Results for ' Ecological dynamics'

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  1.  16
    Revealing Complex Ecological Dynamics via Symbolic Regression.Yize Chen, Marco Tulio Angulo & Yang-Yu Liu - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (12):1900069.
    Understanding the dynamics of complex ecosystems is a necessary step to maintain and control them. Yet, reverse-engineering ecological dynamics remains challenging largely due to the very broad class of dynamics that ecosystems may take. Here, this challenge is tackled through symbolic regression, a machine learning method that automatically reverse-engineers both the model structure and parameters from temporal data. How combining symbolic regression with a “dictionary” of possible ecological functional responses opens the door to correctly reverse-engineering (...)
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    Sport Practitioners as Sport Ecology Designers: How Ecological Dynamics Has Progressively Changed Perceptions of Skill “Acquisition” in the Sporting Habitat.Carl T. Woods, Ian McKeown, Martyn Rothwell, Duarte Araújo, Sam Robertson & Keith Davids - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:526528.
    Over two decades ago, Davids et al. (1994) and Handford et al. (1997) raised theoretical concerns associated with traditional, reductionist, and mechanistic perspectives of movement coordination and skill acquisition for sport scientists interested in practical applications for training designs. These seminal papers advocated an emerging consciousness grounded in an ecological approach, signaling the need for sports practitioners to appreciate the constraints-led, deeply entangled, and non-linear reciprocity between the organism (performer), task, and environment subsystems. Over two decades later, the areas (...)
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  3. Evaluating Weaknesses of “Perceptual-Cognitive Training” and “Brain Training” Methods in Sport: An Ecological Dynamics Critique.Ian Renshaw, Keith Davids, Duarte Araújo, Ana Lucas, William M. Roberts, Daniel J. Newcombe & Benjamin Franks - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    The recent upsurge in “brain-training and perceptual-cognitive-training", proposing to improve isolated processes such as brain function, visual perception and decision-making, has created significant interest in elite sports practitioners, seeking to create an ‘edge’ for athletes. The claims of these related 'performance-enhancing industries' can be considered together as part of a process training approach proposing enhanced cognitive and perceptual skills and brain capacity, to support performance in everyday life activities, including sport. For example, the 'process-training industry' promotes the idea that playing (...)
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    (1 other version)Place, Ecological Dynamics and Football.Matthew Gildersleeve - 2019 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (1):1-17.
    In this review article, I will use the phenomenology of place and read it alongside ecological dynamics theories in sport. I will show the many congruences between these two areas of research...
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    Physical Literacy - A Journey of Individual Enrichment: An Ecological Dynamics Rationale for Enhancing Performance and Physical Activity in All.James R. Rudd, Caterina Pesce, Ben William Strafford & Keith Davids - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Internationally, governments, health and exercise practitioners are struggling with the threat posed by physical inactivity leading to worsening outcomes in health and life expectancy and the associated high economic costs. To meet this challenge it is important to enhance the quality, and quantity, of participation in sports and physical activity throughout the life course to sustain healthy and active lifestyles. This paper supports the need to develop a physically literate population, who meaningfully engage in play and physical activity through the (...)
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    (1 other version)Erratum: Physical Literacy - A Journey of Individual Enrichment: An Ecological Dynamics Rationale for Enhancing Performance and Physical Activity in All.Frontiers Production Office - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Complex ecologic-economic dynamics and environmental policy forthcoming, ecological economics.J. Barkley Rosser - unknown
    Various complex dynamics in ecologic-economic systems are presented with an emphasis upon models of global warming dynamics and fishery dynamics. Chaotic and catastrophic dynamic patterns are shown to be possible, along with other complex dynamics arising from nonlinearities in such combined systems. Problems associated with amplified oscillations due to these nonlinear interactions in the combined interactions of human economic decisionmaking with ecological dynamics are identified and discussed. Implications for policy are examined with strong recommendations (...)
