Results for ' Consciousness in art'

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  1.  50
    Framing Consciousness in Art: Transcultural Perspectives. By Gregory Minissale.William M. Hawley - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (4):545 - 546.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 4, Page 545-546, July 2012.
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    Consciousness reframed: art, technology and consciousness in the post biological era.Oliver Lowenstein - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (5-6):5-6.
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    Consciousness reframed: Art and consciousness in the post-biological era.Christina Mamakos & Petros Stefaneas - 2016 - Technoetic Arts 14 (3):169-176.
    The senses convey impressions, perceptions and ultimately feelings, from which meaning emerges, revealing a platform where perception and thinking are actually very closely involved. From this perspective, the distance between descriptive, mental (cognitive) meaning and emotive, affective (non-cognitive) meaning shrinks, creating a platform to investigate how meaning is generated by posing the question ‘how does meaning actually make sense?’. This project investigates meaning as derived from the physical nature of our brains, our bodies and our physical experiences. We construct a (...)
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    Consciousness of Semblance: Participation in Art and Politics.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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    Analyzing the Reflective Spirit and Tragic Consciousness in "Scar Art" Works From a Realistic Perspective.Zhaoyang Sun - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):461-478.
    With the rapid development of contemporary social economy and the relative stability of the political situation, art has also developed rapidly. But currently, there are many unique and innovative art works in society, and the style and theme of the works are increasingly deviating from people's lives. In response to this issue, this study attempts to analyze the reflective spirit and tragic consciousness in "Scar Art" works from a realistic perspective. The research adopted comparative and image analysis methods to (...)
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  6. Husserl’s time consciousness in regard to extemporaneous communication practices in performing arts and traditional knowledge systems.Martin A. M. Gansinger - forthcoming - Immediate. Currents in Communication, Culture and Philosophy.
    This study is aiming at analyzing extemporaneous methods of instructional speech in the context of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order and its parallels with improvised music as well as potential for modern educational purposes. Focusing on a processual analysis covering the flow of events in the communication and its environment, the work is using approaches applied in performance studies as well as improvised music, as well as cognitive science and psychological perspectives concerned with the mechanisms of the subconsciousness. Field research data (...)
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    A Study of Korean Aesthetic Consciousness in New - Media Art.Yeonsook Park - 2022 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):76-86.
    Korean Naturalism focuses on inner discipline by taking nature as a criterion. In this context, at the core of Korean aesthetic consciousness are inner virtues beyond superficial beauty. It may be too radical to apply Korean Naturalism to the current practice of new-media art. Nevertheless, some contemporary artists who attempt to bring back Korean tradition from a new perspective experiment with Korean Naturalism. In this study, I consider the method and concept those artists pursue as evolved Naturalism with new (...)
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    Artificial consciousness in AI: a posthuman fallacy.M. Prabhu & J. Anil Premraj - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    Obsession toward technology has a long background of parallel evolution between humans and machines. This obsession became irrevocable when AI began to be a part of our daily lives. However, this AI integration became a subject of controversy when the fear of AI advancement in acquiring consciousness crept among mankind. Artificial consciousness is a long-debated topic in the field of artificial intelligence and neuroscience which has many ethical challenges and threats in society ranging from daily chores to Mars (...)
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    Consciousness displaced: Art and technology education/collaboration for an aesthetic of liberation.Alejandro Quinteros - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (2):263-271.
    Modernity’s grand plans were designed far from where we stand today. The prerogative of progress as an ideological imperative that defined colonialism as a natural balance between the ‘developed’ societies’ moral duty to rescue ‘underdeveloped’ peoples from their fate of myth and superstition created education. Education that functions as an instrument that is used to facilitate the integration of generations into the logic and aesthetics of the status quo and to bring about conformity to the hegemonic cultural form of western (...)
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    Criticism of Consciousness in Shelley's A Defence of Poetry.John Robert Leo - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (1):46-59.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:John Robert Leo CRITICISM OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN SHELLEY'S A DEFENCE OF POETRY IN his "Ode to Liberty" Shelley locates by encircling and enfolding metaphors a mythic Hellenic moment, one in which verse was yet "speechless" and philosophy still burdened with "lidless eyes." Greece— always for Shelley either the displaced Garden of prethematic unity or the mythic dream of integrated civic and aesthetic life—is about to inaugurate Athens and (...)
