Results for ' De Vita Moysis'

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  1.  94
    Michael M. Sage, Cyprian; Ronald E. Hine, Perfeetion in the virtuous Life. A Study in the Relationship betvveen Edification and Polemical Theology in Gregory of Nyssa's De vita Moysis; Robert C. Gregg, Consolation Philosophy. Greek and Christian Paideia in Basil and the Two Gregories. [REVIEW]Angelo Di Berardino - 1977 - Augustinianum 17 (3):575-576.
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    Remarques sur l'utilisation du genre littéraire historique par Philon d'Alexandrie dans la Vita Moysis, ou Moïse général en chef-prophète.Mariette Canevet - 1986 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 60 (3-4):189-206.
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  3. Inequality and Poverty in Global Perspective.Álvaro de Vita - 2007 - In Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (ed.), Freedom From Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? Co-Published with Unesco. Oxford University Press.
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    Alcune variazioni sul mito di Socrate nella tarda antichita.Maria Carmen De Vita - 2013 - Chôra 11:37-58.
    In the rhetorical tradition of Late Antiquity, Socrates’ legend has a good fortune in the works of different rhetoricians and philosophers. In the following pages I am going to deal with some examples of this phaenomenon, through the works of Themistius and Julian the emperor : two intellectuals of the IV century who are, under many aspects, the exact opposites.They both try to ‘actualize’ Socrates’ figure, highlighting different aspects of the Athenian philosopher, on the grounds of their personal purposes of (...)
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    ≪Figlio del Bene≫ e Re dell’universo.Maria Carmen De Vita - 2017 - Chôra 15:457-484.
    This article aims to analyze the philosophical and religious message of Julian’s Hymn to King Helios. The emperor, using Iamblichean structures, shows how the First Cause, the Neoplatonic One, can interact with the layers or gradation below it, including the physical world ; his starting point is an original ‘pluralizing’ interpretation of the Sun analogy contained in Resp. VI 509b.However, Julian’s hymn has a political meaning, too ; it can be considered as a sort of manifesto of Julian’s imperial ideology. (...)
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    Giuliano e il medioplatonismo: il caso di Plutarco.Maria Carmen De Vita - 2013 - Elenchos 34 (2):351-372.
    This article aims to show that Julian the Emperor had some knowledge of Middle Platonic doctrines. More specifically, the discussion focuses on the case of Plutarch of Chaeronea.We can find interesting parallels between the works of this philosopher and the Orations of Julian, especially concerning the allegorical exegesis of myths, the crucial metaphysical role played by Apollo-Helios and the doctrine of the soul. It is worth considering the possibility that Plutarch's works partially inspired Julian's concept of Hellenism.
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  7. „Not Passing On Beloved: The Sacrificial Child and the Circle of Redemption“.Alexis Brooks De Vita - 2000 - Griot: Official Journal of the Southern Conference on Afro-American Studies 19 (1).
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  8. Abiku Babies: Spirit Children and Human Bonding in Ben Okri's The Famished Road, Edwidge Danticat's Krik? Krak!, and Tina McElroy Ansa's Baby of the Family.Novella Brooks De Vita - 2005 - Griot 24 (1).
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    La paideia como estructura fundamental del quehacer teológico en Gregorio de Nisa.Orlando Solano Pinzón - 2015 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 32 (32):229-244.
    El presente artículo busca dar razón de la categoría paideia como estructura fundamental del quehacer teológico de Gregorio de Nisa. En función de este propósito se hace un acercamiento a la noción de paideia propia de los griegos y, posteriormente se señala la manera como el Niseno apropió dicha categoría configurando la paideia cristiana, apelando a ejemplos de su obra De Vita Moysis. This article seeks to give reason for the category paideia as a fundamental structure of the (...)
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  10. Escaped Tricksters: Runaway Narratives as Trickster Tales.Alexis Brooks De Vita - 1998 - Griot: Official Journal of the Southern Conference on Afro American Studies 17:1-10.
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    Identità e dialogo.Roberto De Vita - 2003 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Metafísica, antropología y virtud moral en san Gregorio de Nisa.Jacob Buganza - 2023 - Franciscanum 65 (180):1-30.
    Este trabajo estudia el concepto de virtud moral a partir de dos obras de san Gregorio de Nisa, a saber, De professione Christiana yDe perfectione, pertenecientes a la etapa inmediatamente anterior a la madurez de su autor, signada sobre todo por el De vita Moysis,que mucha atención ha merecido. Sin embargo, algunas de las tesis características de esta última obra se encuentran ya trazadas en las primeras dos, especialmente la propuesta de que la virtud es una tarea inabarcable (...)
