Results for ' Dwellings'

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  1.  53
    Dwelling and Hospitality: Heidegger and Hölderlin.Rafael Winkler - 2017 - Research in Phenomenology 47 (3):366-387.
    _ Source: _Volume 47, Issue 3, pp 366 - 387 In this article, I focus on Heidegger’s conception of hospitality in his first and final lectures on Hölderlin’s _Germania_, _Remembrance_, and _The Ister_. I argue that the hospitality of the foreigner for Heidegger is the condition of possibility of dwelling understood as the happening of history.In the first section I analyze the notions of hospitality in Levinas and Derrida. The second section unpacks some of the senses of the earth in (...)
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    Dwelling, place, and environment: towards a phenomenology of person and world.David Seamon & Robert Mugerauer (eds.) - 1985 - Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Pub. Co..
    themes among the essays resurface and resonate. Though our request for essays was broad and open-ended, we found that topics such as seeing, authenticity, interpretation, wholeness, care, and dwelling ran as undercur rents throughout. Our major hope is that each essay plays a part in revealing a larger whole of meaning which says much about a more humane relation ship with places, environments and the earth as our home. Part I. Beginnings and directions At the start, we recognize the tremendous (...)
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    On Dwelling: Poetry, Place, and Politics.Dennis E. Skocz - 2023 - Lexington Books.
    On Dwelling explores the meaning of dwelling in places where we humans live and work—from our homes to the very planet we co-inhabit. Crossing boundaries and disciplines, it lays the groundwork for addressing place-based issues like migration, ethnic division, resource use, and human-caused peril to the earth itself.
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    Dwelling in the nearness of gods: The hermeneutical turn from Mou Zongsan to Tu Weiming.Chen-kuo Lin - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (4):381-392.
    This article argues that, as far as the problem of Confucian religiosity is concerned, there is an interpretative turn from Mou Zongsan’s moral metaphysics to Tu Weiming’s religious hermeneutics. Some concluding remarks are made: First, Tu’s hermeneutics is rooted in the ontology of self as interrelatedness, which is completely different from Mou’s theory of true self as transcendental subjectivity. Second, Tu’s hermeneutics of self can be better illuminated with the help of Heidegger’s notion of Dasein as Being-with (Mitsein). For Tu (...)
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    Dwelling in the Anthropocene: Notes from Lake Superior.Joshua Trey Barnett & David Charles Gore - 2020 - Ethics and the Environment 25 (1):19.
    Abstract:Dwelling near Lake Superior in the Anthropocene, we uncover a greater intimacy and acquaintance with our earthly responsibilities. Thoughts wash over us like waves as our thinking ebbs and flows between the fact that we must learn to dwell here while also coming to terms with the planetary implications of our very being. That ebb and flow is presented here in a series of waves, which can be read in or out of order, in an orderly or disorderly fashion. These (...)
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    Dwelling Poetically: Educational Challenges in Heidegger's Thinking on Poetry.Ḥayim Gordon (ed.) - 2000 - Rodopi.
    This book philosophically discusses the educational challenges of dwelling poetically, which, according to Martin Heidegger, means learning from great poems how to live a worthy life and relate authentically to beings and to Being. The gifts of great poetry are carefully described and concrete approaches are presented that the educator can adopt.
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  7. Rethinking Dwelling and Building.Jonas Holst - 2014 - ZARCH 2:52-61.
    The German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s seminal essay “Building, Dwelling, Thinking”, published in 1954, is one of the texts which has had most influence on architectural thinking in the second half of 20th and early 21st century. What much of modern and postmodern architectural thinking extracts from Heidegger’s text and revolves around is the understanding of building and dwelling as more or less abstract forms of being without taking into account the people inhabiting space. In these traditions little has been said (...)
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    Creative Dwelling: Empathy and Clarity in God and Self.Lucinda A. Stark Huffaker - 1998 - Oup Usa.
    Recent efforts to talk about the self in a postmodern dialect have created a dilemma: How can one conceptualize the human self as multiple, fluid, contextual, and radically relational while also maintaining that it is intentional, private, focused, and accountable? Creative Dwelling weaves elements of feminist psychology and process theology into a dynamic interdiscplinary dialogue about human subjectivity. The result brings a new coherence and vitality to our search for more inclusive and adequate ways of understanding our humanity. The theologicl (...)