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    Visual Rhetoric and Oppositional Consciousness: Poster Art in Cuba and the United States.Lisa M. Corrigan - 2014 - Intertexts 18 (1):71-91.
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    Public Ethics and Civic Consciousness in Public Art. 서희주 - 2024 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 117:99-114.
    공공미술은 1930년대 미국의 뉴딜 정책 일환으로 시작되어, 건축물의 미적 가치와 도시미관을 목적으로 시행되었다. 한국에서는 1972년부터 공공미술 설치를 법으로 의무화하여 진행해 왔고, 2011년에는 ‘건축물에 대한 미술작품의 설치’ 법이 개정되었다. 또한 중앙정부와 지방정부는 도심 재생이나 상권 활성화 등의 목적으로 공공미술을 추진해 왔다.BR 공공미술이 예술가의 자발적인 창작활동에서 비롯되는 것이 아니라 정부의 정책이나 일정한 목적에 의해 계획되고 시행된다는 점에서, 공공미술의 설치와 운영 과정에서 공공윤리와 공공성이 중요한 요소로 작동한다. 그 이유는 공공미술 작품들이 일상적인 공공장소에 설치되기 때문에, 전통적인 미술작품 전시 방식과 달리 생활 속에서 대중과 직접 (...)
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  13. Truth in Art.Evanghelos A. Moutsopoulos & Jeanne Ferguson - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (132):107-115.
    It seems at least daring to speak of truth on the subject of art, when Plato, in the Sophiste, 234c, likens art to sophistry, in other words, to falsity and deformation. To be sure, this comparison is based on an exaggeration, because elsewhere Plato insists on the necessity of artistic reality: in the same Sophiste, 299e, he states that “life would be unlivable without art.” The importance thus given to art becomes obvious when we think that this same expression is (...)
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    A software agent model of consciousness.Stan Franklin & Art Graesser - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (3):285-301.
    Baars (1988, 1997) has proposed a psychological theory of consciousness, called global workspace theory. The present study describes a software agent implementation of that theory, called ''Conscious'' Mattie (CMattie). CMattie operates in a clerical domain from within a UNIX operating system, sending messages and interpreting messages in natural language that organize seminars at a university. CMattie fleshes out global workspace theory with a detailed computational model that integrates contemporary architectures in cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Baars (1997) lists the (...)
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    Imagining social change: Developing social consciousness in an arts-based pedagogy.Louise Ammentorp - 2007 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 9 (1):38-52.
    This paper is a study of a social-justice, arts-based literacy curriculum in a low income, working-class, predominately African-American school district in Newark, New Jersey. Participating students studied photography and poetry of established artists and took and developed their own photographs accompanied by written narratives. As a part of the curriculum students also wrote poetry and analytical essays. I present my findings within the context of a Vygotskian pedagogical approach that takes social consciousness and metaphor as its central concepts. The (...)
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    Orchestrations of consciousness in the universe: Consciousness and electronic music applied to Xenolinguistics and Adnyamathanha aboriginal songs.Willard G. Van De Bogart - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (1):113-131.
    This article deals with the reframing of the concept of universal mediated communication on a global scale. Subjects include the following: the universe has a conscious force field at all its scales, requiring continuous inter-scale communication of information; the field exhibits distinct electromagnetic frequencies associated with the building blocks of life; and advances in the technology of sound production with electronic synthesizers can be applied to study mechanisms of such universal communication. The question being addressed is how electronic synthesizers can (...)
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    Empathy in Art and Science: Embodied Cognition and Affect in Film.Graça P. Corrêa - 2025 - Global Philosophy 35 (1):1-12.
    Empathy is a major aspect of the interplay between filmmaking and reception. Philosophers and neuroscientists have asserted how film’s technical and conceptual devices seemingly simulate the streamings of consciousness by rendering through images the very processes of thought. More recently, in a noteworthy collaborative work between neuroscience and film theory, Vittorio Gallese and Michele Guerra (2020) have observed how the process of “embodied simulation” is at the basis of empathy, making possible intense and diversified experiences of space, objects and (...)
