Results for ' Cuba'

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  1.  38
    Floral zygomorphy, the recurring evolution of a successful trait.Pilar Cubas - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (11):1175-1184.
    The flowers of the primitive angiosperm plants were radially symmetrical (actinomorphic). Flowers with bilateral symmetry (zygomorphic) evolved in several clades independently as an adaptation to specialized methods of pollination and played an important role in the diversification of flowering plants. In the model species Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon), the related genes CYCLOIDEA (CYC) and DICHOTOMA (DICH) are key in the development of this trait. This raises the question of whether they played a role in the evolution of floral bilateral symmetry. To (...)
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    "No queremos amos": Lambayecanos en lucha por libertad e igualdad (Afronorteños, 1750-1850).Ninfa Idrogo Cubas & Guillermo Figueroa Luna - 1997 - Contrastes 9:97-128.
    On the grouds of the archives the proposal explores the actitudes of the resistence adaptation or collaboration of the colour slaves in their individual and collective expressions. Their adaptation means were the paid manumissions and the judicial litigation. Their resistence means to the slave opression werw the runawa. the stockades of Tumán and Feñerrafe and the social homicide of the majordorno in Pomalca. Although the colour slaves lacked a social project opposed to the colonial society, they showed a deep and (...)
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  3. Science society.Books On Cuba - 1961 - Science and Society 25 (4).
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    Consideraciones sobre los orígenes de los populismos progresistas en América Latina y la persistencia del Socialismo del Siglo XXI en Venezuela.Ricardo Cubas Ramacciotti - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    El régimen establecido por Hugo Chávez y continuado por Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela ha generado repercusiones sociales, migratorias, económicas y políticas que han trascendido las fronteras del país, convirtiéndose en un factor desestabilizador para la democracia y la seguridad de América Latina. Para explicar dicho fenómeno, se propone analizar los antecedentes, contextos y elementos que propiciaron su surgimiento y consolidación. Para ello, después de discutir el concepto y las características del populismo, se hace una revisión de su plasmación histórica en (...)
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    Metacognition as a Reading Strategy in Incoming University Students.Erika Belinda Ramirez-Altamirano, Angel Salvatierra Melgar, William Camilo Yauris-Polo, Sandy Guillen-Cuba, Carlos Huamanquispe-Apaza & Percy Lima-Roman - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):245-258.
    Reading and reading comprehension is of great importance for students to be able to grasp the main idea of what they are reading, for which reading strategies are needed. The objective of the research is to analyze and describe the perspectives of the reading strategies they use and how to help entering university students to face their professional studies. The methodology used is descriptive and correlational among its elements, it is of cross-sectional and quantitative approach whose sample are university students (...)
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  6. Cuba's national food program and its prospects for food security.Carmen Diana Deere - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (3):35-51.
    Cuba's National Food Program aims to assure its population a minimum degree of food security during the current period of transition from dependency upon the ex-Socialist trading bloc. A number of important elements of the Food Program, however, were conceived before the demise of COMECON in an effort to deepen food import substitution. This paper reviews the degree of Cuba's food import dependence before the breakup of the Socialist bloc, the initial targets of the National Food Program, and (...)
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    Cuba: Ethics, biological control, and crisis.Peter M. Rosset - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14 (3):291-302.
    The 1989 collapse of trade relations with the former socialist bloc plunged Cuba into an economic and food crisis. Cuban farmers, scientists, and planners have responded with alternative agricultural technology to make up for imported food and Green Revolution inputs that are no longer available. A review of Cuban experience to date with biological pest control practices shows that, on the one hand, significant progress has been made that may serve as a model for other countries, while, on the (...)
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  8. Cuba y la "imprecisión" de las matemáticas.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2010 - Docencia, Revista de Educación y Cultura 33 (33):21-23.
    Entre los muchos y graves problemas que afrontan los poderes instituidos del actual sistema-mundo capitalista, uno de ellos (parece no haber dudas al respecto) es con las matemáticas. Los "errores" de cálculo son sobre todo apreciables cuando de evaluar los acontecimientos de Cuba se trata...
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  9. Cuba necesita cambios, aunque muchos menos de los que necesita el resto del mundo.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2010 - Sudestada 89 (89):1-3.
    El artículo busca desmentir la imagen desastrosa que sobre Cuba trasmiten las mayor parte de las transnacionales de la información y, al mismo tiempo, señalar algunas de las líneas generales de los cambios necesarios a Cuba. Publicado también bajo el título de "Cuba y la 'impresición' de las matemáticas, el trabajo apareció en su momento, al menos en 22 sitios de la web, en español y francés.
