Results for ' Communists'

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  1.  13
    Det er i nåtid vi snakker om kommunisering.Théorie Communiste - 2014 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 31 (3-4):245-261.
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  2. Stefan bratosin Mihaela Alexandra Ionescu.Post-Communist Romania - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):3-18.
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  3. Communist Conventions for Deductive Reasoning.Sinan Dogramaci - 2013 - Noûs 49 (4):776-799.
    In section 1, I develop epistemic communism, my view of the function of epistemically evaluative terms such as ‘rational’. The function is to support the coordination of our belief-forming rules, which in turn supports the reliable acquisition of beliefs through testimony. This view is motivated by the existence of valid inferences that we hesitate to call rational. I defend the view against the worry that it fails to account for a function of evaluations within first-personal deliberation. In the rest of (...)
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  4. Communism and the Incentive to Share in Science.Remco Heesen - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (4):698-716.
    The communist norm requires that scientists widely share the results of their work. Where did this norm come from, and how does it persist? Michael Strevens provides a partial answer to these questions by showing that scientists should be willing to sign a social contract that mandates sharing. However, he also argues that it is not in an individual credit-maximizing scientist's interest to follow this norm. I argue against Strevens that individual scientists can rationally conform to the communist norm, even (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Communist manifesto.Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels - 2002 [1848] - Penguin Classics.
    Originally published on the eve of the 1848 European revolutions, The Communist Manifesto is a condensed and incisive account of the worldview Marx and Engels developed during their hectic intellectual and political collaboration. Formulating the principles of dialectical materialism, they believed that labor creates wealth, hence capitalism is exploitive and antithetical to freedom. -/- This new edition includes an extensive introduction by Gareth Stedman Jones, Britain's leading expert on Marx and Marxism, providing a complete course for students of The Communist (...)
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    All Communists go to Heaven: the Construction of a Marxist Kingdom of God on Earth.Reid Thomas Funston - 2017 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 11 (2).
    Since its birth in the mid-nineteenth century, Marxism has had a contentious relationship with religion and Christianity. From the Marxist critique of religion as the “opium of the people” to the secularism of the Soviet Union to the Catholic Church’s “Decree Against Communism, ” the two schools of thought have widely been considered incompatible. Despite this tension, many of the critiques leveled by both sides do not attack the real substance of their opponents’ ideas. As such, this paper sets out (...)
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    Hermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to Marx.Gianni Vattimo & Santiago Zabala - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Having lost much of its political clout and theoretical power, communism no longer represents an appealing alternative to capitalism. In its original Marxist formulation, communism promised an ideal of development, but only through a logic of war, and while a number of reformist governments still promote this ideology, their legitimacy has steadily declined since the fall of the Berlin wall. Separating communism from its metaphysical foundations, which include an abiding faith in the immutable laws of history and an almost holy (...)
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    Post-Communist Institution-Building and Media Control.Natalya Ryabinska - 2020 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 7:73-100.
    This study uses an interdisciplinary perspective to shed light on Ukraine’s continuous problems with media independence, which to date have not allowed Ukraine to become a country with a truly free media: since Ukraine’s independence in 1991 its media have consistently remained only “partly free.” The approach proposed in the paper combines theoretical tools of post-communist media studies with advancements in political science research in regime change and state-building to explore the continuities and changes in the institutional environment for the (...)
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    Jean-Luc Nancy, ontological communism and the revolution of the spirit.Daniel Alvaro - 2025 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 71:142-160.
    This article aims to carry out a historical, philosophical, and political analysis of Jean-Luc Nancy’s conception of communism. To achieve this end, a series of texts by the author, published between 1986 and 2021, are referenced, where the question of communism is approached in relation to themes such as totalitarianism, community, the common, literature, democracy, and capitalist civilization. The paper investigates the development of Nancy’s approach until it reaches its more or less definitive form in the mid-2000s, within the framework (...)