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    Technology, Dwelling, and Nature as “Resource”: A Reading of (and Some Reflections on) Themes from the Later Heidegger.David Plunkett - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (10):3657-3727.
    In his later work, such as “The Question Concerning Technology”, Martin Heidegger puts forward a critique of modern technology. Alongside this critique, Heidegger presents a kind of positive alternative through his discussion of “dwelling”. I put forward a reading of Heidegger’s critique of modern technology and his embrace of “dwelling”. On my reading, Heidegger’s thinking centers on the idea that modern technology’s form of “world-disclosure” prevents human beings from encountering (and then living in light of) our own essence. In contrast, (...)
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    Dwelling and Departure: Beginning Disputes between Arendt and Heidegger.Adi Burton & Barbara Weber - 2024 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 14:21-40.
    In “Letter on Humanism,” Martin Heidegger juxtaposes the notion of homelessness (Heimlosigkeit) with home-coming (Heimholung), i.e. the reawakening to our original relationship to Being. This focus on dwelling in Being represents an interesting modification from his earlier study of “incipience” (Anfang), which emphasizes departure. We follow the critique of this shift in thinking in Hannah Arendt’s work, beginning with a short allegory titled “Heidegger the Fox” (1953). We suggest that reading this allegory in the light of Arendt’s decades-long debate with (...)
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    Dwelling with monuments.Janet Donohoe - 2002 - Philosophy and Geography 5 (2):235 – 242.
    (2002). Dwelling with monuments. Philosophy & Geography: Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 235-242.
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    Dwelling in the Gaps.Galen Sanderlin - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (2):10-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dwelling in the GapsGalen SanderlinHave you ever wondered what it would be like to be a mythical being? As a hermaphrodite, I exist in a culture that sees only male or female. Those of us who don’t fit into the rigid sex binary are left out of many of the protections offered to our cousins who more neatly fit the two categories. This leaves an enormous gap in cultural (...)
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    Osmospheric Dwelling. Smell, Food, Gender and Atmospheres.Elena Mancioppi - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 12 (2):38-53.
    Understanding the tight connections between human dwelling and the sense of smell seems nowadays urgent. Since human being-in-the-world finds its very prerequisite in being-in-the-air, an inquiry on air design, today particularly intrusive, is a philosophical necessity. The aim of this contribution is to sketch an exploratory investigation on the aesthetic relationships between space, smell and gendered atmospheres through the case of food, specifically through its osmosphere: its flavour as its affective aura. Firstly, I discuss analogies between atmospheres and smells. Secondly, (...)
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    Dwelling in the Apocalypse: Capitalist Modernity, Antimodernism, Zombies.Hrvoje Tutek - 2017 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 25 (1):27-48.
    The Heideggerian question posed here as “what does it mean to dwell in a global age” leaves open, invites even, the possibility of committing two conceptual mistakes from which, depending on the theoretical universe we inhabit, two separate sets of problems arise. On the one hand, if the adverbial “in a global age” is taken to denote a radical historical caesura between “our age” and the age in which the concept was first deployed, one has to prove that the caesura (...)
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  15. Dwelling, house and home: towards a home-led perspective on dementia care. [REVIEW]Wim Dekkers - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (3):291-300.
    “Home” is well known from everyday experience, plays a crucial role in all kinds of narratives about human life, but is hardly ever systematically dealt with in the philosophy of medicine and health care. The notion of home is ambiguous, is often used in a metaphorical way, and is closely related to concepts such as house and dwelling. In this paper the phenomenon of home is explored by means of some phenomenological writings of Heidegger, Bollnow, Bachelard and Levinas. Common in (...)
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    Original Dwelling Place: Zen Essays (review).Robert Goss - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):212-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Original Dwelling Place: Zen EssaysRobert E. GossOriginal Dwelling Place: Zen Essays. By Robert Aitken. Upland, California: Counterpoint, 1996. 241 pp.Robert Aitken narrates his over forty-year journey into Zen, elucidating not only his spiritual journey but also reflecting the Americanization of Zen Buddhism. He was introduced to Zen Buddhism during World War II as an internee in a camp for enemy civilians in Kobe, Japan. Original Dwelling Place is Aitken’s (...)
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    A Dwelling Place for Wisdom.Raimundo Panikkar - 1993 - Westminster John Knox Press.
