textured study of a large number of minor works and minor figures that developed and transmitted many of the elements of modern philosophy in early modern Germany. Many of (...)
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  35. Who owns it? Three arguments for land claims in Latin America.Christian Barry & Gerhard Øverland - 2017 - Revista de Ciencia Politica 37 (3):713-736.
    Indigenous and non-indigenous communities in Latin America make land claims and support them with a variety of arguments. Some, such as Zapatistas and the Mapuche, have appealed to the “ancestral” or “historical” connections between specific communities and the land. Other groups, such as MST in Brazil, have appealed to the extremely unequal distribution of the land and the effects of this on the poor; the land in this case is seen mainly as a means for securing a decent standard (...)
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  36. Discriminatory Types and Homogenising Relevances: A Schutzian Perspective on Oppression.Tris Hedges & Sabrina De Biasio - 2024 - Human Studies (4):1-22.
    In this paper, we draw on Alfred Schutz’s theoretical framework to better understand how oppression is enacted through discriminatory acts. By closely examining the role of typifications and relevances in our experience of others, and by supplementing this analysis with contemporary social scientific resources, we argue that a Schutzian perspective on oppression yields important phenomenological insights. We do this in three key steps. Firstly, we contextualise Equality and the Meaning Structure of the Social World within Schutz’s broader body of work, (...)
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    Testing Christianity's Truth Claims: Approaches to Christian Apologetics.Gordon Russell Lewis - 1990 - Upa.
    In this outstanding defense of Christianity, the author compares and contrasts six methods of reasoning used by philosophers during the resurgence of evangelical beliefs in the latter half of the 20th century. He looks at the empirical, rational, presuppositional, mystical, existential and verificational methods that stimulate critical thought about God, as seen in the Jesus of history and in the teachings of Scripture. Originally published in 1976 by Moody Press.
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  38. Reclaiming misandry from misogynistic rhetoric.Tris Hedges - 2024 - Feminist Review 136 (1):84-99.
    In recent years, misogyny has become a central concept in philosophy as well as an established concept in public discourse and political policy. But where is misogyny’s supposed counterpart, namely, misandry? In this paper I argue for an ameliorative analysis of "misandry", arguing that it can be reformulated in an effort to reclaim it from its misogynistic weaponisation. The term "misandry" is used almost exclusively as a misogynistic rhetorical device for attributing unjust anger, hatred, or other similar emotions to a (...)
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    Omnibenevolence, Moral Apologetics, and Doubly Ramified Natural Theology.David Baggett & Ronnie Campbell - 2013 - Philosophia Christi 15 (2):337-352.
    Taking seriously Richard Swinburne’s distinction between “bare” natural theology and “ramified” natural theology, this article contends that the moral argument for God’s existence helps to flesh out distinctively moral aspects of God’s character, reflective of and resonant with a specifically Anselmian concept of God. This article argues that the project of ramified natural theology not only helps distinguish the Christian conception from other theisms, it also helps to clarify important distinctions made among Christians concerning their understanding of God, resulting (...)
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    Spekulative Theologie und gelebte Religion: Falk Wagner und die Diskurse der Moderne.Christian Danz & Michael Murrmann-Kahl (eds.) - 2015 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: In this volume, the Munich and Vienna-based theologian Falk Wagner's work in the fields of philosophical theology, sociology and lived religion is taken up for the first time against the backdrop of current theological and philosophical controversies. The essays integrate Wagner's thinking into the history of theology and philosophy in the twentieth century, reconstruct fundamental elements of his philosophical theology between the poles of speculative theology and lived religion, while also highlighting the constellations and context wherein his theology (...)
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    Athletes’ religiosity: How it plays a role in athletes’ anxiety and life satisfaction.Tri S. Guntoro & Miftah F. P. Putra - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):8.
    Many studies related to religious and sports issues have been carried out. However, there are limited studies, especially those related to religiosity, anxiety and life satisfaction. To cope with this situation, this study aims to: (1) assess the religiosity, anxiety and life satisfaction of athletes; (2) determine the role of gender and the type of sport in those constructs and (3) establish the correlations between the constructs. The study involved 244 elite athletes from Papua province of Indonesia, with an average (...)
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    God's plan for humanity.One Trying To Help (ed.) - 1958 - Philadelphia: Dorrance.
