Results for ' Discourse analysis, Literary'

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  1. Matthew's Missionary Discourse: A Literary Critical Analysis.Dorothy Jean Weaver - 1990
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    Subjectivity and epistemicity: corpus, discourse, and literary approaches to stance.Dylan Glynn & Mette Sjölin (eds.) - 2014 - Lund: Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
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    Christian discourse of the English series «Robin of Sherwood» (1984–1986) and its reflection in the modern literary internet space of Russia (Article two). [REVIEW]Широкова М.А - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 7:56-68.
    The author continues the research begun in the previous article («Philosophy and Culture», 2023, No. 11). The subject of the study is the Christian discourse of the English TV series «Robin of Sherwood» (1984–1986). The texts under study are the narrative of the series «Robin of Sherwood», as well as a complex of documents, articles and video materials dedicated to the film. Works of fiction based on the series in the Russian-language literary Internet space are also analyzed, mainly (...)
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    Christian discourse of the English series «Robin of Sherwood» (1984–1986) and its reflection in the modern literary internet space of Russia. [REVIEW]Marina Alekseevna Shirokova - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is the Christian discourse of the English TV series «Robin of Sherwood» (1984–1986). As a methodological basis for the scientific work, a philosophical-hermeneutic approach is used, presented, in particular, in the works of W. Dilthey, H.-G. Gadamer and M.M. Bakhtin. The most important structure of understanding is the principle of the «hermeneutic circle», which assumes that the text as a whole is understood through each of its parts, and the part through the whole. In (...)
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    Intimate Conflict: Contradiction in Literary and Philosophical Discourse.Brian Caraher - 1992 - SUNY Press.
    A demonstration of how rich and suggestive the notion of contradiction in discourse can be, noting its function in the works of Hesiod, Plato, Milton, Kant and Hegel, Wordsworth, Melville, Freud, and others. Concludes that rhetorical and conceptual contradictions produce--rather than disable--constructive discourse. Paper edition (unseen), $14.95. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Fictional Discourse: A Radical Fictionalist Semantics.Stefano Predelli - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    Fictional Discourse: A Radical Fictionalist Semantics combines the insight of linguistic and philosophical semantics with the study of fictional language. Its central idea is familiar to anyone exposed to the ways of narrative fiction, namely the notion of a fictional teller. Starting with premises having to do with fictional names such as 'Holmes' or 'Emma', Stefano Predelli develops Radical Fictionalism, a theory that is subsequently applied to central themes in the analysis of fiction. Among other things, he discusses the (...)
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    Literary gaming.Astrid Ensslin - 2014 - London, England: The MIT Press.
    A new analytical framework for understanding literary videogames, the literary-ludic spectrum, illustrated by close readings of selected works. In this book, Astrid Ensslin examines literary videogames—hybrid digital artifacts that have elements of both games and literature, combining the ludic and the literary. These works can be considered verbal art in the broadest sense (in that language plays a significant part in their aesthetic appeal); they draw on game mechanics; and they are digital-born, dependent on a digital (...)
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    A new philosophy of discourse: language unbound.Joshua Kates - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Calling into question all structural rules and principles relating to language, Joshua Kates presents a radical new path for interpreting this every day, taken-for-granted tool of communication. Traversing theory, literary criticism, philosophy, and the philosophy of language, the book speaks to contemporary debates on analytical and humanistic modes of inquiry. Language and texts are thought of as active 'events', replete with allusions to history, context and tradition that are always in the making. This emphasis makes the case for a (...)
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    Philosophy and the Art of Writing: Studies in Philosophical and Literary Style.Berel Lang - 1983 - Bucknell University Press.
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    What Literary Theory Misses in Wittgenstein.Walter Glannon - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (2):263-272.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Walter Glannon WHAT LITERARY THEORY MISSES IN WITTGENSTEIN Wittgenstein's stock is rising in literary criticism. The market value of expressions such as "language games" and "form oflife" is increasing in that they seem to lend themselves to the notion of interpretive communities endorsed by diose of reader-response persuasion.1 Wittgenstein's style is also apparently at a premium, in light of a recent attempt by a proponent of deconstruction (...)