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  10. Cuba Recuerdos y reflexiones personales sobre la Zafra de los 10 millones.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2021 - KAOS EN LA RED (XX):5.
    Partiendo del recuerdo de la zafra de los 10 millones y la influencia que tuvo en la sociedad cubana, se expone dicha vivencia, comparándola con la actual campaña cubana por producir 100 millones de dosis de vacunaS para hacer frente en cuba a la pandemia de COVID-19, y la inspiración esperanzadora que representa.
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    Riconfigurare lo Stato. Cuba, dalla Rectificación al Período Especial.Italia Maria Cannataro - 2017 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 29 (56).
    La crisi dei regimi comunisti a metà degli anni ottanta e il collasso dell’Unione Sovietica del '91, intensificarono, a Cuba, le divisioni interne al sistema castrista. Questo articolo sviluppa due prospettive di analisi. In primo luogo si propone di illustrare le dinamiche socio – politiche nell’isola dopo la riforma costituzionale del '76 fino all’esplosione della crisi con la conseguente rectificación e la ricostruzione nazionale. Secondariamente approfondisce la riforma costituzionale del 1992 e le nuove dinamiche interne legate ad una serie (...)
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    Cuba and the dilemma of modern agriculture.John Vandermeer, Judith Carney, Paul Gersper, Ivette Perfecto & Peter Rosset - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (3):3-8.
    Having lost 73% of its purchasing power and 42% of it gross national product since the fall of the Soviet Union, Cuba faces a crisis with the modern agricultural system it had developed over the past 30 years. The response has been to put an alternative model into practice. The successes and problems associated with this model are discussed.
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    The Development of Cuba’s Biotechnology: Mechanisms and Challenges.Omar Everleny Perez Villanueva & Juan Carlos Albizu-Campos Espiñeira - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):136-147.
    Cuba faces a dilemma between continuing its current portfolio of biotechnology drugs and vaccines with lower profitability or renewing its product portfolio with the associated costs and risks.
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    Why Does Cuba 'Care' So Much? Understanding the Epistemology of Solidarity in Global Health Outreach.Robert Huish - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (3):261-276.
    Cuba currently has more than 38,000 health workers providing emergency relief, long-term community-based care and medical education to some of the most vulnerable communities in the world. This current outreach to 76 countries positions Cuba as a leader in global health outreach. This has been well documented and praised by many scholars and policy makers alike. While many acknowledge the importance and impact of the Cuba’s global effort, there is very little understanding as to why Cuba (...)
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  15. Cuba Santa y" los papeles de Guanche".Jesús J. Guanche Pérez - 1999 - El Basilisco 25:91.
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    La disyuntiva de Cuba: capitalismo o nuevo socialismo.Heinz Dieterich - 2006 - Polis 13.
    ¿Por qué del retraso o casi nulo avance de las ciencias sociales al interior del mundo de los socialismos históricos? Ésta es la pregunta que se hace el autor al abordar el caso de Cuba. De su texto se desprende que la respuesta debiera buscarse no tanto en el ejercicio propio de estas disciplinas, sino en el nivel más profundo de los supuestos teóricos que las sostienen. El modelo de acumulación del socialismo real estaba en crisis ya desde fines (...)
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    Cuba 1963 à travers quelques caricatures : politiques maternelles et pénuries.Rachel Hynson - 2015 - Clio 41:219-227.
    Un dessin humoristique de novembre 1963 montre une armée de femmes enceintes faisant la queue devant un magasin. Il paraît dans Pa’lante, le supplément illustré de Granma, le quotidien national du parti communiste cubain. Le célèbre caricaturiste Aristide Pumariega dessine des femmes mécontentes et mal à l’aise. La plupart sont assises, l’une d’elles est prostrée sur un petit lit, sans doute pour reposer ses chevilles endolories. Des enfants jouent tandis qu’elles discutent de leurs difficult...
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  18. Cuba: Primera infancia, niñez E investigación.Isabel Ríos Leonard & David Andrés Jiménez - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 1 (2).
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    Cuba, Mexico, and India: Technical and social changes in agriculture during political economic crisis. [REVIEW]John H. Perkins - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (3):75-90.
