Results for ' Demosthenes', critique of Lycurgus' “enervating” policy'

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  1.  21
    Culture War Concluded.Danielle S. Allen - 2012-12-10 - In Neville Morley, Why Plato Wrote. Blackwell. pp. 122–141.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The Politics of the 330s Who Was Fighting Whom? What Were Lycurgus and Demosthenes Fighting About? Why Fight over Plato? The End of the Culture War Conclusion.
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    (1 other version)Education Policy: Philosophical Critique.Richard Smith (ed.) - 2013 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Education Policy_ sees 12 philosophers of education critique current and recent UK educational policies relating to higher education and faith-based education, assessment, the teaching of reading, vocational and civic education, teacher education, the influence of Europe and the idea of the ‘Big Society’. Twelve philosophers of education subject elements of current and recent UK educational policy to critique Forthright and critical, the contributors are unafraid to challenge current orthodoxies Offers thought-provoking insights into modern education policy Wide-ranging (...)
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    Changing the public–private mix: an assessment of the health reforms in Greece.Lycurgus L. Liaropoulos & Daphne Kaitelidou - 1998 - Health Care Analysis 6 (4):277-285.
    The 1983 health reform in Greece was a major political event in the social policy agenda. The main objective of the reform was the institution of a National Health System and the expansion of the health sector, improved equity, and the assumption of full responsibility for health services delivery by the state. An assessment of the results 10 years after full implementation of the reform shows that despite the expansion of the public sector, the public-private mix in financing and (...)
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    Philosophy For Policy Makers? A Critique and a Proposal.Francis Schrag - 2016 - Philosophy of Education 72:341-349.
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    Public Policy and Philosophical Critique: The William James and Theodore Roosevelt Dialogue on Strenuousness.Patrick K. Dooley - 2001 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 37 (2):161 - 177.
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    Emergency-Only Hemodialysis Policies: Ethical Critique and Avenues for Reform.Richa Lavingia, Rajeev Raghavan & Stephanie R. Morain - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):527-534.
    An estimated 6,500 undocumented immigrants in the United States have been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease. These individuals are ineligible for the federal insurance program that covers dialysis and/or transplantation for citizens, and consequently are subject to local or state policies regarding the provision of healthcare. In 76% of states, undocumented immigrants are ineligible to receive scheduled outpatient dialysis treatments, and typically receive dialysis only when presenting to the emergency center with severe life-threatening symptoms. ‘Emergency-only hemodialysis’ is associated with higher (...)
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    Memory Culture and Memory Policy in Germany – Prerequisites and Critique.Daniela Decheva - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (2):180-191.
    The paper analyses the contemporary debate about memory culture and memory policy in Germany which are highly valid for Europe as well. They base on the political consensus that the memory of collective crimes committed in the past, especially of the Holocaust, and the honour to the victims, are a basic prerequisite for the protection of human rights. In the second part of the paper different critical views on the conception and practice of memory culture and memory policy (...)
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    Trade Policy in Developing Countries.Edward F. Buffie - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    Trade Policy in Developing Countries is aimed at academics, graduate students and professional, policy-oriented economists. It is the first work in the field to analyze trade policy in an integrated theoretical framework based on optimizing dynamic models that pay careful attention to the structural features of developing country economies. Following a thorough critique of the debate on inward- vs. outward-oriented trade regimes, Buffie examines the main issues of concern to less developed countries in the areas of (...)
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    United States Welfare Policy in the New Millennium.Thomas Massaro - 2003 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 23 (2):97-118.
    The welfare reform law of 1996 completely overhauled the nation's system of assistance to low-income families. The reauthorization of that law, now several months overdue because of congressional delays, presents an opportunity for religious social ethicists to evaluate the adequacy of our nation's anti-poverty efforts. This paper surveys policy developments from 1996 to 2003 and analyzes five key issues in the reauthorization debate: the size and structure of welfare block grants; work requirements; welfare time limits, sanctions, and exemptions; marriage (...)