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  10.  15
    Zizek and Communist Strategy: On the Disavowed Foundations of Global Capitalism.Chris McMillan - 2012 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Good theory; bad politics - this is how Zizek's works have been described. Now Chris McMillan argues that Zizek's reading of global capitalism could reinvent political subversion. He highlights the political consequences of Zizek's fundamental concepts, such as the Lacanian Real, universality and the communist hypothesis. He argues that Zizek's turn to Communism represents the ultimate significance of Zizek's work for the 21st century and a marked new direction for Zizekian theory. While Zizek's work attracts a lot of labels, most (...)
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  11.  26
    Communist Study: Education for the Commons.Derek R. Ford - 2022 - Lexington Books.
    Traversing the fields of pedagogy, philosophy, and political theory, this book develops a marxist theory of education that will be useful for academics and activists alike. The second edition includes two additional chapters as well as a new preface and revisions throughout.
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  12.  59
    Post-communist consumer ethics: The case of romania.Jamal A. Al-Khatib, Christopher J. Robertson & Dana-Nicoleta Lascu - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (1):81-95.
    In this paper we theorize that cognitive ethical orientations play an influential role in the beliefs of consumers when faced with different ranges of moral dilemmas. We examine this proposition in transitional Eastern Europe and results from a sample of 210 Romanian consumers suggest that Romanians are faced with a moral situation where low levels of Machiavellianism and high levels of idealism appear to relate to a higher ethical concern about passively benefiting at the expense of others.
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  13.  45
    Does Communist Art Exist?Jacques Rancière, Matthew Scully, Nell Wasserstrom & Carolyn Shread - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (3):459-474.
    Y a-t-il un art communiste? was given as a talk at the Grand Palais in Paris on 10 April 2019 on the occasion of a special exhibition, Red: Art and Utopia in the Land of the Soviets (Rouge: Art et utopie au pays des Soviets). The exhibition ran from 20 March 2019 to 1 July 2019. Red displayed works produced in the wake of the October Revolution of 1917 to the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953. This covers early experiments (...)
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  14.  67
    Cities of the Gods: Communist Utopias in Greek Thought.Doyne Dawson - 1992 - Oup Usa.
    Cities of the Gods is a historical study of the theory of Utopian communism in ancient Greek thought, identifying and assessing its several currents. The author looks at the reason for the decline of the Utopian traditions after c. 150 BC and suggests that the main factor was the Roman conquest of the Greek world, which produced a more conservative intellectual climate. He concludes by looking at the evidence for the survival of utopian traditions, particularly their influence on early Christianity.
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  15.  13
    Parti communiste ou parti de classe? Marx et ses deux théories du parti.Jean Quétier - 2021 - Actuel Marx 70 (2):133-148.
    Souvent considérée comme un point aveugle de son œuvre, la question du parti constitue pourtant une composante centrale de la pensée de Marx. En prenant en compte l’expérience militante qui fut la sienne tout au long de sa vie, cet article entreprend de montrer que Marx a développé non pas une mais deux théories du parti bien distinctes. La thèse décisive formulée à la fin des années 1840 dans le Manifeste du parti communiste – celle d’un parti communiste conçu comme (...)
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  16.  98
    Communism, Universalism and Disinterestedness: Re-examining Contemporary Support among Academics for Merton’s Scientific Norms. [REVIEW]Bruce Macfarlane & Ming Cheng - 2008 - Journal of Academic Ethics 6 (1):67-78.
    This paper re-examines the relevance of three academic norms to contemporary academic life – communism, universalism and disinterestedness – based on the work of Robert Merton. The results of a web-based survey elicited responses to a series of value statements and were analysed using the weighted average method and through cross-tabulation. Results indicate strong support for communism as an academic norm defined in relation to sharing research results and teaching materials as opposed to protecting intellectual copyright and withholding access. There (...)
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  17.  9
    A philosophy for communism: rethinking Althusser.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2020 - Boston: Brill.