    Religious philosopher Panikkar sees wisdom as our universe, our world, our Mother Earth, and as a source of happiness and joy--a dwelling place where people are blessed. Here he discusses wisdom in the context of four different areas: an existential feminine approach; a less fragmented anthropology; its most ancient meaning in philosophy; and the preservation of its identity.
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    Dwelling Narratively: Exploring Heideggerian Perspectives in the Narrative Paradigm.Mads Qvortrup & Esben Bjerggaard Nielsen - 2019 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 52 (2):142-162.
    Walter Fisher's narrative paradigm has sparked intense debate about the role of narratives in rhetorical scholarship. The theory has subsequently been followed up by numerous criticisms and revisions. This article argues that especially the latter can benefit from a complementary phenomenological perspective that Fisher himself placed within the original paradigm. Through the Heideggerian concepts of building and dwelling, rhetoric within the narrative paradigm may be seen as a primary means for engaging with both individual and communal goals and exigencies, providing (...)
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    Dwelling, building, thinking: a post-constructivist perspective on education, learning, and development.Wolff-Michael Roth (ed.) - 2018 - Boston: Brill Sense.
    Toward post-constructivist epistemology -- Respecting common sense and first-person perspective -- On method -- Looking ahead -- Being is dwelling -- Dwelling grounds building and thinking -- The foundation of dwelling -- From epistemology to environmental ethics -- Response to a world in crisis -- On being rooted -- The earth does not move - literally -- The ground of the image -- Fostering the taking of roots -- On getting the earth to move -- Uprooting | rooting -- Cultivating (...)
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    Community-Dwelling People Living With Dementia and Their Family Caregivers Experience Enhanced Relationships and Feelings of Well-Being Following Therapeutic Group Singing: A Qualitative Thematic Analysis.Imogen N. Clark, Jeanette D. Tamplin & Felicity A. Baker - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Disrupted Dwelling: Forensic Aesthetics and the Visibility of Violence.Martin Charvát - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):69-77.
    The aim of the present text is to offer an interpretation of Eyal Weizman’s_concept of forensic aesthetics, demonstrating how this approach reveals the ways in which the aesthetic perception of violence, trauma, and decomposition of human dwelling can be transformed in the current digital optical war regime. Forensic aesthetics tries to grasp a_forensic sensibility as both an aesthetic and political practice, requiring individuals to become sensitive to violence and be able to comprehend and experience the affects of disintegration, trauma, and (...)
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    Precluded Dwelling: The Dollmaker and Under the Feet of Jesus as Georgics of Displacement.Ethan Mannon - 2017 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 25 (1):86-104.
    In this article, I explore displacement as a force that precludes dwelling. I do so in the context of the georgic mode, a literary tradition defined by dwelling and by the kind of agricultural endeavoring that Heidegger relates to “building.” As he explains in “Building Dwelling Thinking,” to build is not only to make or to construct, but also “to preserve and care for, specifically to till the soil, to cultivate the vine”. Thus, in addition to creation outright, Heidegger’s “building” (...)
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    Reconsidering Dwelling: Notes Toward a Media Pragmatics.Juan Pablo Melo - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):739-749.
    This article analyzes the philosophical concept of dwelling from the perspective of a media pragmatics. Media pragmatics is presented here as a method that discloses the circular relation between rule-bound practices and the material and technological substrates that support them. This method is put into practice through a comparative philosophical interpretation of two “canonical” models of dwelling: the Greek oikos and the bourgeois home. Because dwelling, as Heidegger argued, is an interface mediating between the “lifeworld” and the “world” while also (...)
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    Expressing Dwelling: Dewey and Hegel on Art as Cultural Self-Articulation.John Russon - 2015 - Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (1):38-58.
    John Dewey shows the essential role of artistic expression in experience. Expression, as emotional articulation, is essential to establishing our intimate engagement with the world. G.W.F. Hegel shows that just this process of expressing our mode of “dwelling” in the world has been operative historically at the cultural level. It is characteristic of contemporary art that, in attempting to establish a new form of dwelling within the context of our technological world, it articulates just this vision of our experience as (...)
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  25. Rethinking Dwelling: Heidegger, Place, Architecture.[author unknown] - 2021
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    Dwelling in the Virtual Sonic Environment: A Phenomenological Analysis of Dancers' Learning Processes.Jaana Parviainen - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (5):633 - 647.
