Results for ' Dilettantism'

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  1.  18
    Serious Dilettantism: Reflections on an Impossible Profession.Louis Sass - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (2):1-5.
    Preview: If we define “philosophy” simply as “love of knowledge,” then it is obviously a requirement for any serious scientific, scholarly, or professional pursuit – in whatever field. Philosophy’s relevance is also wide-ranging or even universal when we define it as the most basic or general discipline: the one that poses foundational questions regarding the nature and legitimacy of knowledge itself. Philosophy does seem, however, to have special pertinence for the human sciences, and perhaps especially for the mental-health-related disciplines and (...)
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    Feyerabend, Experts, and Dilettantes.John Preston - unknown
    Paul Feyerabend’s 1970 article “Experts in a Free Society” tries to make the case that scientific experts can only be tolerated if they are dilettantes. He uses Galileo, Newton and Kepler as examples of great scientists whose writing is nothing like that of contemporary “experts’, these latter being represented by the authors of the well-known book Human Sexual Response, Bill Masters and Virginia Johnson. He goes on to argue against the idea that the Scientific Revolution represented the triumph of empiricism. (...)
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  3. Una dilettante sublime. Alle radici dell'opera educativa di Alice Hallgarten Franchetti.Massimo Pomi - 2004 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 16:99-148.
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    The controversy over dilettantism and its reflection in czech decadent literature.J. Stanek - 2007 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics; Until 2008: Estetika (Aesthetics) 44 (1-4).
    The article concentrates on a key concept of the Fin de Siecle in Europe – namely, “dilettantism” and its connection with Czech Decadent literature. Dilettantism, as explained by Paul Bourget in his essay on Ernest Renan , is characterized by the individual’s refusal to forego any possible experience by adhering to a setmode of life. The “dilettante critic” originates in the idea of the “critic as artist” as developed by Oscar Wilde, who in turn is indebted to Pater’s (...)
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    Culture and Dilettantism With the French.Charles Gray Shaw - 1915 - International Journal of Ethics 26 (1):41-53.
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    11. “No Tendency toward Dilettantism”: The Civilized Past after 1850.James Turner - 2014 - In Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities. Princeton University Press. pp. 274-327.
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  7. Le Voyage du dilettante.Pauline Bernon - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 1:33-42.
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    Descartes the Dilettante (1596–1650).Martin Cohen - 2008 - In Martin Cohen & Raul Gonzalez (eds.), Philosophical Tales: Being an Alternative History Revealing the Characters, the Plots, and the Hidden Scenes That Make Up the True Story of Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 73–81.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Philosophical Tale.
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    Wittgenstein, maestro o dilettante: esercizi critico-speculativi su un caso di controversa popolarità filosofica.Gian Paolo Faella - 2022 - Roma: InSchibboleth.
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    Resurrecting Maunder’s ghost: John ‘Jack’ Eddy, the Maunder Minimum, and the rise of a dilettante astrophysicist.Gabriel Henderson - 2018 - Annals of Science 75 (3):234-254.
    SUMMARYDuring the 1970s, widespread scientific interest in the risks of climate change prompted John A. Eddy, an astrophysicist with the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, CO, to investigate whether sunspots could be used to predict future climate changes. Methodologically, Eddy’s investigations were uniquely historical in nature. By interrogating old manuscripts of solar observations since the early seventeenth century, he identified what appeared to be a correlation between the so-called Maunder Minimum – a virtual cessation of sunspots between 1645 (...)
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    Schooling Citizens amid Commerce, Fools, and Dilettantes.Louis E. Howe - 2006 - Political Theory 34 (5):634-640.
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  12. A proposed guide for instruction in morals from the standpoint of a freethinker for adult persons offered by a dilettante.Clemens Vonnegut - 1900 - Indianapolis, IN: R.C. Vonnegut.
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  13. Three Classics in the Aesthetic of Music Monsieur Croche the Dilettante Hater, by Claude Debussy. Sketch of a New Esthetic of Music, by Ferruccio Busoni. Essays Before a Sonata, by Charles E. Ives. --.Claude Debussy, Ferruccio Busoni & Charles Ives - 1962 - Dover Publications.
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    Cassiopeia's Dust.Ron Louie - 2021 - Philosophy and Literature 45 (1):253-254.