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  10. Public Education in a Multicultural Society: Policy, Theory, Critique.Robert K. Fullinwider (ed.) - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    This important collection of essays offers a sustained philosophical examination of fundamental questions raised by multicultural education in primary and secondary schools. The essays focus on both theory and policy. They discuss the relation between culture and identity, the role of reason in bridging cultural divisions, and the civic implications of multi-culturalism in the teaching of history and literature. Several of the essays examine aspects of multicultural policies in California and New York, as well as the curriculum guidelines promulgated (...)
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    Options, sustainability policy and the spontaneous order.John Foster - unknown
    This paper examines the implications for sustainability policy of environmental uncertainty and indeterminacy, and relates the associated problems with a conventional understanding of sustainable development to Hayek's critique of collective planning. It suggests that the appropriate recourse is not, however, a Hayekian endorsement of the free market, but an extension of his key idea of spontaneous order to characterise the learning society. The argument is illustrated by a practical application: the analysis of natural capital explored in this Special (...)
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    Warning the demos: political communication with a democratic audience in Demosthenes.J. Miller - 2002 - History of Political Thought 23 (3):401-417.
    This paper examines rhetorical strategies used by the democratic fourth century BCE orator Demosthenes to contain and counteract aristocratic and oligarchic criticisms of democracy. Demosthenes specifically addresses six categories of complaints: procrastination, the reactive character of the democracy, factionalism, the physical threat posed by the democracy to politicians, excessive concern with private interests and finally the inability to opt for difficult but necessary actions. For each of these complaints, Demosthenes deploys a strength that the democracy has that counter-acts--or at least (...)
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    Agrarian Ideals, Sustainability Ethics, and US Policy: A Critique for Practitioners. [REVIEW]Elisabeth Graffy - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (4):503-528.
    Abstract If tacit ethical ideals shape policy and practice, even when practitioners are not fully aware of underlying philosophical assumptions, then philosophical frameworks that support diagnostic, evaluative, and adaptive capacity in the sphere of action are critical to sustainability. Thompson’s agrarian-influenced sustainability framework substantially advances beyond the prevailing triple bottom line approach, as experimental evaluation of biofuels sustainability illustrates. By suggesting that governance of complex social-natural systems lies at the core of contemporary sustainability challenges, Thompson illuminates the critical importance (...)
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    The Emperor has no Clothes … Let us Paint our Loincloths Rainbow: A Classical and Feminist Critique of Contemporary Science Policy.Alastair Mcintosh - 1996 - Environmental Values 5 (1):3-30.
    The British government's White Paper on science together with government research council reports are used as a basis for critiquing current science policy and its intensifying orientation, British and worldwide, towards industrial and military development. The critique draws particulary on Plato and Bacon as yardsticks to address who science is for, what values it honours and where current policy departs from imperatives of socio-ecological justice. Metaphors of the ' Emperor 's new clothes' and incremental spectral shift in (...)
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    Critiquing Sustainability, Changing Philosophy.Jenneth Parker - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    To increasing numbers of people, sustainability is the key challenge of the twenty-first century. In the many fields where it is a goal, persistent problems obstruct the efforts of those trying to make a difference. The task of this book is to provide an overview of the current state of philosophy in the context of what philosophy is, could be or should be – in relation to sustainability and the human future on Earth. The book is conceived as a contribution (...)
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    The Lucas Critique: A Lucas Critique.Christian Muller-Kademann - 2018 - Economic Thought 7 (2):54.
    The Lucas critique has been – and continues to be – the cornerstone of modern macroeconomic modelling. In this note we apply the Lucas critique to macroeconomic modelling using deep rational expectations. In conclusion, we point out that Lucas's critique reveals a fundamental flaw in Lucas's own, popular 'solution', i.e., the so-called forward-looking rational expectations models. Heeding Lucas's call for model-consistent policy advice eventually requires an ontological shift in economics – which throws the door wide open (...)
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  17. Ethics Policy and Society: Responsibility, Repression, or Rhetoric?Linda M. Williams - 1994 - Dissertation, Arizona State University
    Over the past twenty years, traditional commitments of policy analysis to empirical inquiry and expert knowledge have shaped the policy "solution" for addressing a public perception of ethical decline. Separation of facts and values, basic assumptions regarding the limits and fallibility of human reason, and confidence in the use of objective techniques to achieve social control have all contributed to a regulatory approach to ethics policy within our organizations. Few have questioned these assumptions. This dissertation argues that (...)