    This article discusses the Embodied Generative Music (EGM) project carried out at the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics IEM in Austria. In investigating a new interface that combines motion capture and sound processing software with movement improvisation and performance, I focus on dancers? learning processes of dwelling in the virtual sonic environment. Applying phenomenology and its concepts, I describe how dancers explore reversibility of sound and movement to shape this connection in an artistically expressive manner. The article proposes that (...)
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    Dwellings of Enchantment: Writing and Reenchanting the Earth.Bénédicte Meillon (ed.) - 2020 - Lanham, Maryland: Ecocritical Theory and Practice.
    Dwellings of Enchantment probes literature and cues humans to experience awe, love, and respect for our wonderfully complex, multispecies home. Interweaving new materialist, postcolonial, ecopoetic, ecofeminist,and ecopsychological approaches, it delves into various ontologies, literary modes, and tropes framing our coevolution within the oikos.
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    Dwelling with stories that haunt us: building a meaningful nursing practice.Judy Rashotte - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (1):34-42.
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  29. Educational Dwelling.R. D. Ulveland - 1997 - Journal of Thought 32:7-22.
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  30.  37
    'A dwelling beyond violence': On the uses and disadvantages of history for contemporary republicans.Clifford Ando - 2010 - History of Political Thought 31 (2):183-220.
    Against the dominant trend in contemporary republicanism, which views Roman political theory as providing significant resources to contemporary emancipatory projects, this article reads the Roman legal and political theoretical tradition as revealing above all the capacity of Republican resources to be coopted in support of monarchic domination. It does so by tracing changes in doctrines of liberty, popular sovereignty, magistracy and majoritarianism from the period of the free Republic into the Principate and thence into the Justinianic codifications, as well as (...)
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    Dwelling and Public Art: Serra and Bourgeois.Helen A. Fielding - 2015 - In Patricia M. Locke & Rachel McCann (eds.), Merleau-Ponty: Space, Place, Architecture. Ohio University Press. pp. 258-281.
    How do permanent artworks installed in public places shape the relations that take place around them? Drawing upon the works of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Luce Irigaray I claim that two public artworks, Richard Serra’s Tilted Spheres (2002-2004) and a bronze casting of Louise Bourgeois’ Maman (1999) work to open up embodied being and to creatively transform reality. Serra’s work reveals an important aspect of public space, that of the space/time of the anonymous body, as well as the ways in which (...)
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  32.  8
    Poetic Dwelling and Deep Ecology.David Rodick - 2001 - Call to Earth 2 (1):2-7.
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    Where the Gods Dwell: a Research Report.Justin L. Barrett, R. Daniel Shaw, Joseph Pfeiffer & Jonathan Grimes - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (1-2):131-146.
    Are the places that superhuman beings purportedly act and dwell randomly or arbitrarily distributed? Inspired by theoretical work in cognitive science of religion, descriptions of superhuman beings were solicited from informants in 20 countries on five continents, resulting in 108 usable descriptions, including information about these beings’ properties, their dwelling location, and whether they were the target of rituals. Whether superhuman beings are the subject of religious and ritual practices appeared to co-vary in relation to both features of physical geography (...)
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    Dwelling with language : Irigaray responds.Helen A. Fielding - 2008 - In David Pettigrew & François Raffoul (eds.), French Interpretations of Heidegger: An Exceptional Reception. Albany: State University of New York Press.
    This chapter is a study on Luce Irigaray’s engagement with Martin Heidegger’s approach to language. Although language is central to both thinkers, rather than privileging language in terms of the poëtic event of being, the arising of something out of itself, Irigaray reveals how language is privileged in terms of its promise of dialogue between two who are different. This difference provides for a limit to what can be known or recognized, as well as for a creative potentiality that is (...)
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  35. To Dwell for the Postcolonial.Grant Farred - 2012 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (1):75-86.
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  36. Dogs, Dwellings, and Masters:: Ensemble and Symbol in the Odyssey.William Beck - 1991 - Hermes 119 (2):158-167.
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  37. Dwelling with Philippians: A Conversation with Scripture through Image and Word.[author unknown] - 2010
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    Home-dwelling persons with dementia’s perception on care support: Qualitative study.Stein Erik Fæø, Frøydis Kristine Bruvik, Oscar Tranvåg & Bettina S. Husebo - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):991-1002.