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    Ecological Location of a Water Source and Spatial Dynamics of Behavior Under Temporally Scheduled Water Deliveries in a Modified Open-Field System: An Integrative Approach.Alejandro León, Varsovia Hernández, Ursula Huerta, Carlos Alberto Hernández-Linares, Porfirio Toledo, Martha Lorena Avendaño Garrido, Esteban Escamilla Navarro & Isiris Guzmán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It has been reported in non-contingent schedules that the variety of patterns of behavior is affected by the temporal variation of water deliveries. While temporal variation is accomplished by delivering water at fixed or variable times, spatial variation is usually accomplished by varying the number of dispensers and distance among them. Such criteria do not consider the possible ecological relevance of the location of water dispensers. Nevertheless, it is plausible to suppose that the intersection of the programed contingencies, the (...)
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  9.  40
    Ecological outbreak dynamics and the cusp catastrophe.Michael R. Rose & Rudolf Harmsen - 1981 - Acta Biotheoretica 30 (4):229-253.
    Many ecological processes exhibit trajectories which can be suitably represented by stable equilibria or smooth limit cycles. However, a third kind of ecological process involves intermittent, abrupt, and drastic changes in densities, here termed outbreak dynamics, which require different modelling frameworks. One such framework, the cusp catastrophe, is used here in a modelling study of a particular outbreak insect, the forest tent caterpillar. This model is then generalized to cover a set of related ecological systems. The (...)
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  10.  47
    Dynamic landscapes, stability and ecological modeling.Christopher W. Pawlowski - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (1):43-53.
    The image of a ball rolling along a series of hills and valleys is an effective heuristic by which to communicate stability concepts in ecology. However, the dynamics of this landscape model have little to do with ecological systems. Other landscape representations, however, are possible. These include the particle on an energy landscape, the potential landscape, and the Lyapunov function landscape. I discuss the dynamics that these representations admit, and the application of each to ecological modeling (...)
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  11.  18
    The Dynamics of Foreign Language Enjoyment: An Ecological Momentary Assessment.Majid Elahi Shirvan, Tahereh Taherian & Elham Yazdanmehr - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Reconciling community ecology with evidence of animal culture: Socially-adapted, localized community dynamics?Chantelle P. Marlor - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (5):663-683.
    A growing body of empirical research suggests many animal species are capable of social learning and even have cultural behavioral traditions. Social learning has implications for community ecology; changes in behavior can lead to changes in inter- and intra-specific interactions. The paper explores possible implications of social learning for ecological community dynamics. Four arguments are made: social learning can result in locally-specific ecological relationships; socially-mediated, locally-specific ecological relationships can have localized indirect interspecific population effects; the involvement (...)
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  13.  12
    A Dynamical, Radically Embodied, and Ecological Theory of Rhythm Development.Parker Tichko, Ji Chul Kim & Edward W. Large - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Musical rhythm abilities—the perception of and coordinated action to the rhythmic structure of music—undergo remarkable change over human development. In the current paper, we introduce a theoretical framework for modeling the development of musical rhythm. The framework, based on Neural Resonance Theory, explains rhythm development in terms of resonance and attunement, which are formalized using a general theory that includes non-linear resonance and Hebbian plasticity. First, we review the developmental literature on musical rhythm, highlighting several developmental processes related to rhythm (...)
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  14. "Dynamical, Ecological Sub-Persons" Commentary on Susan HurleyÂ's Consciousness in Action.Anthony Chemero & William Cordeiro - unknown
    In a way that is rarely even attempted, and even more rarely actually pulled off, Susan Hurley, in her book Consciousness in Action, brings scientific ideas into contact with mainstream philosophy. It is not at all unusual for empirical results from cognitive science, psychology, and neuroscience to be raised in discussion of issues in philosophy of science and philosophy of mind--Dennett and the Churchlands, for example, have been doing so for years. But Hurley attempts to draw empirical results even closer (...)
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  15.  24
    Complex dynamics in ecologic-economic systems.Barkley Rosser - manuscript
    “A Public Domain, once a velvet carpet of rich buffalo-grass and grama, now an illimitable waste of rattlesnake-bush and tumbleweed, too impoverished to be accepted as a gift by the states within which it lies. Why? Because the ecology of the Southwest happened to be set on a hair trigger.”.