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    La educación como un diálogo de corazón a corazón. El caballo y los ojos en el De Anima et Resurrectione.Gabriel Alberto Jaramillo Vargas - 2023 - Franciscanum 65 (179).
    En la intimidad del diálogo de corazón a corazón entre Macrina y Gregorio en el De Anima et Resurrectione, se puede percibir no sólo una dialéctica: pathos–logos, maestro-discípulo, fe-ciencia; sino también, una estructuración del diálogo inspirada en el Fedro, en la que tras la tesis y la antítesis, se busca como fruto pedagógico del diálogo una síntesis de los elementos en cuestión. Este trabajo analizará los símbolos del caballo y los ojos, su relación en términos pedagógicos y mistagógicos, así como (...)
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    Itinerari cartesiani.Alberto De Vita & Massimo Donà (eds.) - 2022 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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  15. Children and questions of meaning through adults' representation. On the image of philosopher child.Anastasia De Vita - 2014 - Childhood and Philosophy 10 (19):109-127.
    This article regards a particular way through which adults take children into consideration and listen their voices. Reflections have sprung from a research context, focused on existential questions that children pose during their preschool years in early education settings. The research explored the meanings of these questions for children and adults involved in their education. The questions of meaning emerged by children’s discourses are considered through the representations of childhood that subtend parents and teachers’ educational practices. The article discusses one (...)
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    L’organismo vivo del λόγος (Plat. Phaedr. 264c): storia di un’analogia.Maria Carmen de Vita - 2009 - Hermes 137 (3):263-284.
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    Vespasian and the slave trade.Tranquilli de Vita Caesarum & Vii–Viii Libri - 2002 - Classical Quarterly 52:350-357.
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    Teoría y filosofía política: la recuperación de los clásicos en el debate latinoamericano.Atilio Borón, Alvaro de Vita & Eduardo Grüner (eds.) - 2002 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales.
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  19. Beloved and Betrayed: Survival and Authority in Kindred.Novella Brooks-De Vita - 2003 - The Griot 22 (1):16.
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    The Ethics of Deferred Prosecution Agreements for MNEs Culpable of Foreign Corruption: Relativistic Pragmatism or Devil’s Pact?Glauco De Vita & Donato Vozza - 2024 - Business Ethics Quarterly 34 (4):605-633.
    Deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs) are legal means, alternative to trial, for the resolution of criminal business cases. Although DPAs are increasingly used in the US and are spreading to other jurisdictions, the ethics of DPAs has hardly been subjected to critical scrutiny. We use a multidisciplinary approach straddling the line between philosophy and law to examine the ethics of DPAs used to resolve cases of multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) foreign corruption. Deontologically, we argue that the normativity of DPAs raises critical concerns (...)
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    Female bullying among adolescents in Italy: A national mixed-method research.Antonietta De Vita & Giuseppe Burgio - 2023 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 27 (65):61-77.
    The subject of bullying has received widespread academic attention, going back to pioneering studies in the 1970s. However, work in this area has tended to take a gender-neutral/male perspective that does not distinguish between male and female bullying. While retaining a dialogue with generalist literature on the subject, this article seeks to highlight the theoretical and political-social relevance of gender-specific and intersectional approaches when exploring the question of bullying between adolescent girls. Based on the study _Il bullismo femminile a scuola. (...)
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    Por que uma teoria ideal da justiça?Álvaro de Vita - 2022 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 13 (1):e9.
    Por que a teoria política normativa voltada para questões de justiça social e política deveria se ocupar de princípios no âmbito daquilo que John Rawls denominou “teoria ideal”, em contraste com a “teoria não ideal” da justiça? Será que necessitamos desenvolver e refinar uma teoria ideal da justiça para determinar o que a justiça requer nas condições não ideais com as quais no defrontamos? Será que a “teoria ideal” da justiça é capaz de orientar a ação – decisões políticas e (...)
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    Karl Bühler’s Fantasmatic Deixis Between Motion, Gestures, and Words.Chiara De Vita - 2020 - Gestalt Theory 42 (3):319-330.
    Summary What is the “fantasmatic deixis”? It is a very creative and productive cognitive–linguistic operation that allows a “transfer” to other real or fantastic times, places, and “worlds”. The underlying psychological question concerns the possibility of moving and being moved with respect to something or someone who is absent (Bühler, 1965). This “fiction game” is made possible by deictic indicators (Tenchini, 2008), terms that allow motion in time and space, always considering the here–now–I system of subjective orientation. When we refer (...)
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    (1 other version)«Nessun dio è mai sceso quaggiù». La polemica anticristiana dei filosofi antichi ( “Frecce”, 277 ). [REVIEW]Maria Carmen De Vita - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 41 (2):401-411.