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    A conservative critique of enlightened absolutist social policy: A document with commentary.Jerry Z. Muller∗ - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (1):89-93.
  19.  34
    Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sasaran McCarthy.Marc V. Rugani - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):204-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sasaran McCarthyMarc V. RuganiBecoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy Eli Sasaran McCarthy EUGENE, OR: PICKWICK PUBLICATIONS, 2011. XVII 1 259 PP. $32.00Contemporary US political discourse is generally couched in the language of rule-based rights analysis or utilitarian calculus, both of which limit the imagination (...)
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    Tailoring public health policies.Govind Persad - 2021 - American Journal of Law and Medicine 47 (2-3):176–204.
    In an effort to contain the spread of COVID-19, many states and countries have adopted public health restrictions on activities previously considered commonplace: crossing state borders, eating indoors, gathering together, and even leaving one’s home. These policies often focus on specific activities or groups, rather than imposing the same limits across the board. In this Article, I consider the law and ethics of these policies, which I call tailored policies. In Part II, I identify two types of tailored policies--activity-based and (...)
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    Two Agendas for Bioethics: Critique and Integration.Jeremy R. Garrett - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (6):440-447.
    Many bioethicists view the primary task of bioethics as ‘value clarification’. In this article, I argue that the field must embrace two more ambitious agendas that go beyond mere clarification. The first agenda, critique, involves unmasking, interrogating, and challenging the presuppositions that underlie bioethical discourse. These largely unarticulated premises establish the boundaries within which problems can be conceptualized and solutions can be imagined. The function of critique, then, is not merely to clarify these premises but to challenge them (...)
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    Human without Image: Deleuzian Critique beyond the Neighbourhood Effect.Chas Phillips - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (1):152-176.
    In this article, I draw resources from Deleuze's Difference and Repetition to develop an explanation and critique of invasive policing techniques on certain populations in the United States. First, I analyse recent studies revealing the neighbourhood effects of aggressive policing on those who never directly encounter officers. Second, I use Deleuze's concepts of the virtual, potentiality, the Idea and problems to illuminate the limitations to studying these effects that are inherent in a social scientific approach. I then use Deleuze's (...)
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    Science Policy and STS from Other Epistemic Places. [REVIEW]Tereza Stöckelová & Lisa Garforth - 2012 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 37 (2):226-240.
    Recently there have been pleas for STS to make a difference in how science policies are constructed and enacted. Much less remarked upon is the possibility that there may be troubling alignments between science studies and research policies in the form of shared conceptual, epistemological and methodological assumptions. Both have come to emphasise material outputs and visible activity, obscuring other processes, relationships and orderings involved in science work. This collection of papers focuses on these connections between STS and contemporary research (...)
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  24. Euthanasia, Ethics and Public Policy. An Argument Against Legislation.G. A. M. Widdershoven - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (1):e6-e6.
    In 2002 the Netherlands and Belgium both adopted a law on euthanasia. In the Netherlands the law was a codification of a longstanding practice of condoning euthanasia. In Belgium it was a political novelty, without extended prior legal or medical discussion. The developments in the Netherlands and in Belgium will certainly give rise to debates in other countries. The Dutch example has already elicited international discussion. The Belgian policy is interesting because it shows that legalisation of euthanasia can be (...)
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  25.  7
    Rational Risk Policy: The 1996 Arne Ryde Memorial Lectures.W. Kip Viscusi - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Rational Risk Policy is based on Viscusi's Arne Ryde Memorial Lectures, delivered at Lund University in 1996. The organizing principle of these lectures is that the irrationality of individual decisions is often embodied in government regulations. Rather than overcoming the inadequacies in individual risk beliefs and behaviour, governmental regulations often institutionalize them. Viscusi examines how consumers and workers perceive risk and the implications of these risk beliefs and behavioural responses to risk for government policy. Hazard warnings efforts, direct (...)