    Cuba entered a crisis in 1989 when its trading arrangements with the USSR and Eastern Europe collapsed, Their supplies of imported staple food and agricultural input supplies were severely curtailed. Thus the Cubans had to alter both the methods of farming and the mix of items produced. Despite differences in historical setting, the changes forced upon the Cubans are similar to earlier agricultural changes in Mexico and India. Three themes unite events in the countries: (1) National leaders wishing to (...)
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  20. The ecological transformation of Cuba.Richard Levins - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (3):52-60.
    Faced with an extremely difficult economic situation following the loss of its major trade relations, a tightened U. S. blockade, and a world recession, Cuba has taken major steps towards building an ecological society. The major change in the orientation of development strategy that is now taking place requires a complex analysis that includes such long term general factors as the socialist commitment to developing science, the absence of a sector that profits from high tech agriculture or environmental degradation, (...)
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  21.  17
    From Cuba with Saints.Marc Blanchard - 2009 - Critical Inquiry 35 (3):383-416.
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    Cuba: Nation, Diaspora, Literature.Ambrosio Fornet - 2009 - Critical Inquiry 35 (2):255-269.
  23.  13
    “Trafficking in women” as migration history: gendered mobility between France and Cuba (early twentieth century).Elisa Camiscioli - 2020 - Clio 51:97-117.
    En se concentrant sur la route transatlantique entre la France et Cuba, cet article explore les débats du début du xxe siècle sur la « traite des femmes » à travers les lunettes de l’histoire des migrations. Diverses sources attestent de la prédominance des prostituées, des proxénètes et des trafiquants français dans l’industrie du sexe à Cuba. La question de savoir si les Françaises étaient des migrantes entreprenantes ou des victimes de la traite reste cependant ouverte pour les (...)
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    Le Congo et Cuba.Sara Alonso Gómez - 2021 - Multitudes 81 (4):64-72.
    Revisitant le voyage peu connu de Ernesto Che Guevara au Congo en 1965 à partir de son Journal du Congo, l’article propose une lecture décoloniale de la coopération entre Cuba et le Congo. Considérée comme un « échec » militaire, cette mission de soutien témoigne tout à la fois d’une alliance des pays du tiers-monde et d’une volonté anticoloniale et anti-impériale d’imaginer des possibles politiques alternatifs. Elle montre aussi les difficultés de faire front commun et d’implanter au Congo l’idéal (...)
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  25.  26
    Charles Peirce and Cuba.Rosa Maria Mayorga - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (2).
    Although Peirce, as far as we know, did not visit Cuba (or any other Latin American country), it is argued that his favorable impression and interesting remarks about the Cuban character are likely the result of the time he spent in Key West, Florida, while conducting gravity experiments for the Coast Survey. This paper tries to provide a snapshot of this little-known period in Peirce’s life, the time of Cuba’s struggle for independence from Spain, and ends with brief (...)
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    On Cuba's budgetary finance system. A critique of Helen Yaffe's account.Alejandro Agafonow - 2011 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 5 (1):27.
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    Cuba's Independent Library Movement Reconsidered.Werner A. Lind - 2008 - Journal of Information Ethics 17 (2):61-77.
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    Cuba: pesquisa científica e inovação tecnológica.Tirso W. Saenz Sánchez - 2000 - Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política 49 (49).
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    Food sovereignty in place: Cuba and Spain.Lindsay Naylor - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):705-717.
    Attempts to democratize the food system and make it more equitable through food sovereignty take many forms across space. In Cuba, food sovereignty is perceived as the promotion of small-scale farming methods informed by agroecology and permaculture. However, these practices are mediated by discourses of self-sufficiency in the context of the US blockade. Simultaneously, in Basque country, Spain, food sovereignty shapes community-supported agriculture initiatives, farmer union and cooperative-based work, and a deep appreciation for regional foods. In this context, food (...)
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    Walker Evans: Cuba.Andrei Codrescu & Judith Keller - 2001 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    "As novelist and poet Andrei Codrescu points out in the essay that accompanies this selection of photographs from the Getty Museum's collection, Evans's photographs are the work of an artist whose temperament was distinctly at odds with Beals's impassioned rhetoric. Evans's photographs of Cuba were made by a young, still maturing artist who - as Codrescu argues - was just beginning to combine his early, formalist aesthetic with the social concerns that would figure prominently in his later work."--Jacket.
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    Pediatric surgery in Cuba. Stages of its development.Rafael Manuel Trinchet Soler & Velázquez Rodríguez - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):742-750.