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    Dynamic Discontinuities in Ecologic-Economic Systems.J. Barkley Rosser - unknown
    “A Public Domain, once a velvet carpet of rich buffalo-grass and grama, now an illimitable waste of rattlesnake-bush and tumbleweed, too impoverished to be accepted as a gift by the states within which it lies. Why? Because the ecology of the Southwest happened to be set on a hair trigger.”.
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    Dynamic evolution: Rules for building a solid human ecology.Sally Goerner - 2000 - World Futures 55 (1):91-103.
    Our civilization is changing and so is our science. Human beings in endeavors from education to economics need a framework for understanding which integrates the maelstrom of insights into a useable form. That, in essence, is what the study of Dynamic Evolution provides. Dynamic Evolution (also called Cosmic or General Evolution) is a synthesis of insights, ancient and cutting edge, which radically revamps our understanding of how organizations arise and how change takes place as a result of intertwined forces in (...)
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  18.  8
    Population dynamics in ecological space and time.Timothy H. Keitt - 1997 - Complexity 3 (1):58-58.
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    Complex ecology: foundational perspectives on dynamic approaches to ecology and conservation.Charles G. Curtin & Timothy F. H. Allen (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Most of us came into ecology with memories of special personal places. A cliff top that Claude Monet might have painted. Allen as a youth spent his holidays on the Dorset Coast near Swanage; he can still smell the sea breeze of his childhood. Curtin grow up on a farm in southwestern Wisconsin, the dew of the grass and the bright green on a June morning remains vivid. The catching of reptiles and insects for him awakened a curiosity about the (...)
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  20.  15
    Ecological and Coevolutionary Dynamics in Modern Markets Yield Nonstationarity in Market Efficiencies.Colin M. Van Oort, John Henry Ring Iv, David Rushing Dewhurst, Christopher M. Danforth & Brian F. Tivnan - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    The U.S. stock market is one of the largest and most complex marketplaces in the global financial system. Over the past several decades, this market has evolved at multiple structural and temporal scales. New exchanges became active, and others stopped trading, regulations have been introduced and adapted, and technological innovations have pushed the pace of trading activity to blistering speeds. These developments have supported the growth of a rich machine-trading ecology that leads to qualitative differences in trading behavior at human (...)
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  21.  77
    Dynamic Measurement Analysis of Urban Innovation Ability and Ecological Efficiency in China.Xing Li & Fuzhou Luo - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    To establish the evaluation index system of urbanization innovation level and ecological efficiency, the entropy method is applied to measure the comprehensive index of urbanization innovation level and ecological efficiency, the VAR model is established, and empirical measurement is used to study the internal relationship and dynamic development between urbanization innovation level and ecological efficiency. The empirical results show the following: The overall development of the innovation level in 30 cities in China is uneven, there is a (...)
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  22.  79
    Complex ecological models with simple dynamics: From individuals to populations.Pierre M. Auger & Robert Roussarie - 1994 - Acta Biotheoretica 42 (2-3):111-136.
    The aim of this work is to study complex ecological models exhibiting simple dynamics. We consider large scale systems which can be decomposed into weakly coupled subsystems. Perturbation Theory is used in order to get a reduced set of differential equations governing slow time varying global variables. As examples, we study the influence of the individual behaviour of animals in competition and predator-prey models. The animals are assumed to do many activities all day long such as searching for (...)
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  23. Ecological Approach and Dynamical Approach.Simone Pinna - 2017 - In Extended Cognition and the Dynamics of Algorithmic Skills. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Dynamic Touch as Common Ground for Enactivism and Ecological Psychology.David Travieso, Lorena Lobo, Carlos de Paz, Thijme E. Langelaar, Jorge Ibáñez-Gijón & David M. Jacobs - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  25.  26
    Can dynamic optimization cope with ecological complexity.Stefano Focardi - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):98-99.