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  11. Cultural Hegemony in Colonial and Contemporary Literary Discourse on Malaysia 2 Dr. Ganakumaran Subramaniam & Shanthini Pillai “Inquiring Love of This World”: An Implicit Love Theory of Chinese University Students 14 Zhaoxu Li & Fuyang Yu Analysis of Culture and Buyer Behavior in Chinese Market 25. [REVIEW]Yan Luo, Qianfang Shen, Jiaxian Qian, Zubaidah Zainal Abidin, Azwan Abdul Rashid, Kamaruzaman Jusoff, Xiang Xu, Feirui Li, Fan Fang & Hongxia Liu - forthcoming - Asian Culture and History.
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    Beyond the limits of language: apophasis and transgression in contemporary theoretical discourse.Agata Wilczek - 2016 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The book explores the way in which apophatic discourse of negative theology has illuminated contemporary critical theory. It demonstrates the significance of apophasis both in Jacques Derrida’s search for a «new language», responsive to singularity and alterity, and in the analyses of the experience of transgression developed by Maurice Blanchot, George Bataille and Michel Foucault. Following Derrida’s understanding of negative theology as a transgressive concept that transcends the linguistic, historical and religious contexts from which it arises, the book proves (...)
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    Book Review: Approaches to Discourse[REVIEW]David Herman - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):396-398.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Approaches to DiscourseDavid HermanApproaches to Discourse, by Deborah Schiffrin; x & 470 pp. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers, 1994, $24.95.Surveying and implementing six approaches to discourse analysis—speech-act theory, interactional sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication, pragmatics, conversation analysis, and variation analysis—this book affords new perspectives on both formalist and functionalist paradigms for studying units of language beyond the sentence. Although written primarily for specialists in linguistics, Schiffrin’s book will (...)
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    Literary Criticism and the Return to "History".David Simpson - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (4):721-747.
    If any emergent historical criticism will tend by its own choice toward inclusiveness and eclecticism, it is also likely to be constrained by more subtle forms of complicity with the theoretical subculture within which it seeks its audience. It is not in principle impossible that we might choose to set going an initiative that is very different indeed from the methods and approaches already in place. But is nonetheless clear that we must be aware, in some propaedeutic way, of the (...)
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    Bachtin: między marksistowskim dogmatem a formacją prawosławną: nad studiami o Dostojewskim.Aleksander Woźny - 1993 - Wrocław: Tow. Przyjaciół Polonistyki Wrocławskiej.
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    Commentary in Literary Texts.Ross Chambers - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (2):323-337.
    Let us hypothesize that there are three main "registers" of writing: narrative, description and commentary. "Narrative" and "description" are by definition concerned with diachronic and synchronic relationships ; and it may be said that taken together, they therefore exhaust the inventory of all relationships constituting the "world" our language regards as possible. It is often remarked that there is such an affinity between narration and description that on occasion they are hard to distinguish: narration is the description of an action (...)
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    Semantics of literary-textual sources in polyphonic works for a cappella chorus by the Russian composers of the late XX – early XXI centuries.Natalya Vladimirovna Koshkareva - 2022 - Философия И Культура 2:26-34.
    This article aims to determine a close "polyphonic" connection between lyrics and music in choral music. The subject of this research is the synergism of literary-textual sources and polyphonic form. The object of this research is the consideration of polyphonic works for a cappella chorus by the contemporary Russian composers. Using the synthesis of research methods, which includes musicology, poetics and choral studies, the author reveals the parameters of a musical composition: literary-textual source and musical form. Detailed analysis (...)
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    The Subject and the Text: Essays on Literary Theory and Philosophy.Manfred Frank - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    The work of the German philosopher Manfred Frank has profoundly affected the direction of the contemporary debate in many areas of philosophy and literary theory. This present collection, first published in 1998, brings together some of his most important essays, on subjects as diverse as Schleiermacher's hermeneutics, the status of the literary text, and the response to the work of Derrida and Lacan. Frank shows how the discussions of subjectivity in recent literary theory fail to take account (...)