    La historia de la Cirugía Pediátrica cubana está pendiente de ser documentada científicamente. Se estableció como objetivo definir las etapas de desarrollo de la especialidad en Cuba, para lo cual se hizo un análisis histórico y se identificó cuatro períodos fundamentales. Este artículo tiene una significación práctica puesto que permite conocer en qué momento se encuentra la especialidad para modelar el futuro de la misma. The history of Cuban pediatric surgery is pending of being scientifically documented. It was established (...)
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  32.  15
    Cartas de amor y de guerra. Correspondencia femenina de Cuba (siglo XIX).Eva Bravo-Garcia - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (51).
    El azar de la guerra ha permitido rescatar un corpus epistolar femenino escrito en Cuba en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Esta contribución muestra, a través de algunos documentos, cómo mujeres cubanas de distinto estatus social, etnia y formación narran desde su experiencia personal y según su competencia escrituraria, la experiencia de las contiendas que dieron la independencia a la isla. Los textos permiten trazar una imagen de la mujer y de los usos lingüísticos que caracterizan al español (...)
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  33.  35
    Whose Civil Society?: The Politicization of Religion in Transitional Cuba.Kathleen A. Tobin - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (8):76-89.
    For decades, the United States has supported the development of civil society in various places around the world. Promoted as integral to democracy, civil society projects have come to include religion and religious freedom as significant components. U.S. experts point to tolerance of all faiths and the presence of voluntary religious association as essential checks to state power and necessary to a free society. Because of its unique relationship with Cuba, the United States support of civil society there has (...)
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  34.  19
    Cuba, Color and the Revolution.David Booth - 1976 - Science and Society 40 (2):129 - 172.
  35. The greening of the “barrios”: Urban agriculture for food security in Cuba[REVIEW]Miguel A. Altieri, Nelso Companioni, Kristina Cañizares, Catherine Murphy, Peter Rosset, Martin Bourque & Clara I. Nicholls - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (2):131-140.
    Urban agriculture in Cuba has rapidly become a significant source of fresh produce for the urban and suburban populations. A large number of urban gardens in Havana and other major cities have emerged as a grassroots movement in response to the crisis brought about by the loss of trade, with the collapse of the socialist bloc in 1989. These gardens are helping to stabilize the supply of fresh produce to Cuba's urban centers. During 1996, Havana's urban farms provided (...)
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  36. From red to green: Cuba forced to conserve due to economic crisis. [REVIEW]Holly Kaufman - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (3):31-34.
    The most severe economic crisis in post-revolutionary Cuba has forced the country to adopt an austere conservation program. Resource-wise measures have been instituted in the energy, transportation, housing, and agricultural sectors because of a rapid drop in Soviet aid, significant loss of trade with the Eastern Bloc, a halving of oil imports in a one-year period, and stepped-up U. S. sanctions. The economic crisis is also causing negative environmental impacts, in part because pollution abatement projects have been deferred and (...)
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  37.  6
    Cuba, ideología revolucionaria.Darío L. Machado - 2000 - La Habana: Editora Política.
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    Cuba en movimiento: derrumbe del socialismo, una mirada de primer orden.Francisco Alberto Pérez Piñón, Guillermo Hernández Orozco & Jesús Adolfo Trujillo Holguín - 2018 - Ratio Juris 13 (27):27-44.
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  39.  22
    Philosophes espagnols de cuba: Félix Varela — José de la Luz.J. -M. Guardia - 1892 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 33:51 - 66.
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    Strategic Socialism. The Updating of Cuba’s Model.Marek Hrubec - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (3):349-365.
    The article deals with the theme of updating of Cuba’s economic model mainly from the perspective of economic and political philosophy and its interdisciplinary contexts. First, it examines the historical origins of Cuba’s socialist model and the subsequent changes after the fall of the Eastern Bloc. Second, it analyses the actualization of Cuba’s model in the first two decades of the 21st century, that is, mainly the introduction of market and private ownership to complement planning and public (...)
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    Human rights in Cuba, El Salvador, and Nicaragua: a sociological perspective on human rights abuse.Mayra Gómez - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    This book presents a historical perspective on patterns of human rights abuse in Cuba, El Salvador and Nicaragua and incorporates international relations in to the traditional theories of state repression found within the social sciences.
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    Gender Studies In Cuba: Methodological Approaches, 1974-2001.Marta Núñez - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (1):7-32.