  26. Dynamical, ecological sub-persons.Anthony Chemero & William Cordeiro - 2002
    Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind Franklin and Marshall College Lancaster, PA 17604-3003 USA .
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  27. Ecology of languages. Sociolinguistic environment, contacts, and dynamics. (In: From language shift to language revitalization and sustainability. A complexity approach to linguistic ecology).Albert Bastardas-Boada - 2019 - Barcelona, Spain: Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
    Human linguistic phenomenon is at one and the same time an individual, social, and political fact. As such, its study should bear in mind these complex interrelations, which are produced inside the framework of the sociocultural and historical ecosystem of each human community. Understanding this phenomenon is often no easy task, due to the range of elements involved and their interrelations. The absence of valid, clearly developed paradigms adds to the problem and means that the theoretical conclusions that emerge may (...)
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  28. Distributed languaging, affective dynamics, and the human ecology.Paul J. Thibault - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    Language plays a central role in human life. However, the term 'language' as defined in the language sciences of the 20th century and the traditions these have drawn on, have arguably, limited our thinking about what language is and does. The two inter-linked volumes of Thibault's study articulate crucially important aspects of an emerging new perspective shift on language - the Distributed Language view - that is now receiving more and more attention internationally. Rejecting the classical view that the fundamental (...)
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  29.  45
    A theoretical framework of ecological phase transitions for characterizing tree-grass dynamics.Bai-Lian Li - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (3):141-154.
    This paper describes a theoretical framework of ecological phase transitions for modeling tree-grass dynamics and analyzing the shifts or phase transitions from one vegetation structure to another in the southern Texas landscape. This framework implements the integration of percolation theory, fractal geometry and phase transition theory as a method for modeling the spatial patterns of tree-grass dynamics, and nonlinear Markov non-equilibrium thermodynamic stability theory as a method for characterizing temporal tree-grass dynamics and phase transition. An historical (...)
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  30. Simulation modelling of ecological hierarchies in constructive dynamical systems, Ecol.C. Ratze, F. Gillet, J. P. Müller & K. Stoffel - 2007 - Complexity 4 (1-2).
  31.  30
    Metaphor as Dynamical–Ecological Performance.Raymond W. Gibbs - 2019 - Metaphor and Symbol 34 (1):33-44.
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    Commentary: The dynamics of foreign language enjoyment: An ecological momentary assessment.Ting Hu & Huan Mei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Ecological∼Enactivism Through the Lens of Japanese Philosophy.Jonathan McKinney - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:540456.
    The enactive and ecological approaches to embodied cognitive science are on a collision course. While both draw inspiration from similar views in psychology and phenomenology, the two approaches initially held seemingly contradictory views and points of focus. Early enactivists saw value in the ecological approach but insisted that the two schools remain distinct. While ecological psychology challenged the common foes of mental representation and mind-body dualism, it seemingly did so at the cost of the autonomy of the (...)
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  34. The active inference approach to ecological perception: general information dynamics for natural and artificial embodied cognition.Adam Linson, Andy Clark, Subramanian Ramamoorthy & Karl Friston - 2018 - Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5 (21):1-22.
    The emerging neurocomputational vision of humans as embodied, ecologically embedded, social agents—who shape and are shaped by their environment—offers a golden opportunity to revisit and revise ideas about the physical and information-theoretic underpinnings of life, mind, and consciousness itself. In particular, the active inference framework makes it possible to bridge connections from computational neuroscience and robotics/AI to ecological psychology and phenomenology, revealing common underpinnings and overcoming key limitations. AIF opposes the mechanistic to the reductive, while staying fully grounded in (...)
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  35. Cognitive Ecology.Edwin Hutchins - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (4):705-715.
    Cognitive ecology is the study of cognitive phenomena in context. In particular, it points to the web of mutual dependence among the elements of a cognitive ecosystem. At least three fields were taking a deeply ecological approach to cognition 30 years ago: Gibson’s ecological psychology, Bateson’s ecology of mind, and Soviet cultural-historical activity theory. The ideas developed in those projects have now found a place in modern views of embodied, situated, distributed cognition. As cognitive theory continues to shift (...)