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    Representation of the German in the Discursive Field of the Russian Classical Literary Canon.Yulia Alekseevna Kuzmina - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article presents literary, sociological and cultural points of view on the problem of the literary canon, describes the mechanisms of canonization and defines the boundaries of the Russian classics. The author discovers a connection between the texts claiming the status of the canonical hierarchy and the question of ethnicity. The article establishes that the construction of both a national self-portrait and the image of a foreigner (the Other) are the most important functions of the classical canon. The (...)
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    Unknown Future, Repeated Present: A Narrative-Centered Analysis of Long-Term AI Discourse.Micaela Simeone - 2022 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 7 (1).
    Recent narratives and debates surrounding long-term AI concerns—the prospect of artificial general intelligence in particular—are fraught with hidden assumptions, priorities, and values. This paper employs a humanistic, narrative-centered approach to analyze the works of two vocal, and opposing, thinkers in the field—Luciano Floridi and Nick Bostrom—to ask how the representational, descriptive differences in their works reveal the high stakes of narrative choices for how we form ideas about humanity, urgency, risk, harm, and possibility in relation to AI. This paper closely (...)
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  21. On Literary Practice.Philippe de Lajarte - 1984 - Diogenes 32 (127):23-41.
    To select as the subject of a study of limited size a topic as fundamental and, additionally, one so long discussed as has been the case with literary practice greatly risks—and we are fully aware of this—appearing to be an undertaking which is both presumptuous (how many studies, sometimes major ones, have been devoted to this question during recent decades?) and doomed to failure (is it serious to presume, in a few pages, to deal, even partially, with so vast (...)
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    The uncertainty of analysis: problems in truth, meaning, and culture.Timothy J. Reiss - 1988 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    The Uncertainty of Analysis pursues key issues raised in the author's earlier Discourse of Modernism, a ground-breaking work which focused attention on the nature of discourse and the ways in which one culturally dominant "discursive class" may be replaced by another. In this timely and provocative collection of his essays, Timothy J. Reiss shows how efforts to reconfirm the force and power of modernist, analytico-referential discourse in the late nineteenth and the twentieth centuries have actually brought to (...)
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    Around the nation’s mystic core: interactions between political concepts and the literary imagination in the works of Stanisław Brzozowski.Jens Herlth - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (4):267-278.
    The essay examines Stanisław Brzozowski’s ideas on mutual interactions between the sphere of culture and the realm of the political. It shows how Brzozowski made use of literary texts in order to elucidate social and political processes. In doing so, he insisted on a specific form of knowledge accessible through texts of literature and literary criticism, which are not limited by the mere “logic of notions.” Following Vico and Sorel Brzozowski detected an “irrational core” at the bases of (...)
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  24. Textes & sens.François Rastier & Jacqueline Dangel (eds.) - 1996 - Paris: Didier érudition.
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    Hero or terrorist? A comparative analysis of Arabic and Western media depictions of the execution of Saddam.Ghayda Al Ali - 2011 - Discourse and Communication 5 (4):301-335.
    While the role of the media in the war against terror has received ample attention from scholars, there is little in the literature that deals specifically with the Iraqi point of view with respect to the nature of terror or with the comparative analysis of Western and Arabic media treatment of terror. That Western and Arabic ideologies arise from divergent political, national, cultural, and religious traditions is well understood in the West. Indeed, this understanding is generally implicit and unconscious, often (...)
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    The intellectual foundations of Christian and Jewish discourse: the philosophy of religious argument.Jacob Neusner - 1997 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Bruce Chilton.
    The Intellectual Foundations of Christian and Jewish Discourse is a unique and controversial analysis of the genesis and evolution of Judeo-Christian intellectual thought. Jacob Neusner and Bruce Chilton argue that the Judaic and Christian heirs of Scripture adopted, and adapted to their own purposes, Greek philosophical modes of thought, argument and science. Intellectual Foundations of Christian and Jewish Discourse explores how the earliest intellectuals of Christianity and Judaism shaped a tradition of articulated conflict and reasoned argument in the (...)