    In A Philosophy for Communism: Rethinking Althusser Panagiotis Sotiris attempts a reading of the work of the French philosopher centered upon his deeply political conception of philosophy. Althusser's endeavour is presented as a quest for a new practice of philosophy that would enable a new practice of politics for communism, in opposition to idealism and teleology. The central point is that in his trajectory from the crucial interventions of the 1960s to the texts on aleatory materialism, Althusser remained a communist (...)
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  18.  43
    Communist Becomings.Sergio Fiedler - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 19:411-432.
    More than 30 years after the fall of the soviet block and because of the social and political crisis that have occurred in various places of the world in recent years, there have been important political and academic debates about the meaning of the concept of communism. The current article attempts to contribute theoretically to this discussion by highlighting the different becomings within which communism can be understood in the actual context. Among those are the performative importance of the word (...)
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  19.  57
    Communist Existentialism.Christopher Ruth - 2014 - Radical Philosophy Review 17 (1):149-162.
    Max Stirner pioneered a radically existentialist thinking in which the ego or the Unique One is able to appropriate its “predicates” or determinations as objects of consumption. In this sense the singular event is privileged over the intellectual “spooks” that express the predicate’s independence from and mastery over its subject. Karl Marx’s thinking was decisively altered by his encounter with Stirner, to whom he replied at length in The German Ideology. I propose that Marx and Engels’s critique and appropriation of (...)
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  20.  26
    The Communist Manifestoes: media of Marxism and Bolshevik contagion in America.James Farr - 2018 - Studies in East European Thought 70 (2-3):85-105.
    The Communist Manifesto—rhetorical masterpiece of proletarian revolution—was published 69 years before the Bolshevik Revolution and had a complex reception history that implicated America and Russia in the long interval between. But once the Revolution shook the world, the Manifesto became indissolubly tied to it, forged together as constitutive moments of some supratemporal revolutionary dynamic. Its subsequent and further reception in America bore the marks of Bolshevik contagion, negatively in many quarters, positively in the early American communist movement. As various communist (...)
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  21.  2
    Communist ethics and Chinese tradition.David S. Nivison - 1954 - Cambridge,: Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  22. Communist morality.N. V. Bychkova, Rostislav Aleksandrovich Lavrov & V. A. Li͡ubisheva (eds.) - 1962 - Moscow,: Progress Publishers.
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    Communism and feminism.Brigitte Studer - 2015 - Clio 41:139-152.
    L’article porte sur le rapport entre communisme et féminisme dans l’entre-deux-guerres en prenant comme point de départ un débat transnational entre chercheuses d’horizons divers, débat paru dans une revue sur l’histoire des femmes et du genre dans les pays d’Europe de l’Est fondée récemment. Trois approches différentes permettent d’éclairer la position ambiguë du féminisme dans les organisations communistes et l’Internationale communiste. Dans un premier temps, ce sont les opportunités et les limites de l’égalité formelle offerte aux femmes communistes qui sont (...)
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  24.  27
    (1 other version)Communist China's Evaluation of Confucius and its Political aims in the All-Out Campaign to "Criticize Confucius" [I].Hsüan Mo - 1974 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 5 (3):4-34.
    Recently Communist China has launched an all-out campaign to criticize Confucius. It has taken a thoroughly negative and nihilistic attitude in a vigorous attempt to vilify Confucius and his thought.
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  25.  31
    Communism as a Generational Herstory: Reading Post-Stalinist Memoirs of Polish Communist Women.Agnieszka Mrozik - 2017 - History of Communism in Europe 8:261-284.
    The objective of this article is to revise the dominating narrative of communism as male generational history. With the aid of memoirs of communist women, many of whom started their political activity before WWII and belonged to the power-wielding elites of Stalinist Poland, the author shows that the former constituted an integral part of the generation which had planned a revolution and ultimately took over power. Their texts were imbued with a matrilineal perspective on the history of communism: the authors (...)
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  26.  15
    Un intellectuel communiste illégitime: Roger Garaudy.Didier Gauvin - 2022 - Vulaines-sur-Seine: Éditions du Croquant.