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    Colonial Emigration, Public Policy, and Tory Romanticism, 1783-1830.Karen O'Brien - 2009 - In Duncan Kelly, Lineages of Empire: The Historical Roots of British Imperial Thought. OUP/British Academy. pp. 161.
    This chapter focuses on white colonial emigration and the settlement of the British and Irish following the loss of the first British Empire. In particular, it examines the British imaginative engagement with the figure of the colonial settler as a casualty of war, industrialization, and poverty, as well as an economic migrant who nevertheless appeared to signify the potential for the recuperation of British society in the future. The chapter is also concerned with the role of the Romantic writers and (...)
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  27. David Miller on immigration policy and nationality.Sune Lægaard - 2007 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (3):283–298.
    abstract David Miller's recent statement of the case for restrictive immigration policies can plausibly be construed as an application of a ‘liberal nationalist’ position. The paper first addresses Miller's critique of distributive justice arguments for open borders, which relies on nationality as determinative of the scope of distributive justice and as giving rise to national collective responsibility. Three interpretations of his main positive reason for restricting immigration, which concerns the importance of a shared public culture, are then discussed: culture (...)
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    Is educational policy making rational — and what would that mean, anyway?Eric Bredo - 2009 - Educational Theory 59 (5):533-547.
    In Moderating the Debate: Rationality and the Promise of American Education, Michael Feuer raises concerns about the consequences of basing educational policy on the model of rational choice drawn from economics. Policy making would be better and more realistic, he suggests, if it were based on a newer procedural model drawn from cognitive science. In this essay Eric Bredo builds on Feuer's analysis by offering a more systematic critique of the traditional model of rationality that Feuer criticizes, (...)
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    Neo-Environmental Determinism: Geographical Critiques.William B. Meyer - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan. Edited by Dylan M. T. Guss.
    This book provides a unique, cogent, engaging account of environmental determinism that has long been much needed in the classroom and beyond." -- Andrew Sluyter, Associate Professor, Louisiana State University, USA This book pulls together major critiques of contemporary attempts to explain nature-society relations in an environmentally deterministic way. After defining key terms, it reviews the history of environmental determinism's rise and fall within geography in the early twentieth century. It discusses the key reasons for the doctrine's rejection and presents (...)
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    Chomsky's political critique: Essentialism and political theory.Alison Edgley - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (2):129.
    This article challenges conventional views of Chomsky’s critique of American foreign policy as political extremism. It argues that it is necessary to begin with an understanding of the theoretical and philosophical framework he employs in all of his political writings. Chomsky has a political theory. Although it is underpinned by an essentialist view of human nature, it is neither reductionist nor conservative. The core of that view is a hopeful (and unverifiable) view of human need, and celebration of (...)
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    On the False Embassy.Demosthenes . & Douglas M. MacDowell - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In 346 BC. the Athenians negotiated a peace treaty with King Philip II of Macedon, but afterwards one of the Athenian ambassadors, Demosthenes, accused another, Aiskhines, of accepting a bribe from Philip to contrive that the terms of the treaty should be favourable to him. The case came to trial three years later, and On the False Embassy is the speech which Demosthenes prepared for the prosecution. It is one of the most famous pieces of ancient oratory, and it is (...)
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    Affirmative Action Policy and Changing Views.Anthony F. Libertella, Sebastian A. Sora & Samuel M. Natale - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (1):65-71.
    Critiquing any practice, theory, or law, requires understanding the characteristics of the environment which created a need for this law. There are hundreds of different cultures in the world, and each one has its own set of norms, characteristics, and values. What in one country is perceived normal, ethical or unethical, right or wrong, may not be the same somewhere else in the world. The first civilizations begun in Africa and Europe many thousands of years ago when people were hunters (...)
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    Exemption from the Torture Ban? A Moral Critique of the Bush Administration's Policy.Norman K. Swazo - 2007 - Public Affairs Quarterly 21 (1):61-87.
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    Escaping Paternalism: Rationality, Behavioral Economics, and Public Policy.Mario J. Rizzo & Glen Whitman - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    A powerful critique of nudge theory and the paternalist policies of behavioral economics, and an argument for a more inclusive form of rationality.