    [A dilettante admires a constellation from a hot tub, and considers it the next day. Is it a prose poem, creative nonfiction, or "light" verse; phenomenology, astrophysics, metaphysics, or half-lit paronomasia?]A photon hit my retina. Again, again; others also hit. The sensation seemed continuous, albeit twinkling, rather than as discrete and separated points. It was like dust, but I didn't blink.It came from a thing I would call bright, in front of me, over my head, on a dark night; it (...)
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  15. Restating The Case For Representation In The Philosophy Of Opera.Daniel Gallagher - 2005 - Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics 2 (2):62-69.
    Opera dilettantes will forever argue over the relative importance of words and music in the creation and performance of their beloved art form. For philosophers brave enough to enter the fray, the issue raises a number of interesting ontological and phenomenological questions. In what does the work of opera primarily exist? What is distinctive of opera as a mode of dramatic presentation?
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  16. Bi-zekhut ha-dileṭanṭizm: tseror masot.Jacob David Abramsky - 1943 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat ha-sefarim ha-Erets Yiśreʼelit, Tsevi Harkavi.
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  17. Über den Dilettantismus.Alfred Mundhenk - 1967 - Düsseldorf,: Staatliche Kunstakademie, Hochschule für Bildende Künste.
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  18. Property and Hunger.Amartya Sen - 1988 - Economics and Philosophy 4 (1):57.
    In an interesting letter to Anna George, the daughter of Henry George, Bernard Shaw wrote: “Your father found me a literary dilettante and militant rationalist in religion, and a barren rascal at that. By turning my mind to economics he made a man of me”. I am not able to determine what making a man of Bernard Shaw would exactly consist of, but it is clear that the kind of moral and social problems with which Shaw was deeply concerned could (...)
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  19. Художнє аматорство як культуротворчий феномен: Особливості історичної динаміки.Ganna Agarkova - 2014 - Схід 2 (128):120-126.
    У статті досліджуються особливості буття й розвитку художньої самодіяльності як національно-культурного феномена та її роль у єдиному культурному просторі. Одним із джерел цього розгляду виступає творча діяльність самодіяльних композиторів Донеччини.
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    Der Amateur als Künstler: Studien zur Geschichte und Funktion des Dilettantismus im 18. Jahrhundert.Alexander Rosenbaum - 2010 - Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag.
    Das Phänomen des Amateurkünstlers und Dilettanten zählt zu den bisher kaum beachteten Gegenständen der kunsthistorischen Forschung. Das Werk dieser Schaffenden darf gleichwohl als ein entscheidender Beitrag zur Kunst- und Künstlergeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts verstanden werden. Unter einem Dilettanten versteht man gemeinhin einen Laien und Stümper, welcher dem Metier, in dem er sich versucht, eher Schaden als Nutzen bringt. Dabei wird ausser Acht gelassen, dass sich künstlerisch begabte Personen vor allem deshalb als Dilettanten bezeichneten, um sich vom professionellen Künstler abzugrenzen. Dilettieren (...)
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  21. Diletantizmŭt.Ivan Slavov - 1984 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    Black Lives, Sacred Humanity, and the Racialization of Nature, or Why America Needs Religious Naturalism Today.Carol Wayne White - 2017 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 38 (2-3):109-122.
    "Life must be something more than dilettante speculation. And religion a great deal more than mere gratification of the instinct for worship linked with the straight-teaching of irreproachable credos. Religion must be life made true, and life is action, growth, development—begun now and ending never."In September 2016, a first-year student at East Tennessee State University interrupted a Black Lives Matter protest on campus, parading in a gorilla mask. Clad in overalls and barefoot, the young man offered bananas to the protesting (...)
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    Scientific Community.Ilya T. Kasavin & Olga E. Stoliarova - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (3):6-20.
    This article problematizes the state of the contemporary scientific community, which fluctuates between the desire for autonomy and creative freedom, on the one hand, and responsibility to social challenges, on the other. In this context, the social meaning of Paul Feyerabend’s epistemological anarchism is reconstructed, revealing not only critical but also positive significance for contemporary science. Answering the two-sided question, “What kind of society does science need, and what kind of science does society need?”, Feyerabend gives a disappointing diagnosis of (...)
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    The early intellectual careers of Bakhtin and herzen: Towards a philosophy of the act.Ruth Coates - 2000 - Studies in East European Thought 52 (4):239-257.