    Avant même d'être condamné pour "contestation de crime contre l'humanité" au tournant du siècle, Roger Garaudy était déjà marginalisé dans les champs intellectuel et politique français. Après avoir incarné la résistance au néostalinisme dans le Parti communiste, le philosophe qui fut longtemps l'interlocuteur privilégié de Jean-Paul Sartre au sein du PCF en fut spectaculairement exclu en 1970 pour s'être opposé aux Soviétiques qui venaient d'écraser le Printemps de Prague. Celui que l'historiographie du communisme retient plus volontiers comme le "stalinien modèle", (...)
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  27.  20
    Remembering communism.Chamsy el-Ojeili - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 146 (1):128-139.
    Expressions of a current “Marx renaissance”, the three books under review in this article raise crucial questions about memory, knowledge, and power for a new global Left. Traverso’s reflections on Left future-oriented memory, Favilli’s history of Italian Marxism, and Bourrinet’s work on the Dutch and German communist Left explore a variety of “forms of Marxism”. Most centrally, the three works raise still vital questions around Marxism and religion, science and utopia, knowledge and power, nation and globality.
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    Young Communist Leagues in the Colonies. Schüller - 1971 - Chinese Studies in History 4 (4):245-249.
    Comrades, the fact that a special report on the activity of the Young Communist International is on the agenda of the Sixth Congress of the Comintern shows that the Congress pays the greatest attention to the youth movement. Nevertheless, the fact must not be passed over in silence that the Communist Parties devote insufficient direction and support to the work of the, youth organizations.
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    Communism and the fall of man : the social theories of Thomas More and Gerrard Winstanley.Timothy Kenyon - unknown
    The thesis examines the thought of Thomas More and Gerrard Winstanley, emphasizing the concern of both theorists with the prevailing moral depravity of human nature attributable to the Fall of Man, and their proposals for the amendment of men's conduct by institutional means, especially by the establishment of a communist society. The thesis opens with a conceptual exploration of 'utopianism' and 'millenarianism' before discussing the particular forms of these concepts employed by More and Winstanley. The introductory section also includes an (...)
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    The Question of Communist Violence and the Birth of Chinese Public Theology.Quan Li - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (3):519-541.
    This article is a critique of Chinese public theologians with a particular focus on their Christological notions as ambivalent responses to Communist violence, a specific form of extreme violence in postcolonial China. The critique is historical as well as theological. As a historical inquiry, the problem of guerrilla warfare as a constant form of Communist violence is discussed, exploring its historical roots and philosophical manifestations. As a theological critique, it is demonstrated how this issue penetrates mainstream theo-political readings of Christ (...)
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    The Communist Manifesto: A Weapon of Mass Destruction or A Tool for Tomorrow?Cody Ritter - 2022 - Constellations 13 (1&2).
    The term communism has long since been seen as largely derogatory, and the system it represents, a failure. Yet where do these notions of communism come from and are they reflective of the original ideals laid out by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels? This paper will look at some of the divergences from Marx’ and Engels’ original intent to the form communism took in eastern Europe’s state-socialism. The analysis remains limited in scope with the intent of offering a rethinking of (...)
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    Communists, Anarchists, and Suckers: A Reply to Spafford on ‘Conditional Exchange’.Callum Zavos MacRae - 2023 - Journal of Value Inquiry 57 (3):477-485.
    In a recent paper in JVI, ‘An Anarchist Interpretation of Marx’s “Ability to Needs” Principle,’ Spafford has argued that: (i) the communist and anarchist traditions share an objection to a particular kind of exchange (which he calls quid pro quo exchange); (ii) the anarchist objection to quid pro quo exchange can be understood as opposition to conditional exchange; (iii) consequently, the objection motivates an opposition to conditional exchange as such (i.e. a commitment to unconditional exchange); and (iv) we can construct (...)
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  33. Communism as Eudaimonia.Sabeen Ahmed - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values 1 (2):31-48.