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  36.  54
    Between Ecological Psychology and Enactivism: Is There Resonance?Kevin J. Ryan & Shaun Gallagher - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Ecological psychologists and enactivists agree that the best explanation for a large share of cognition is nonrepresentational in kind. In both ecological psychology and enactivist philosophy, then, the task is to offer an explanans that does not rely on representations. Different theorists within these camps have contrasting notions of what the best kind of nonrepresentational explanation will look like, yet they agree on one central point: instead of focusing solely on factors interior to an agent, an important aspect (...)
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  37.  7
    Ecological reconceptualization of the Ukrainian philosophy of physical economy.Viktor Zinchenko & Mykhailo Boichenko - unknown
    Ecological approach gives new meaning to the original concept of economic rationality that was created by representatives of the Ukrainian school of physical economy – Serhii Podolinskyi (1850-1891), Volodymyr Vernadskyi (1863-1945) and Mykola Rudenko (1920-2004). It propose a theory of the sustainable development of mankind, which included an original version of thermodynamics, in which labor energy is the result of the transformation of solar energy. Humanity is gradually taking control of the changes in the balance of energy exchange between (...)
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    Associations between affect dynamics and eating regulation in daily life: a preliminary ecological momentary assessment study.Alexandro Smith, Kathleen A. Page & Kathryn E. Smith - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (5):818-824.
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    Post Keynesian perspectives and complex ecologic-economic dynamics.Barkley Rosser - manuscript
    This paper considers the implications of complex ecologic-economic dynamics for three broad, Post Keynesian perspectives: the uncertainty perspective, the macrodynamics perspective, and the Sraffian perspective. Catastrophic, chaotic, and other complex dynamics will be seen as reinforcing the conceptual foundations of Keynesian uncertainty. Predatory-prey models will be seen as deeply linked to Post Keynesian macrodynamic models. Finally, certain cases in ecologiceconomic systems will be seen as generating such Sraffian, capital theoretic conundra as reswitching. Ecologic-economic models considered besides predator-prey will (...)
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    Valuing Nature for Wellbeing: Narratives of Socio-ecological Change in Dynamic Intertidal Landscapes.Erin Roberts, Merryn Thomas, Nick Pidgeon & Karen Henwood - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (4):501-523.
    Contributing to the cultural ecosystem services literature, this paper draws on the in-depth place narratives of two coastal case-study sites in Wales (UK) to explore how people experience and understand landscape change in relation to their sense of place, and what this means for their wellbeing. Our place narratives reveal that participants understand coastal/intertidal landscapes as complex socio-ecological systems filled with competing legitimate claims that are difficult to manage. Such insights suggest that a focus on diachronic integrity (Holland and (...)
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  41.  68
    Process ecology: Stepping stones to biosemiosis.Robert E. Ulanowicz - 2010 - Zygon 45 (2):391-407.
    Many in science are disposed not to take biosemiotics seriously, dismissing it as too anthropomorphic. Furthermore, biosemiotic apologetics are cast in top-down fashion, thereby adding to widespread skepticism. An effective response might be to approach biosemiotics from the bottom up, but the foundational assumptions that support Enlightenment science make that avenue impossible. Considerations from ecosystem studies reveal, however, that those conventional assumptions, although once possessing great utilitarian value, have come to impede deeper understanding of living systems because they implicitly depict (...)
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  42.  13
    Implications for fisheries policy of complex ecologic-economic dynamics.Barkley Rosser - manuscript
    Fishery dynamics are considered within the context of an integrated ecologiceconomic, or bioeconomic, approach. The possibility of complex dynamics is examined, both of the chaotic as well as the catastrophic variety. Issues involving learning and convergence by fishers are considered as are complications arising from the hierarchical nature of fisheries. Policy responses to these problems are seen to involve the precautionary principle to mitigate the threat of catastrophic discontinuities and the scalematching principle to ensure that management and property (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Ecological-enactive scientific cognition: modeling and material engagement.Giovanni Rolla & Felipe Novaes - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1:1-19.