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    Mothering in Europe: Feminist Critique of European Policies on Motherhood and Employment.Roberta Guerrina - 2002 - European Journal of Women's Studies 9 (1):49-68.
    This article looks at the role of the European Union in promoting substantive equality for men and women in the European labour market. For this purpose it looks at the assumptions about gender roles and gender divisions of labour enshrined by EU directives on maternity rights and parental leave. The article presents a theoretical discussion of the role of EU policies in protecting women's rights and thus promoting a socioeconomic model that allows men and women to reconcile work and family (...)
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    A Portrait of Demosthenes W. Jaeger: Demosthenes, The Origin and Growth of his Policy. Pp. x+273. Cambridge: University Press, 1938. Cloth, 10s. 6d. [REVIEW]M. Cary - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (06):233-234.
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  37. Action and Agency in Artificial Intelligence: A Philosophical Critique.Justin Nnaemeka Onyeukaziri - 2023 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 24 (1):73-90.
    The objective of this work is to explore the notion of “action” and “agency” in artificial intelligence (AI). It employs a metaphysical notion of action and agency as an epistemological tool in the critique of the notion of “action” and “agency” in artificial intelligence. Hence, both a metaphysical and cognitive analysis is employed in the investigation of the quiddity and nature of action and agency per se, and how they are, by extension employed in the language and science of (...)
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  38.  47
    Dialogic Teaching and Moral Learning: Self‐critique, Narrativity, Community and ‘Blind Spots’.Andrea R. English - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (2):160-176.
    In the current climate of high-stakes testing and performance-based accountability measures, there is a pressing need to reconsider the nature of teaching and what capacities one must develop to be a good teacher. Educational policy experts around the world have pointed out that policies focused disproportionately on student test outcomes can promote teaching practices that are reified and mechanical, and which lead to students developing mere memorisation skills, rather than critical thinking and conceptual understanding. Philosophers of dialogue and dialogic (...)
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    Plasticity: a new materialist approach to policy and methodology.Jasmine B. Ulmer - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (10):1096-1109.
    This article examines Catherine Malabou’s philosophical concept of plasticity as a new materialist methodology. Given that plasticity simultaneously maintains the ability to receive, give, and annihilate form, plasticity and plastic readings offer material-discursive possibilities for educational research. This article begins by discussing the evolution of plasticity, applications thereof, and its location within new materialist philosophy. To then demonstrate the possibilities of plasticity, this article takes the example of educational policy reform in relation to technology-centered models of education. A plastic (...)
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    Against Realist Ideology Critique.Matt Sleat - 2024 - Social Philosophy and Policy 41 (1):139-157.
    Is it possible to do ideology critique without morality? In recent years a small group of theorists has attempted to develop such an account and, in doing so, makes claim to a certain sort of “radical realism” distinguished by the ambition to ground political judgments and prescriptions in nonmoral values, principles, or concepts. This essay presents a twofold critique of this realist ideology critique (RIC) by first offering an internal critique of the approach and then arguing (...)
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    Rationality as Situated Inquiry: A Pragmatist Perspective on Policy and Planning Processes.Philipp Dorstewitz & Shyama Kuruvilla - 2007 - Philosophy of Management 6 (1):35-61.
    Rationality bashing has become a popular sport. Critiques have quite rightly challenged models of rational planning that follow a linear progression from predefined ends to achieved goals. There have been several alternative theoretical and empirical developments including incrementalist projects, network theories, critical communication approaches, and heuristic models. Notwithstanding critiques of linear models of policy-making and planning, rationality as a general idea remains an important reference point for designing and evaluating policy-making and for orientating planning projects. We suggest that (...)
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    Women and Children First: Feminism, Rhetoric, and Public Policy.Sharon M. Meagher & Patrice DiQuinzio (eds.) - 2005 - State University of New York Press.
    A critique of public policy rhetoric from multiple feminist perspectives.
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    It's good to talk: Deliberative institutions for environmental policy.Jonathan Aldred - 2002 - Philosophy and Geography 5 (2):133 – 152.