    The article explores common ground shared by Alexander Herzen's `Dilettantism in Science' (1843) and Mikhail Bakhtin's `Towards a Philosophy of the Act' (1919) in the context of the Russian intellectual tradition as a whole. The primary aim is to explore in many ways, perhaps, unlikely affinities between two very different writers in the early stage of their careers. The secondary aim is to explore identifiably `Russian' motifs which may be said to call into question conventional typologies of Russian thought (...)
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    Confessions philosophiques: Coleridge et Marcel.Ernest Joos - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (4):602-607.
    Si l'on en croit Marcel Proust il faut admettre qu'on n'écrit qu'une seule œuvre. Mais alors on doit également accepter comme vraie l'inverse de cette proposition, notamment, si les préoccupations d'un auteur ne se suivent pas, si l'écrivain ou le philosophe voltige d'une fleur à l'autre, s'il se laisse tenter par mille aventures de l'esprit il peut à la rigueur mériter le titre peu flatteur de dilettante. La grandeur de toute œuvre de vie consiste dans sa profonde unité, unité qui (...)
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  26.  21
    How Wide the Gulf?Jesse Kalin - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (1):116-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:1 1 6 Philosophy and Literature 1.Jesse Kalin, "Philosophy Needs Literature: John Barth and Moral Nihilism,"Philosophy and Literature 1(1977): 170-82. 2.Kalin states, in summary fashion, that in argument by "exhibition" we are made aware that Jake's concern for Rennie is a "case of relative value which is genuinely reason giving" (p. 176). But he does not defend this claim, so we can only note it and pass on. 3.A. (...)
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    Paul Valery's Search for Intellectual Universalism.V. M. Kozovoi - 1972 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 11 (3):270-300.
    When Introduction à la méthode de Léonard de Vinci was published, Valéry was not yet twenty-four. The period during which he wrote this work, as well as Soirée avec M. Teste, which appeared a year later, was extremely important in his biography, for it defined the principal trends of his thought for decades to come. After a twenty-year period of silence and retirement, there appeared his small volume La Jeune Parque, the collection Charmes, Album de vers anciens, and his Socratic (...)
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    Art and the Platonic matrix.Jürgen Lawrenz - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    For two millennia philosophy has restlessly stalked a fundamental problem the answer to the question "what is art, really?" Aesthetic discourse, focused on the Platonic Matrix of truth and beauty, arthood and object, imitation and representation, form and idea, has not delivered on its promise, leaving us in bewilderment over principles that are either ignored or contradicted by the arts themselves. In this searching critique, some astonishing faux pas are brought to light. Notably that aesthetics makes do without a knower, (...)
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    Sane'Patriotism or Proletarian Internationalism: Ugarte, Justo and La Vanguardia.Margarita Merbilhaá - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 15 (1):11-26.
    En este trabajo propongo analizar la polémica de Manuel Ugarte con el periódico socialista La Vanguardia, en 1913, situándola en el marco más amplio de los conflictos en torno a definiciones doctrinarias marcadas por una tensión entre el internacionalismo proletario propio del socialismo decimonónico y las preocupaciones por los asuntos nacionales, durante el proceso de consolidación del Partido Socialista de Argentina. Estas últimas se vieron atravesadas por la necesidad de construir definiciones respecto de la inmigración, del imperialismo norteamericano en el (...)
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    Uwagi o mowie cynicznej. Kallikles i Trazymach jako mówcy cyniczni.Marcin Pietrzak - 2020 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14 (4):45-68.
    Cynical speech is a proper form of manifestation of what we call cynicism. It takes the form of a persuasive strategy which assumes the achievement of the rhetorical consubstantiation of a cynical speaker and her/his auditorium. Cynical speech is a game that takes place between three sides: a cynical speaker posing as an immoralist, a moralist and an auditorium, the acquisition of which is the aim of both interlocutors. At the outset, the cynical speaker gives the identity of naive dilettantes’ (...)
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    The role of Malebranche in Ernest renan's philosophical development.Benjamin Rountree - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):47.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Role of Malebranche in Ernest Renan's Philosophical Development BENJAMIN ROUNTREE RENANHASBEENCALLEDwith some justification the "Malebranche du dix-neuvi~me si~cle." 1 In his praise of the seventeenth-century philosopher, Renan was unconciously inclined to call attention to the similarities between himself and Malebranche by pointing out qualities which they were apt to share. A thinker as sinuous as Renan was bound to appreciate the power of subtle reasoning in such a (...)