    Ecological-enactive approaches to cognition aim to explain cognition in terms of the dynamic coupling between agent and environment. Accordingly, cognition of one’s immediate environment (which is sometimes labeled “basic” cognition) depends on enaction and the picking up of affordances. However, ecological-enactive views supposedly fail to account for what is sometimes called “higher” cognition, i.e., cognition about potentially absent targets, which therefore can only be explained by postulating representational content. This challenge levelled against ecological-enactive approaches highlights a putative (...)
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    Lande, R., S. engen and B.-e. Sæther (2003). Stochastic population dynamics in ecology and conservation.John M. Drake - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (3):219-220.
  45. The Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization: A Manifesto for the Future.Arran Gare - 2016 - London and New York: Routledge.
    The global ecological crisis is the greatest challenge humanity has ever had to confront, and humanity is failing. The triumph of the neo-liberal agenda, together with a debauched ‘scientism’, has reduced nature and people to nothing but raw materials, instruments and consumers to be efficiently managed in a global market dominated by corporate managers, media moguls and technocrats. The arts and the humanities have been devalued, genuine science has been crippled, and the quest for autonomy and democracy undermined. The (...)
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    Complexity, Ecology and the Materiality of Information.J. Smith - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (5):141-163.
    This article contributes to understanding the effect of complexity theory on the social sciences. It analyses the relationships between complex processes of self-organization and the environment or ecology in which these dynamics take place. Two factors are prioritized: the role of information in the formation of complex structure and the development of ‘landscapes’ or topologies of possibility (and impossibility). The authors argue for an ontology that founds both material and informational structures, and for a radical continuity between the general (...)
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    Dynamical systems and mating decision rules.Douglas T. Kenrick, Norman Li & Jonathan E. Butner - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):607-608.
    Dynamical simulations of male and female mating strategies illustrate how traits such as restrictedness constrain, and are constrained by, local ecology. Such traits cannot be defined solely by genotype or by phenotype, but are better considered as decision rules gauged to ecological inputs. Gangestad & Simpson's work draws attention to the need for additional bridges between evolutionary psychology and dynamical systems theory.
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    Dynamics of attachment and emotion regulation in daily life: uni- and bidirectional associations.Jaakko Tammilehto, Guy Bosmans, Peter Kuppens, Marjo Flykt, Kirsi Peltonen, Kathryn A. Kerns & Jallu Lindblom - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1109-1131.
    Attachment theory proposes that the activation of the attachment system enacts emotion regulation (ER) to maintain security or cope with insecurity. However, the effects of ER on attachment states and their bidirectional influences remain poorly understood. In this ecological momentary assessment study, we examined the dynamics between attachment and ER. We hypothesised that attachment states and ER influence each other through time. Specifically, we hypothesised bidirectional short-term cycles between state attachment security and reappraisal, state attachment anxiety and rumination, (...)
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    The dynamical hypothesis: The role of biological constraints on cognition.Keith Davids & Simon Bennett - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):636-636.
    For the dynamical hypothesis to be defended as a viable alternative to a computational perspective on natural cognition, the role of biological constraints needs to be considered. This task requires a detailed understanding of the structural organization and function of the dynamic nervous system, as well as a theoretical approach that grounds cognitive activity within the constraints of organism and ecological context.
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    A “Marvelous Cosmopolitan Preserve”: The Dunes, Chicago, and the Dynamic Ecology of Henry Cowles.Eugene Cittadino - 1993 - Perspectives on Science 1 (3):520-559.
    One of the most influential research and teaching programs to emerge in the new science of ecology in the early twentieth century was that which developed at the University of Chicago under the direction of botanist Henry Chandler Cowles. Not a prolific writer, Cowles was nevertheless author of two of the seminal papers in American plant ecology. On the basis of those early contributions, as well as his considerable abilities as field guide, he was able to draw numerous students into (...)
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