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    Węzłowe problemy semantyki tekstu literackiego: propozycje i perspektywy badawcze.Andrzej Starzycki - 1983 - Łódź: Uniwersytet Łódzki.
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  28. Bachtin: między marksistowskim dogmatem a formacją prawosławną: nad studiami o Dostojewskim.Aleksander Wo zny - 1993 - Wrocław: Tow. Przyjaciół Polonistyki Wrocławskiej.
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    Palinsesto: i modi del discorso letterario e filosofico.Andrea Calzolari (ed.) - 1990 - Genova: Marietti.
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    The Semiotic Approach to Literary Translation.Mariana Shapoval, Roksolana Povoroznyuk, Oksana Novytska, Oksana Golikova, Kateryna Nykytchenko & Viktoriia Myroshnychenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1):377-394.
    The current study aims to make an overall semiotic analysis of translation strategies used to reproduce the imagery and relevant cultural features in John Fowles’ “The Collector.” Regarding literary translation as a cross-cultural dialogue aimed to achieve both artistic and aesthetic effects contributes much to analyzing the semiotic features of the translated discourse and deciphering the relevant socio-cultural information decoded in the source language text. Therefore, it has been decided that translation is a communicative act that facilitates the (...)
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    Understanding the Counter-Enlightenment Discourse Through Palissot's Les Philosophes.Ali Can Tural - 2025 - Text and Analysis: Journal of Cultural Studies and Strategy 1 (1):91-103.
    Although Les Philosophes was an ordinary comedy, and Palissot was far from the caliber of Molière or Voltaire, it successfully consolidated conservative criticisms of the philosophes within a satirical framework, enjoying a successful three-month run in 1760. The reason behind its success was that it was at the center of a debate between the Enlightenment philosophers and the Counter-Enlightenment figures. In addition to being an example of 18th-century French comédie, the play serves as a valuable source for understanding the key (...)
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    In a Wilderness of Tigers: Violence, the Discourse of English Colonizing, and the Refusals of American History.Christopher Tomlins - 2003 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 4 (2).
    This essay addresses the first century of English colonization of the North American mainland. Rather than narrate a familiar story of events--migration, settlement, the creation of viable Anglophone cultures amid hardship and danger--it pursues a less familiar track by examining the terms upon which English adventurers and their contemporaries understood the world they inhabited, the process of transatlantic expansion upon which they were engaged, and, in particular, the justifications they espoused for their appropriations of space from its existing inhabitants. My (...)
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    Ritual Texts and Literary Texts in Abhinavagupta’s Aesthetics: Notes on the Beginning of the ‘Critical Reconstruction’.Andrew Ollett - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (3):581-595.
    In a recent paper in this Journal Hugo David discussed the possible sources for the comparison that Abhinavagupta draws between ritual and literary discourse at the beginning of his “critical reconstruction” of the theory of rasa in the sixth chapter of his New Dramatic Art. The question of Abhinavagupta’s sources raises more general questions about Abhinavagupta’s use of the concepts and analytical procedures of Mīmāṃsā in his literary-theoretical works. What, if anything, does Mīmāṃsā really have to do (...)
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    Discourses of the Fall: A Study of Pascal's Pensées.Sara E. Melzer - 1986 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    "Here is a unique and penetrating postmodernist invitation to reread Pascal's Pensées. With a full control on two centuries of Pascalian hermeneutics, Sara Melzer leads her readers into a passionate quest far beyond the worn-out search for a paleontological reconstruction of the Pensées's hypothetical final form. She rightly and deeply understands Pascal's writing--écriture--as the complex story of the "Fall of Truth into language." Such a perspective gives to Pascal's fragments a rejuvenated life, a newness, a dramatic and powerful voice for (...)