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    Formação ética, estética e política em oficinas com jovens: tensões, transgressões e inquietações na pesquisa-intervenção.Renan De Vita Alves de Brito & Andréa Vieira Zanella - 2017 - Bakhtiniana 12 (1):42-64.
    RESUMO Este artigo apresenta e discute acontecimentos que emergiram no decorrer de uma pesquisa-intervenção com jovens, visando problematizar as contribuições para a formação ética, estética e política tanto dos pesquisadores como dos participantes. Oficinas estéticas mediadas por linguagens artístico-visuais consistiram no modus operandi da pesquisa-intervenção, sendo os acontecimentos relativos à oficina de graffiti o foco das análises aqui apresentadas. Participaram dessa oficina entre 20 a 25 jovens matriculados em uma escola pública municipal de Florianópolis/SC, com idades entre 13 e 16 (...)
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    M. Vegetti-P. Pissavino (a cura di), I Decembrio e la tradizione della ‘Repubblica’ di Platone tra Medioevo ed Umanesimo. [REVIEW]Maria Carmen De Vita - 2006 - Elenchos 27 (1):147-156.
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    Nietzsche als Philologe des Lebens. [REVIEW]Valentina Dafne De Vita - 2020 - Nietzscheforschung 27 (1):357-361.
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  28. Revisiting de Vita, I, 2-6. Ficinian codification of a theory of melancholy.Alfonso de Petris - 2009 - Rinascimento 49:285-300.
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  29. Escorço da Filosofia no Brasil.Luís Washington Vita & Carlos Lopes de Mattos - 1966 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 22 (1):98-99.
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    De vita coelitus comparanda Marsilia Ficina jako przedstawienie hermetycznych praktyk odnowy człowieka.Magdalena Olejnik - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 24:19-43.
    The aim of this article is a reconstruction and interpretation of Marsilio Ficino's thoughts presented in "De vita coelitus camparanda" that, having a hermetic tinge to it, concern an idea of human's religious tranformation. In the article I attempt to demonstrate that "De vita coelitus camparanda" is a treaty of religious character which, contrary to the author's intentions, is closer to pagan religiousness than the christian one. Natural-magical efforts oficially presented by Ficino and efforts of demonic and ceremonial (...)
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    La noción de principios jurídicos en la teoría Del derecho de Hermann Heller.Leticia Vita - 2015 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 43:49-75.
    Aunque la discusión sobre los principios jurídicos encuentra su punto de quiebre con las obras de Ronald Dworkin y Robert Alexy, la cuestión reconoce desarrollos anteriores y encuentra una de sus formulaciones más profundas en reacción al pensamiento jurídico positivista de entreguerras. En este trabajo destacamos los aportes del jurista socialdemócrata Hermann Heller a la teoría de las normas que, a diferencia de los que hizo a la teoría del Estado, permanecen en un lugar olvidado. Se reconstruye su concepción del (...)
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    Le Pascal de Léon Brunschvicg.Maria Vita Romeo - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3:321-336.
    Le nom de Brunschvicg est indissolublement lié à celui de Pascal. Sa grande entreprise éditoriale est restée inégalée, comme ses très nombreuses études dédiées directement ou non à l’auteur des Pensées. Pascal a été pour Brunschvicg l’interlocuteur d’une vie entière : cela s’entend du philosophe et du mathématicien qui affrontent l’infini, mais aussi du polémiste chrétien avec qui Brunschvicg a dit n’avoir « pas une idée en commun », mais dont il a saisi les secrets plus qu’aucun autre. Cet article (...)
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  33. Para um naturalismo dialéctico, coll. « Divulgação e ensaio », no 21.Patrick Romanell, Luis Washington Vita & Romeu de Melo - 1967 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 22 (4):496-496.
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    Jean Gagnier’s De vita, et rebus gestis Mohammedis: Reading and Misreading the History of Islam in the Eighteenth Century.Simon Mills - 2021 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 84 (1):167-206.
    Jean Gagnier’s De vita, et rebus gestis Mohammedis was the first substantial biography of the Prophet Muhammad translated by a European author directly from an authentic Muslim source. Familiar to Edward Gibbon and Voltaire, Gagnier’s work significantly shaped European understandings of the origins of Islam well into the nineteenth century. Yet Gagnier’s scholarship has not been examined in any depth since it was closely read by his contemporaries. This article provides an analysis of Gagnier’s strategies and competencies as a (...)
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  35. Introdução à Filosofia, Prefácio de Miguel Reale.Luís Washington Vita - 1966 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 22 (4):420-421.
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    Gavigan, J.-J., O. S. A., De vita monastica in Africa Septentrionali inde a temporibus S. Augustini usque ad invasiones Arabum. [REVIEW]Georges De Plinval - 1963 - Augustinianum 3 (1):177-183.