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    Aesthetic Theory and Historical Consciousness in the Eighteenth Century.Allan Megill - 1978 - History and Theory 17 (1):29-62.
    Eighteenth-century historiography was not, as Meinecke argued, "the substitution of a process of individualizing observation for a generalizing view of human forces in history." This generally accepted view involves a metaphysics which, though characteristic of nineteenth-century historicism, rejects the primarily contextual evaluation of eighteenth-century historicism. This underlying form of evaluation developed not with individualism, but with aesthetics. Though usually considered a product of the eighteenth century, aesthetic historicism can be traced to the Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns, which (...)
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    Art+science: An emerging paradigm for conceptualizing changes in consciousness.Claudia Jacques - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (2-3):221-227.
    Maurits Cornelis Escher’s 1938 lithograph, Cycle, illustrates what mathematical physicist Roger Penrose calls ‘impossible objects’. The illusion of three-dimensionality, the innovative use of tessellation, and the incorporation of traditionally figurative elements induce the viewer to perceive the lithographic print as depicting a visually plausible reality built on the deconstructive metamorphosis of man into cube. It is Escher’s ability to paradoxically combine the radical oppositions of man and cube, landscape and geometric abstraction into an apparently harmonious composition where shapes repeat with (...)
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    Understanding Texts.Art Graesser & Pam Tipping - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 324–330.
    Adults spend most of their conscious life speaking, comprehending, writing, and reading discourse. It is entirely appropriate for cognitive science to investigate discourse especially as transmitted texts or printed media, such as books, newspapers, magazines, and computers. However, there is another reason why text understanding has been one of the prototypical areas of study in cognitive science: Interdisciplinary work is absolutely essential. As cognitive scientists have unraveled the puzzles of text comprehension, they have embraced the insights and methodologies from several (...)
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    Real-time? Reframing temporal consciousness in time-based and interactive media.Andrew Buchanan - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (1):53-62.
    The experience of time and temporally extended events is a fundamental property of mind, and of time-based media arts. In dealing with properties of time, does the operational logic of contemporary media production tools cohere with philosophical views on the experience of time? This article considers a range of views on the phenomenal experience of time as they relate to the production of time-based media. Embedded within our production technologies, the artist is faced with a new philosophical instrument: the production (...)
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  22. Edmund Husserl's theory of image consciousness, aesthetic consciousness, and art.Regina-Nino Kurg - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Fribourg
    The central theme of my dissertation is Husserl’s phenomenological analysis of how we experience images. The aim of my dissertation is twofold: 1) to offer a contribution to the understanding of Husserl’s theory of image consciousness, aesthetic consciousness and art, and 2) to find out whether Husserl’s theory of the experience of images is applicable to modern and contemporary art, particularly to strongly site-specific art, unaided ready-mades, and contemporary films and theatre plays in which actors play themselves. Husserl’s (...)
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    Experience Of The Absolute, Great Consciousness, Constructed Consciousness, And Art Consciousness In My Name Is Red.İmran GÜR - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, From Vienna 1900 to the Present.Eric Kandel - 2011 - Random House.
    A psychoanalytic psychology and art of unconscious emotion -- An inward turn : Vienna 1900 -- Exploring the truths hidden beneath the surface : origins of a scientific medicine -- Viennese artists, writers, and scientists meet in the Zuckerkandl Salon -- Exploring the brain beneath the skull : origins of a scientific psychiatry -- Exploring mind together with the brain : the development of a brain-based psychology -- Exploring mind apart from the brain : origins of a dynamic psychology -- (...)
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    Against the Grain: An intervention of mastery learning and intellectual emancipation in art education.Anita Sinner - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (5):502-514.
    In a case study of an undergraduate course in art education, modes of mastery learning and propositions of intellectual emancipation were explored as interventions in curriculum design. By adopting Rancière’s framework of a ‘will to will’ relationship between instructor and students, the core assignment—a visual journal—became a site of student positionality through mastery methods, rather than information gathering. The visual journal provided a record of the event of knowledge and served as a forum to verify that acts of student thinking (...)
