Rory J. Conces [54]Rory Conces [2]Rory Joseph Conces [2] Conces [1]
R. J. Conces [1]
  1. Borges's Labyrinths, Kosovo's Enclaves, and Urban/Civic Designing (IV) Intimations of Change: Urban Design.Rory J. Conces - 2013 - Bosnia Daily (3090):11-13.
  2. Rethinking Realism (or Whatever) and the War on Terrorism in a Place Like the Balkans.Rory Conces - 2009 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 56 (120):81-124.
    Political realism remains a powerful theoretical framework for thinking about international relations, including the war on terrorism. For Morgenthau and other realists, foreign policy is a matter of national interest defined in terms of power. Some writers view this tenet as weakening, if not severing, realism's link with morality. I take up the contrary view that morality is embedded in realist thought, as well as the possibility of realism being thinly and thickly moralised depending on the moral psychology of the (...)
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  3. Fleeing from War or Pandemic, and Returning Home.Rory J. Conces - 2021 - ID: International Dialogue, A Multidisciplinary Journal of World Affairs 11:78-80.
  4. Normativna dvojakost s kojom se susreću oni koji bježe od smrti tijekom rata i pandemije i koji se u konačnici vrate domovima (Normative Ambiguity Facing Those Who Flee Death during Time of War and Pandemic and who Eventually Return Home).Rory J. Conces - 2022 - Synthesis Philosophica 37 (1):185-200.
    We dwell in a world of physical things. When it comes to the environments that we live in, we usually become oriented to the place, and eventually feel at home in it. Facing death during war and pandemic are times of extreme disorientation, and we sometimes exhibit an impulse to flee. It is no wonder that in those desperate times, some with means and ability consider fleeing to a safer place. But are we morally obliged to act in ways that (...)
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  5. Ethics and Sovereignty.Rory J. Conces - 1996 - International Third World Studies Journal and Review 8:1-11.
  6. Justifying Coercive and Non-Coercive Intervention: Strategic and Humanitarian Arguments.Rory J. Conces - 2001 - Acta Analytica 16 (27):133-52.
    The world's political and military leaders are under increasing pressure to intervene in the affairs of sovereign nations. Although the sovereignty of states and the corollary principle of nonintervention have been part of the foundation of international law, there is some latitude for states, as well as collective security organizations, to intervene in another state's domestic and foreign affairs, thus making sovereignty and the principle less than absolute. In this paper I first sketch a reasonable foundation for sovereignty of states (...)
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  7. A Physicalist Theory for Managing Impediments to Democracy and Peace Building in the Balkans.Rory J. Conces - 2019 - Eidos - Časopis Za Filozofiju I Društveno - Humanistička Istraživanja 3 (3):107-36.
    The post-conflict societies of Bosnia and Kosovo continue to be plagued by the deleterious effects of ethno-nationalism and ethnic enclaves. Unfortunately, this mix impedes both democracy and peace building within these Balkan countries. One way to promote such building is for these enclaves to collapse, thereby allowing multiethnic societies to develop. This essay proposes that enclaves be dealt with physically by ridding them of those evocative objects that help to create and maintain enclaves. By getting physical in this way, however, (...)
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  8. The Hyperintellectual in the Balkans: Recomposed.Rory J. Conces - 2016 - Global Outlook 1 (1):51-110.
    Although hypointellectuals have long been a part of our cultural landscape, it is in post-conflict societies, such as those in Bosnia and Kosovo, that there has arisen a strong need for a different breed of intellectual, one who is more than simply a social critic, an educator, a person of action, and a compassionate individual. Enter the non-partisan intellectual—the hyperintellectual. It is the hyperintellectual, whose non-partisanship is manifested through a reciprocating critique and defense of both the nationalist enterprise and strong (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Pedagogy for Understanding Kosovo Society: (I) From the Plural Monoethnic to the Multiethnic.Rory J. Conces - 2015 - Bosnia Daily (3568):10-11.
  10. Climate Change, Democracy, and Enclaves in the Balkans.Rory J. Conces - 2019 - Serbia Daily 776 (May 31):7-9.
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  11. Park East and Bosniak Mahala (1).Rory J. Conces - 2018 - Serbia Daily (482).
  12. A Sisyphean Tale: The Pathology Of Ethnic Nationalism And The Pedagogy Of Forging Humane Democracies In The Balkans.Rory J. Conces - 2005 - Studies in East European Thought 57 (2):139-184.
  13. Borges's Labyrinths, Kosovo's Enclaves, and Urban/Civic Designing (II) Intimations of What Is: Societies and Enclaves.Rory J. Conces - 2013 - Bosnia Daily (3088):10-11.
  14. Philosophers and the Politics of Neighborhoods: Park East and Bosniak Mahala (2).Rory J. Conces - 2018 - Serbia Daily (483):9-10.
  15. Tarifa’s Exposition of the Kanun: Something for Sociologists and Philosophers Alike.Rory J. Conces - 2007 - Sociological Analysis 1:125-27.