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  37. La vie de S. Philarète, ed. M.-H. Fourmy & M. Leroy.Vita Philareti - 1934 - Byzantion 9:113-67.
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  38. O mito de Hefestos.Luís Washington Vita - 1961 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 17 (3):385-385.
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  39. (1 other version)Tríptico de idéias.Luís Washington Vita - 1956 - São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo.
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  40. Kae enenkel Wessel gansforts stellungnahme zum Vita activa-Vita contemplativa-prorlem: De stabilitate meditationum et modo figendi meditationes, Buch.Vita Activa-Vita Contemplativa-Prorlem - 1993 - In Fokke Akkerman, Gerda C. Huisman & Arie Johan Vanderjagt (eds.), Wessel Gansfort (1419-1489) and northern humanism. New York: E.J. Brill. pp. 44.
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  41. "De vita non sancta" en la Alta Edad Media.César Lorenzo Raña Dafonte - 2005 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 12:191-204.
    El presente articulo pretende poner de manifiesto el interés que tienen los libros penitenciales en la Alta Edad Media para informar sobre las costumbres y la vida cotidiana, tanto en lo que se ajusta como en lo que no se ajusta a las normas de conducta.
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    La traduction des noms propres : une étude en corpus.Emeline Lecuit, Denis Maurel & Duško Vitas - 2011 - Corpus 10:201-218.
    Dans cet article, nous abordons le problème de la traduction des noms propres. Nous présentons notre hypothèse, selon laquelle la thèse très répandue de la non-traductibilité des noms propres peut être contredite. Puis, nous décrivons la construction du corpus multilingue aligné que nous utilisons pour illustrer notre propos. Nous évaluons enfin les apports et les limites de ce corpus dans le cadre de notre étude.
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    Eunapii Vitae Sophistarum.Phillip de Lacy & Joseph Giangrande - 1958 - American Journal of Philology 79 (3):331.
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    Los avatares filosóficos de la imagen a partir del cine.Sergio Aguilera Vita - 2019 - Endoxa 43:293.
    Este artículo explora dos vías filosóficas de acercamiento a las imágenes iniciadas el siglo pasado. La primera, que denominamos metafísica, fue abierta por Bergson y desarrollada por Deleuze. La segunda, que clasificamos como fenomenológica, es iniciada por Sartre y completada por Merleau-Ponty. La posición central que ocupa la imagen en estas teorías permite el desarrollo de una nueva ontología que resuelve los problemas del dualismo y en la que el cine desempeña un papel principal.
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    De vita Mosis I: an introduction with text, translation, and notes.Philo Of Alexandria - 2023 - Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press. Edited by Jeffrey Michael Hunt & Philo.
    This volume, a translation of book 1 of Philo of Alexandria's De vita Mosis, with introduction and commentary, aims to introduce new readers, both students and scholars, to Philo of Alexandria through what is widely considered to be one of his most accessible works and one that Philo himself may have intended for readers unfamiliar with Judaism. The introduction provides historical, intellectual, and religious context for Philo, discusses major issues of scholarly interest, considers the relation of De vita (...)
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  46. Liber de vita monastica" des Conradus de Zenn und die Spiritualität der Spätmittelalterlichen "observantia regularis.Adolar Zumkeller - 1992 - Revista Agustiniana 33 (101):921-938.
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    Two Manuscripts of Suetonius' de Vita Caesarum.A. J. Dunston - 1952 - Classical Quarterly 2 (3-4):146-.
    There is in the British Museum a twelfth-century manuscript, Egerton 3055, of Suetonius' De Vita Caesarum which has not previously been noticed by editors or in the reports of manuscripts of Suetonius made by Professor C. L. Smith and Professor A. A. Howard, though summarily classified by E. G. Millar.
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  48. Magitri Petri de Ybernia Expositio et quaestiones in Aristotelis librum De longitudine et brevitate vitae.Petrus de Ybernia & Michael Dunne - 1995 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 57 (2):354-355.
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    Modernidade, vita activa e ilusão do desenvolvimento.Renato de Oliveira - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (Especial):348-365.
    O problema do desenvolvimento continua sendo abordado à maneira tradicional na semiperiferia da economia mundializada, como um problema de atração de investimentos que agreguem trabalho à economia. Políticas de fomento à inovação científica e à tecnológica são raras, e não atentam para o fato de que, nos países de desenvolvimento original, esse processo coincidiu com amplas agendas de transformação social e cultural associadas à ideia da modernidade. No entanto, a autonomia do campo político, central para a ideia da Modernidade, vem (...)
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  50. De Vita non sancta en la Alta edad media.César Roño Dafonte - 2005 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 12:191-204.
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