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  26. "Else-Where": Essays in Art, Architecture, and Cultural Production 2002-2011.Gavin Keeney - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    “Else-where” is a synoptic survey of the representational values given to art, architecture, and cultural production from 2002 through 2011. Written primarily as a critique of what is suppressed in architecture and what is disclosed in art, the essays are informed by the passage out of post-structuralism and its disciplinary analogues toward the real Real . While architecture nominally addresses an environmental ethos, it also famously negotiates its own representational values by way of its putative autonomy ; its main repression (...)
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    Mines, mountains, and the making of a vertical consciousness in Germany ca. 1800.Patrick Anthony - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (4):612-630.
    The insight that scientific theories are “practice-laden” has animated scholarship in the history of science for nearly three decades. This article examines a style of geographical thought that was, I argue, movement-laden. The thought-style in question has been described as a “vertical consciousness that engulfed science in the early nineteenth century,” and is closely associated with the geographical vision of Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859). Humboldt’s science spanned nature’s horizontal and vertical axes, from Saxon mines to Andean summits, and from (...)
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    How can physicians make cost-conscious treatment decisions in an ethically justified manner? A stepwise model.Georg Marckmann & Jürgen in der Schmitten - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (4):303-314.
    Trotz aller Rationalisierungsbemühungen werden sich Leistungseinschränkungen im deutschen Gesundheitswesen nicht vermeiden lassen. Zwar sollten diese so weit möglich oberhalb der individuellen Arzt-Patient-Beziehung erfolgen, aus pragmatischen Gründen wird es sich aber nicht vermeiden lassen, dass Ärzte auch im Einzelfall Verantwortung für die Kosten ihrer Entscheidungen übernehmen, wie es bereits heute häufig der Fall ist. Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich deshalb der Frage, wie Ärzte in einer medizinisch rationalen und ethisch vertretbaren Art und Weise Kostenerwägungen in ihren Entscheidungen berücksichtigen können. Vorgeschlagen wird (...)
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    Consciousness, synchronicity and art – implications in creative thinking and direction of the art in relation to the concept of universe and reality in quantum mechanics.Paola Lopreiato - 2017 - Technoetic Arts 15 (1):75-82.
    The concept of simultaneity and contemporaneity is fundamental to and the core of my artistic practice but it also fits perfectly with the theme of my research. Creating multimedia art and installations with the help of new media is one way to best express the concept of non-separation, as evidenced by language itself. In Italian the word confusione, from the Latin term cunfusionem (mixing, blending), and in English confusion, is often used as a synonym for noise. In English, commotion is (...)
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  30. Experience and experiment in art.Alva Noë - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (8-9):8-9.
    A significant impediment to the study of perceptual consciousness is our dependence on simplistic ideas about what experience is like. This is a point that has been made by Wittgenstein, and by philosophers working in the Phenomenological Tradition, such as Husserl and Merleau-Ponty. Importantly, it is an observation that has been brought to the fore in recent discussions of consciousness among philosophers and cognitive scientists who have come to feel the need for a more rigorous phenomenology of experience. (...)
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  31. Consciousness of ultimate reality in the development of the art of Lawren Harris.Fred Wilson - 2003 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 26 (1):22-48.
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    Process and Consciousness (in Serbo Croation).Renato Cristin - forthcoming - Filozofska Istrazivanja.
    Der Autor folgt der Hypothese, dass Husserls Denken der Krisis auf den folgenden Bezug gebaut ist: einerseits beeinflusst die Lebenswelt als Fluss die Art der Wissenschaft, die das Subjekt von ihr haben kann, andererseits beansprucht die transzendentale Subjektivitat die Relativierung der ganzen Lebenswelt. Der Fluss und das Bewusstsein werden Metaphern dieses Bezuges, indem sie die Paradoxien des Weltratsels ausdrucken. Aus der Moglichkeit, die Welt als wirkliche Lebenswelt zu denken, erscheint die Phanomenologie der Lebenswelt als eine Umwalzung des Rationalismus zu einem (...)
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    (1 other version)The Ethics of the Face in Art: On the Margins of Levinas’s Theory of Ethical Signification in Art.Akos Krassoy - 2016 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 53 (1):42-73.
    In ‘Reality and Its Shadow’, Levinas dismisses knowledge as a whole from art. This has deep implications for the ethical. The aesthetic event has nothing to do with the ethical event – art does not seem to hold a place for ethical knowledge. This situation is problematic with respect to the conflicting phenomenological evidence as well as with respect to Levinas himself, who occasionally relies on works of art in his ethical phenomenological analyses. My article aims to fill in the (...)