  16. (1 other version)Contract, Trust, and Resistance in the 'Second Treatise'.Rory J. Conces - 1997 - The Locke Newsletter (28):117-33.
  17. Dismantling Enclaves through Education.Rory J. Conces - 2018 - Bosnia Daily (June 19):3.
  18. 'Katastrofe'/'Katastrofa' in Kosovo/'Catastrophe' in America.Rory J. Conces - 2019 - Serbia Daily 821 (821):8-9.
  19. A Participatory Approach to the Teaching of Critical Reasoning.Rory J. Conces - 1995 - APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy 94 (2):114-116.
  20. The Semblance of Ideologies and Scientific Theories and the Constitution of Facts.Rory J. Conces - 1996 - Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science 21 (1 & 2):1-18.
  21. Rumsfeld's Known Unknowns: The Graying of Terror(ism) and Dark Terror.Rory J. Conces - 2014 - Bosnia Daily (3263):10-11.
  22. Uloga hiperintelektualca u izgradnji građanskog društva I demokratizacije na Balkanu (The Role of the Hyperintellectual in Civil Society Building and Democratization in the Balklans).Rory J. Conces - 2010 - Dijalog 1:7-30.
    Riječ “intelektualac” francuskog je porijekla, nastala krajem 19. vijeka. Stvorena tokom afere Dreyfus, uglavnom se odnosi na one mislioce koji su spremni da interveniraju u javnom forumu, čak i ako to znači da sebe izlažu riziku (Le Sueur 2001:2). Teoretičari kao što su Edward Said, Paul Ricoeur, Jean-Paul Sartre i Michael Waltzer dali su doprinos diskusiji o intelektualcima: intelektualca Said vidi kao kritički nastrojenog autsajdera, Ricoeur kao političkog edukatora, Sartre kao čovjeka od akcije, a Waltzer kao brižnog insajdera. Opisati intelektualca (...)
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  23. Zulfikarpasic's Passing: A Time to Reflect on the Important but Difficult Role of the Hyperintellectual.Rory J. Conces - 2008 - Bosnia Daily (August 22):7-8.
  24. Using Public Evocative Objects to Support a Multiethnic Democratic Society in Kosovo (I) Friendly and Enemy Images.Rory J. Conces - 2011 - Bosnia Daily.
  25. Sizifovska priča: Patologija etničkog nacionalizma i pedagogija kovanja humanih demokratija na Balkanu (A Sisyphean Tale: The Pathology of Ethnic Nationalism and the Pedagogy of Forging Humane Democracies in the Balkans).Rory J. Conces - 2005 - Dijalog 1:74-99.
  26. Using Public Evocative Objects to Support a Multiethnic Democractic Society in Kosovo (II) Fields of Existence vs. Fields of Battle.Rory J. Conces - 2011 - Bosnia Daily:9-10.
  27. Borges's Labyrinths, Kosovo's Enclaves, and Urban/Civic Designing (III) Intimations of What Is: Enclaves, Objects, and Kosovo.Rory J. Conces - 2013 - Bosnia Daily (3089):10-11.
  28. Opravdavanje prisilne i neprisilne intervencije i strateski i humanitarni argumenti (Justifying Coercive and Non-Coercive Intervention: Humanitarian and Strategic Arguments).Rory J. Conces - 2002 - Sociajdemokrat (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 9:55-74.
  29. All in Not Normal in Kosovo.Rory J. Conces - 2008 - The Serbia Observer (December 10):2.
  30. Borges's Labyrinths, Kosovo's Enclaves, and Urban/Civic Designing (I) Intimations of Making Sense.Rory J. Conces - 2013 - Bosnia Daily (3087):10-11.
  31. From Babylution to Devolution to...,.Rory J. Conces - 2014 - Bosnia Daily (3211):8.
  32. The Art of the Possible: Sulagic, Ceric, and the Rest on Fairness and Religious Education.Rory J. Conces - 2012 - Bosnia Daily.
  33. Objedinjeni pluralizam: gajenje pomirenja i okoncanje etnickog nacionalizma (Unified Pluralism: Fostering Reconciliation and the Demise of Ethnic Nationalism).Rory J. Conces - 2001 - Dijalog (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 3:125-39.
  34. Epistemical and Ethical Troubles in Achieving Reconciliation, and then Beyond.Rory J. Conces - 2009 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 5 (1):25-47.
  35. Eine Sisyphos-Erzählung: Zur Pathologie des [religiösen] ethnischen Nationalismus und Praxis humaner Demokratieförderung auf dem Balkan (A Sisyphean Tale: The Pathology of [Religious] Ethnic Nationalism and the Pedagogy of Forging of Humane Democracies in the Balkans).Rory J. Conces - 2004 - Kakanien Revisited.
  36. The Int’l Community and Ethnic Nationalism in an Independent Kosovo.Rory J. Conces - 2008 - Bosnia Daily (December 26):10-11.