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    The Making of Pierre Bayle's Dictionaire Historique et Critique : With a CD-ROM containing the Dictionaire's library and references between articles (review).Sally Jenkinson - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (1):107-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.1 (2004) 107-108 [Access article in PDF] H. H. M. van Lieshout. The Making of Pierre Bayle's Dictionaire Historique et Critique: With a CD-ROM containing the Dictionaire's library and references between articles. Translated by Lynne Richards. Amsterdam and Utrecht: APA-Holland University Press, 2001. Pp. xxiv + 339. Cloth, + 58,00. Bayle's Dictionaire Historique et Critique was published in 1697 in Rotterdam with a (...)
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    Survive and Resist: The Definitive Guide to Dystopian Politics. by Shauna L. Shames and Amy L. Atchison.Joséphine Yolande Soubise - 2021 - Utopian Studies 32 (2):436-439.
    In Survive and Resist: The Definitive Guide to Dystopian Politics Shauna L. Shames and Amy L. Atchison aim to give the readers an insight into various key concepts in political science by analyzing some of the world's most famous dystopian fictional works. Among them are George Orwell's 1984, Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, but also more recent novels such as Scott Westerfield's 2005 Uglies Trilogy. In separate chapters, the authors draw on a wide array of concepts in political philosophy to (...)
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    Eugenics before world war II: The case of norway.Nils Roll-Hansen - 1980 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 2 (2):269 - 298.
    During the first half of the twentieth century there was a marked decline in biological conceptions of man and society. This paper describes the development of the views concerning eugenics held by the Norwegian scientific expertise, from open racism before World War I to a moderate nonracist eugenic program in the 1930's. It is claimed that public criticism of the popular eugenics movement by the experts came earlier in Norway than in most other countries, including the United States. The first (...)
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    Between scientism and conversationalism.Susan Haack - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):455-474.
    Of late, two contrasting departures from the analytic mainstream have become fashionable: the displacement of philosophy by the natural sciences, epitomized by the Churchlands' theme of "neurophilosophy," and the displacement of philosophy by the literary, epitomized by Rorty's theme of philosophy as "just a kind of writing," as "carrying on the conversation" of Western culture. Both are disastrous. My purpose here is to articulate a metaphilosophy which, avoiding both scientism and literary dilettantism, allows a more robustly plausible account of (...)
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    Michel BASTIAENSEN (dir.), La femme lettrée, Bruxelles, Peeters, 1997, 222 p.Barbara Bulckaert - 2001 - Clio 13:239-241.
    Les actes du colloque international « La femme lettrée à la Renaissance » tenu à Bruxelles les 27-29 mars 1996 sont présentés par Michel Bastiaensen dans une édition très soignée chez Peeters (avec un index nominum). Cette publication quadrilingue apporte quelques réponses argumentées à la vaste question de la « place de la femme dans la Res Publica Litterarum ; Citoyenne ou ilote? Engagée ou dilettante? Objet de curiosité isolé ou affirmation d'une condition universalisable? ». À p...
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    Three Critics of the Enlightenment: Vico, Hamann, Herder.Henry Hardy (ed.) - 2000 - Princeton University Press.
    Isaiah Berlin was deeply admired during his life, but his full contribution was perhaps underestimated because of his preference for the long essay form. The efforts of Henry Hardy to edit Berlin's work and reintroduce it to a broad, eager readership have gone far to remedy this. Now, Princeton is pleased to return to print, under one cover, Berlin's essays on Vico, Hamann, and Herder. These essays on three relatively uncelebrated thinkers are not marginal ruminations, but rather among Berlin's most (...)
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    Instrumentation, Interdisciplinary Knowledge, and Research Performance in Spin Glass and Superfluid Helium Three.Diana Hicks - 1992 - Science, Technology and Human Values 17 (2):180-204.
    Interviews with researchers in two fields of condensed matter physics point to differences in their strategies for success. In one, synthesizing interdisciplinary knowledge takes priority over developing sophisticated instrumentation; in the other, developing instru ments is crucial. As a result, the fields differ in other ways, such as growth rates, presence of dilettantes, and freedom available to plan experiments. The differing priority given to instrumentation in each field suggests that blanket generalizations about advances in instrumentation being crucial to advances in (...)