    Background Over the last years, there has been a growth in care solutions aiming to support home-dwelling persons with dementia. Assistive technology and voluntarism have emerged as supplements to traditional homecare and daycare centers. However, patient participation is often lacking in decision-making processes, undermining ethical principles and basic human rights. Research objective This study explores the perceptions of persons with dementia toward assistive technology, volunteer support, homecare services, and daycare centers. Research design A hermeneutical approach was chosen for this study, (...)
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    Dwelling after 1945.Tobias Keiling - 2022 - In Ingo Farin & Jeff Malpas (eds.), Heidegger and the human. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 325-351.
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    Space, Dwelling, and (Be)longingness: Virginia Woolf’s Art of Narration.Małgorzata Hołda - 2022 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22 (65):181-200.
    The supple and ever-present search for the possibilities offered by the narrative form in fictional writing corresponds to the use of the narrative as a mode of understanding and explaining our being-in-the-world in philosophy. The intimate liaison between the realm of fictional imagination and that of human everydayness inspires writers to seek ways to tackle issues of temporality, the conflicting character of human drives, and the ultimately unresolvable tension between finitude and infinitude. As a literary and philosophical category, the narrative (...)
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  41.  10
    Dwelling Under the Sea, or the Wonder of a Glass Sponge.Marina Warner - 2016 - In Susan Neiman, Peter Galison & Wendy Doniger (eds.), What Reason Promises: Essays on Reason, Nature and History. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 71-76.
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    To dwell within: Bridging the theory–practice gap.Mark Zieber & Bernadine Wojtowicz - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (2):e12296.
    Nursing has a considerable history of theory development but has consistently struggled to reconcile theoretical reality and practice realities. Many authors have attempted to reconcile what has been called the “theory–practice gap,” but the space where these two realities enmesh has remained problematic and contentious (Aimei, Macau Journal of Nursing, 14, 2015, 13; Factor, Matienzo, & de Guzman, Nurse Education Today, 57, 2017, 82). The idea of the theory–practice gap has a significant history in nursing, but also continues to have (...)
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  43. Dwelling Near in Mountains Farthest Apart: A Conversation.Remmon E. Barbaza & Paloma Polo - 2013 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 17 (2):149-168.
    In November 2012, Amsterdam-based Spanish visual artist Paloma Polo came to the Philippines for the initial phase of her project on land use and vulnerability. She was hosted by the Department of Philosophy at the Ateneo de Manila University, with some of whose members she began collaborating, including Remmon E. Barbaza, an associate professor of philosophy who is currently working on an interdisciplinary project on disaster risk management. Polo is currently based in Manila to develop a research project and to (...)
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  44. Who Dwells? Heidegger and the Place of Mortal Subjects.Andrew Benjamin - 2000 - Pli 10:217-243.
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    Dwelling in the World through Language: A Conceptual Tool for the Comparative Phenomenological Analysis of Religions.Dale W. Cannon - 1972 - International Philosophical Quarterly 12 (1):19-42.
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    Between dwellings and doors: Spatial perspectives on preaching.Johan H. Cilliers - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (2).
    Although many classical works on preaching, especially within the reformed tradition, would take as point of departure the question of understanding, that is, how to do exegesis of a biblical text in such a manner that it makes sense to present-day listeners of sermons, this article opts for an aesthetical approach, which does not exclude the question of intelligibility, but places it within aesthetical frameworks, such as our multi-sensing of space and time. Preaching, in my opinion, entails more than just (...)
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  47. Dwelling and the 'therapeutic community'.R. Cooper - 1989 - In Robin Cooper (ed.), Thresholds Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Papers From the Philadelphia Association. Free Association Books. pp. 31--55.
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  48. Philosophy, dwelling and the common world.Jozef Pauer - 2013 - Filozofia 68:112-121.
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    Farming Dwelling Thinking.David Strong - 2016 - Ethics and the Environment 21 (2):27-50.
    In his writings, McKibben confronts us with a fundamental choice. The choice is not whether to drill ever deeper, deep-water oil wells or invest in further exploration for new oil fields because we will be running out of fossil fuel, as he argues. Nor is the choice whether to burn cleaner coal. The choice is not even whether to develop more efficient and less polluting technologies, more fuel-efficient and cleaner-burning automobiles, for instance, or whether to recycle or develop wind and (...)
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    Introduction. Dwelling Aesthetics: New Paradigms and Perspectives.Alison Aurosa - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 12 (2):5-7.
    Introduction to the thematic issue Dwelling Aesthetics: New Paradigms and Perspectives. ESPES. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2022.
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