    Most applications of cost-benefit analysis in environmental policy, and almost all the controversial cases, involve the use of contingent valuation (CV) surveys. There is now a relatively well-developed critique of CV as a method of public consultation on environmental issues. Theories of deliberative democracy have been invoked which question the individualistic, preference-based calculus of CV. A particular deliberative institution which has recently received much attention is the citizens' jury (CJ). While CJs and other deliberative institutions have come to (...)
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    Philosophy as a basis for policy and practice: What confidence can we have in philosophical analysis and argument?James C. Conroy, Robert A. Davis & Penny Enslin - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (s1):165-182.
    The purpose of this article is to suggest how philosophy might play a key, if precisely delineated, role in the shaping of policy that leads educational development. The argument begins with a reflection on the nature of confidence in the relationship between philosophy and policy. We note the widespread resistance to abstract theorising in the policy community, disguising the enormous potential of a philosophical approach. Defending a philosophically equipped approach to policy, which is inevitably theoretically laden, (...)
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    Anti-paternalism and Public Health Policy.Kalle Grill - 2009 - Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
    This thesis is an attempt to constructively interpret and critically evaluate the liberal doctrine that we may not limit a person’s liberty for her own good, and to discuss its implications and alternatives in some concrete areas of public health policy. The thesis starts theoretical and goes ever more practical. The first paper is devoted to positive interpretation of anti-paternalism with special focus on the reason component – personal good. A novel generic definition of paternalism is proposed, intended to (...)
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    Feminism, Gender Inequality, and Public Policy.Mary Hawkesworth - 2018 - In David Boonin, Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 421-439.
    As a political movement inspired by a belief in fundamental equality and committed to eradication of embodied injustices, feminists have illuminated the politics of exclusion—the use of law and policy to grant rights, opportunities, privileges, and immunities to particular elite men while denying them to marginalized others. With the theorization of gender as an analytical category, feminist scholars have investigated how manifold policies have discursively produced hierarchies of citizenship structured by gender, race, and sexuality. This chapter provides an overview (...)
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    The family: long‐term care research and policy formulation.Patricia McKeever - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (4):200-206.
    In industrialized democracies, contractionist social welfare policies have transformed healthcare systems. This has led to reallocations of long‐term care work that have perpetuated gender inequities. The appropriated work of female family caregivers substitutes for paid nursing work, and the household is the primary site for long‐term care delivery. In this article, central premises of critical social theory are used to analyse current long‐term care policy and to explicate how research facilitated the development of mixed economies of care. Problematic consequences (...)
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    Critical realism and its prospects for African development research and policy.James M. Njihia - 2011 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 3 (1):61-85.
    This paper outlines critical realism, a relatively new philosophy of science, in an attempt to increase awareness of it amongst African researchers. The paper argues that this school of thought has important implications for framing social science research and development policy in developing countries. Critical realism is a radical critique of the Western philosophy, especially positivism that is closely associated with rational choice theory and Western modernity. It has four discernible progressive phases, each of which is a complete (...)
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    The neoliberal delusion a religious-philosophical critique.Arthur Zijlstra - 2013 - Philosophia Reformata 78 (2):162-178.
    Since the outburst of the financial-economic crisis in 2008, there has been quite some public discussion about the failure of neoliberal policies since the 1980s. Much less attention has been paid to its ideological character. Meanwhile, neoliberalism is still there, guiding the course of societies, organizations and individuals. We can observe the ‘strange non-death of neoliberalism’. In this article two questions are explored: which key philosophical elements characterize neoliberalism, and why has it got an ideological character? First, three statements on (...)
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  50. Sans Distinction de Race?: Une Analyse Critique du Concept de Race Et de Ses Effets Pratiques.Magali Bessone - 2013 - Vrin.
    English summary: The concept of race has historically been employed to justify multiple forms of injustice: exploitation, oppression, even annihilation of entire human populations. In order to fight racism, it may seem logical to want to permanently eliminate the concept that forms its basis. This volume, however, argues against elimination and instead aims to reduce racial inequality by requiring an analytical and critical use of the concept of race. Socially constructed racial categories today are hidden in many legal and administrative (...)
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