  43.  16
    Multicultural Questions.Christian Joppke & Steven Lukes - 1999 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume assembles leading scholars from a range of disciplines to debate multiculturalism in theory and practice. The volume is grouped around four central questions raised by multiculturalism; Is universalism ethnocentric?; Does multiculturalism threaten citizenship?; Do minorities require group rights?; and what can Europe learn from North America? The book aims to answer these questions by moving the debate about multicultural questions into a more consensual mode. The authors show a resistance to either endorsing or rejecting multiculturalism, but a preference (...)
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  44. How social classes and health considerations in food consumption affect food price concerns.Ruining Jin, Tam-Tri Le, Resti Tito Villarino, Adrino Mazenda, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Food prices are a daily concern in many households’ decision-making, especially when people want to have healthier diets. Employing Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics on a dataset of 710 Indonesian citizens, we found that people from wealthier households are less likely to have concerns about food prices. However, the degree of health considerations in food consumption was found to moderate against the above association. In other words, people of higher income-based social classes may worry more about food prices if they (...)
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  45. Information Priorities for investment decision-making and fear during market crashes: Analyzing East Asian Countries with Bayesian Mindsponge Framework Analytics.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Dan Li, Thien-Vu Tran, Phuong-Tri Nguyen, Thi Mai Anh Tran & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Market crises amplify fear, disrupting rational decision-making of stock investment. This study examines the relationship between investors’ information priorities—such as intuition, company performance, technical analysis, and other factors—and their fear responses (freeze, flight, and hiding) during market crashes. Using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) to analyze data from 1,526 investors in China and Vietnam, the findings reveal complex dynamics. We found positive associations between investors’ prioritization of social influence and intuition for investment decision-making with being freeze (i.e., not knowing what (...)
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    Foundational studies Logical Principles and Frameworks Meaning Reasoning in Deontic Contexts Applications Legal practice and Computer-Based Modelisations Argumentation Theory Historical perspectives Legal reasoning in Ancient Roman, Arabic, Jewish and Far-East contexts Others contexts.. Keynote Speakers Walter Young and Matthias Armgardt.Shahid Rahman, Matthias Armgardt, Hans Christian, Nordtveit Kvernenes & Walter Young - unknown
    The workshop will discuss new insights in the interaction between logic and law, and more precisely the study of different answers to the question: What role does logic play in legal reasoning? It will present both current challenges and historical perspectives in the relation between logic and law. The perspectives to be discussed involve the interface of the following studies.
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    HIP: A Method for Linguistic Hyperbole Identification in Discourse.Christian Burgers, Britta C. Brugman, Kiki Y. Renardel de Lavalette & Gerard J. Steen - 2016 - Metaphor and Symbol 31 (3):163-178.
    ABSTRACTThis article introduces the Hyperbole Identification Procedure, a first systematic method for identifying linguistic hyperbole in discourse. We start by comparing existing definitions of linguistic hyperbole. Based on the commonalities shared by these definitions, we provide our operational definition of hyperbole as “an expression that is more extreme than justified given its ontological referent.” The next section argues why it is useful to identify hyperbole, as with metaphor in Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universiteit, at the level of lexical units, and (...)
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    Intentionalität aus semiotischer Sicht. Peirceanische Perspektiven. [REVIEW]Christian Strub - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (3):439-445.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Intentionalität aus semiotischer Sicht. Peirceanische PerspektivenChristian StrubStefan Kappner Intentionalität aus semiotischer Sicht. Peirceanische Perspektiven. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter2004, ISBN 3–11-018288–2, 432 pp.1. Problem focusKappner intended only partially a Peirce-interpretation; he attempts to think further along with Peirce, and he succeeds as well. The first chapter serves as a sketch of the problem of intentionality from a historical perspective, starting from Brentano. Kappner formulates the problem correctly by (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas: Faith, Reason, and Following Christ.Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers an introduction to the thought of Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), who is one of the most significant Christian writers of the Middle Ages. It pays particular attention to the Aquinas's context as a Dominican friar, devoted to the task of preaching the Christian gospel.
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    Justin's Apologetic Pneumatology.Grayden McCashen - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1135-1160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Justin's Apologetic PneumatologyGrayden McCashenScholars have long regarded Justin's pneumatology as "baffling."1 Even a question as fundamental as whether Justin viewed the Holy Spirit as truly distinct from the Logos has been controversial. Already in the mid nineteenth century Charles Semisch could cite a large number of writers who had "wholly or partially" suggested that Justin Martyr "made no real distinction between the Logos and the Holy Spirit."2 With this (...)
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