    Karl Marx states in Capital that “man, if not as Aristotle thought a political animal, is at all events a social animal” (Marx, 1992, 444). That Marx draws from Aristotle’s work has been long-recognized, but one could argue that Marx’s very conception of man—what he calls “species-being”—is a derivative of Aristotle’s theory of the good life. This article explores the Aristotelian underpinnings of Marx’s political philosophy and argues that Marx’s theory of species-being and human emancipation supervenes upon Aristotle’s theory of (...)
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  34. What makes communism possible? The self-realisation interpretation.Jan Kandiyali - 2024 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 23 (3):273-294.
    In the Critique of Gotha Programme, Karl Marx famously argues that a communist society will be characterised by the principle, ‘From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs!’ I take up a question about this principle that was originally posed by G.A. Cohen, namely: what makes communism (so conceived) possible for Marx? In reply to this question, Cohen interprets Marx as saying that communism is possible because of limitless abundance, a view that Cohen takes to be (...)
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    The Literate Communist: 150 Years of the Communist Manifesto.Donald Clark Hodges - 1999 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    Hodges (philosophy and political science, Florida State U.) contends that the immensely influential political tract is not, as it claims, a forthright and faithful expression of what communists believed in 1848. He explores its conspiratorial past in the French Revolution, Marx and Engel's informal amendments, and the adaptations and interpretations that have pulled it in different directions for the past century and a half. He shows how it played a key ideological role in both the rise and fall of (...)
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  36.  57
    Studying like a communist: Affect, the Party, and the educational limits to capitalism.Derek R. Ford - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (5):452-461.
    In an effort to theorize educational logics that are oppositional to capitalism, this article explores what it means to study like a communist. I begin by drawing out the tight connection between learning and capitalism, demonstrating that education is not a subset but a motor of political-economic relations. Next, I turn to the concept of study, which is being developed as an educational alternative to learning. While studying represents an educational challenge to capitalism, I argue that there are political limitations (...)
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  37.  2
    Chinese communism vs. Confucianism (1966-1974): an historical and critical study.Te-Sheng Meng - 1980 - New York: Free Men Magazine.
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    Communism and the reality of moral law.James D. Bales - 1969 - Nutley, N.J.,: Craig Press.
  39.  36
    Hermeneutic Communism: An Interview with Santiago Zabala.Michael Marder & Santiago Zabala - 2012 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2012 (161):188-192.
    Michael Marder: Could you summarize the main contributions of your new book, Hermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to Marx, co-authored with Gianni Vattimo, to contemporary political philosophy?Santiago Zabala: Well, as the subtitle indicates, we do not demand a return to Marx, as so many philosophers do today, but rather the retrieval of his thought through Heidegger, or, better, through hermeneutics. The problem with contemporary political philosophy is bound to the prejudice people hold toward Heidegger's, Nietzsche's, and Gadamer's political sympathies and choices. (...)
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    Communism: Between Ideological Gift and the Gift in Everyday Life.Ivalyo Ditchev - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (194):86-94.
    This attempt to interpret Communist society through the total social fact of the gift takes up Mauss's strategy, which attempted to explain social reproduction without written laws or state institutions. It was a culture of chronic revolution (‘revolution’ in the etymological sense), where the rules of the game changed with each party congress, institutions were in a state of permanent reform, science discovered new truths every five years, and yesterday's heroes became the traitors of today. The very concept of living (...)
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  41.  41
    The Communist Manifesto.Jeffrey C. Isaac (ed.) - 2012 - Yale University Press.
    Marx and Engels's _Communist Manifesto_ has become one of the world’s most influential political tracts since its original 1848 publication. Part of the Rethinking the Western Tradition series, this edition of the _Manifesto_ features an extensive introduction by Jeffrey C. Isaac, and essays by Vladimir Tismaneanu, Steven Lukes, Saskia Sassen, and Stephen Eric Bronner, each well known for their writing on questions central to the _Manifesto_ and the history of Marxism. These essays address the _Manifesto_'s historical background, its impact on (...)