    Cuban scholarly works on gender are little known outside Cuba. This article summarizes characteristics of the gender approaches used by social scientists in Cuba, stressing their methodological views, the methods they use, the non-Cuban authors who have influenced their works, and the social context in which gender studies started in Cuban academia. It includes an appendix listing works by the 24 scholars interviewed by the author.
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  43. Más perdió Cuba: los efectos demográficos de la guerra (1985-1898). Representación estadística.Pablo Tornero Tinajero - 2003 - Contrastes 12:187-226.
    Quantitative study of the effects of war in the Cuban population. Analysis of the demographic variables used as source of the "Report on the Census of Cuba of 1899", lifted by the American government. It includes graphics about the number and evolution of the births, inarriages and deaths in Cuba by provinces, and the natural grohth in the Island. It is demonstrated a demographic disaster associated to war, with the death of 200.000 souls approximately.
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    Élites y poder en Cuba, de la épica revolucionaria a la instrumentalización del Estado, 1959-1965.Martín López Ávalos - 2020 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (26):79-94.
    Se parte de la hipótesis que el Estado nacional cubano es el resultado de la acción de una serie de elites que siempre se han considerado revolucionarias. La construcción del Estado cubano abarca tres experiencias que explican el ejercicio del poder político por elites específicas en el siglo XX. Es la capacidad de agencia de estas elites la que explica la historia política del Estado, independientemente de las intervenciones externas de las que puede ser objeto. Lo que definimos como Revolución (...)
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    Plan et marché : les défis de l’accumulation à Cuba.Jérôme Leleu - 2018 - Actuel Marx 64 (2):128-145.
    Le développement du secteur privé et de la régulation par le marché à Cuba depuis dix ans questionne le projet de construction socialiste encore prôné par le pouvoir. Or, la concurrence inévitable entre le secteur d’État « socialiste » et le secteur privé marchand et capitaliste peut réduire à néant ce projet. En effet, la coexistence pacifique entre ces deux secteurs est illusoire. L’objectif de cet article est de mettre en évidence les modifications nécessaires des politiques économiques dans ce (...)
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    Increasing food sovereignty with urban agriculture in Cuba.Friedrich Leitgeb, Sarah Schneider & Christian R. Vogl - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):415-426.
    Urban agriculture in Cuba has played an important role for citizens’ food supply since the collapse of the Eastern Block. Through the land reform of 2008 and the Lineamientos of 2011, the Cuban government has aimed to support agriculture in order to increase national food production and reduce imports. However, the implementation of the designed measures faced obstacles. Therefore, the research objective was to display how the government’s measures aiming to support domestic food production influenced urban agriculture. The qualitative (...)
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  47. On Congo Cults of Bantu Origin in Cuba.Miguel Barnet - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (179):141-164.
    Black Africans who were brought to Cuba as slaves represented a variety of origins and belonged to linguistic groups that were as divergent as their cultural backgrounds. A huge majority, however, originated in the Congo basin. The last officially recorded arrival of a slave ship in a Cuban port took place in 1873.It would be impossible to classify expressions of Bantu origin that were used in the slave trade. The arbitrary label “Congo” has been applied to most such expressions (...)
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    El contrato de los colonos chinos para trabajar en Cuba: estudio contrastivo del texto en español y su versión en chino.Tania Silverio Pérez & Chen Xinyi - 2024 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 34 (1).
    Entre 1847 y 1874 llegaron al archipiélago cubano miles de chinos en calidad de trabajadores, respaldados por un contrato. Varios investigadores coinciden en que el mismo documento que los protegía sentaba las bases para convertirlos en semiesclavos. Este artículo propone un estudio contrastivo de las versiones en chino y en español de dos contratos firmados por colonos chinos para trabajar en Cuba en 1871. Se emplea una metodología basada en el modelo de Mangirón (2006), que toma en cuenta factores (...)
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    Reynaldo de La Habana: un viaje a ninguna parte en la Cuba pos-revolucionaria.Maybell Vargas Zúñiga - 2018 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 21:27-36.
    El Rey de la Habana es la metáfora trágica del agotamiento de la Cuba castrista y el tortuoso parto de una nueva realidad social que no acaba de nacer. En las prietas páginas de una breve novela, repletas de violencia, bestialidad, sexo desaforado, heces y descarnada lucha por la vida, Pedro Juan Gutiérrez se erige como testigo de su época y el destino de su patria. Su telón de fondo es una Habana decadente, físicamente carcomida, donde el “sálvese cada (...)
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  50. Political Change in Cuba, 1959-1965.James O'conner - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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