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  34. Art, beauty and truth: The psychosocial genomics of consciousness, dreams, and brain growth in psychotherapy and mind-body healing.Ernest Lawrence Rossi - 2004 - Annals of the American Psychotherapy Assn 7 (3):10-17.
  35. The Genius in Art and in Sport: A Contribution to the Investigation of Aesthetics of Sport.Stephen Mumford & Teresa Lacerda - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37 (2):182-193.
    This paper contains a consideration of the notion of genius and its significance to the discussion of the aesthetics of sport. We argue that genius can make a positive aes- thetic contribution in both art and sport, just as some have argued that the moral content of a work of art can affect its aesthetic value. A genius is an exceptional inno- vator of successful strategies, where such originality adds aesthetic value. We argue that an original painting can have greater (...)
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  36. Consciousness, art, and the brain: Lessons from Marcel Proust.Russell Epstein - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (2):213-40.
    In his novel Remembrance of Things Past, Marcel Proust argues that conventional descriptions of the phenomenology of consciousness are incomplete because they focus too much on the highly-salient sensory information that dominates each moment of awareness and ignore the network of associations that lies in the background. In this paper, I explicate Proust’s theory of conscious experience and show how it leads him directly to a theory of aesthetic perception. Proust’s division of awareness into two components roughly corresponds to (...)
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    The Expression of Self-consciousness in Kamala Das's ''An Introduction''.Florian Demont - 2008 - Consciousness, Literature, and the Art 9 (2).
    The philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel emphasises the importance of understanding consciousness and, even more so, self-consciousness. His lectures on aesthetics contain aesthetic theories for all forms of art (viz. architecture, painting, music or poetry), but critics use them only in significantly altered versions. The present paper attempts to give an in-depth analysis of a poem following one interpretation of Hegel's philosophy of self-consciousness. The poem analysed is not a German Romantic poem, but an Indian poem from the (...)
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    Neural correlates of object indeterminacy in art compositions.Scott L. Fairhall & Alumit Ishai - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):923-932.
    Indeterminate art invokes a perceptual dilemma in which apparently detailed and vivid images resist identification. We used event-related fMRI to study visual perception of representational, indeterminate and abstract paintings. We hypothesized increased activation along a gradient of posterior-to-anterior ventral visual areas with increased object resolution, and postulated that object resolution would be associated with visual imagery. Behaviorally, subjects were faster to recognize familiar objects in representational than in both indeterminate and abstract paintings. We found activation within a distributed cortical network (...)
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    New realities: being syncretic: consciousness reframed - the Planetary Collegium's IXth International Research Conference.Roy Ascott, Gerald Bast & Wolfgang Fiel (eds.) - 2008 - Wien: Springer.
    Drawn from the contributions to the 9th international “Consciousness Reframed” research conference held at University of Applied Arts Vienna in 2008, this publication aims for a timely re-definition of contemporary syncretic inquiries into the fields of art, science, technology and society through theory and practice alike, reframing the concept of innovation in its relationship to progress and change within the context of perception and its transformation. It comprises a wide range of outstanding expertise and insights of artists, architects, performers, (...)
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    The art of living consciously: the power of awareness to transform everyday life.Nathaniel Branden - 1999 - New York: Fireside/Simon & Schuster.
    The Art of Living Consciously Is an Operating Manual for Our Basic Tool of Survival In The Art of Living Consciously, Dr. Nathaniel Branden, our foremost authority on self-esteem, takes us into new territory, exploring the actions of our minds when they are operating as our life and well-being require -- and also when they are not. No other book illuminates so clearly what true mindfulness means: * In the workplace * In the arena of romantic love * In child-rearing (...)
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    The future of art in a digital age: from Hellenistic to Hebraic consciousness.Melvin L. Alexenberg - 2006 - Bristol, UK: Intellect.
    "This book offers a prophetic vision of art in a digital future.
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    Real Will and Aesthetic Consciousness in Bernard Bosanquet.William Sweet - 2022 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 28 (2):85-109.