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    Political Economy and the Novel: A Literary History of "Homo Economicus".Sarah Comyn - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Political Economy and the Novel: A Literary History of 'Homo Economicus' provides a transhistorical account of homo economicus (economic man), demonstrating this figure's significance to economic theory and the Anglo-American novel over a 250-year period. Beginning with Adam Smith's seminal texts - Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations - and Henry Fielding's A History of Tom Jones, this book combines the methodologies of new historicism and new economic criticism to investigate the evolution of the homo economicus (...)
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  36. Psychonarratology: Foundations for the Empirical Study of Literary Response.Marisa Bortolussi & Peter Dixon - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    Psychonarratology is an approach to the empirical study of literary response and the processing of narrative. It draws on the empirical methodology of cognitive psychology and discourse processing as well as the theoretical insights and conceptual analysis of literary studies, particularly narratology. The present work provides a conceptual and empirical basis for this interdisciplinary approach that is accessible to researchers from either disciplinary background. An integrative review is presented of the classic problems in narratology: the status of (...)
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    Lines of Thought: Discourse, Architectonics, and the Origin of Modern Philosophy.Claudia Brodsky Lacour - 1996 - Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
    It is considerably easier to say that modern philosophy began with Descartes than it is to define the modernity and philosophy to which Descartes gave rise. In _Lines of Thought_, Claudia Brodsky Lacour describes the double origin of modern philosophy in Descartes’s _Discours de la méthode_ and _Géométrie_, works whose interrelation, she argues, reveals the specific nature of the modern in his thought. Her study examines the roles of discourse and writing in Cartesian method and intuition, and the significance (...)
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  38. Language as literature: Characters in everyday spoken discourse.Sergeiy Sandler - manuscript
    There are several linguistic phenomena that, when examined closely, give evidence that people speak through characters, much like authors of literary works do, in everyday discourse. However, most approaches in linguistics and in the philosophy of language leave little theoretical room for the appearance of characters in discourse. In particular, there is no linguistic criterion found to date, which can mark precisely what stretch of discourse within an utterance belongs to a character, and to which character. (...)
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  39. Language shifts in free indirect discourse.Emar Maier - 2014 - Journal of Literary Semantics 43 (2):143--167.
    In this paper I present a linguistic investigation of the literary style known as free indirect discourse within the framework of formal semantics. I will argue that a semantics for free indirect discourse involves more than a mechanism for the independent context shifting of pronouns and other deictic elements. My argumentation is fueled by literary examples of free indirect discourse involving what I call language shifts: -/- Most of the great flame-throwers were there and naturally, (...)
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    Meaning and reading: a philosophical essay on language and literature.Michel Meyer - 1983 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    According to the traditional view, meaning presents itself under the form of some kind of identity.
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    In search of (non)sense.Elżbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska & Grzegorz Szpila (eds.) - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    [...] it would seem natural to assume that the disciplines of literary studies and linguistics should by rights converge regularly to exchange views as each pursues its own goals. Is such a convergence possible on the question of sense and nonsense? James W. Underhill (this volume) The contributors to the present volume have focused their attention on two sets of problems that are leitmotifs in all the articles gathered. Firstly, should literary semantics - the linguistic study of texts/discourses (...)
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    The Nehanda mythology: Dialectics of gender, history and religion in Zimbabwean literature.Esther Mavengano - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):9.
    Recently, the government of Zimbabwe unveiled a newly constructed statue of the esteemed spirit medium and liberation icon who intrepidly fought against the British imperialism. The distinguished heroine is passionately known as Mbuya Nehanda Charwe Nyakasikana. The lexical item, ‘Mbuya’ in Shona language literally means grandmother. This study examines the ways in which the spectres of religion, historiography, gender and national politics find expression in often contested state narratives of Mbuya Nehanda and in selected Zimbabwean fictional writings. Foucault’s theorisation of (...)
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    Feminine Liberation: A Stylistic Analysis of Angela Manalang-Gloria's 'Revolt from Hymen'.By Luijim S. Jose - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1295-1304.