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    Jefferson’s Platonic Republicanism.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2014 - Polis 31 (2):369-386.
    That Jefferson execrated Plato in an 1814 letter to friend John Adams. In it, he expresses an unsympathetic, hostile view of Plato’s Republic, and the reasons are several. Nonetheless, Plato’s views on what makes government fundamentally sound are, at base, remarkably similar to Jefferson’s both in substance and sentiment, so much so that it is inconceivable to think that Plato’s Republic had little effect on Jefferson’s political thinking. That makes his execration of Plato difficult to understand. This paper is an (...)
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    Bratschen gegen das Ego.Joachim Landkammer - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2022 (2):50-62.
    The text tries to base a theory of dilettantism on the definition of the dilettante as an insufficiently skilled underperformer who is well-aware of his shortcomings. Various measures designed to undermine the difference between professionals and dilettantes do not alter the fundamental distinction. Catherine Drinker Bowen’s »Friends and Fiddlers« (1935) is read as a moralizing self-testimony of musical amateurism that celebrates community and humility, against the imputed selfishness of the virtuoso.
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    Fede e critica.Guido Morselli - 1977 - Milano: Adelphi.
    Con "Fede e critica", saggio inedito del 1955-1956, Guido Morselli volle innanzitutto spiegare a se stesso, ragionando con quella lucidità ben nota ai lettori dei suoi romanzi, un passaggio decisivo della sua vita, in cui si sentì ricondotto, dalla sua posizione di «uomo qualsiasi... senza alcuna particolarità pia o edificante» a quella di uomo religioso. Piuttosto che darci ancora una volta «il racconto, drammatico o più spesso patetico, di una conversione», illuminato perciò da un punto d’arrivo, Morselli ha voluto offrirci (...)
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    Apuleius: A Latin Sophist (review).Ellen D. Finkelpearl - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (3):454-458.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 122.3 (2001) 454-458 [Access article in PDF] Stephen J. Harrison. Apuleius: A Latin Sophist. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. vi + 281 pp. Cloth, $74.00. Despite the flurry of books on Apuleius in the last fifteen years, Stephen Harrison's is the first to offer a systematic analysis and coverage of all of Apuleius' works, including the fragments. Others have either focused entirely on the Metamorphoses (...)
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    Some Philosophical Issues in Moral Matters. [REVIEW]Daniel Mcinerny - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (1):164-166.
    Those who associate the name of Joseph Owens only with his magisterial work in Aristotelian and Thomistic metaphysics will, with this issue of his collected ethical writings, be forced to reassess their appreciation of his scholarly breadth. The twenty-seven chapters which make up this book, though humbly put forward by their author as side-paths along his main intellectual road, are no dilettante’s work: they constitute a significant and challenging contribution to many of the central debates in Aristotelian/thomistic ethics.
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    The Philosophy of the Young Kant: The Precritical Project. [REVIEW]Iain Thomson - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 55 (2):418-419.
    When Kant finished the Critique of Pure Reason in 1781, he was 56 years old and had already published more than 25 essays and monographs. In this precritical oeuvre the young Kant unabashedly answered some of the most difficult questions of theoretical physics, physical geography, cosmology, theology, and moral theory, advancing ambitious theories about the origin and history of the universe, the nature of space, the age of the earth and the stability of its rotation, the causes of earthquakes, winds, (...)
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    Corps En Souffrance / Corps En Vacances. L’Écrivain M. Blecher Et la Peintre Lucia Dem. Bălăcescu Dans le Sanatorium de Tekirghiol. [REVIEW]Ligia Tudurachi - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:113-143.
    Suffering bodies/ bodies on vacation. Writer M. Blecher and painter Lucia Dem. Bălăcescu in the Tekirghiol sanatorium. What we propose is an analysis of the creative sharing that two artists, M. Blecher and Lucia Dem. Bălăcescu, both suffering from a bone disease, developed it during their joint hospitalization in the C.T.C sanatorium in Tekirghiol for a year, in 1933-1934. The characteristic of this space is the presence of over 300 children, the sanatorium only exceptionally housing adults. From these children, who (...)
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    From philosophy to physics and back.Mario Bunge - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 525–539.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Milieu Philosophy or Physics? Apprenticeship Starting Research and Minerva From Physics to Philosophy Causality and Levels Teaching Acknowledgment Books by Mario Bunge.
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