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  37. Coming to Grips with the Queer Festival and Deeper Concerns.Rory J. Conces - 2008 - Bosnia Daily (September 8):9.
    There has been a great deal of talk about the upcoming Queer Festival in Sarajevo. However, the discussion has taken on a bitter tone because some have made much of the fact that the organizers plan to hold the festival during the month of Ramadan. To hold the festival during that time, according to some pious Muslims, is a blasphemous act, one that is rude and disrespectful towards those of the faith. Of course, we must not forget that this festival (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Book Review: To End a War.Rory J. Conces - 1998/99 - International Third World Studies Journal and Review 10:77-79.
    [1] If asked to name career diplomats who have tackled some very difficult international crises, many foreign policy makers would put Richard Holbrooke near the top of the list. Not many negotiators have wielded moral principle, power, and reason as well as Holbrooke. His book on the Bosnia negotiations leading up to the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement is timely, given the ethnic cleansing that is being carried out in Kosovo, a southern province of Yugoslavia's Serb Republic. Once again we are (...)
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  39. Book Review: The Price of a Dream: The Story of the Grameen Bank and the Idea That Is Helping the Poor to Change Their Lives.Rory J. Conces - 1996 - International Third World Studies Journal and Review 8:91-92.
    Bornstein, David. The Price of a Dream: The Idea of the Grameen Bank and the Idea That Is Helping the Poor to Change Their Lives. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. 370 pp. $25.00 (cloth).
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    Unified pluralism: Fostering reconciliation and the demise of ethnic nationalism.Rory J. Conces - 2002 - Studies in East European Thought 54 (4):285-302.
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    Aesthetic Alienation and the Art of Modernity.Rory J. Conces - 1994 - Southwest Philosophy Review 10 (2):149-64.
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    Consensual Foundations and Resistance in Locke's `Second Treatise'.Rory Conces - 1998 - Theoria 45 (91):19-33.
  43. Opinion.Rory J. Conces - unknown
    ! The Stabilization and Association Agreement between BiH and the European Union is available for readers at the BiH Parliament web page. The content of SAA is available at the front web page of BiH Parliament, under the link entitled "highlighted", BiH Parliament Office for Public Relations stated. ! Thanked to donation of Norway in the amount of about 20.000 KM and UNDP aid with 3.000 KM, National Library in Srebrenica reconstructed its premises for students and reading. They bought furniture (...)
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  44. Press clipping.R. J. Conces - manuscript
    The European Union ambassadors revenue are lost to fraud and crime,” the of the Council of Minister, Mr. in BiH follow very closely develrelease read. Papandreou, and Mr. Solana, urged the opments as regards the issue of “We also have in mind the positive effect authorities of BiH recently to reach a the adoption, at a state level of single..
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  45. Për kulturë.Rory J. Conces - unknown
    Herët në mëngjes fillova të lexoja “Të bijën e Agamemnonit” të Ismail Kadaresë dhe pashë se ai kishte përdorur fjalën “kalimtar” që do të ishte edhe shprehja relevante për prezantimin e sotëm. Duke ditur se do të vija në Ballkan, nisa të lexoja edhe një tjetër vepër letrare, atë të Stieg Larssonit, “Vajza me tatu të dragoit”. Sikurse te vepra e Kadaresë, edhe në librin e Larssonit gjeta diçka që do të më hynte shumë në punë, që do të ishte (...)
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    Something Called the ‘False Dilemma Fallacy’ (FDF): A Return to Formalization Just This Time.Rory J. Conces & Matthias J. Walters - 2023 - Informal Logic 43 (2):280-289.
    This work is a revision of the False Dilemma Fallacy (FDF). The formalized model (FM)of this fallacy has as its centerpiece a valid disjunctive syllogism, but the disjunctive premise is presumed to be false, thus making the argument unsound. Our revised model (FM2.0) focuses on the formal structure by comparing the given vs. the real argument, which is unsound because of its invalidity. This approach we believe is more pedagogically useful and a better explanation of the fallacious nature of the (...)
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    The role of the hyperintellectual in civil society building and democratization in the Balkans.Rory J. Conces - 2007 - Studies in East European Thought 59 (3):195-214.
    Although intellectuals have been a part of the cultural landscape, it is in post-conflict societies, such as those found in Kosovo and Bosnia, that there has arisen a need for an intellectual who is more than simply a social critic, an educator, a man of action, and a compassionate individual. Enter the hyperintellectual. As this essay will make clear, it is the hyperintellectual, who through a reciprocating critique and defense of both the nationalist enterprise and strong interventionism of the International (...)
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  48. Review of The Dalai Lama, Ethics for the New Millennium. [REVIEW]Rory J. Conces - 2000 - International Third World Studies Journal and Review 11:49-51.
  49. Review of The Slow Professor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy. [REVIEW]Rory J. Conces - 2018 - Högre Utbildning 8:47-50.
  50. (1 other version)Review of Helen Sword's Stylish Academic Writing. [REVIEW]Rory J. Conces - 2013 - Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Update (6):1-2.
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