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  42.  19
    Communism and philosophy: contemporary dogmas and revisions of marxism.Maurice Campbell Cornforth - 1980 - London: Lawrence & Wishart.
  43.  17
    Women Communists and the Polish Communist Party: from “Fanatic” Revolutionaries to Invisible Bureaucrats.Natalia Jarska - 2017 - History of Communism in Europe 8:189-210.
    The paper aims at tracing a collective portrait and the trajectories of a group of about forty women active in the communist movement after Poland had regained independence, and after the Second World War. I explore the relations between gender, communist activity, and the changing circumstances of the communist movement. I argue that interwar activities shaped women communists as radical, uncompromising, and questioning traditional femininity political agents, accepted as comrades at every organisational level. This image and identity, though, contributed (...)
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    The Communist Utopia and the Fate of the Socialist Experiment in Russia.A. Walicki - 2001 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 39 (4):5-31.
    It is a peculiar paradox that the fall of "really existing socialism" in Europe evoked surprisingly few serious reflections on the historical fate of the communist Utopia. In my view insufficient advantage has been taken of the opportunity to survey the communist phenomenon as a whole, that is, from the perspective of the completed cycle of its history in "the first country of socialism." One may even say that interest in the ideological sources of the communist experiment in Russia has (...)
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    Hermeneutical Communism or rather Hermeneutics Emergent?: Introductory notes.Gerardo Oviedo - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 18:59-68.
    En el artículo se plantea una primera aproximación a las motivaciones básicas del proyecto teórico que denomino "Hermenéutica Emergente". Se sugiere la importancia de mediar, inicialmente, aspectos antropológicos de la "moral de la emergencia" de Arturo Roig con la "hermenéutica analógica" de Mauricio Beuchot, en un diálogo filosófico Sur-Sur. Asimismo, se plantea el interés en entablar un diálogo filosófico Norte-Sur con el reciente "comunismo hermenéutico" de Gianni Vattimo. Un primer objetivo central de la "Hermenéutica Emergente" es contribuir a la renovación (...)
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    The woman in the communist regime. Meta-analysis about a gender study.Lavinia Betea - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (14):31-40.
    From the perspective of meta-analysis done in a qualitative structure, the study puts forward an inventory of the communist regime studies in the following ways: 1. The re-evaluation of the social ideology-propaganda-practice relationship of the equality between sexes in the communist regime. 2. The contextualization and the evolution of the social representations of a woman's role. 3. The effects of some political decisions, which can count as aggressiveness of a state towards its citizens (770/1966 Decree).
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    Rebecca West on communism’s allure for the intellectuals: An appraisal.Peter Baehr - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 168 (1):3-20.
    Feminist activist, novelist, literary critic, bio-ethnographer, legal autodidact, and political writer: Rebecca West was a 20th-century phenomenon. She was also a lifelong critic of communism’s appeal to the intelligentsia. Communism, West claimed, was attractive to three groups of intellectuals outside the Soviet bloc: a minority of scientists who viewed politics as merely a sum of technical problems to solve; the emotionally devastated for whom communism was a means of mental reorientation; and a déclassé segment of the middle class who envisaged (...)
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    Communism, fascism, or democracy?Eduard Heimann - 1938 - New York: AMS Press.
  49.  26
    After council communism: the post-war rediscovery of the council tradition.James Muldoon - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (2):341-362.
    This article traces a discontinuous tradition of council thought from the Dutch and German council communist tendencies of the 1920s to its re-emergence in the writings of three important mid-twentieth-century political theorists: Cornelius Castoriadis, Claude Lefort, and Hannah Arendt. It connects an intellectual history of the council concept in post-war Europe with a political history of the small revolutionary groups that fostered council-related political activity during this era. It claims that, as the experience of the European council movements began to (...)
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    Orator communist.Ronald Walter Greene - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (1):85-95.
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