    This study offers a comprehensive stylistic analysis of Angela Manalang-Gloria's poem Revolt from Hymen, focusing on its linguistic, structural, and thematic features. Through the lens of feminist literary theory, the research explores how Manalang-Gloria masterfully employs diction, syntax, metaphor, and imagery to critique patriarchal norms, particularly the institution of marriage and its oppressive control over women’s bodies. The poem, set against the backdrop of early 20th-century Philippines, engages with global feminist discourses, addressing themes such as bodily autonomy, gender-based violence, (...)
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    Pragmatics and literature.Siobhan Chapman & Billy Clark (eds.) - 2019 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Pragmatics and Literature is an important collection of new work by leading practitioners working at the interface between pragmatic theory and literary analysis. The individual studies collected here draw on a variety of theoretical approaches and are concerned with a range of literary genres. All have a shared focus on applying ideas from specific pragmatic frameworks to understanding the production, interpretation and evaluation of literary texts. A full-length introductory chapter highlights distinctions and contrasts between pragmatic theories, but (...)
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    The influence of Leo Tolstoy’s What Is Art? on David Foster Wallace’s literary project.Paolo Pitari - 2020 - Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 62 (1):69-83.
    This article argues that Tolstoy’s What Is Art? had a direct influence on David Foster Wallace’s conception of literature, and most specifically that Wallace appropriated Tolstoy’s discourse (down to most of its most specific details) to found his literary project. The article seeks to prove this by exhibiting the striking extent of Wallace’s alignment with Tolstoy’s beliefs, by retracing the multiple direct references to Tolstoy in Wallace’s work, and by uncovering Wallace’s annotations on his own copy of What (...)
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    Book Review: Locke, Literary Criticism, and Philosophy. [REVIEW]David Gorman - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):250-251.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Locke, Literary Criticism, and PhilosophyDavid GormanLocke, Literary Criticism, and Philosophy, by William Walker; xviii & 227 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, $54.95.Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding is one of those large, difficult, canonical works that are cited a great deal more often than they are read. In the case of the Essay this syndrome has resulted in historical mythmaking which, while rightfully monumentalizing Locke’s book, (...)
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  47. Truth and Metaphor: Interpretation as Philosophical and Literary Practice.Brayton Polka - 1988 - Diogenes 36 (143):111-128.
    When Auerbach writes in Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature that, although Homer can be analyzed, he cannot be interpreted, he puts the reader on notice that not all verbal discourse embodies the structure of interpretation. He equally shows the reader that there is discourse which, in order to be read, must be interpreted—that of the Bible and its heirs. Although Mimesis has long been celebrated, its readers have not properly remarked that what allows Auerbach to (...)
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    The Demise of the Aesthetic in Literary Study.Eugene Goodheart - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):139-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Demise of the Aesthetic in Literary StudyEugene GoodheartAnumber of years ago at an MLA convention I was on a search committee interviewing candidates for a position in Victorian literature in our department. One of the candidates had done a dissertation on Christina Rossetti in which “Goblin Market” played a prominent role. As I recall, the candidate was putting forth a New Historicist or feminist argument about the (...)
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  49. Tekst, diskurs, kontekst: vvedenie v sot︠s︡ialʹnui︠u︡ ėpistemologii︠u︡ i︠a︡zyka.I. T. Kasavin - 2008 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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    Hermeneutische Künste: die Praxis der Interpretation.Gerhard Kurz - 2018 - Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag.
    Wir interpretieren nicht nur Texte und haben dafür eine besondere „hermeneutische Kunst“ (Schleiermacher) entwickelt, sondern wir interpretieren auch die Welt um uns. Die Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, welche expliziten und impliziten Regeln in der Praxis der Interpretation angewandt werden. Der erste Teil klärt u.a. den Begriff der Interpretation, das Verhältnis von Lesen und Interpretieren und analysiert die traditionelle Metaphorik der Interpretation. Im zweiten Teil werden Paradigmen der Interpretation untersucht: die mantische Deutung von Orakeln und Träumen, die philologische Interpretation literarischer (...)
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