    The British idealist philosopher Bernard Bosanquet argues that the legitimacy of the law and the obligation to obey the law are rooted in what he calls the ‘real will.’ This notion of the real will, however, has often been claimed to be problematic. In this paper, I argue that the notion of the real or general will can be made clearer and, arguably, more satisfactory, if one looks at Bosanquet’s notion of aesthetic consciousness. I provide a short account of (...)
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    The Mind in the Cave — the Cave in the Mind: Altered Consciousness in the Upper Paleolithic.David J. Lewis-Williams & Jean Clottes - 1998 - Anthropology of Consciousness 9 (1):13-21.
    This brief overview argues that the evidence of the images themselves, as well as their contexts, suggests that some Franco‐Cantabrian Upper Paleolithic cave art was, at least in part, intimately associated with various shamanic practices. Universal features of altered states of consciousness and the deep caves combined to create notions of a subterranean spirit‐world that became, amongst other ritual areas, the location of vision quests.
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    Art in the system of traditional values (based on the materials of the World Values Survey).Попов Е.А - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 5:12-22.
    In the article, the subject of the study is art. Some problematic points in the conceptualization of this phenomenon in modern science are considered, the available empirical research is evaluated, as well as the interdisciplinary perspective of the study of the phenomenon of art. The problem discussed in the article is the objectification of art as an independent phenomenon, and not only as a "form of social consciousness". The possibilities of such objectification can bring scientists closer to understanding the (...)
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    Ways of Seeing: The Innocent Eye, Individual View and Visual Realism In Art.Derek Hodgson - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (12):3-16.
    Based upon the studies to be outlined, I will argue that the innocent eye should not be thought of as a kind of raw sensory data which, through various artistic devices, can become a focus of attention. In effect, I submit, various commentators have misrepresented this concept to the extent that it has caused much confusion in debates relating to art. In short, they continue to promote the notion of a viewer-centred representation as pure, untainted visual information that can be (...)
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    Complex installations: sharing consciousness in a cybernetic ballet.Clarissa Ribeiro & Gilbertto Prado - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (2):159-165.
    Since Norbert Wiener presented a new research field called the study of control and communication in the animal and the machine, the biological and the artificial universes are each time more integrated as pieces of a game that involves science, philosophy, technology, arts, architecture and several other fields. It is astonishing to take a look at an imaginary non-linear timeline where it is possible to see the ancient Ars Mnemonica inspiring the Leibniz combinatoria and how all these virtual knowledge structures (...)
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    Art, Magic and the Corruption of Consciousness.James Connelly - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (4):494-509.
    The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief account of part of Collingwood’s philosophy of art, in particular that dealing with the relationship between art, craft and magic, in relation to the corruption of consciousness, and to consider some of the implications for the aesthetic evaluation of ‘works of art’ produced as moral or political propaganda. I shall try to do this by drawing on the work of Matthew Kieran in relation to art and morality. I will (...)
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  48. The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain.Robert L. Solso - 2003 - MIT Press.
    How did the human brain evolve so that consciousness of art could develop? In The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain, Robert Solso describes how a consciousness that evolved for other purposes perceives and creates art.Drawing on his earlier book Cognition and the Visual Arts and ten years of new findings in cognitive research, Solso shows that consciousness developed gradually, with distinct components that evolved over time. One of these components is an adaptive (...)
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  49. Aesthetic consciousness of site-specific art.Regina-Nino Kurg - 2013 - South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):349–353.
    The aim of this article is to examine Edmund Husserl’s theory of aesthetic consciousness and the possibility to apply it to site-specific art. The central focus will be on the idea of the limited synthetic unity of the aesthetic object that is introduced by Husserl in order to differentiate positional and aesthetic attitude towards the object. I claim that strongly site-specific art, which is a work of art about a place and in the place, challenges the view that the (...)
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    Towards a theory of conscious art.Robert Pepperell - 2003 - Technoetic Arts 1 (2):117-134.
    In this paper I argue that when we try to describe the specifically self-aware part of the mind, as opposed to the host of unconscious psychic activities, we face a potentially fatal difficulty - one I have termed ‘the inconceivability problem’. Because of the entanglement of the subject and the object in observations of subjectivity, and certain conceptual circularities, it seems we might never be able to represent the self-conscious mind with anything other than itself. This could leave consciousness (...)
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